ft FIRST SECTION 16 PAGES PAGES 1 TO 8 UBUtHt rULl, AttOOIATIO ! Rf PORT OOVIRS THI MdftNINft PIILD ON TH LOWCft OOLUMSIA VOLUME LXIII, NO 130. 'WORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS COOLEST During Grueling Cross Examina tion He Has Not Raised , His Voice. ENDS MONEY TO FIRST WIFE Developed . During Crow EaamiBtMon That the PriunerWltMM Whllo la Priion Hw Sold Ptrtoaal Belonging and Sent Money TO HI Fin Wife . BOISE, Jun $. Th cross minlati Hon of Harry Orchard t likly to last through Monday and Tuday next and po!bly""Umgr, On bard bat now been on tit tnd H hour. Of Uili tha alata bad blm la their bands evn aid a balf hour, la tbia tlma ba told what appear ha as incredibl tory and unfolded a earear la which, to the word of tha leading counsel fur tha alata, Asintloo trada and murder a n of Uvlhood." Tha tory . brought out by counsel or tba stU wa however, but a ynopis of play whos act eovor the yar !( lHUtt. Under the cro examination of E. F. Kirhanlao-v Orchard baa developed thia arrive of tragedies, but only dowa to ltHH. Three mora years and many murder art vet to be analysrd. ' felowly but aurely the defvnaa I developing' the line by which It hoj to break down Orchard' atory. If It U poa alhle to heap further obllquy upon the witnes they have dime o by proving him capable of commuting ptty crime. Uy bia own admission be la a bigamist a thief, a liar and an incendiary. He played traitor to hla employer, lie deserted two wive and hi child. To Ml theee Richardson ha forced him to confes", but under the gruelliug examl nation by Richardson, ha hat tuek to hi atory and given it chapter and rer. PoMible witness after witnrs hit been named and counsel for the defense, etate most positively that the pile of iworn testimony, they will bring to contra diet Orchard must convince the jury of the entire fallty of hi testimony. By their ,quetlon they have plainly indi cated their Intention to prove that Orchard was the hired agent of tha Mine Owner, who, harraaed by the Wetern Fedemtion of Minera, deter mlned to wipe union labor from the mines of Idaho and Colorado, planned the assassinations, tralnwrcek and rnlne exploelone that eould be laid at the door of be Federation and that would keep the militia oS- the ground while the non union men worked the mine. From half a doien states, witnesses wJl be called to deny Orchard' assertions Already tba . two men accused by Or chard of complicity in the plots, which he anya were hutched by the "Inner Circle" of the, Western Federation, liave been called upon to atanj up In open court,; ; Orchard Iffls lJimtlilod ihem as the,, men lie named, and' Billy 'Easterly and Owney .Barne have openly sneered their denial of the testimony, ( , The court' room scene i possibly the most remarkable ever seen in' any court. At esnlon after session since Orchard first went on the stand, a crowd has ought admission. - Every teat Is filled long before the sheriff calls the court to order, while hundreds have been turned away. - Prlaoner naywood has a Jiattery of six lawyer, with whom be consults nnd ndvisea continually, while the state ha four. Between the counsel ifor the state and the defense, feeling i very appar ent. At every session tnere comes a quick exchange of sharp words. At times the ltuation become intense. ITawley is quick to anger and downright In his calldown. Borah i keen, quick of tongue end sarcastle. Richardson for the defense has a resonant voice that rise in anger and I Impatient of in terruption, he frequently illnga a sneer at Hawley or Borah or thunder his ob jections when he think their interrup tion out of place. Darrow sits beside him as watchful as" a est, alow of action nnd of speech, he seldom takes part In the passage aud Is ever roady to ORCHARD Ml COURT feelltg smooth, the ruffled ld,ik; I J, of ltb' Judge Wood is, perhaps, tba moav alert of any of tb principal In the c. Not a word or mova sec pes blm lie 1 prompt in decision and permits no Infringtinent on tb dignity of bis court. But. tba coolest matt in ourt Is Orchard. Even under Richardson's grutlling he ha toldom f changed the pitch of the tvenly. modulated vole, In which he told hi awful tale. -At the clot of Orchard' oroa xamlnatlon, tb ttat will take blm In baud for redirect examination and then will coin the r. Croat-examination. It eems hardly pos sible therefore, that b will b dismissed befora the ed gt next wwk' On of the Interesting feature of today' examination w th develop ment, that Orchard, sine hi confine ment In the penitentiary bat received letter from bit first wife, who be de serted In Canada In 100 and that he baa tent her money, tb greater part of tha $119 which ha had obtained, earn from the sal of a locket and chain, a flhlng rod, a gun and a revolver togeth er with soma other little thing. , II said the Wsrden had disposed of them for blm with the undentandlng that the person buying them eould hav , them "After hi trial" Orchard aald tb warden told him that he received a part uf this money from Governor Gooding. It I possible tb Governor may be call ed a a wltae to explain tha transac tion. MM TRAGEDY Girl Put In Asylum for Murdering Her Mother. SHE ESCAPED FROM ASYLUM Bertha Bcilstein, Who Murdered Her Mother and Waa Committed To Initn Asylum and Who Escaped, Ha Died In Lot Angeles From Tumor oa Brain U3 ANCKLKS, June 8,-Tbe body of Bertha Bcilstein, the young woman who died In thia city under the name of Olga Miller, and who escaped from Pennsylvania insane ayslum, where she had been committed after killing ber mother, ia being guarded by the officer dny and night. Telegraphic advice from the east today indicate tb Inten tion to dispute the identity of the body it being aid the real Bertha Belisteln sailed for Europe, several weeke after he is said to have died In thia city. According to the advices, the legal determination of Mis Beilstein' death involves the title to a considerable for tune. , CHIUAiSO, Juno 8. In connection with the death at Los Angeles, of Ber tha Bcilstein, who killed her mother in Allegheny, IW' in October, 1880, and escaed from the Pixmont asylum for the insane, where she was eonllned, Kdmund V. ' Wander; of Chicago, Inst night said "I aided Mis lJeilstoin while she was in Chicago nntTdid o purely out of ffricndhip foe fIic family. I nursed her as a child, and she wrote to me many pathetic letter from the Allegheny jail right after she killed her mother in Octobef, 1H01). She also wrote me from the insane asylum at Dixmont, Pa. ... ' V "She escaped from the asylum be- twgen the 10th and 20th of October last, and reached my mother' house. She was drenched through with rain. My mother gave her a hot bath and the re mained there for two days. Fred Bell stein, her brother, my brother, Alfred and I together, raised $100 and sens hor to Lo Agnelea Cnl. ' "At Lo Angeles she remained with relatives of mine until they came back to Chicago. Then she got a plnce as a dining room girl nt tho Boslyn Hotel, nnd earned $.10 per month. Aft(r a time she Wrote ut that Richard Hardy wanted to many her. She said she told blm her full life's history. We ad vised ber to wait; "On May 21, I received a letter from Bertha saying she was in fine health. The Banie day we got a telegram from Hardy saying "that she was low and1 flm KILLED FORTY INJURED Tornado Sweeps Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky Doing Great : Damage. GROWING CROPS DESTROYED Property Damag Will Beach Many Thousand of Dollar House' Ware Swept Away nd Bridge Demolished Cradyrille, Ky, Sufien Severely. CHICAGO, Junt 8. Twenty-nln are known to be dead and 40 person in jured eonitltut the list of casualties resulting from storm of tornado ever ity which 'swept over Southern Illinois and Indiana and Central Kentucky last night and today. Tb property damage will reach many thousands of dollars. Houses were swept away and bridges demolished and thousand of acre grow ing crops destroyed. Uradyville, Kentucky, was the worst sufferer. A cloudburst deluged that vil lage, of ITS people, shortly ater mid-j Highland 21 persons were drowned at N'ew Mlnden, 111. The tornado this morning killed Ave people nd injured half a docen other. At 'York on tbej Wabash River, three person were kill ed and 30 Injured by a tornado which descended upon that town last night. At Duquoln, Tfl., many house" , were blown down and four person injured. REFUSED TO CHEEX. Imperial Blue tfussjrs Balk at Cheer ing For the Csar. ST. FETKltSllURG, June 8,-Milita ry officials are eagerly discussing a se quel to the occurrence at Tarkoe-Selo lent week during the Emperor' birth day fete. A colonel of the Imperial Blue Hussars called to the aquadron on the grounds for cheers for the Emperor. The command waa received In dead ail ence. The colonel who waa a personal aide de camp to the Bhtperor, ha teen entenced to 15 day confinement in i fortress. The captain has been sent enced to 30 day' confinement in I fortress. . ' LITTLE PROGRESS MADE. Difference of Opinion of Counsel Hold Schmitt Case Back. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8.-Owing to a difference of opinion a to the adinis nihility of certain evidence, the trial of Mayor Schmiti made but little progress today. But one witness was on the stand and his statement was not con eluded when adjournment was taken until Monday. . . FARMER COMMITS SUICIDE. ' NKW YORK, June 7. William Aaron son, n expert agriculturist and1 man ager of a farm at Florence, N. J., hnng ed himself in a barn after, brooding over the fact that this early crops a the result of unseasonable weather. needed money. Fred Bcilstein and I raised $50 and sent it. Hardy wa ar rested on a charge of placing poison in her milk but when the autopsy disclosed that she died from a tumor on the brain, he was exonerated from blame and released." In her last letter to Wander, Bertha