THE MORNING ASTOiUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE ig, 1907. V THE MORNING ASTORIAN latabUahed 1I73. PablUhfrd Daily Except Monday by tli. J. S. DELUWGEB vOMPAHY. SrjBSCMPTIQH 1UTIS. By mail, P "0" Qj carrier, par month JO WIIKIT ASTOBLUI. 8, mail, par year, in advance.. I l.OU httmA u aiwwnri-elMS mailer July m ian t tii i.ati.inM ftl Astoria. Ore I itnmmdw to aot of Centre 01 Mron . fWOritn for U Wlmm ot Ts Mor owAasJWtothrf .wrtdeoo er of rrWmlM U twMditMr rspoited So Out oAosotpobUoMk. Official PwMnr of Clataop county and Uxettr of Astoria, . - WEATHER. . .. . V. . : - ' Western Oregon and Washing- ton Fair and cooler except near coast.,,,.. .-., THE LAW OF GROWTH. The Portland Oregonian, it seems to us, wilfully dodges the question as to the pre-eminence of Astoria as the shipping port' for the eoninieree of the State of Oregon. It U not a question as to whether Astoria or Portland woukl lose, or gain, by the shipping being done at the mouth of the Columbia River! As our esteemed ex-President, Grover Cleveland would say: It is a condition, not a theory that confronts us." . The condition is this: Astoria is in a position to do the shipping for the State of Oregon and the Inland Empire, cheaper than Puget Sound, and if such is the ease, the producers and consumers of the State of Oregon would reap the benefit of such cheapening of freight and charters, and the State of Oregon would be correspondingly enriched. With the water-level grade, and a shorter haul for the railroads, from the great empire to the East of us, and a tea-port within 12 miles of the ocean, as against a tow, and a traverse of 140 miles from the sea to the Puget Sound Torts, we of Astoria are in a position to secure the cheapest freight rate of any port on the Pacific coast, not ex cepting San Francisco. We ought to be able to charter ships to Astoria for less than our rivals on Puget Sound, and certainly cheaper than Portland can; therefore, every loyal Oregonian should lend a hand to secure and take advant age of such a portion, and they will do so when they realize the immense gain innuring to them by so doing. The ancient bugaboo that the Oreg onian still harps on, and which it plays in so many different keys, towit, about dredging the Columbia river and taking the ships as far inland as they can go, and asserting that Astoria is hostile to Portland in that endeavor, cannot de ceive the business men of this, and ad joining, states any longer. Astoria is not hostile to Portland in its eflorts to have the shipping of the State done at Portland just as long as she can do so; only we see the shipping business leav ing the river and going to rival ports in the State of Washington, and we stren uously object to that condition of affairs, and claim that if Astoria had been uti lized by the railroads entering Oregon (lo! these many years), as their "em baTcadero" as our old friend C. P. Hunt ington advised them to do, we would be doing a great deal more of the exporting and importing than we are now doing. And' to corroborate ouf deductions along this line, we beg to quote from vesterav's issue of the Oregonian in which it reports a meeting, in Olympia, of the Washington State Railway Com' mission, where sworn and expert testi mony was given showing that Puget Sound is a better market than Portland for the products of Eastern Oregon and Washington (wheat, etc.), and that higher prices are paid at competitive points "than at 0. E. & N. non-competi tive points," 'The Astorian is trying to chaange that condition, and suggests to the great daily paper of Oregon that it stand shoulder to shoulder with us in so laudable an endeavor, "Play Ball," Mr. Oregonian man, and show that you are" what you claim to be, an Oregonian, and loyal to the business interests of your whole state, instead of bolstering up the business of a few foreign exporters in Portland, and muddying the waters and obscuring the issues by the con stant assertion that Astoria is trying to steal your business 'and ruin your prestige, when, as a matter of fact, the contrary is the case. WE WISH TO HELP YOU REGAIN THE BUSINESS YOU HAVE ALREADY LOST I ASTORIA'S INVIOLABLE DEMAND. When the time shall come (and wme it will),' that the common-point rate in wheat and breadstuff is to be extended to Astoria, it must be born in mind that w will newr be satUfted with the whedules of Pnget Sound wr Portland Xothina but the wean, the seaboard the San Frauvlaw rate, will ever fill our commercial calculation and put us on the ulane to which we aiire oy every right and faculty that pow invents the sreat California port, There must be iu differentials operating against this, the chvest-lving, quickest-despatch, facile and ample harbor on the western coast of America. We wont stand for iti nor do w have to, under the law. and the best precept of the shipping world. W-art fioinc to take our place in the largest opacity yith which nature has endowed us, and which tn commercial potentialities shall concede when they shall have realised the blunder of the year and posted this port as the cheap est. safest, and handiest of all tneir American Pacinc destinatkma. We care not what shipping shall go up the river to Portland nor upon what basis. W long as the flat, seaboard rate 1 quoted out of here, or better yet, a preferential rate, hence, foreign! This is the substance of our contest. We are striking for the beat and highest to which we are entitled nd knowing our advantage, will never rest till they are attained in perpetuity. a EDITORIAL SALAD. !CS)SS It i Mr. Ellison's opinion that "we know about one seven-billionth of 1 per cent aboutj anything." The in ventors and scientists of the future will be unable to complain that there wasen't any core. 0 One of the four words of English General Kuroki knows is "How?" In conjunction with "Same" it may be re garded as a considerable working dictionary. 