THE M011NING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA - OREGON. TUESDAY, JURE ji, 1907. 4 4 A AAA AAAAJkAAA iTTffTfffTfTTl Fisher Bros. Company j Sole Agents for Barbour's and Finlayson's Salmon Twine and Netting I Hardware, Iron, Steel and Ship Chand- I lery. Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Brass I J ; Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Hardwood t Groceries A Complete Line of Fishing, Cannery Logger and Mill Supplies 1 Fisher Bros. Co. 616-550 Bond Street f Astoria, - - Oregon ttH mil MIIIMt mi 3 SCO! BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS AHTOKIA, OltF.OON " IRCH (AND BRASS FOUNDERS1 LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS ltnU H Mill Machine!, From pi attention given to at. repair wort 18th and Franklin Ave. ..... j . . " Tel. Main Hl WPererPatnrcr aaVS fwhenpamtpeelaoff and looks dead its a X Tease of Sun stroke. Paftons unPiooiPttim M waa never known f 0 k&m overcome by the Sun . ': tfetbui'aAiiii.Pmnf Paint MmwMBta the oolv true prlnolp) of aolenUUs palnwnakln. eomblnliiff th iiihiMt dufrM of txtkutr with tha vreateat oovaHnf and durahmt. It dix not km tta lUiLra. ' i)."(M U doea not pmL oraolt or oh&lk ofl. j vdr' AlrJ Sand lor book anl color card (rr to Paw ylA Jjjj ppa PAWt Co.. UK Street, MUweukae, Wl. s- Allen Wall Paper Paint Company ' , Sole Agents; Panama is Overshadowed By the Reclaiming of an Empire 11th &Bond Sts., Astoria, Oregon ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOBN FOX. President P. L. BISHOP, Secretary. Nolaon Troyer, Vlce-Pre. and Supt. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANfjJ. Trsaa. ., Designers and Manvfactarers oi j THE LATEdT IMPROVED Canning Machinery Marine. Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits FurnlsfvJ. CORRESPONDENCE 'SOLICITED, Foot of Fourth Street! i STEEL & EWART ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS In Business for Business and Toar Satisfaction. Ve make it our aim to do first class work at reasonable prices. 222 Twelfth Street. , Next to the Astoria Theatre. CONSTANTLY In the lima light of public at tent Ion, tha Panama Canal baa received mora gratul- tout aavrruning in nwpaira and iimg.lm tbno any other modem ntf rrl. Column after col umn 1m brim devoted to tha mtnes of tha work ta be pwformrd, Ilia great ptiKlnwrlng oliotaclca to ba ovarcoma, the anoiinoiii xMnlitura of money In-voK'i-il to fimyWi tha dlUh, and It flnanelal and ?iininerll iinportaiica to when completed. In the brltf period ilnra tha work wn begun tha country ha been acraped a if with a fine tooth comb for tha mot capable engineer to conduct the construction and change in nianaip rnenti bara been, mado ; with utaKlitiK and amazing rapidity. j Meantime, without the ostentation of pectacular newepapcr headline, the redemption of a vat empire in the West under the niajjio tonch. of irrlgatioa i well under way to a marvelou conc iliation, Involving an expenae of about 11,800,000,000. aevan time ; the eitlma ted wt of the 1'nnama Canal, Not only tlila, biit la the neeary excava tion work, the total when the twenty U projtcta now approved ar comple- Ud will lie many time more than the 133,000,000 cuble yarda refjulred for the Panama .Canal Up to the pient time h excavation work of the Reclamation Service amount to 13,000,000 cubic yard. And in varh-ty and difficulty the engineering problem encountered In reclamation work ar by no. mean econd to thoae upon which o many roputation have bees wrecked at tb Isthniu. v Orerahadow the Canal And In commercial, financial, and In duttrlal importance tha reclamation of the arid Wot far ovemhadow the propbecle of aven the nwt entbmia- tlo of the canal advocate. Taking the value of Irrigated land at $47, according to the but ceueu, although it frequent ly reacbe $1,000 an acre, when the work of redemption la completed the taxa ble property of the country will be In- waned to $2,350,000,000, and new home for 600,000 fara-ilie on farm and adja cent village and town will be provi ded. The twenty-ix approved project for which fund are now provided will add ot the crop-producing area of the sountry a dUtrlct equal in U to Con necticut, New Hampshire, Maachuielt and Florida. Thi alone will increae the yearly value of crop by about 00, 000,000, and add 1232,000,000 to the tax ble property of the country. A summary of the work done by tlie Reclamation Service up to the preent time make the digging of the Panama nantial nrwurd which hi engineering ablUtio would bring hint b private life, content with th imall government alary and the enduring monument to hi memory which h i creating in the W t't. lie carrie th detail of tb rait work under hia charge at the tip of hi ftngera, A newspaper crrrejKindent recently bad