Bcilstein asked if it would be safe to get back to Allegheny "oon" and claim her share of the mother's estate. In the letter she snids ; ; ' "You know the awful and frightful conditions under, which I left Pittsburg. I fear being caught and placed among those lunatic." , , Chicago relatives claim that certain Pltsbnrg relatives some time ago spread the report that Bertha had gone to Eu rope to claim her bare of her mother's estate. The estate today is worth about $0000. Bertha's trial cost the family $11,000. BLACK HAND OUTRAGE. Attempt To Blow Up Br Foundry With Giant Powder Failed. h10llK, June 8. An apparent attempt to blow up tha Nathan Bras Foundry at 08 East 100th street was made early this morning when a charge of giant powder exploded at the en trance to the factory but without ef fect A charge of equal size on the Opposite aide df the building did not go off, OfficinI of the firm said they could not account for the explosion. The re port wa heard over an area of many block an dcaused a panis in the Tre mont district, the people thinking it a "black hand" outrage. . - NUN KIDNAPPED. Sitter BorTomca Seised By Two Men and Taken la Carritge. IJL'JXTH, Minn, June 8. Slater Borromes, a teacher at St. Clement' Catholic cchool, was kidnapped In most sensations! manner by two men who, driving rapidly away In a eloaed carriage yesterday afternoon, escaped. The screams and entreaties of tb nun s she was carried bodily Into the street by ber abductors, attracted several hundred student of the school and per sons In the neighborhood and before the carriage wa half a block away a howl ing mob waa in pursuit They were soon distanced, bowerer. SMITH IN TROUBLE Theodore Smith' Formerly of As toria Arrested in Russia. RED NECKTIE THE CAUSE Man Said To Have Lived la Astoria la Danger of Going To Siberia For Wearing Red Necktie an the Street of Riga, Russia, NEW YORK, June 8.-The Central Xewa Bureau sends out the following: Theodore Smith, formerly of Astoria, Oregon, has been imprisoned -at Riga, Russia, and hi fjenda are fighting to save him from going to Siberia. Smith waa arrested and thrown in jail for wearing a red necktie upon the street of Riga. Just what specific charge has been placed against him ia not known, nor what offense the wearing of a red necktie constitute in the Russian penal code. The supposition is that to the minds of the Russian police the red necktie denote or ia used as a badge of some of the anti-government societies or that the wearer) wa of the anarchis tic following. It is believed that Smith win perfectly innocent of the siguill ounce of wearing i apparel he adorned his person with. .... . The name of Theodore Smith doe not appear in the Astoria directory nor was it possible to identify him with any of the Smiths living here, at the early hour this morning that the dispatch waa re ceived. TURKISH PRINCE IN AMERICA. I - - Hat Made Application For Cititenship and Intends to Remain. NEW YORK, June 8.-Shaban Bey Gotsclia, who ia reported to be a Turk sh prince oi high rank in Albania, and who has lived in nearly every country in Europe, according to a statement to Clerk Donovan of the United States naturalization bureau, has made appli cation to take out first citizen's papers. After trying many countries as a place of residence Shaban Bey has decided to make the United States his permanent home. He is a military engineer . by profession. MURDERED HIS AUNT. ST. LOUIS, June 8. Detectives today arrested Edward Bergmann upon the charge of ; having killed Mrs. Kate Qnernhelm, his aunt, on March 7. Chief Smith stated the prisoner hiid confessed. TAFT PROSPECTS ENCOURAGING Political Fortunes of Secretary Taft Said to Have Good Outlook, a OHIO ALMOST SOLID FOR HIM Secretary. Taft Befor Starting Oa Stamping Tour of Northwest Re viewed Hi Political Prospect With Burtoa and Vorhya. KARLSRUHE, Germany, June 8. Karl, Hau, the professor of Roman law at the George Washington University, Washington, D. G, who 1 in prison here, charged with the murder of hi mother-in-law, Frau Molitor, waa vii ed by the Governor of the prisoner to day and informed that his wife had com mitted uicide by drowning in a lake near If aefflkon, Switzerland. The Gov ernor had quite a lengthy conversation with the professor which led to the re port that ha bad confessed. Mrs. Han came to Karlsruhe two days ago" and had a king talk with her husband. She left in a state of depression and went back to Pfaeflikon. On arrival there, Mr. Hau went swimming in the lake. Attendants taw her swimming about but later noticed the was no longer moving. A boatman brought the body ashore. A long farewell letter wa found in ber clothing in which she declared that it waa impossible for ber to longer live apart from ber husband. notwithstanding the charges against him. '- TIDAL WAVE DETAILS. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. The first details of the havoc, wrought by typhoon and tidal wave in the Caroline Manda in the bitter part of March were brought here today by Rev. G. H. 