WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, 1907. THE MORNING klSTOIlIAN, ASTOHIA, OREGON. 5 IT MAS NO EQUAL "LOG CABIN FLOUR" IS THE BEST FOR EVERY NEED " , , A good hard wheat flour that goes farther and makes better bread and pastry than the kind you thought was best. Try a sack on your next order. ROSS, HIQOINS & CO. Th Leading Qroeer MANAGER WIIYTIIE RETURNED m mis i 1 1! Pellcs Court - On drunk, flrifd t5 or two jail, w the extent of Hi grind Hilir eourt yesterday. A To B Nilorlli4- Tb nnturwIixNtlon of Anton 8orenen will be con.ldcred on September 84, rutwiil Ytrdy To Wd- Herbert M. llronforil, formerly Wll Kliown AMiinuii, 11 id marry Mi Lillian Grace KILworlU of l'ort- land. Tli1 lle w Wued in Portland on Monday. Mr, Hrmiford U now lo cated at Hunt b ltfiut where he U inter etd tn oj ate culture. R-palnt4 The utile of Miown A McCabe 011 Hon4 street are being repainted and generally BW op under the snpervL Ion of Captain Jhion. Cliliiamen r Fiib- It i generally reported thnt the liil run of flh In the river at the flrt and lat part of the pt (k ha dropped again. The lant two day have wen marked diminution in the nut. Iteport from up the river art about the name and no great uuantlty of fih has been noticed. Funeral Yesterday Yesterday afternoon funeral crvic were held ver the late Mi Itof hloiey of Hcaniile. The ceremony wa Informed t William l'ohl's tiudertak lull parlor, the lie v. C. C. Karhk olll iating. The Interment took place 1 tireenviood cemetery. New Reidnct Kmil rluilerg i alxitit to Imlld new rc.ldcnc oil Irving between Eight n and Ninth trcet. The houa wjll be t !nit.uK)i1y modem in hery detail ami ll be extremely htindtome in appear a nee when completed, Mr. Ilmberg purchased the lt of hl new home from at work wrtibblng out on the Inside and Mer. Finlnyon A Ward, the well painter are buy outide, and th oMcc wilt oon hove their utuuier appear pea 1 sine. Ptopwty Sale Cblei of Folic Cm mm I oId but one piece of the property, taken In by the city two yarn ago) at the le held ye eterday n the tcp of the City IUH. An absence of bidder na the mils of the pot)Minemenl, the ale will I con. timied every morning t 10 o'clock un til the property i all disposed of. Street Cootractot The Chamber of Commerce yesteidty received a letter from a contractor giv ing bl name Sprinkle, of Portland, Indiana, saying that he had bad a great amount of experience lu treet work and Wd Jor the particular, of the work to I done here. If the local condition are atlfactory he will no doubt local here at an early date. Sand-Lima Brick The American Clay Machinery Com pany, of Wilhntghby, Ohio, ha written to the Chamber of Commerce and offer to Install one of their plant for mak ing aiid llino brick. The company pro pone to Install the plant and niiinufnc tare 100,WH) of the brick and then turn tli running plant over to the local people, known real estate men. Newt From AUk The Alak Flhermen' Packing Com pany received letter from their agent in Alaska, Mr. P. A. Jtergtund. yesterday morning, The letter aitnortced the afe nrrival of the steamer N'orth Sea on the morning of May (llh and of the company ihip John Currier on May 8th. Everybody I reported afe and well. There I every Indication of mot uccessfiil season. Utlni Everything The improved ervtc to be given on the A. K, H R. call into aerviee everything In the wysof rolling tock which the company b at It dlpowl F.ven the- locomotives which h been doing clutv a a uit-h emiine will have to g on a regular run. Mr. Ma gulie I now trying to purchase a new twitch engine to take it place. Retain Counsel In the cae of the State of Oregon v. J. II. Bowlby the slayer of Cleve den ning, the defendant ha retained a hi - coutinel, Judge Winton and Howard M. Ilrowncll. The defendant la now await sjiig hi preliminary hearing before Judge .jVTioodman. Th hearing will probably be ' held in a few day, and it i doubtful if the, pwiM-cutlon will try very hard to hold the prUoner, County Court The county court held a eion yen (relay, The buine before the court w bid for the Improvement of the Iwl A Clark road. Tlie