occasion to ak bim about the progre of the work on a minor project in Montana, Without a mo ment' hesitation, without referring to a tingle report, or calling for clerk or paper, Mr, Newell ttated tha number of cubic yard of excavation, tha number of men employed, the detail of the en gineering problem encountered, with a much circumtance aa if be bad been the fiibprojcct engineer inxtead of the chief engineer, of the aervke. It i tbb imtiitery of infinite detail that urpried the member of the Congreiotuil com milta at a recent hearing on the appro priation for reclamation work. A Long lucky Fight Mi". Newell wa born In Bradford, Pa., March 5, 1802. He wa graduated ill the engineering courie at the Maaa athuett IriMtatuU of Technology, in 1885, and biter took a pout graduate courae. Immediately after completing hi oure he began profeonl work in Colorado. Hure h came into direct contact with practical irrigation work upon a large acale. Ill atay in Colo rado left deep and Luting impreuion which wa reponib!e for hia accepting minor poaition at hydraulic engineer in tha Federal irrigation urvey of 1888 Tha formative atage of tbl new work gave bim an excellent field for tha ex ercie and development of hia capacity for organization and . administration. Throughout all the vicuitude which th new bureau paed he never wavered in bi purpose of doing everything tho roughly, a trait which haa bad much to do with hi aucce. ' . Tha irrigation turvey bad but i hort lease of life at tbl .time, aa Con grvu failed to recognize it importance and neglected to nuke an appropna tion for the work after 1890. Author ity, however, waa granter to continue the meaaurment of atreama and the aa lection and aurvey of reservoir sites. Thi work waa placed directly under the charge oi Mr. Newell. , Firmly believing that reclamation for tha Federal government mut ultimate iy be undertaken, Mr. Newell for eight een year devoted all hi kill and ener uie to the work of acquiring informa tion concerning the resource and need of the rid Weat. Aa a result he ha first band information relative to eve- TIRED AIIO SICK YET MOST WORK "Mm may work from net to un Dot woman a mn t- a Iimi that homai netat and pretty, tha children wall dreaaed and tidy, woman overdo and oftan auffer in allenoa, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to bare help to overcome tha palna and achaa whloh dally make Ufa a burden. , It ia to tb woman that Lydl E. Pinkham's VegeUbla Compound, mada from native root and herbs. eomeaaa.blaaaing. When tha nptr- fi AUG. LYON tta are oopraaaaxt, in " 7 , . aohaa, there are drsgging-dowa patna, Berroaanaaa, altwplaaarieca, and reluctanos t go, Umm are only symptoms which nnlaaa heeded, art aoon followed bj tha worst forma of Female Complaints. LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound keep tha feminine rganiam Ina strong aad healthy cendltkm. Itaoras Inflammation, Uloeratkm. displacement, and organ l troribla. Ia preparing for child-birth and to carry women safely through the Changs of Life it is most efficient J , Mrs. Augnstoa Lyon, ot East Earl, Pa.. write- Dear Mr . Plnk-ham:-"For a long time I suffered from female trouble and had ailklnde of aches and pains la tha lower part -of back and aides. I mld not eleep and had no appetite. Since taking Lydia E. Plnkham Vegetable Compound and following the advice which yon gars me I feel Uka a new woman aad I e&nnot pralae your medicine too highly. Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are torited to writ Mrs Hnkham, at Ljma. Mass. Oot of bar ' perlence she proUWy haa the verr knowledge that will help yonr case. jjr aaroi uw anu aiw;i ,n.......MMIMMMMMIIttttt1 I I II Miff Johnson's jz? j& !: Wood Finishing Specialties i: and Ornamental Hardwood Floors urn maxe. a o. ... " -rv tKit atrea.1 in the irrigation Canal project aeem a small taak Th. ilnDortant and Taluable con,p.riaon. The ' irrigation engineer. hu have exhaled 567 mile, of from tnd ,proprill. om. of the canal being lar f s wa4 lncreased t0 mO0O in 1802. to carry whole river like the North . ,,. ,:,.., ... Piatt. nd Truckee A total of 43 tun- nel., nine and i jj long h ve m been excavated, 214 bridge, built, 704, f (t fc , of th nec. .tructures Inc hiding three great dams,. Um,J Jk without which erected! 