The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 25, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, JUNE tt, 1907.
, A Kood hard wheat flour that goes farther
and makes better bread and pastry than
the kind you thought was best. Try a
sack ou your next order.
Tha Leading Orootra
Operation ,
tiltnmt Tifn win operated upon at
Bt, Mary' yetcrday morning and l
reported a getting along nicely.
Dealey Away
City Traurr Dealey U out of ton
for a few day ami while he U away,
City Auditor Anderwin will attend to
" tha til At of the trcaurer' ofllca Inao
far a tha receiving of money U cn'
Tha Utile' Ala of the Flr.t
i.ulheran Church will niwt on the com
Ing WedncwUy afternoon at 2 o'clock at
tha reidcnr of Mr. I.. Agren In Alder
brook The iiifintH-ra and friend are cor
dlally Invited.
Ait examination wa held today at
the i'iit'nii lionim (or th poltlou of In.
trrprcter, There n. only one candl
data, Victor Brandt. The reult will nol
I known until the paper have had time
to get to Washington, U. C, when they
will I adjudged up"".
Fourth 01 July
l II. Alu-n-romlilp who recently n
teiit., to act a grand mar-hO f lit1"
Fmirlh of July parade, yesterday an
nounced hi aid, all o,' whom are
graduate of the High School, Th llt
n follow! Frank Woodmld, tieorgr
Oilier. Auatln (Mmhii, Carl Kntiten and
atari. It. Wrlifht.
Bourn Letter
Th Chmnlier of lotiimrrce yesterdiy
received a letter front Senator ltour n -continuing
li' telcgrom in reference t"
th erul'tfr Charleston lieing In th bar-
1 ....!.. L..I1.
IKr at In mil i 1 hp 1 T'i imnrni
vllt, Th Senator ald that there wa
remote po-iblllty that the Charleston
might I ordered to South American
water, hut ha thought that In all prob
ability the warship would U aide to at
tend the doings her In Astoria. Should
tl.-lt lie the raw the citizen will no
doubt enjoy hearing on of best hand
atliiat, and wlilrh will proltahly be given
a prominent part ill the ecrcinonle ar
ranged for the Vice Treidcnl.
Ghoat In Astoria
While t lulling along hi runtomnr,'
heat. Sunday evening, on of the uiem
ber of the police fore aw, what he
took to U a glioal, endeavoring to rlim
th awning of one of the Imsine phi
of Kleventh trt, la-lween Bond ami
Coininersclnl. Gnuplng hi courage In
on hand and hi ruty weapon in the
other the officer proceeded to investigate
th mystery. Imagine hi surprise on
discovering that the pseiido ghost was
merely a prominent tobacco merchant
of that street, in hi nighty, trying to
get Into his room after having been
locked out by a spring lock. Th tin
.fortunate hail gotten out of lied and
atom downstair to let a friend use the
telephone in his cigar t"rc, and had
neglected to bring hi key with hint.
The problem wa olvd by the landlady
throwing the key out the window.
In the nutter of the estate of Julia
luiblddge, deceased, an order was made
yesterday approving th final account
and ordering a distribution of th
Local Autolat At Portland
A number of l'al automobile owner
were In vldnc at the Portland motor
car race on Sunday, Amongst them
wens Ir, Fulton, Frank Stoke and Mill
Without License
A complaint was Hied in Justice Good
man' court yterday by Olc J. Setum.
the water bailiff, against Andrew I'eder
on, of Skamokawa, fur fishing without
having th number of hi licen painted
on each slil of the, bow of hi boat,
I'edcriMin wa fined 110 andjot.
Railroad Moving
A deed conveying a 00 fool rlght-of-iy
over land tielnnylng to Josiah Wt
to th I'oitlund, Oregn ft Se Coast
liailroad, wa tiled in th county court
ytrlay. The extent of this right-of-way
1 on mile and il lie al from
t'latop City. There ha la1!! sum eon
lioverv alwiut thi strip for some time,
hut it ha len finally arraiiged at last
and the r.rilroad will go through.
Dead Horie Sale
Chief of l'olhe (iiimmiil held a public
auction ter.iny oil the step of the
City Hall and succeeded In disposing of
14 parcel of property which had ten
taken in at tin al two year ago. The
projierty l being sold for the amount of
the tret asement pill the Interest.
The present sale will start every morn
ing at 10 o'clock and will I continued
,'rnm day to day until all of the prop
erty has been disposed of.
Boy In The River
Thn. small Ikiv were nlavinir aniono
the stringer WIow A. V. Ailen" ware
house nar th Limine dock on SnnJay.
when one of them sllppeil and fell in
Verv fiirtiinatelv Canlain Heard of the
C ustoms t ml 'ilium h and another mn
Iwppened to b passing at the time, and
with th aid of a long pole and a line
they managed to haul th young-ter
out of the water. Th lad had already
sunk more than once when Captain
Heard es lite by, and he was in pretty
bud Iiiih? when rescind. It is Mievcd
he USS til SDH lit Mr. Smith, the mit-
Iclan. but it is not definitely known.
