The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 21, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, JURE u, 1907.
Peace Conference In July In
Conform Expected To Result la Con
ditiun of Permanent Imltistilsl Peace
In City Svrat Cabinet . Members
WUI Be Ib Attendance.
- SAN lilANll.HUi, June S.A call
fuc new Industrial piece' conference
to iiiii't lit thin iltjf to July, h been
Iimm1 by tli cmw Illation committee
the (fiMH.urnijf ut of rnililitt Roo.e-yi-lt.
Tim commitf- !' that till"
national wn!ite villi '-HtH't e condi
tion of peramiwit Industrial mm In
this oily, slid liot I Hi t tUt tl
labor condition' are nt' entirely hope
lets that tht widow that the
Tn f to , L tied up," r false,
Tln pfoiional il,,,r l1' liH!l'llB
ate Jn , 10 amt SO. ' -
Ai thl gathering, It I. proposed to
manln a Itrmwh of tho antumul civic
federation. prcldtti Ifc-naiiiln fde
Wheeler of the l'iMff.ity f Califor
uU. who U now in tlx East, will bring
the conference authority for the eslab
llhiwut branch of that organisation,
twin will I attuned hv three
Mini jionnitiiy four MimWm of Presi 11
dent Uooe velt's cabinet , and hy 1200 ; ;
delegates from California d lb F.t. ! I
Many -tabor leader are' enpeeted to 1 j;
trcMnia Iwluillny 8muel (lumper and ! ,
John WUroeu. ,
Thn raliitii'l member, whose attrn.l- j X
m 1. assured Secretary of (He T
Navy Mctcalf. Secretary of Commeive I
una Utaw er S. Ktmun, and i-wcre-tsrv
of to Interior of the Interior Nuf
field. In planning the conference tho con-
..l! ll toal nlll li.m tli.i active
eo-oopemtlon of tli Chamber of Com-J
men-e of ftatt Francisco, the Callfornian X
Tt.......f L. IHaa It, Clvit 1 ilHtftlf, m
of Sn Franeheo, the Ran fVDclco X
. . ,..!. il. tlf..-..!,. A
tnnrrn rruerauoii, i:m vji" ' vi
kimiliir orgatiliwUitim.
To the Homeless Ones! The Newly-Married Ones! I And Other Ambitious People!!!
The Home's th Thingl If you've got a home, "Be it ever so humble," you are'fortified against want.
The Cost Counts, Toot But that is frequently regulated for you and fits to purse and income.
Location Means Muchl I'or it covers the points of sightliness, convenience, comfort and title. Right here is where we enter
this proposition, with a guaranty that you shall have such a home, at minimum figures.
$500.00 TO $650.00
And but $40.00 down, the balance in monthly $10,00. payments. All upon the predicate laid above in each and every particular.
Ex rnrnident Suffering From Stomach I
Tioubio It Out of Danger.
, V'-'-vi' -W-""- ' -i .... . - J
i is ' ' f ' 4 .; '"-' ' f' .,' j.. - . . ' ' ' ' ' :"' ' '' " '$ " ! : . "' ' ' J
Time Is very essential in this matter and it were wise to make the most of it. These lots are selling steadily to thoroughly
pleased people and if you are to be of the number, call at our office in the Astoria Savings Bank, buildiug, aud make a res
ervation at once, and Remember that all Street Improvements, Cement Sidewalks and Curbs, with Bull Run Water Piped to Your Prop
erty, Paid for anil Covered in tho Original Cost to You." ' ' " ..
ni:v voitK, Juw sso.r-Advi from t Astoria Savings Dank Building, Astoria.
Couch. Building, Portland
pretty faoo, ft good fipro, but
ooner or later leara tlmt th
healthy, happy, eontontml woman
la most of all to be admired.
Women troubled with falntlnjr
rxills, irreffularltiea, nervous lrrlu
blllty, backache, the "blues,' and
thone dreadful drajrglnir saiibatiotis,
oannot hope to be happy or popular,
and advancement In either home,
business or social life Is impossible.
The onuse of these troubles, how
ever, ylolds quickly toLydl&IS. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound made
from native roots and herbs It acts
at once upon tho organ afflicted and
t,a narva Miiitari. dlsnellinir effefl
tually all those distressing aymp- ,
toms. No other medlolno In the country has received suoh unqualified
Indorsement or has such a record of cures of female lUs as baa .
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Miss Emma Runtalor, of 63t State St., Sohenectady, N.Y., wrltes!--"For
a lona time I was troubled with a weakness which seemed to
drain all my strength away. 1 had dull headaches, was neous.
Irritable, and all worn out. cWetng to read one of your advertisement,
of a case similar to mine cured by Lydia E. Plnkham j Vegetable
Compound, I decided to try It and I cannot express my gratitude for the
benefit received. I am entirely well and feel like a new person.
LydU B. Plnkhara'i Vegetable Compound is the most successful
remedy for all forms of Female Complaints, Weak Back, Falling and
Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and is invaluable In pre
paring for childbirth and the Change of Life.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness 'nvited to
promptly communicate with Mrs. I'inklmm, at Lynn, Mass. Her wmoe
is xree ana oiwnys uoiiuui.
C. F. WISE, Prop.
Merchants Lunch From
11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p jn.
si CentJ
Choice Wines, Liquors
and Clgari
Hot Lunch at all Hours
Corner Eleventh and Commercial
Fiostcution In Boise Trial Weaves Skil
ful Chain of Evidence.
