The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 16, 1907, FIRST SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    ZZZ ... nMMAr0nrE01SS10W , ,
1 Our Store News
Contains a lot of brief but interesting fashion notes
on Ladies' Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Gloves,
Ladies' Suits and Jackets and the New Summer
Silk Waists and Skirts. v
Tailored Suits
The display nas receivea your uusumw
Never was encomium so worthily bestowed. We've
assembled all current styles by the most direct' and
economical process. Our care and . capacity profit
you. Useless to attempt a description of styles and
values that abound in our store. " Just two random:
items indicate the character of our offerings.
Price and Quality
At JalofTs - 120 llth Street
Un i ii n n i i
regular meeting called early
tomorrow evesihg mr. j. w.
bailey to lecture ok dairy-
. img. .-
The regular meeting of the Chamber
of Commerce wjil be held In the Cham
bers at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow evening
so that business may be speedily tran
sacted and everything may be put in
readiness for the lecture to be delivered
at 8:30 o'clock In the main assembly
room on the third floor of the Odd Fel
lows' Building by State Dairy Commis
. sioner J. W. Bailey.
Sir. Bailey wrote yesterday that he
would reach" the city this evening as he
desired to have the full day tomorrow in
which to straighten out a number of
bn-iness matters, with relation to the
dairying business generally before lec
turing tomorrow night ; ,
Those who attend the business meet
ing of the Chamber will have an oppor
tunity to hear of some important busi
ness matters that must be transacted as
quickly as possible in getting ready for
the lecture. A general invitation to
the lecture is extended to the public
and ladies are cordially invited.
The list for the Vice-Presidential
banquet which was opened yeterday
morning in the Chambers, was signed up
bv the 28 people during the day, which
shows that the 150 plates .including
the number of guests, specially invited
about 40, will probably be taken during
the next few days. Meanwhile those
who wish places reserved should either
go to the Chamber and personally sign
the list or send a written request to the
Chamber asking foi reservation, as
the first to sign will be considered the
lists of eligible! for the banquet which
is to be given to Vice-President Fair
banks on the night of July 15.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. M. Stevens, steward of the
steamer Telegraph, desires very grate
fully to tended his thanks to all the
- kind-hearted people of Astoria who so
generously gave him their time and
thoughtful attention while be wa re
cently lying sick at St. Mary's Hos
pital and especially is he indebted to
the nurses and attendants of that in
stitution for their care of him. Mr.
Stevens it glad to say he is well and
about again.
We Carry Flags from 10c. to J20.00
and Decorations of All Kinds.
. i
14th and Commercial Sts., Near Foard & Stokes, Astoria, Oregon
I Ladies This
That will interest you. My entire stock. of
trimmed hats must be sold. Trimmed hats '
from $1.00 to $7.00, nothing higher, nothing
lower. Remember the place. ;
"XtLlng. Mrs. Minnie Petersen.' f
for This Week !
X i
' Mt
Many Clever Writer Who Have De
ceived the World.
Clever literary Impostors who have
deceived the world are numerous.
uamciu teamen, a ncapoiiuin genue-
man and scnoiar, woue connnea to nis
room for a long period of years by 111
sees amused himself by writing an to
count of an Imaginary voyage round
the world. When the volume wa pub-
iteoeu, it -was taaen as a raci even ny
learned people.
The detailed account of a trip to
China which la credited to Do Iialdo
Is another literary hoax. The author
had never seen China and had been
rancour viever u
solely from the memoirs of Chinese
It Is remarkable, though no less s
fact, that "Gulliver's Travels" was -thought
to be a true narrative when It
first appeared, and the famous story of
Damberger-s travels was likewise a
i j- . .
f. ' fc ,,,-,
A arlllas, the French historian, enjoy-
' ed a wide reputation as a chronicler of
events, but later It was discovered that '.
bis works were purely fakes. The vol-
umea of this writer resemble those of IN THE CITY CHURCHE.
Gregorlo KeU, who, In order to keep .&SS
himself from starving, appended the j
most unheard of Incidents to English " Presbyteriaa
history as it was known. j The pastor will preach both morning
One of the most daring impostures (nd evenitl(? Subj( of sermons, -Walk-on
record is that of Joseph Ulla of , ad Kot Wearying," "His Wit-
Sicily. He said that he discovered sev
enteen of the lost books of LIvy In
Arabic. He then set to work and
wrote a translation from his fancy,
which was printed. After his death
the fraud was discovered. Before bis
death, however, he fell under suspl-
cion and was condemned to Imprison -
ment . , . r .
