3 metWMHWHTt Secrecy It Watchword at Boise Trial. DETECTIVES EXTREMELY BUSY ProMcuUon and Deftntt Art Witching Evtry Mlovt of Apponfnti Through tnt Eyt ef Bcort of Dettctlwe counteracting Evident DttlrtflV 1 tifcriHsjr tin watchword of tht inn who it eotiituttlug tli prosecution of V. D. Haywood, charged by th Slate of Idaho, with eonimlng ih death by atsunetion, of former chief exeou live, m mystery mirrmithU every move iul by counsel retalued by tlit West ln Federation of Winer to dtfend their secret try, The fun hat reached .dm ttatt wbert tvery fttovt on tht pw wt tttt iltorntyt U wort closely latched and reported on by score of . siimtita enipwyed by (ht drio In order that counteracting evidence may w secured from polnta in the four or flvt wetern statee whert (h alleged ronylrecy, culminating, according to tht allegation! of tht pruseeutort In half a hundred murdert, pla.vtd lit part and from which tht eUtt in producing wltneatee. While the Mate bat IU day In court, another eeort of dstectlvee watcbt Hit employee of tht deftntt in tht hop of uncovering tomt new movt by which coune for Haywood hopt to clear their client from tht charge of imirden In tbeet Ut few dayt during: which th ttatt hnpet to cllwl) and cor roborate beyond a doubt la tht minds of tht II tntn with whom tht final l1"1" ntnt resta, tht story told by Harry Orchard, tht self-eonfetd eO'Conipira tor with Haywood, tremendmu activ ity la apparent. Wltnetse for tht ttate are arriving and mora art expected to arrlvt today. Tht witnetset for tht da ftnat, numbering between IM and 20 will 1m bert by tht end of tht week. Colorado supullct tht largt number of f Inttoo will tend othert, Among tht elate't witnaat who ar- X rivtd lata yesterday waa Judjrt Ood-tT danl, a Juttlre of th tiprrmt court of X Colorado, who waa hunted by' Or-If chard. A bomb waa planted at Judge (Mlard't gate in Denver, but which X failed to explode, waa dug up by Bulk-!' lay Walla, adjutant-general of Coloredo,'? after Orchard made hit eowcselnn tell-; log where tht bomb waa planted. A x woman wltnes bert from California, it who kept tht hnue In which Orchard roomed whllt In Pan Francico, ia ex pected to !et!fy that whllt Orchard wiit in her room aba found evidence that in tht light of bit confession, ahowa be tried experiment a with tht trigger for a bomb. She found, It it aald, mall screw eye In tht door of tht room with a piect of flohlng lint patting through it and a cork at ont end. The Mulling lint correspnndt, It U alleged, with th piect of flihing lint patting to tht bomb that killed Kteunenlwrg ami a aectlon of which waa found In Or ehsrd't trunk at Cwldwell, after hia rrt. Young Charlea Kevllla will be one of th witness today, but It It pneslhle that h may b held until later THE MESSAGE OF TO-DAY! To the Homeless Ones! The Newly-Married Onesl! And Other Ambitious People!!! The Home's the Thing! If you've got a home, "Be it ever so humble," you arefortificd against want. The Cost Counts, Too! But that is frequently regulated for you and fits to purse and income. Location Means Much! For it covers the points of sightliness, convenience, comfort and title. Right here is where we enter this proposition, with a guaranty that you shaft have such a home, at minimum figures. $500.00 TO $650.00 , And but M0.00 iovn, the balance ia niontnly (UO.00 payments. All upon the predicate laid above in each and every particular. I;:!.!;!- SSlit X'y,' " ... Time is very essential in this matter and it were wise to make the most of it. These lots are selling steadily to thoroughly pleased people and if you are to be of the number, call at our office in the Astoria Savings Bank building, and make a res ervation at once, and Remember that all Street Improvements, Cement Sidewalks and Curbs, with Bull Run Water Piped to Your Proo erty, Paid tor and Covered in the Original Cost to You. v . ColninJbia Trust Company Astoria Savings Bank Building, Astoria. Couch Building, Portland W t H I IIIMMtHMit aa eounael for tht ttatt Intimate that they hava niur documentary evidence to Introduce. . The witneaa on tht ttand at tht open ing of court thit morning it Ed Doyee, now very wealthy man and one of the ownera of the Hercule mine in the Coeur d'Alenet of which Orchard owned at ont time a tUteanth thart. Doyce waa for aeveral yeart tht president of tht Weatem Federation of Minera. Ho baa Identifled the Miner' Magasina aa tht ortUIal ortran of tht Federation. It t a l.l vrul wa in fact started under hi direction, 129 per cent ' The east-bound tonnage when president. With the opening of in the aame time increased from 13,- eourt thia morning the fight turna on 000.000 tona to nearly 32,000,000. This the introduction of eopie of the maga- unprecelented gain of more than 60,- aine. Those which have been offered in 000,0 tona In a tingle commodity was evidence contain number of artlclct responsible for delnyt that have occur- commenting on formep Governor Steun- red in epite of arrangeinente made in enlierg. Some of theae articlet are over advance to handle an expected increaae the signature of V D. Haywood, and of the lumber btwinett. Kew frelght- the ttatt hopes to get them in aa proof t car equipment on the associated lines of the animus that exited in Haywod't of the Union and