Anyhow hi two companions hauled him
off In a lwiy' wagon and h appeared
s J L . .
Marshmallow Sundae
Something New
iiiiiiimiiii.rimiii i ill niiaiiff 9
We atand back of everything wa
ell. If it I not right we will
make it right.
You can't afford to overlook thia
modern up-to-date atore.
Fresh Fruit
and Vegetables
Received Every Morning Direct
from the Growers
Scholfield, Mattson $ Co.,
Good Goodi and Good Service.
A tiim of the circuit court wa con
vened at ;:iO yesterday afternoon by
Judge Mcltrld. District Attorney (i. I
Hedge wuas in attendance, Th follow
ing civil cases received attention: (ieo.
I.. (tslHiin v, Klinl'!li A. Osborne, re
ferred o C. K. Hmiyon to take testi
mony, J, K. Johnson v. II. A. Scabotjr
et als, plaintiff, filed an amended com
plaint, 1'n mi, d!-misd as to John l)oc
and Itichiird Hoc. This was an attempt
to nullify a leas to seining grounds, on
the pleu that tha rent hud not Ix-en paid.
The lens was mad J)eeniber 23, I0o5,
and was for ten years at a rental of
IliiOO per milium. The Alaska Fisher
man' Tacking Co. v. Nile Jnnan,
default. II. C. Anderson v. Alice V.
Logan et al, Dismissed a to defend
ant If. K. Uigan, default as to Twi
et al decree. Frank M. Warren v.
John K. Warren, decree. C. W. Fulton
et al v John Heed Demurrer overruled.
15 day to answer. Attachment dis
charged. M. D. Staple v. L, Older et
al, settled and dismissed. Char! T.
lU'll v. Theresa K. 1111, order for publi
cation of summons, James A. M.
Ayal vs. Ktbe M. Ayeal, decree. James
A. Campla-ll vs. Charles K. Campbell,
demurrer overruled. Defendant allowed
till Jim 27th to anwer. F.
Kliellng vs, liitis K. Wieling, demuiTr
overruled. Itcfcndatit allowed till June
27 to answer.
For a
Johnson Phonograph Go.
Parlora Seoond Floor over Soholfiold A Mattaon Co.
New Freight Tariff
(eneiwl I'assenger and F'relglit Agent
It. If. Jnkln has just eomplcM eom
pllinuea new freight tarlfT for the A. 4
('. It. it., end It is now in the hands of
the printer, and will lie iued shortly.
The new turiff will lie the most com
plete ever Issued by this company and
will conform in every way to the re
quirement and regulation of the In
terstate Hate Commission and the Ore
gon nailroad Commission.
Seaside Tax
There baa been some desire as to the
payment of taxee for the improvement
of sidewalk and the boulevards at that
part of Seaside known a Wet Seaside,
Sheriff Tomeroy wa asked by many to
collect their taxee but he did not con
sider it within hie jurisdiction as sheriff.
However, on being advised by many In
fluential men amongst whom waa Sena
toe Fulton.that be would lie perfectly
within the right in making the collec
tion, the Sheriff ha decided to go
ahead. There will now be ome chance
of getting these improvement at Sea
side completed this summer.
What Again!
Kiime o!,l storv in the same old way,
th Itohemlan had their jacket trounced
again Suit'tay liy llio Si. Jonns ream.
Th local Uiy tried hard there is no
doubt of that, but the way in which the
ball seemed to elude their eager grasp
wa pitiful and heartrending. Something
like nine Imhlde were maiked against
them when the slaughter closed as
againt one for the St. Johns, and that
by mistake. They were several clever
plays on both aides during the game,
the final score, was .0 to 2 in favor of the
Police Court
ldua Nelson, one of tho women from
below the "dead line," was arrested and
brought into court. She was booked
with lieing drunk and disorderly, with
being In a barroom and lastly with be
ing a vagrant. She was tried on the
last charge and fined $100 or 80 days
In jail. The sentence was suspended
on condition that she leave town which
she promised to do. She took occasion
to voice her opinion of the police de
partment in general and to say the least
it was not a great compliment nor was
it expressed in the lxt of Knglish. The
heavy fine was due to the opinion of the
court that she wns an undesirable citi
zen. Seven male offenders were fined
the usual price of lieing merely plain
drunk, 15 or two days, and the majority
were released owing to having being in
jail for two ityys.
When Man Marries
A I'ortland hack driver, giving the
name of McDonald, called at the police
station yesterday seeking advice as to
howto straighten out his marital woes.
