The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 18, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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A fijood hard wheat flour that goes farther
and niakcti better bread and pastry than
the kind you thought was best, Try a,
acc on your next order.
Come to Astoria's 4th of July Celebration.
A Piano Number Free With Each $5 Purchase.
5rO xr
igot vim,
The Leading Qrocars
IMS I 1 10
Bunker Hill Aniilv.rsar .
Yterlay wa th anniversary of the
jiauie 01 iiuowr jjiii a few of th
pltlwnt remaiiibeifd th data and die
ptNt flag In front of their home. ,
Victor Lonhrrg aav notlr to tit
country eourt ellMal ytrdy that
h would apply tor naturalisation Mr
on September 17. Mctnr Lonberg I a
'native of Finland. .
Train Delayed
lleraua of an accident to the
engine of a Northern Pacific f rebuilt,
which bloekd th lln, tha Sunday
tilght ). n. Jt N. train did not arris
till four hour aftr It avhedule time
yeiterday morning.
A Bad Road
- Several people a rompl.lnlng of the
terrible condition of th road over the
bill from tli rrvoir to Villinmport
Since (ha rewtt rain till ron.l ha be
come wjr narljr lmpalbU an J It
ehoutd certainly nave Immediate atten
tion. ..
A fir lrok out yesterday afternoon
at IfttM) Grand avenue which did about
$100 worth of damage. Th fir I up
pod to hr ularted from a prk from
tha flu and It rajied fiercely for a time
In tha attle and roof, but wa eventually
minium with tba hot from ho com
pany No. 3. Th hnn la tha property
of Fred Sherman and wa in th occu
pation of J. 1). Olcton. At flrt the
conflagration wa supposed to hav
originated In a wooden chimney, but
upon lamination It w found that the
wooden erection wa merely orni-
niental ami terminated at It bae on
tha roof.
To Housewives
On Wednesday port Ion of tha, edi
tlon of tha new Cook Book to b Usucd
by tha Ladie' Guild of th Grace Kpla-j
copal Church wilt be ready for ale, and
it will be a well for thoee wlio want a
copy of a really useful and carefully ar
ranged book to place tlielr order early.
On looking over the pa gee of tha Ilouk
again, It I really an exceptional treat
to aee what a very esswl'ent and flni-bed
JJob the ladiea have mal of this work,!
and a large measure of pralt i clue
to them. The Hook hnulii undoubtedly
b In every Atwian household.
An Accident
Mr. Mitchell of the Cnllondcr d.xk.
sustained what might hava ben a very
ecritm accident on Murday by the
breaking of the slip chain. A it i
Mr. .Mitchell ha to limp round with the
help of a tltk, hi ankle being very
severely wrenched, and hi whole body
clog bodily bruited, When the chain
broke Mr. Mitchell wa standing on the
clip and wa thrown on the back of hi
head, at the earn time bit left root wa
caught between the aide of the dork and
the allp.
Large shipments of Strawberries
and Gooseberries received daily
from the growers. These berries
should be canned now. Order
. at Once.
Scholfield, Mattson Co.,
Good Oooda and
For a
Johnson PI
Parlor Seoond Floor ovr
Baseball ,
Wen Arla Im t Seaside on Hiinday
hy 4 .to 8. A tbe.aeoi how the game
a riming irotn nan to nniu ami
the apeetator were kept guet.lug all
the time. It wa a thoroughly o
Kama o( ball. .
Another cae of diphtheria ha been
reporld to City Riyician Mohn. Thl
time It I the oii of Albert I'aldanu
of 12H3 Franklin avenue. Dr. Mohn took
prompt action and the boue and family
are iu it r let tjuaranllne.
Mora Batfhall
Th llidiemian and St. John had a
great game Sunday which fit John won
liy 9 io 0. ine jnniemiaii were lumii
cappd by th non arrival of three of
their , team and had to nmk up with
ubtitutet, A fin return game i ex
pected In Atoria neat Sunday.
Th Potter' Fkld-
I'he man' body which wa found on
th tide flat at Knappa Inland "n Sat
urday wa given burial on hunday. A
at th time he had no identity, and no
friend to claim him, all that could tie
don wa to bury the body In the pot
ter' Held, It I pontihle however that
now that bl probable identity be Wen
tablihd h may be accorded a de
cent funernl.
Pollca Court
Jtuljte Anderon had' U cae eonie
up liefure him in Police Court venter-
day, nine of whom bad forfeited baili
tiefora the court opened nd o only
flv plain drunk were th one
in the dock. They were each fined 15
or day In Jail and entenc wa u
pe nded owing to the fact that they had
been in jH the two day.