There a,re countless cases of authors
selling their names to be put on works
they have rftver read. Sir John Hill
once contracted to translate a Dutch
book. After the agreement he remem-
bered that be did not know a word of
Dutch. He then bargained with an-
other translator to do the work for
hnlf the price he was to receive.
Granite, the Bedrock of the Earth,
Granite Is the bedrock of the world,
It, is the lowest rock in the earth's
crust and shows no signs of animal
life. It Is from two to ten times as
thick as all the other layers of rocks
combined. No evidences of life of ei
ther animal or vegetable are apparent
In trranlte. The presence of lime is
dueto anima life Some scientists as-
aar th. .11 fho llmo In tha wnr it hna '
sert that all the lime In the world baa
at some time been a part of some an!
mat This Includes htunan beings.
Fourth of July.
You Want Fire Works to Cel
ebrate at Home.
We carry, a big stock of fireworks and can
supply your wants, big and small,
at lowest prices.
is Something
PARTY. , ,
YesterJar afternoon and evening the
voung ladies Of Mrs, ,1, E. FerjruWs
Sundav school class of the First Metho
Xfdist Church held mot delightful so-
rial function in the lecture room of the
'church. A rose festival was the desijr
nation of this charming event. And in
vert truth it was a festival of the most
f beautiful bloom for which Oregon
i famed far and wide, Roses of every
shade and color surrounded the room in
all their luxuriant beauty, Enormous
full blooom red and crimson blossoms,
dainty pink and yellow buds, and fair
white blooms were everywhere in ahuml
'ance. Arranced most skilfully and last
fully in great arches spanning Hie tables
with huge bowls of splendid specimens
beneath each arch, the .room was indeed
picture. A picture to relieve the eyes,
to comfort and eooth the tired and
weary. Nature's best gifts in rich
profusion, indeed, made the room was
paradise to rest in. And the scent, the
delicate subtle odor of the (lowers one
became conscious of it before the build
ing was ever entered. , Truthfully t'was
sweeny preuy signu toe piiv oi n
. t i sta a 14.
, one w eldom has the opportunity to
enjoy t. As to the arrangement, they
ww 11. clever, and the idea of eegre
.tin- different colors lent tin
mtnity to the effeefTve appairanee of
th Rt. tnd mmn flowers
Wfre on 0M iahk inki on ino(hri -i
ftn . lh,ri on , tourth whit. ml
6 en through the chromatic scale. The
affair was given to aid th church, and
a notable success it mut nave been, no
greater however titan it deserved.
The poor reporter from the Astortan
f d fci ,f j quftadary, being ak-
t w(e f J m ttkHm
Having scandalously and openly e-
jcepted a bud of a tieautifut flower from
each competitor, he declined to vote,
nJ n
hwt of all were the charming
young bowers of "sweet sixteen" who so
shamelessly endeavored to influence his
. . . '
nesses." Sunday school, 12:15; Y. P.
C. E, 7:00. All are invited. Wm.
Gilbert, pastor.
First Lutheran Synod.
At the First Lutheran Synod Church,
; : as ioiiows: jjommg
"English servkea in the evening at 8:00
o'clock; Sunday school meets at 9:30
a. m. Thco. P. Naste, pastor,
i -"
Iforwegian-Danish M. E. ,
J The Norwegian and Danish M. E.
Church, Thirty-seventh and Duane Sts.
The Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock,
( Every child is aked to bring aa offerin
: to the children's day fund. Preaching at
111 morning and 8 evening by the pas-
tor. Every ThurMay night a short
'gerinou and prayer meeting. The Scan-
dinavian people who have no other
church home, are heartily invited to our
services. Elias Gjerding, pastor.
Christian Science.
Services will lie held at 634 Grand
avenue, Sunday, at 10 a. m., subject,
UT iL. fTH!..Ai Tn1.iJ!nn Hah TTVrtll.
j n , t4
Morning service at 11 o'clock, sub
ject, "People Who Are Too Busy."
Evening service at 8 o'clock, subject,
"The DeviL" Sunday school at 12:20;
Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m.j midweek meet,
ing at s p .m., Wednesday. As a church
ws invite you, and followers of Jesus
we want you to share with us in all
these services, unless you are already
attending some other church. G. E.
Moorehouse, Ph. D pastor.
First M. E.
Sunday at the Methodit Church will
be an unusually interesting day. At 11
a. m. the children of the Sunday school
will have charge and will have a rally
and observe "Children's Day." At 8
p. m. a sermon on the subject, "Unsafe
Lifeboats," will be delivered. All who
can crowd in should be present at both
services. Strangers in the city are in
vited to attend. Seats are free. All
will find a warm welcome. Other serv
ices; Class meeting at 10:13 a. ,m.;
Sunday school at 12:15, Epworth League
at 7 p. m., Midweek service at 8 p. m.,
Wednesday. "C. C. Earick, pastor.