opening of the bid wa deferred till July 15th tn the cane of Lawler and Lancaatcr who made application for a return of money paid by them for a plot of land "ld t the dend hore auction, the ap plication wa refused. The deputy di- trlct attorney advised that the court had no power to refund monev. The court adjourned to inspect the work on the Warrenton road. I-et u eat, drink and b merry, With never a thought of ache or pain I-et id forget every orrow that might lie, For we (till have Rocky Mountain Tea. Frank Hart. paMOBWMaMawHtMMW HERE'S THE POINT We tand back of everything we tell. If it i not right we will make it right. You ean't afford to overlook thi modern up-to-date (tore. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Received Every Morning Direct from the Growers Scholfield. Mattson Co., Good Good and Good Service. CONFERENCE WITH PRESIDENT ELLIOTT NEW BOAT ON THE ASTORIA AND COOS BAY RUN 0HER IMPORTANT NEWS. Manager Whyte of the Chamber of Commerce Im returned to th city after an abcnc of neveral day during which time he hi U-en buily engaged In ion. iilUlliin with the Nuitlieiti 1'- cillc olliiflul, ut tending the Oregon le- veli'puii'iit League Convention in Port bind and in working out dvertiiif.- prohlem In the Chapman AdvertUing Agency ut Portland. i cuiifcreiico with I'tenideiit Klliott of the Xoitliern Pacific, Vlcl'reidciit Levey and Cent-mi Mamiger Kutt of the Western oh Ulon, wa a U'iie tory a could I llicd and in a hnrt time a Hiblv tint promotion will get together end dlmii the detail and work the matter out into a concrete written form when it will be laid before the proper olllciu.1 of the railroad com pany BcconKng to Mr. Elliott' direo tiou, for their tudy end dlpoition Mr. Whyte while away, together will other, organized a 3,0IHI,J0 orchard company with control 30,000 acre of the Bnet apple bind iu the ltogui' Hivvr. .MiiiwL'i-r Tom I!ichardon of the 1'oHlund Commercial Club will be con nected with thi new company. While the Oregon Development League Couvcii lion wa iu eion lu Portland Mr. Itii'lmidooti biiiiouiic4 that he would oon relgn from hi work to devote all of hi time to hi private buine in terest. Hi friend for ome time pt have known that theae were becoming very large. I he uwnagrr wa very entliuiatie over hi trip and the conference with I'ic.idciil Wliott. "I believe we are now In a good position to put AtorIa to the very forefront and up in the top notche," be oaid. "The luteret 0 Astoria ale in the very beat of band while they are being tonldcred by the Ohumber' Promotion Committee, and due thought and attention will be giv en to the opportunity which President Klliott ha granted Astoria to lake pfwition in eonniierc) and trade not even econd to that now enjoyed by vPort land." While In Portland Mr. Whyte pent considerable time with the Chapman AuvertNiig Agenoy working out the final detail of the launching of Antorta'i advertising rampiilgn. The tk of ilaclng this advertising ha proven con- iderably hirger than the agency flrt anticipated and a a re-mlt the adver ting ha not jet got a tnrt. Mr. hapumn thiuks it will begin thi week. Come to Astoria's 4th of July Celebration. A Piano Number free With Each $5 Purchase. Pxtky HippopotamuttAcfve, You aitx'tr got no caret! Ypu don't have to worry bovt Th Hinds of things yoa vretts. DONE BY DEED. S A. II. Cyril to Klirabeth M. Scully a strip of hind 0 feet iu width IT the south end of lot 1 and 2, block 811. McClure' Astoria 125 A Matter of Taste The Hippo can wear any old kind of clothes and nobody cares. He can wear the old fashioned style of hide, and he only scares youngsters BUT, You'r no Hippopotamus. ARE YOU? careful that you wear only new, stylish CLOTHES, kept free from dust and moths in a first class shop where LIGHT KILLS GERMS The lightest, brightest Clothes Shop. Whose? Whose? Whose? Why, everybody knows that HERMAN WISE You cant look foolish when you wear a Wise Suit. BUSY AT THE OPERA HOUSE PUPILS OF THE HIGH SCHOOL AND EIGHTH GRADE OF THE WARD SCHOOLS TO HOLD CLOSING EXERCISES. Wit" ITazel Davie Instrumental nolo. ... . . .Kthel Ellsworth