0 Rotterdam spends $4,000,000 annually for American cotton-seed oil to be worked up into butter, lard and cooking compound. Posterity will be wise if it knows what it is eating. v - 0 General Kuroki has possessed himelf of the secrets of Uncle Sim's fighting strength. In the event of war with Japan he could not with propriety, sit in the case. 0 Japan may be saving next that Tokio is better governed than Frico. With- ont discussing the point, Frisco may be said to take its punishment steadily. The longer the trial continue the more generally the country acknowl edges the aptness of the phraae "unde sirable citizens." MORE ON THE SALMON. An Answer to the Statements of II. McGowan. S. The discovery of sun spots does not seem to excite the same public enthus iasm just now as the finding of shade areas in the East. All other crops may fail, but there is never any deficiency in the output of June brides. JAMES B. DUKE TO MASSY. XEW YORK, June 28. .James B. Duke, the wealthy head of the American Tobacco Company is to be married to Mrs. William Inman, a well known so ciety woman of Atlanta, the last week in July, according to an announcement nublished In the American today. The edding, it is stated, will occur in Europe. The Atoria Ihilly Hudcet of June 20, l!Hl7. minted Mr. Mcttowan "Rco nined as one of the bent posted ami most intelligent wen iu the packing of Culum hia River salmon." Sow the above ma; tie true but savor too much of lg and nnneeary semi scuiTiliiiu phrase to guarantee hi claim to intelligence. And it is mieer how treat tuiuda wi differ. Prof. David Starr Jordan claim that the fixed gear such as traps, seine and wheels are a detriment and neat- all of MeGowun' llh come from trop He says Mnt criticism mav well be waged again any policy that tends t expose great interests to possible or probable danger' and "NotHiiig of bene fit can result from the plausible narad of selfish and pernicious activity under the pretentious disguise of public in terest." . . ., ,. , .,, The above two quotations are such prominent contradictions when taken with hit whole statement as he is really trying to atop the fishing by the majority and 'till pose as a friend of the public at large. Sneaking of protection to adult salmon he say "Countless plan have been pro posed to this end most of them hatched bv agitators who usual have an axe to grind and sometimes represent the fine Italian hand of some one higher up." Sow we will look and see who h the axe to grind. The Mcflowan are called the fathers of the trap and the hances are would never have appeared in print but for this fact, and hi does not show the fine Italian hand from above, for his inspiration seems to come from the lower source and hit sling at trade union shows hi enmity to the people who have co-operated with the legislator from Clatsop county and have always been opposed by Mr. Me (iowan he says, "It ha always been a rabbit' foot for the wingless vampire to charm unwilling theekles from the pockets 01' toil that his paunch might gather a living of tat." Now if this winged creature angel McKowan could have only trap there would be no toil ers in the fishing industry to charm unwilling ueekle from hi pauch I suppose would be more agreeable to the condition. He say "The Politician es teem it a potent vote catcher." Yes, that is so in Clatsop county as every delegate to the legislature goes instruct ed to work against Mr. McGowan'a pet cetfv. He savs, "Main are willing ami some professional parasites are eager to do something for the atoon by sacri fice of the other fellow." Mr, Mctiowan surely belongs to one of the above classes, and if he had his way the gill net men would pay the sacrifice. His jtiotation oi a retired fl-herman and ' ir t'm'. t'...- .:-!i::i'. ':ntld be dure in f'sr tmc wh;"S M 15 nn l lit htv.p 3 da"! Sow i? were lo aooptthe nme law that have lieen jidimted m th -Saeramenio Itiver mm im built the fishiiiff up troin mrtbiug to larger than the Columbia, by stopping the traps and seine and doing nearly all the fishinn at night, giving the flh 18 hours' protection instead of having traps which only fih, in daylight and clear water when the Kill nets could not catch fish in daytime and water clcur. The Columbia River i about the only liver where the fiixed gear works unrestricted and they alone are lesponsible for the present shortage of flsh as our promi nent fish culturists condemn such gear, and as evidence of their wisdom the continual decrease of fish in the Colum bia River. J. F. WELCH. W. R, Ward, off Dyeraburg, Term., rites: Tbie it to certify that I nave need Orino Laxative Fruit Syrnp for chronic constipation, and it baa proven, without a doubt, to be thorough, prac tical remedy for thia trouble, and it la with pleasure I offer my conscientious reference." T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Sttot. JAMES V. BARNES, EMBEZZLES. MINSEAPOLI8, June 28.Iames V. Barnes, former president of the Title Insurance Trust Company of thia city now defunct, was arrested here last k'ht on a warrant charging him with embezzlement. There is a shortage of over $150,000 on the company's books Remarkable Setcut That truth is stranger than Action, hat once more been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora, Tenn the resl oence of C. V, Pepper. He writes: "1 waa in bed, entirely diaabled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat Doctors failed to help me, and all hope had fled when I began taking Dr. King't "Vew Discovery. Then instant relief came. The coughing toon ceaeed; the tleedine diminished rapidly, and in three weeke I waa able to go to work. Guar anteed cure If or coutrht and colds. 