First Lutheran.
Services at the First Lutheran Church
today as follows: Sunday school, 9:30
a .m.; also at the same hour in the
German Lutheran Church on Grand ave
nue. No other services.
Baptist. t .
The regular morning meeting service
will be held preceded by the Sunday
school. At 8 p. m. children's day exer
cises will be held to which especially the
parents and friends of the children are
x in which the profit is yours. A nobby line of
$3.50 Hats for : $2.50
'Canadian Rockies.
Through the llocky Mountains via the
Canadian I'acinc route Is an ideal trip.
The entire mountain trip can be made
by daylight. Nothing better. Double
daily train service. Apply at local
office for full particulars, James Finlay
on, agent.
The Mickelodian
The Xiekelodian changes Its bill again
today and has some excellent films to
display to its patrons. At each show
it has been the custom to render an
illustrated song, this innovation will
continue and the one for today will be
"Songs My Mother Ued To Sing." The
films are two of the best that tlie
Xickelodian has had since its opening,
they are bothvon the serio comic order
and are named "Wanted: Another Con
stable" and "A Nervous Kitchen Mni.l."
The first depicts the chase after an In
dia rubber baloon made to represent the
form of a man and which mystifies the
Gens d'armes who call out the Are depart,
ment to aid in its capture. The second
is a few of the troubles that the aver
age householder has put up with from
the kitchen servants.
Oliver typewriters and automatic
stenographers at A. R. Cyrus, 424
Commercial street . tt
Columbia and Victor rraphophones
and latest records at 424 Commercial
street A. R. Cyrus. tf.
For the sake of justice to the
afflicted and for the good of humanity,
it Is my right and duty to recommend
Holllster's Rocky "Mountain Tea. W
owe our country and our fellowmen a
duty. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Frank
Hart. '
Tl 1 I
Base Ball
- vs.
Sunday, June 15th.
Game Called 2:30 at
A. F. & S. Grounds
Admission, ijc.
Any mtn who wears ;
Hart, Schafmer $ Marx
Suit will get the verdict
of being perfectly dressed
"Uncommon Gothcs."
Panama hats cleaned ana blocked.
Leave them wltb Dell Skully.
Talking Machines. f
Subscribe for th Dally or Weekly
Astorlan and get a Oraphophone on
small weekly payments. Call on A. R.
Cyrus, 42 Commercial atreet for par
ticulars. If a man knows anything of bis own
anatomy be must be aware (bat bis
stomach Is a magnificent organ and
entitled to the utmost consideration;
knowing that be will sat at the Palace
when he can conserve Its safety and
comfort, by sating only the hat
cooked, best served and moat compen
sating meal In the city of Astoria,
day, ornifht. It I always the sam,
and the Palace hablf is on that pays
to acquirs. Arthur Bmlth la a mas
ter pf th art of preparation and ser
vice, of alt things edible.
Golden Osk
Rug filler and bird cages now In.
Rlldebrand A Oor,
Just Received
The secret of making good pictures
Is In baring the best materials to
work with. Hart's drug store have
Just received a fresh supply of films
and film-packs, so get In the game
and do It right
High Grade
Most people want Quality as well as
Prices. You can buy at our store, at the
Lowest Prices all kinds of Grocer
ies, also get the Quality.
521 Cismmercial Street
Phone Main 81
t Th tlttbj Psep!.
Evsry parent In this city should in
vestigate, at ones, the new and ap
preciable sho for the youngsters, at
Charles V. Brown'a Commercial strt
houss. They ars called tha tt O.
Bouffer" and are tha vary epitome of
good wear and real comfort They
sr. going like wlld-f r and tha kids
themselves ar after them because
they look so "comfy."
Ssva Your Slips
Whether you buy 10 cents or a dol
lar's worth In Wise's clothing store
sava your slips, and when you have $&
worth you get a Piano number free.
Be sursNand ask for your number for
the nszt danos and fclano contest for
Wise's customers.
Remsval If otic. '
Dr. J, A. Fulton has moved bis offices
from ths Star thetter building to tha
new Astoria Savings Bank building, 3rd
floor, where bs will be found from now
on. , 8-30-SOt.
Removal Jfotiot.
Dr. O. B. Estes has moved his offices
from 480 Commercial street to tba new
Astoria Savings Bank building, 3rd
floor, where he will bs found from now
on. S-30-10t