378 mile, of road wartroeW , ' . deUveJ I l 1 rt0 llAa . . inaccesiu.e reKlu"" vi(" xjun of topographical urvey made, transit tine extended over 18,877 mile, level line run 24,218 mile .nearly ufflcient to go around the earth; nine mile of diamond drilling, and 1,010 buildings erected. The service;! operating 23 mile of railway, with II locomotive and 223 car. It ha 1154 horse and mule at work, and uae 30 stationary engine, 27 team pump, and ha In op eration 5 electric light plant. It of fice and field force include 10,000 men, and the monthly expenditure of the service now average a million dollar-) a month. Eight New Town. Eight new town have sprung into existence a the result of the work of the Reclamation'Servlce, and 100 mile of bmnch railroad have been .construct ed into these district. Ten thousand people have already built home 1n the one-time desert, and every line of indus try In the West ha ifdt tha Impetus of increased demand. Great a will be the acknowledged advantnge . flowing from the construction of the Tanama Canal, it will be many long year be fore that entcrpvise can show even a fraction of the profit that ha already resulted from the work of reclamation in the West. , The marvelous success of the glgan tie work of desert redemption is due to In no small measure to the splendid abll it ics and sterling administrative quul ideation of the chief of the Reclamation Service, Frederick Huynes Newell. He U a new type of the publij servant, 'and in a resultant product of the best phase of civil service reform. Of politic in the discharge of hi duties he I abso lutely Indifferent. A the work show, no Federal bureau is freer from tlie des olating taint of the political parasite, and as a result, the service has the ef ficiently of a great private business. To the work of reclamation Mr, New- for ieveml year. ' Government By Tha People. Thee town will enjoy not only an unlimited supply of good water for drinking and domestic purposes, but in may instances the irrigation work will furnish plants for lighting and indus trial planta for the operation of electric railroada. It is noteworthy that the cource of these publio utilities will in every such case be in the band of the Deoole. to whom the eovernmW . is a ' pledged to turn over it Irrigation ay terns, with the, exception of reservoirs, ten ara after their completion.' But the most important phase of the rural getlement movement is the purely social feature, which i calculated to have the most extensive effect, not only upon agricultural section but upon congested . cities. ' The disproportionate growth of our manufactures, approach ing superfluity, is already exciting con cern of our thoughtful economists. The logical and only efficient remedy for thi hypertrophy lies in enlarged develop' ment of our agricultural resources and proportionate increase of our agriculta ral population. To this end the rural setlemcnt movement cannot fail to con tribute directly and by example. The rural settlement must work to ward the retention of the young people on the soil, to which they properly belong and check the undesirable move to the cities. The farmer may have hia home in the town, driving to and from his work every day. But, if he prefers to live upon bis land, the urban center will be close at hand to himself and his family. It school may be readily reached by hia children, and hia wife may take part in its social life. Refinish Your Woodwork Furniture anl Floors. Have you any Old Furniture or Woodwork to ' , refiniahT If ao, then by all mean reflnish them. Make your Furniture and Wood harmonize by , using . JOHNSON'S PREPARED SPECIALTIES ' ",. See the following JOHNSON'S PREPARED WAX A complete Finish and Polish for all woods JOHNSON'S POWDERED WAX For Ballroom Floor ' - " JOHNSON'S ELECTB1C S0L0O For Removing Old Finish JOHNSON'S WOOD DYES For Artitie Coloring of Woods. Made in all ahades WE ARE SOLE AGENTS. I The Foard & Stokes Hardware Go. "' ' Incorporated. '"" Successors ta Feet! h Stokes Cs Ladies This is Something ! That will interest you. My entire stock of trimmed hits must be sold. Trimmed hats k from $1.00 to $7.00, nothing higher, nothing lower. Remember the place. . nSSSDV Mrs. Minnie Petersen. A Good Workman is Known ty His Tools A bad workman quarrels with hia tools, out even a food workman quarrel with bad tools. K workman ever quarrels with tool bought of Astoria Hardware Co Nor will he quarrel with us for having aold them to hint. ' 1 Our reputation is made by sale added to sale. No one sale will make or break ua; but the continued reputation of selling such good goods aa'we do, you cannot afford to despise. Astoria Hardware Co., 113 12th St. For the sake of justice to the nfflicted and for tlie good of humanity, it is my right and duty to recommend Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. We , owe Our countrv and nur fellmvmen a ell has devoted his talents and made duty. Xca or Tablets, 35 cents. Frank it his life career, rejecting the large fl-Hart. BUILD UP I DRINK MALT I f Star Brewery Special Brew i Noted for it's PURITY QUALITY CLBAINLINBSS A Great Appetizer, Equal to Imported Stout $1.75: the dozen AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 587 Commercial Street t