60c and $1.00 at Charles Roger Drug Store Trial bottle free. Cured Hemorrhages ol th Lnngt "Several yeare tine my lungt were .r, hdlv affected that I had many hem- orrhagea," write A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with terermi p byeiciane without any benefit. I then started to take Foley' Honey ana itr, and my lungt are now a sound at a bullet. I recommend It In advanced .tarn of lnnff trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar ttopt tb cough and heals tbt long, and prevent terlou result from a cold. Rtfute substitute, T. F. Lanr In, Owl Drug Store. BALLOON INSTRUCTIONS. NEW YORK, June 28. Two members of the United States army have reported to Leo Stevens by order of the War De partment, to receive Instructions in all branches of aeronautics. Die men arc Corporal Edward; Ward, and Privottc Joe Barrett, Mr. Stevens expects within a month that his two army pupils will be expert balloon constructors. They will then go to Washington and will make some trial trips in the big government balloon un der instructions from Mr, Steve'n. ' ' A Lesson in Health ! Healthy kidneys filter the Impurities 'rom the blood, and unless they do thi good health Is Impossible. Foley1! Kld t ey Cure makes sound kidney and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It ' strengthens , the whole system. ' T. F, Laurin, Owl Drug Store. To Have a Real Swell it Time IT) 7 3 PI I o " You Need To Be Dressed Well The conservative prices nnd excellent goods thnt the shoppers find at our store have brought wanv outside shoppers to us good treatment, the best that money can buv for the price, has always been our motto, and it pays. A word to the" i late fourth shoppers : On the main floor of the big store you will find excellent t and real bargains. We call your attention to the Fourth's "present need" de- 1 partment, Shoes, Boys' Suits, Millinery and Suits. ; , ; ; ;,V J 1 vShoes The famous Hmilton.Broni American Lady... $2.00 President Gentt..l 3.75 Shoes White and Black Kid Sandals for ladies and , Children ........... $5cta $U5 Ladies $1.50 to $1.85 Boys' Suits:: Many Hiids of Busted I Suits and others from ; :: 50c. up. as In the Milliiieiy Department ff : : Your special attention is called to onr Millinery DepartmC.AS A new shipment of : : Late Trimmed Sailors has just been placed on exhibit. All shades of the popular ; sailor, dainty and neat, the finishing touch to the well-dressed summer girl, from : 75c to $1.75 .. ..(.. i" J,!-. Gliic Suits for the Sywniier Girl fi You will find a fine and complete line of linen suits to choose from in greens, U1UCS, ilUU UiUUlUl IUU3, UUiU l.-u iw a.vv. Lingerie Shirt Waists in all the late I Eaton Suits at popular prices. In vari- shades and patterns, $l.Z5 to $4 5U nous colois Are von pointr a wav this summer ? Do vou need a trunk, dress suit case or va lise ? Trunks, $4.50 to $12.00 1 suit cases, $4.00 to $10.00 1 leather and imifation tt valises, 1.45 to 2.5U The Big Store Where You Cet Value Received J0 3 he v BE'ElJKtellWE Tht Big Store Where You Get Satisfaction 'fTTTff f ! f fi 7TTTTTT7TTTT ! i IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. It make all the different In tneix world to the convivial man whtre, and what, he drinks. Mot: mn desire beauty and cleanliness, and hndome appointment in the aaloon they pat ronlze regularly, aa well at the essen tial pre-ieiulltP ot genuine wines and liquors that are served to t'nem, And these things art aa particularly and properly conspicuous at Otto Buad'r elegant rtort, the Commercial, at No 509 on the street of that name that they account thoroughly for the fixC and splendid cuaom he enjoys. There Is nothing allowed to pass bis counter but the heat and choicest In every de partment of Indulgence, and the ser vice behind it all, it the most pleaalni and aatlafylng In the dty. Let u eat, drink and be merry, With never a thought of ache or pain, Let us forget every sorrow that might be, For we still have Rocky Mountain Tea. Frank Hart. 44 Ouf Shoes 99 Means Standard of Merit. Our Service and our methods of business are of the highest excellence as well as all of our Footwear Everything is of the highest except our prices, and they are always the lowest -Fisher Bros, Company I Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon Twitie atidNettiiig ; Hardware, iron; Steel and Ship Chand lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery logger and Mill Supplies Fisher Bros. Co. M 546-550 Bond Street Astoria, - - Oregon Our Specialties Are Loggers and long hand made i boots for Fishermen." S; A. G1MRE ' 14) Bend St, oppotlU Flthtr Bros. I THE TRENTON i First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. , Corner Commercial and 14th. ' Astoria,' Oregon.