Southern Pacific and mind against the Governor who bad . the Oregon lines, delivered since last driven tht Federation from the state June and ordered for delivery by the ana wnote example natt been loiiowea . end of tnia month, amounts to The Kind 011 Hard Always Bought, and wLIch has boon ia iiH fur over SO years, lias borno the signature of and bas been made under his per- onal suppn-islon since Its inflanoy. AUavr no ana tndmvtlvA vnn In thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA ' Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare gorlt. Drops and Suothlntr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FevcriHhnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, ciires CoiiHttpatlon and Flatulency, J. It OHslmllatcS the' Food, regulates the Stomach an4t Bowels," giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. OE'""nf CASTORIA Hears the Signature of The Kind You too Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ths acNTSua seMPSNf, rr Munsnv aratn, Htw vom eirv, by the Governor of Colorado, In tht calling out of the militia to quell dis turbance, and regulate the mining townt. The ttate now expects to dose its direct case by Friday night when it is probable court will adjourn over Mon day. The opening of the defense will probably take one day and then will commence the attack on the atory told by Orchard. Counsel for the defense will, at the close of the state's rase, however, move to strike out Orchard's entire story on the ground that the state has failed to link Haywood with th murder of Stennenberg, with which he is charged. This under ordinary cir cumstances. It la said by counsel for Haywood, might be a somewhat perfunc tory mutter, but In the present case they bold that the state hat not so far made good its case and they expect Or chard's tlory to be sticken out in which cae they say the case against their client would fall to the ground. . Counsel for the state hold that their case It not complete and that the de fence has no means of knowing the amount or thajjpiality of the corrobora tive testimony yet to come. In any event, the argument on this motion Is likely to be exhaustive. I ""increased FACILITIES. New Total Cart June 30 Union Pacific 3.852 18.335 Oregon Short Line.!. 2,200 8591 Oregon R. & X. 600 3582 Pacific System ......3,969 29,687 The increase in car capacity on the Ifarriman lines on June 30 will be 535,- 050 tons. This, with existing equip ment, gives these lines a total freight car capacity of 2,720,776 tones. Xew trackage and motive power have kept pace with this increase in rolling stock. The pooling arrangement in force on these lines means that their cars are "at home anywhere on their rails, and equipment can be diverted from one line to the other, wherever it is most need ed. Last year the San Francisco dis aster complicated the transportation problem on the Tacific Coast, and it was made still more difficult to handle by the fSct that eastern lines were un able to furnish their quota of equip ment for busfness originating in this territory. Pacific Coast Industries Will Benefit By Improvement!. NEW YORK, June 19,-That (Pacific Coast Industries will benefit largely by increased facilities, provided on the Ifarriman lines to avoid at far as pos sible a repetition of lat year's delays in freight movement, is shown by in formation obtained today from officials of these lines. Last years enormous In crease in demands upon the carriers in dicates what this year's requirements will be. From a, tonnage of 32,000,000 in July, 1905, the south-bound lumber movement alone on the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon to points outside the state jumped to 73,400,000 tons in June, 1000, an increase or 820 carloads, or, DontllM Don't let your child suffer with that tough when you can curt It with Bal- lard'i Horehound Syrup, a sure cure for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influents, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle and try It Sold by part's Drag Store. B. B. Laughter. Byhalit, Misa writet: 1 have two children who had croup. 1 tried many different remedies, but I mutt lay your Horehound Syrup Is tht best Croup and Cough medicine I ever used." Sold by Hart's' Drug1 fetor. STEEL & E WART Electrical Contractors B$li$, House Phones. Inside Wiring and Fixtures Installed and Kept in Repair IS BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS AND Y0UB SATISFACTION. aaa Twelfth Street Phone Main 3881 SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS IMS ASTOItIA, OREGON IRON (AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AKD MARINE EKCiSEERS Cirto-Date Saw Mill Mciilnry Prompt attention given to al. repair work 18th and Franklin Ave, TtU Main 2451. A Fortanat Texts Mr. E. W. Qoodloe, of 107 St. Louis street, Dallas, Texas, says: "In tht past year I have become acquainted with Dr. King! New Ufa PlUt, and no laxative I' ever before tried to effect ually disposes of mslaria and bilious ness." They don't grind nor gripe. 25c at Charles Rogera Drug Store. BUILD UP! DRINK MALT! ; ! Star Brewery Special Brew Noted for it's PURITY QUAMTY CLEANLINESS A Great Appetizer, Equal to Imported Stout 01 .S the dozen I AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street