The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 18, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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mm44ammmmmH :
(Continued frum peg .)
iTiat th fai iiirrt nl rifviiif g.'ljT-ITiU
per pound mr their butter fnt. Thl
8 cent a pound and morn than th price
pm one year (go. 1 m tu0 infurnivJ
by the concern that they ara unabl
to get all of th milk and warn thy
delr, and that for thlt rnn they
had refused many order for th Hoiiml
iiuc mal for tli Alaska trad. And
upon further Inquiry I found thai the
butter that wa going through HeatUe
to Alnk mm mttnnli'turil In th
state of tha Mlddla Wet, and unon
fend ranging from on hundred to on
hundred and fifty dollar an arr, and
m a cilmal wher mid and wintry
wlhr prevail from lx to seven
montli In tit year, and wher tha (t
of feed. rut naraaurlty t far greater
man tn wiw oiimat of ti itat.
And m wa look forward Into tha future
and real! tha wonderful development,
t.ot only In our cltle war homa, but
for thousand of nll along the Alaska
rnat and then Uk Into conttdaralbn
tha Uland of th , which already
art drawing upon tt to a considerable
extent for our dairy prndurti and then
romlder the Orient where million upon
. million of people r becoming edueat
. d to, tha neelty of dairy product!
.Hen," and not then an yon omprbnd
J tha poMlbllltlc of dairying along tlili
coa-t. Nor I that all. Whan tha mar
ket of Alaka and of tha Inland of tha
ai and tha Oriental emmtrle have
, Iwfn awppHrd you hav yet tha eltin
of tha East with their million of pnnu
latlon. that must rwlva their aupplla
from Motawnara. I am eonfUleul that
tha lima wilt cow whn with our cheap
land favorable rilmate and map rail
road rata, our butt and rhee will
find a market la Saw York, I'MladalphL
. and Tloston, ;; : :.-'" 1
"What ha been aald about tha upjly
and demand of th dairy Indue ry In
general will apply with equal fore to
th poilbllltle of avaporatad or con
densed milk. In order to show what
haa bean don In thlt Una I will go lark
flva year, at which Urn thcra w not
a ran of condensed milk put In thl
atata, but that wa Imported bar from
th dairy awtlona of tit wt and frum
California. Tint about tlmt tltna. and
after two or three year of hard work
tha IVlfla Cot OVndewed Milk Com-
pny concluded to put a plant at Forwt
(irova, Wellington county. Tha mot
that wa expected at that tim wa that
thay would Ktipply tha boiua markat. In
rliitling 1h Alaka trade, and pcmtiMy
out to th Orient, Today v find thl
company ba frrown and aapamlad, and
enlarged until It now own fir large
ronlenlng plant, Two la Dragon and
tbrea In Vhlngton. And tha mot
urprilti2 part of It I the fact that
tbey are able to pay hlglwr prk for
their milk her than In paid In th dairy
aectlon of the went, and yt TurnUh
that market with th (Inuhed proilurt,
and their deair tdy la not for uiore
, market, but for mora milk to aupply th
market which they already bavt, and
which tbey ha la the Mlddla and
Falara State, and all through tha
South aa wall a California and Alaska.
And large order from- the liland and
th Orient. Thlt company I today tak
ing In at their fuel or If In Hllloboro and
Foret flror 130,000 pound of milk
dally, and for thl th farmer within
fadlua of a few mile of the two fae
torle will nwlva In round number
fM)0,000 tbl year, to ay nothing of th
army of men, women and children who
find employment at thane factorla
throughout tha entire year. And thl
not 1L The farm upon which thl
much I produced ar growing richer
and mora valuable year by year and
k will continue to do to a long aa dairy
ing; I practiced, Ind that could bavt
bVen bought In tha traction Ave yeara
ago for VM) an acre now readily aell
for three time that amount.
"A to tha beat method for co-operation
to 1 to apeedlly cttlo the dairy
bind I would aay 'co-operata. It the
merchant and tha mannfaura and the
bnnker and the bulne Ihtereitt co
operate with th farmer. Orgonia the
f inner, get them Interested. 111 upon
the Oregon Agrlculturnl College for a
farmer and 1 dairymen' meetlnpf. f!et
the knowledge which they have been ac
cumulating for car, Aak them to
bring to you men who have bad year
of experience In dairying and hve made
a aiicccn of the buslnem, and get the
benefit of that experience. See that your
Ywi&$ Menu My
Most every one of you are anxious to be aoniebody and have something in this world but vou don't see how vtm
afal hA
. w ivu6 wu Diuttu vAiuy. xiuocb toojt aiscouraging aoes'nt til But listen, do you know that
most of our most prominent meu today were at onetime in just such a place as you are? How did they get it? Not bv
working on a salary all their lives but by taking as much of their early salary as they could spare and investing it
where it would pile up money for them and almost before they knew it they had a good start, hence a good finish
You say you dont make enough salary to have any to invest. Say you make $50.00 per mouth, you can live nicely and
wear good clothes on 40. anv of vou. but at the end of the month i
oviaitu yuui ueau
- j - i , , , , , , j w b " jvu otvp U1U
uu uuuh .wucrc 1 gune. une ming certain u cas gone somewtiere. Would'nt it be better for you at the end of
v vuiu mi wc uuic io Bay, wcu my is gone iusi as it was oetore but flU.W of it went toward payinjr for mv
lot and in a few months I'll have it paid for?" rf 6 , y
" u VlV ProPositioa exactly young man. It beats putting money in the bank because you can't draw it out and
besides it is paying you about 60 per cent, increase instead of 3 per cent. - . v , . , . '
. "... v. t . '. ; , . .....