'Jag- now, missionary who arrived on the steamer Coptic. , The tidal wave ren dered loOO people homeless and 250 men, women and children were drowned on one island alone. Twentyq-five persons were lost on another of the email isl ands. The typhoon lasted three day. CENTRAL PACIFIC LAND AGENT. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. The posi tion of Central Pacific land agent, made vacant recently by the death of William P. Mills is to be given, it is said, to Charles W. Eberlein, who is already at the head of the Oregon & California land grant and the Southern "Pacific railroad land grant In Oregon and this state. The duties of Central Pacific land agent are, it is said, to be com bined with his present duties. LABORER KILLED. Frisco Police Looking For Chauffeur Who Run Down Man. SAN" FRANCISCO, June 8. Charles Quiuley, a laborer employed in the Golden Gate Park was killed early to day neap, the Stanyan street entrance and the police are looking for a chauf feur who is thought to have run blm down. The first theory that it was a case of murder was disproved when the body was identified. ' INDIAN TERRITORY PRIMARIES .- I - ' -: ' ' OKLAHOMA CITY, June 8. Returns from the Democratic primarie received up to x ociocit wis morning waicaie that Lee Cruce, of Ardmore, I. T., has been chosen as the nominee for Gover nor by a plurality of. 15,008. M. L. Turner is probabl defeated for United State Senate by T. P. Gore, of Lawton, or Roy Hoffmen, of Chandler. ;' ji - RACE WAR. YAZOO CITY, Miss., June 8.-In the race war clash near this place late to day, three negroes were killed, four white men wounded and two negroes seriously whipped. R0EBLING MEMORIAL Statute To First Engineer of Brooklya Bridg. NEW YORK, June 8.Trenton's me morial to Colonel Joha A. Roehling, builder of the great span acrosa Niagara, first engineer of the Brooklyn Bridg and founder of the vast structural iron and steel work of Trenton is almost completed. It is an beroie statue of Colonel Roehling seated. William Cou pe re, sayg that he expects to tend th statue to the foundry in a few week. The statue will cost about $25,000 which has been rai-ed by the people of Tren ton. It will le unveiled ia tb city ia October. )? f , $ YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL SCORES. Coaat League, , At Portland Portland 2, Sea Fran- Cisco ,' r i - At San Francisco Lo Angele 8, Oakland 1. Northwest League. At Spokane4-Tacoma 4, Spokane 7. At Seattle Seattle E, Aberdeen 4. , EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY. CONSTANTINOPLE, June 8. -The village of Seraii, 60 miles east of Van, on the Turk o-Persian frostier, wa de stroyed by an earthquake, yesterday. Slight shocks were felt at Van. ' FIRS. HAU A SUICIDE Could Not Live Apart Front Her Husband. PROFESSOR HAU IN PRISON Former Professor at George Washing ton University Charged With Murder ing Hit Mother-in-Law Wife Com mitted Suicide By Drowning In Lake WASHINGTON, June 8. Secretary Taft spent the four hours, preceding hit departure tonight on an extended in spection and speechmaking tour of the Northwest, in reviewing his political prospects a presidential candidate, his adviser being Representative T. E. Burton and Arthur L Vorby, both of Ohio, No formal announcement follow ed the conference, but no concealment was attempted as to the roseate report which were made. Ohio it regarded as being safely under control of the friend of Secretary Taft. Of 48 delegates to be elected to the National Republican Conventio nalj but the two, who come from Fore ker's home district, are re garded as certain Taft men. For the first time the condition at large was spoken of. The political fortune of Taft outside of Ohio are aid to be good and the outlook said to be most en couraging, although the situation is not yet capable of detailed analysis. MURDER AND SUICIDE. BILOXI, Miss., June 8. Captain John Walker shot and killed his wife and then himself today. Captain Walker was an officer in the United States navy with Perry on his memorable trip to Japan, was a captain in the Confed erate navy and at the time of his death was president of the bank of Biloxi. He was one of the beat known men in this section of the south. Tie tragedy occurred during a dispute. , , DELMAS ARGUES FOR GLASS. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. A motion was argued last night in Judge Law lor's court to set aside the indictment brought against Louis Glass, of the Pa cific States Telephone 4 Telegraph Com pany, on the charge of bribery of Su pervisor Sanderson. Attorney- Delmaa, for the defendant, attacked the validity of the grand jury and argued that there was no evidence to show Glass had com mitted a crime or that bribery had been committed. The attorneya for the prose cution will reply to Deltnas', argument on Thursday next.