It appears that his wife, a bride of but
four weeks, deserted him and como to
Astoria with another man. The desert
ed husband cum and found them living
together in a room on Bond street. In
stead of invoking the unwritten law, he
put the situation up to the wife asking
her wlwt she intended to do. Whether
she was going with the other fellow, or
come with him! With tears and sobs
she confessed that she loved the other
fellow lietter than she did him. He
was not quite satisfied with the out
come of the proposition and accordingly
culled and acciiuainted the olllvera with
the aittiatimi. However they could do
nothing more Hum refer him to the
Deputy! DitlicH lAIU(rney nd whetn
last seen he was on the trail, looking
for that official. He also had in his
possession a magnificent black eye which
he said he had received in a fight over
being twitted by another party about
not being able to take care of nis wife.
Come to Astoria's 4th of July Celebration.
A Piano Number Free With . Each $5 Purchase.
"Pretty H.ppopoUmutAcfi;
You ain'tr got no cares!
You don't havt to worry tovt .
Th Kindt of things you. w.
A Matter of Taste
The Hippo can wear any old kind of clothes and
nobody cares. He can wear the old fashioned style
of hide, and he only scares youngsters
BUT, You'r no Hippopotamus.
ARE YOU? . , careful that you wear only new,
stylish CLOTHES, kept free from dust and moths in
a first class shop where LIGHT KILLS GERMS.
The lightest, brightest Clothes Shop.
Whose? Whose? Whose?
Why, everybody knows thaf.
You cant look foolish when you wear a Wise Suit.
The Baccalaureate sermon to the
pupils of the Astoria High School was
preached at the Grace episcopal Church
on Sunday evening by the Rev. J. War
ren. The reverend gentleman took as
his text, "Be Zealous In Good Works."
and from it gave a very able and force
ful discourse upon the essentiality of
real in life. The preacher laid etres on
the fact that the woil "Zealous" was
the mainspring of his text. If, he
urged, it were impossible to be tealous
in alt things, at least be zealous in
some one thing. It were better to have
some enthusiasm, some earnestness, for
an indifferent, or even a bad , object
than to be without zeal at all. Life
without fervency without enthusiasm of
any kind was life wasted. And the
preacher earnestly begged of his hearers
in their journey through life, never to
loose the enthusiasm of youth but to
bear it with them in all their goings.
The reception of the juniors to the
seniors was given last evening at Lo
gan's Hall. It may be as well to say
that the Astorian reporter was unable
to get a very clear necount of this re
ception nor a copy of the program al
though he attended and asked for both,
and as all the high school pupils will
probably look for this report it may be
mentioned that it is their own fault that
it is no fuller. So far as could lie learned
and seen everybody was having the
best kind of a time and the hall looked
very charming with brilliant flngs and
decorations, and gay dresses. Dancing
was in full swing at 11 o'clock. In the
early part of the evening an excellent
and varied program was reudered by
some of the pupils.
Will Arrive Today
The Occident Barber Shop received
word last evening that the two barbers
who failed to arrive yesterday would
be down on the noon train today.
Goddess Of Liberty
Miss Maude Boss, the daughter of
the well known grocer, has consented to
act as the Goddess of Liberty in the
forthcoming Fourth of July celebration.
She will be surrounded by 13 young
ladies from the High School each of
whom will represent one of the original
The McAdoo of Japan sint Ginl Krocki
over here to vi-it the Jemestown Fair
and tip the waiters in the Quick Looncb
Why did he sin him 'and not Ginl
Kurvpatkin !
Because GinernI Kuropatkin is not a
Jap and because Giueral Kuropatkin is
not a winner.
And so it is in Astoria.
Do yez rewahrd the men who doct
fight for the Burg or the feller what
doe hustle for Astoria t
WTiin yez have a nickel and want a
handkerchuif or a dicer or a full dress
suit, do yez patronize the man who
ahticks in his stores when Astoria needs
fighters, or do yez ruymimber ITemian
Wise who is aller to the front that
Astoria might grow.
htn Uncle Sam has any pin-ions to
hand out, he gives 'em to the veterans
whats grown ould in the service of the
country, so whin loyal Astoorians have
a. dollar to spind, they raymimbcr who!
Not the green recruits,
Not the ould camp sojers
They raymimber their best Hustler,
Yours truly and et cittera, Herman
Wise. Let the other first do something
for the town.
Ancient Soma)
is now merely a memory of tha past.
Ballard's Snow Liniment is tirt) brnOi!
liniment of tb twentieth eenturr. A'
positive curs for Rheumatism, Barns,
Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, ate. Hr. C
H- BuByon, Stanberry, Mo, writ: "I
have used Snow Liniment for Rheuma
tism and all pain. I east aay anoqgfc
in it praise," Sold by Harfi Stf
Ice Cream....
Made from Pure Sweet
Cream, 30c. Quart.
Whipped Cream
25 Cents a Quart
483 Commercial St
Wherity, Ralston Company
Astoria's Best Shoe Store