' . f , t b " " ' ' ' f ' ! '
The above cut sriows n tract n( fc!tis nmrA- n dmij t. .it; . : .
- v ,;; . " v-vv. f-ivivu; i x uiwauu wuitu wc aic seumg on terms mat anyyoung man can
-i riu y y ru BnQ iU monm Ior tnese lots and whUe ytt are PayinS them they are increasing in
value. The prices are from J
$500.00 OT $650.00
each which includes all street improvements, cement side walks and curbs, Bull Run water, etc., all paid for. These lots
if??5!' PrCSCnt PriC" b 0QC year Dn,t pUt lt ff yun ComePsee us and we will
explain more in detail, ",.. . .
Astoria Saving Bank Building, Astoria. h CouchBuildin Portland
44t , till Ml HtmHrtrfMt H Ill I aaaal
farmer who are taking an intewtt In
(lie Uiiiry iiiilimtry end supplied with ail
the literature ponible on tho ubjct.
If they are not ubcriueri to the dairy
paper ee that they are, even if thi
body ha to uberlbe and par for them.
Talk dairying in aeaon and out of aea
on, and at all time. Have noma ban
ner hung where everyone coming Into
the city ran e thorn, with thi tnte-
ini-nti 'ClaUop county l deatined to
become th gretci(t dairy trtion in the
world.' Have printed upon your Cham
ber of Commerce lfltterbead and else
where i 'Watch our dairy Industry
grow.' Ami you will ba tunrlied at the
interest thnt will be ahown, and thnt In
Happy Colors
Ton know that there are colors which signify aadnesa, other which
Indicate happiness but do you ever itop to think how often people are
ill You know that children and flower thrive beat In
I J V ! Jl the sunshine. Why not haVe more tunshtna In your
home, then why not lot ua ahow you how to get
i tho walla by using
t urn. ii x w
:m w mum
i -'.or i !. -y .' J I 1 W
i ; I III . AK
w r a i""'.. ' m mm mam m
OKt SanitairWallCbating
Bv havinor vour walls decorated
" with Alabastine you will make
able, more sanitary, and will
make your home a more cheer
ful place to live in. Let ua show
you how easy and economical
Alabastine is, and how the dif
ferent tints and stenciled de
signs can be combined to pro
duce "exactly tneeneci
J vou want." a
W will pmr to too tliat AlttM.
ttne 1 uprlnr tn every other wall cot
ilutr, U you 1U lv b u opportunity,
a hort time.
"This brine us down to the bis num.
bor, the uggcation that will be helpful
io Duiuung up tli dairy tnduatry. The
nrt rwinlsite I cow, the next more
(w, and then more cow. Then come
jjood cow, and then better cow, and
men th best coat. Thi oriranization
i'an be helpful in brhiiiinB thi about. If
you know of any one who is anxious
to get more cow or better cow, helu
him to jjet them j let him have Che
money if necewary. A jeood cow I the
bet tecurity lu the world. A cood cow.
the right kind of a xow, will pnv for
herself in three or four month, Start
in by supplying your own city with all
of her dairy products i when this i
lone produ for outside , markets.
Remember that every dollar brought in
trom the sale of diitry products U new
money and that unlike other industries.
you are not robbing the soil but are all
valuable and that you are really selling
sunatunc and water, for these arc the
element thnt produce the feed from
which butter and cheese are mades
"In order that you may have a com
prehensive idea a possible of what can
be done in dairying I will ahow you
what has been done in one of the great
est dairy countries in the world, and
then I am done:
"It is claimed that Holland ha 324
cows on each 100 acre of cleared land
or three and one-fourth cows to the
acre, and that the average production
of these cowa la 0000. pounds each of
milk per year, or 13,503, quarts j that
at yie present retail price of milk here
would maun ?li8.15 per year for each
and every year. This amount of milk
reduced to butter fat and sold at whole
sale at the average price of butter for
the yee, would amount to $280.50. The
skimmed milk which would be left on
the farm to raise calve and pigs would
be worth $00 more, milking a total of
in this way. Now, it will not take
much of a financier to calculate what
bind is worth, bringing in a revenue
like thig; but it would take some figur
ing to reckon the difference between
what these land of Clatsop county are
wonn now under the present system
ami what they will be when tbey have
reached the high state of cultivation
which dairying has made possible in
JOHN FOX, President
F. Xa BISHOP, Secretary.
Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and gupt.
Remarkable Result of Treatment With a
Doctor' New Prescription.
f Designers and Mansfactarers 01
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
. . Complete Cannery Ouuits Furnished. '
Foot of f ourtl) fttreer
,in.A- -as.. ' ! ' . . ..
" irewuji eczema ana similar
diseases with that mild, soothing liquid.
u. u. u, rrescription, you avoid the
gressiness of salves and the distress of
dosing your stomach with chemicals
that can have no effect whatever on the
skin. . '
Thousands of letter from patients
who have been cured show their happi
ness In finding remedy that strikes atj
the root of skin disease kills the
germs. A few drops of D. D. D. Pre
scription gives instant relief. Then
gradually the skin .is cleansed and
finally no trace of the disease is left.
"I can recommend your D. D. D. D.
aa a complete cure for skin diseases,"
writes Luther A. Carson, of Level Road,
Ala. "It cured me in ten davs.
This remedy can be had at Charles
Rogers drug store.
of your Itch today. ,
The " come and go" feelings that you
eperienoe after taking Hollister'a Rocky
Mountain .Tea is simply wondurful.
Drugs increase your weakness. This
remedy does the business. 35 cents, Tea
Star Brewery Special Drew
Noted for it's
A Great Appetizer, Equal to Imported Stout
Ol'B the dozen
589 Commercial Street
$340,50 per year for each nore farmed
or tablets.