Body Identified
M wa reported in the Morning A-
torian of Saturday, May 23, a nin
named Lewi Henry, a Frenchman, em
ployed by the Famll Seining Company,
wa drowned th dav nefore while at
tempting to pt a tow line from hi"
row boat to a al boat which had of
fered to take him in tow. The body
recovered at Knappa Ilnd on Saturiky
taat I lmot ' certainly Identified
that of Lewi Henry, The height (5
feet 10 liu'hei) and the deerlptlon tnlly
with that of the man found. Iw
Henry hd only been worklog a couple
of day. A reward of 20 wa offered
at tlie time by fl. I. Martin, foreman of
the neiiiiiig ground, for the recovery of
tha body.
Good Service,
Ice Cream "
lonopph Go,
ftohoifleld A Mattaon Co.
IVrhnp the niut liiipurtnnt p!-( of
new to A'toria mild all of her intei
el f ahflU'vcr kind that haa recently
dcvelnpi'd, U the announcement which
"omen ruin the Chamber Of Commerce
may confer with President Howard Ki
Holt of the Northern Pacific in) hU
private eat here in Antorl next Thurs
day morning.
A numlx'r of iimtter will I taken
up directly with Mr. Klliott and threh
d out with hiin nrt-hand'd. From Mr,
Elliott them ran It no appeal and ln-
nmch a b I intereted enough in
Astoria to oiine here and personally
grant a considerable portion of hi valu
h!e time to tha uueresta of Astoria, it
mean probably, that Astoria and the
Northern Pacifie Riilrod, the Hill In
teret, may get together clo enough
to work out ome mighty problem
geeately to the interest and advantage
of both Atorla and the Northern Paci
fic '
It ii a welt known fact that the Ilar-
rimao Itallroad interest have recent
ly been getting . very large part of the
wheat and our tonnag of the North
west Into Portland. Mr. Hill Is noth
ing if not alert ami Mr. Elliott la just
a alert and just a active a hi great
chief. Hence bis visit to Astoria at
tbl time most likely mean that As
toria may look forward to auch ifft
portanti Improvement a tha bet of
terminal and belt railroad facilities;
wheat elevator and freight ware-
Jiuusesj common point wheat and grain
rate; and co-operation In her great un
dertaking to build a eawall along the
river front and to level down the hill
no a to All in tha piled part of the.
city to a ground level. It I not proba
ble that thi undertaking can be done
in any other manner than through a
bond lue but It la not yet opportunfc
perhap to discuss this big proposition
too much in detail
Traveling Freight and Passenger
Agent Bpringer of tha Hill Road a wa
In Astoria Iat Friday and talked over
a number of the detail preparatory to
the visit of President Elliott. A telev
grem waa received lat night by Man
ager Whyte from President Elliott fay
ing that he would be in Astoria Thurs
day morning at . which time be would
grant the Interview and give time and
attention aufflcient to diacusa number
of important detail.
Whit. It I of coitr. Impossible to
y what tba retult of thi meeting
may be, yet It seem that nothing but
good can coma of It and that it may
prove the most Important event In re
cent year so far a the commercial In
tereste of Atork are concerned.
The immigration department in As
toria yesterday . received a circular let
ter from the head office which give no
tice of a new regulation to be. put In
force, In the Immigration department'
and which affect the Chinese immi
grants into this country and to a cer
tain extent modifies the present regula
tion ' in force with regard to the
Chinese exclusion act. The letter not!
lie the inspector that In the future at
tha examination of Chinese immigrant,
counsel for I He immigrant and an in
terpreter approved by counsel shall bOj
allowed to be present, Neither counsel
nor interpreter will be allowed to take
iny pint in the proceedings they will
merely hold a watching bnet so to
speak. Hut if at any time there shall
be any dispute a to the correct con
struction on the part of the court in
terpreter of Chinese phrase arid idioma
at the examination, the Chinaman in
terpret or may, on an appeal being tak
en, give his interpretation of the phrases
or idioms in dispute, and a tmrd inter
preter approved by the court shall be
arbiter of the matter. Tina gives tin
ncse Immigrants a right they never had
Jennings Brothers Arrive
Luke, and Andy Jcnning, the two
brother of the man who waa shot on
board the Alliance Friday morning, were
in town Sunday. - rney viewed tue re
mains of their brother and after finding
that it waa too lute for them to be of
any use they iwturned by the night
train home. ' Both brothers expressed
the opinion that Clove Jennings had
been a very quiet, peacable man, and
that theyad never expected him to get
into any sort of troubles They were
Anxious to attend the funevnl at North
Bend, but owing to the uncertainty as
1 ..Inn till., tnl-A YslnA thftV
had no choice but to go home, as theb .
had left their buainess at Gold Hill!
without anyone to take cluirge. J
Not only because they are called Xtragood,
But because they ARE "Xtragood"
Made better than the other kinds
Cost no more than poorer clothes
You cant I00K
Thoma A. Allison wa over from
Cathlamet yesterday.