I' V. , J early .tod ..nmmne4 .
tlmt ex4rt'lh'lit Cruver ( li-wlmij Ut.
iil(j!it parsed the ilrtegi-r point' of an
other serious attoek o( hi tlrkneas, U1
li,l ! jirrllouely ill for sum rfft.v.
The nM hiu a'W aWy pn4',t aiut
Mr Clevelaml's rinvt ry i" mW for.
Mr. Clrveland w at It-ken jut ft-r the
Iwjjimilng of the eoitimeiicemeiit at
Plimpton Vnlvewlty. ' The attack a
illiipi'i'd s ftniiirti'h or Intcntliml
trouble, fjo alaruiiitg ilhl hl eondltloa
Invoiii lat Saturday, that Dr. Carno
ehnii mitl I)r, llryant aiunnton-d in n
uttatiitii In Prim-eton, Dr. K. 0. Jnne.
wav and Andrew J. MiOwh, Kew York
lH-ittlit. On Sunday the patient's
condition Mnained the name. Fearlnt
ii ilenpt-mte tlge plan were made by
the ph,viciani to have the upactou
Cleveland grounds ned off and private
ly policed to prevent the iutriialon of
utrangpra, and to prevent uimeeeory
noie. t--..
Mr. Clerelnnd will be eonflried to his
home fr fiiie time and it U Xeeed
have to apend hi entire aumracr in
of the State of Colorado, who left Boise
lat night and ill .not return until he
1 .needed. Mr. A- L SU-venson, the
member from Colorado of the National
I Renublican eonunittee who has - been
With the opening of hm for th tas wo W and ho Mi
r. tl,i. ..nrnh.. tbp Sta1 of fdauo "1H"CTCU 10 als iml
will continue the introduction or evi-
.Ij.Oit ..iini-t Ini ti( eTtlftr 4fllil lltr
Ilarrv Orchard in the co,t of hi. Pt on tl aland by the tat under the
lie will not be called unless he ia needed
11 rebuttal. Steve Adams will not be
. . . A ....I 41.-
neeupsnrr of the witnea chair for aeven , P'-" us u p
1 ... lira nhnitfrtul. If is filiPVA.I fh mtnw
,.., a Tli am viintunir u.-k.aiA fniv lu till ta 111 " v"'fc "
unless the
TW ,.,...!. f..u, iu.ini. t., "re Cluigu.
1 !... .... tl,. ,.u.nt nuevion 01 nit uireet lesumony
the chain has been woven with skill P Mti ew tacsw rt is
and nearly every major and minor state.; utk-.pat4 he would penist m his re
inent made by Orchard has been corro-l fllal , tMtlfy " Haywood
borated by ,ub,ta.,til witrnw.. The A large numk-r of .mportan wit
planting of the bomb at the gate of ur, Vl" 4", ""T11 "
Juatiw Goddard of the Supreme Court -ty lat night today and are quar
of Colorado, which Orchard said was l,',ed at the hotels Bo,.
done at the behot of the "Inner Circle";
of the WVatern Federation was corro- W. R. Ward, of Dyersburg, Term.,
bprnted by tho Justice himself snd the writes: "This is to certify that I have
method of his testimony showed clearly' ued Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup for
the legal mind of the man who, finding a .hronio ngtipation, and it has proven,
bomb at bit gate loaded with giant caps without d u thorongh, prac
and dynamite with nil of the appliances ... . ..... .,, .
described br Orchard a the invention ticftt ' this trouble, and it is
of one of his eo-coiihplrators, sealed the wIth P'eure I offer my conscientious
evidence in envelopes carrying the sig- reference." T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug
nature of the flndera including the then Store.
adjutant general of the state and then
sealed them in a steel vault. The seals
were only broken in the presence of the
judge himself 'who Identified them and
their contents in open court, himself
opening each envelope and himself ac
counting for the explosion in his pres
ence of the dynumito which was dan
gerous to keep.
Judge Wood w ill this morning enum
erate the article from the Miners'
magazine he proposes to admit us evi
dence. It is presumed that he will al
low only those articles that advise the
members of the order to carry arms in
defense of their rights to go before the
jury. A number of the publication of
fered by the (date as evidence are pure
ly of a political nature and have 110
possible connection with a conspiracy
to murder.
. Tho telegrams delivered to Orchard in
San Francisco and which he stated
brought him money from Pettibone mid
through Pettibone from Haywood have
yet to be Introduced as evidence. They
have a most important bearig as corro
borative matter. Counsel for the state
expected them to be brought in today
mid are confident that they will be able
to produce them in court. .. '
Young Charlie Neville will not go on
the stand until he is needed in rebuttal
of any testimony the defense may pro
duce. The same thing is true of liulk
ley Wells, the former adjutant general
Columbia Drug Co.
Or. Charles C. C. Rosenberg
(Successors to Dr. Linton's Drug Co.)
Drug, Medicines
Electrical Contractors
Bells, House Phones, Inside Wiring and Fixtures
Installed and Kept in Repair
' in Twelfth Street
Phone Main 3881
IVto-Date Baw Mill Machinery j . Prompt attention given to si. repair work
18th and Franklin Ave.
Tel. Main 2451
Toilet Articles.
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Rosenberg will give consultations
tt and examinations free.
183 Eleventh Street.
Telephone Main 1171.
Astoria, Ore.
j Star Brewery Special Brew
Noted for it's :
A Great Appetizer, Equal to Imported Stout
$1.'7S the dozen
589 Commercial Street