Eiay, "The Mirror".... H. Frederickn Address to Class. .Rev. V. S. Gilbert Presentation of Diplomas... .J. A. Eakin "A May Song" Cirl of Adair School Flower. EASTERN EXCURSIONS. Vi the Canadian Pacific. The next dnte of aule for upccinl excuralon tickets to eaatem point an July 3rd, 4th, 6th. Make your reserva tiona now. Apply at the local office for full particular regarding rate, top. over, routes, etc. TROOPS FOR SEASIDE , AND FORTS For a VICTOR OR AN EDISON PHONOGRAPH goto Johnson Phonograph Co, Parlor Seoond Floor ever SoholfUld A Matteon Co. TROOPS ALLOTTED FOR ARTILLERY AND COAST DEFENSE MANEU VERS AND FOR CAMP AT SEASIDE The deposition of the Oregon Nation al Guard for thi summer's encampment, no far as concern local points a an nounced by Colonel Finger is as .follow: Seaside, Julj 8 to 111, Companies D. E. I'", H, I and L, Thirtieth Infimtry. Sep. arnte Company G and the Hospital Copps. , 1'ort Stevens, Wash., July 0 to 13 Companies A, C anil K, of the Third In-fantrj- and Companies A and C sepa rate battalion. Fort Columbia, Or., July, 6 to 15 Companies B and M, Third Infantry. Seaside, August 6 to 14 First Bat tery of Field Artillery. This period will be devoted to artillery 'target practice. Lieutenant-Colonel Poorman will command the Oregon troops in the coast defense maneuvers, Colonel McDonnell, will be in command of the Infantry at( Seaside and Captain Welch will com mand the battery camp. ' I The Fifteenth Annual Commencement exercises of the Astoria High School will be held in the Opera House this eveuiug when the following excellent program will be presented: Program, Part L Overture High School Orchestra Invocation Rev. V. S. Gilbert Salutory,."The Integrity of Home less Nation"... Harvey A. AJlen Vocal solo, "Lorraine, Lorraine, Loree" (Capel) . . . .Mr. Claire Montieth Oration, "Illustrious Roll-call of HtlMi" A. Hamilton Garner Oration, ''The Struggles of an Op pressed Nation" Mary C. Clark Part II. Oration, "Otto Von Disuuuvk".. P. Tagg Chorus, "Soldiers' Chorus From Faust" Mixed Voices Valedictory, "Blind in the Midst of Beauty" , Mary A. Adair Addre-s to Graduates. .J. C. Kavanaugh Solo Mr. Chile Montieth (a) "A May Morning" Dena (b) "Summer Kain".'. Willeby (c) "Were My Song With Wings Provided" Hahn Presentation of Class I. N. Carman Conferring of Diplomas....,!. E. Higgins Selection Hk'h School Orchestra Presentation of Flowers to Class Music under direction of Miss Elmore. This afternoon the stage will be held by the pupil of the eighth grade of the Ward schools who will submit another interesting jirograiu as follows: Instrumental .solo Annie Larsen Essay, "Education in America," A. Wright Essay, "Commerce" Slyvester Clark Instrumental solo Edna Kaboth Essay, "Guard the Flag".,..F. Berglund Essa, "The SwiUerland of America" Ruth Bivmner Vocal solo. . . , , , Viola Lash Essay, "American Heroes," M. MeCulloch Essay, "Modern Inventions". .. .A. Allen Essay, "Oregon Scenery". . .Viola Mapes Piano solo, ..... , Fannie Berglund Essay, "Along the Wharves". . ,B. Wilde Essay, "Countries I Should Like to Tetter Cured. A lady customer of ours had suffered witn tetter for two or three years. It got o bad on her hand that the could iiot attend to her household dutie. One tox of Chamberlain' Salve cured her. Chamberlain' medicine giro splendid satisfaction la thi community. M. H. Rodney k Co Almond, Akv Chamber lain' medicines are for sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggist. Ancient Sou la now merely memory of Ua puL Ballard's Snow Liniment is the fssnfy liniment of th twentieth century. A poeftire cure for Rheumatann, Ben Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, ate. Mr. G. H. Runyon, Stanberry, Mo, writes, bare used Snow liniment for Rtautav tUm and all pain. I east My ojk in it praise." Sold by Hart's Drag Store, Marshmallow Sundae Something New Ice Cream.... Made from Pure Sweet Cream, 30c. Quart. Whipped Cream 25 Cents a Quart AT- TAGG'S PARLORS 483 Commercial St WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS JZ7 FOR.... WOMEN Wherity, Ralston Company! Astoria's Best Shoe Store t