Frank Scott of eicaside wa in town
yesterday on butum".
. Charlea Yicktroai of t'ortianj was a
visitor in Astoria yesterday.
District Attorney Hedge is in town
attending the eession of the Circuit
Sfr. .Tame Welch ha a a visitor at
present, her eister, Mm. John .Clark of
Mand City. -
Mr. Smith tlie proprietors of the
Sferwyn wa taken to St. Mary Ho,
pital yesterday.
IV. J. White arrived iri" the. city yes
terday. Mr. White repreaenta the Pa
cific Paper Company and is here on
Miss Jennie Kilinan, niece' of Mr
McGregor of. the AIaka Packers' Asso
ciation and also employed by him as his
stenographer sailed by the Columbia on a
San Francisco trip for a month. Her
place has been taken in the mterim by
Mim Leahy. ,
Buying Launches
It is a noteworthy .fact that a great
number of ranchers who have their
holding near the river are buying mo
tor launches. Almost every day an
other name is added to the list of those
who are possessors of these useful little
craft. Many farmer are thus enabled
to bring their own produce to town and
at the same time to give tlicir neighbors
a "ft. in this connection H is a fair
finest ion to ak why the city does not
nmintuin a public slip, at the foot of
some one street, in sufficiently deep
water for the craft to ride in safety. ' As
it U many of such craft coming in to
town have to tie up where they may,
and frequently at places where, at low
tide they go aground and are liable to
sustain damage. A public slip of this
kind, would soon pay for itself and
maintain a man to look after the boats,
to prevent robbery, and fouling of the
craft at change of tide, were but a
small dockage charge made.
Fairbank'a Banquet.
All citizens desirinsr to attend tlie
banquet to be given in honor of Vice
President Fairbanks at the Hotel Moow
on Monday evening, July 15, under the
direction of the Chamber of Commerce.
are requested to signify their intention
by calling upon Manager John H. Whyte
in the Odd Fellows' building and sign
ing tha list. The number nf ulaces at
the banquet is limited and it is urged
that those who intend to be present
should sign up at once.
, . o-i8-et
Snap and trim,
Clothes have
Made him
Jaunty Jim!
Better than
breakfast foods
is a cool, fresh
"There really h a
XtraXjood Clothes
to $30
foolish when you wear a Wise Suit.
A Fortunate Texas
Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis
street, Dalia, Texas, aay: "In the
past year I have become acquainted
with Dr. King's New Life Pills, and ao
laxative I ever before tried ao effect
ually disposes of malaria and bilious
ness. They don't grind nor grip- 25c
at Charles Roger Drug Store.
A man who i In perfect health, ao he
tan do an honest day work when neces
sary, baa much for which he should be
thankful. Mr. L. C. Hodgers, of Branch
ton, Pa., write that he was not only
unable to work, but he couldn't stoop
over to tie bis own shoes. Six bottles
of Foley's Kidney Cure made a new man
of him. He say, "Success to Foley's
Kidney Cure." T. F. Laurin, Owl Drag
It make all the difference In the
world to the convivial man where, and
what, he drinks. Most men dealre
beauty and cleanliness, and handsome
appointments In the saloon they pat
ronise regularly, aa well aa the essen
tial pre-requisitc of genuine wines and
liquor that are served to them. And
these thing are ao particularly and
; j Wherity, Ralston Q Company
Astoria's Best
properly coaaplcnoue at Otto Sund
eletraot resort the Commercial, at Ko,
SOt on the atneet of thai name that
they account thoroughly for the fixed
and splendid cuaom he enjoya. There
I nothing allowed to paaa hla counter
but the best and choicest In every de
partment of indulgence, and the car
vice behind It all, la the moat pleasing
and satisfying in th city.'
Ice Cream...,
Made from Pure Sweet
Cream, 30c. Quart.
Whipped Cream
25 Cents a Quart '
AT :
483 Commercial St
k IrA)
Shoe Store