The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 08, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, JUNE I, 1907-
EaUUiaM tj
PsbUaM Dally Kwep Mon4f by
By mail, p year..
By carrier, er montk.....
t mall, per yw, to tdct..l.0
ndr the CtCmwo Maron.
SsTfc ...
(T-Onhn tor Mtrwu of Tn iMow
Offlolal paper of CWtsop oouoty n
U City of Astoria.
Hammond ami, such author of new and
aood thing, writing the Salient rfeti-
of It.
The man who overlook Astoria in
j the inntiiiie i going to know a day of
' regret. He will hark back to this hint
and wish h had made ue of it but
then that i history, tooj it run in
every man' diary.
j But, at the inauspicious moment,
bear in mind that "we told you
4 Western Oregon and Washing-,
ton Fair; wanner except nar
If the talet told by Orchard, at Boise,
are true, and thgy shall be substantiated
Vy the State, what must we think of
present civiliaation! It i all well
enough to My that it i extreme, un
usual, isolated, perverted, and all such
rot as that. The thing for us to get
down to is to ascertain of what good to
the general run of humanity is the law,
or the influences begotten of the law!
These horrible facts have been fact
for years, known and guarded nd bar
d from public knowledge until the
dreadful exigencies of this case com
pelled the confession of the doomed man
who was the principal doer of the
crimes, but who had devious and cul
pable relation with hosts of others; the
terrible chain running into the heart of
a bodT of several thousand men. The
awful danger of this thing lies in this
last circumstance; that a huge body or
men merged into an organic whole
should be responsible for such an evil
program as has been developed. Where
will such affiliations end; what of oth
ers with like schedules; what is to be
the outcome of such a course aa this;
what depths of crime are yet to be
sounded; who is the next incarnate fiend
t m forward with a confession;
what of other organizations and similar
methods; what does it mean in tne sense
ihft civilized man must look at it!
The time has come, if this story is
proven true, fox the utter strength of
the national government to be firougni
intn olav to nut a quietus upon such
organizations and crush them to the
earth as reptiles are crushed and done
for. No sort of tolerance can be granted
men people. Society is at the very
ers?e of dissolution with such palpable
horrors as this hanging over it and only
the government is powerful enough to
wve it. It is time men were doing some
Jong and effective thinking on this line
and makinc manifest so pronounced and
oep a hatred for such saturnalia, as to
warrant the quick and final interven
tion of the only power great enough to
tope with the incalculable danger.
The organization of the grain grow
err' combine, at Omaha, on Thursday,
strikes us as an audacious and adroit
attempt at cinching up the grain inter
ests of the country. There is a bold
ness, a thoroughness, a premeditatedness
about the whole thing that sounds ami
stems a bit threatening; though its real
purposes may be of the best and
Time will tell just what it signifies,
snd what it means to the farmer of the
country, and we hope it will be among
the fair and decent agencies and not an
other crushing and blighting thing to
udue and despoil him. From the fact
that nearly 600 banks are registered as
ready to loan it money on given condi
tions, means one of two things. They in it for a campaign of graft, or the
new combine is of a sort that has won
the deepest respect 01 tne oaiiKeis mm
cannot be overlook. We confess, we do
not yet understand the drift of the
i. - .1 nnA wnantr ni'hfiTU
iuucuiejit,f anu ia a gwu ,j
will have to abide the time In patience
to discover what it is,
, 0
Time is the arbiter of all things, na
tune always concurring.
This is good doctrine, and Astoria will
be justified in swearing by it.
Her next few years are to make big
and potent history, James J. Hill, A. B.
All the free trader want the tariff
"revised." They are against all protec
tion, but prefer to state the cae in
another way until they can get the
entering wedge fairly inserted. Uncle
Sam will stand pat against free traders.
An appeal has been made to Presi
dent Roosevelt to doctor the Okie
noma constitution in accordance with
hi ideas of equality and justice. This
will secure the full protection of tne
rough rider in all his rights.
Admiral Evane thinks 32 battleships
equally distributed between the Atlantic
and Pacific, would put Uncle 5niu In
fair naval shape. The opinion that our
interests on the two ocean are evenly
balanced is interesting.
There, has been no spring season in
the southwest, and there is no prospect
of summer. The outlook in Cihcago for
a December deal in com i exceedingly
if. KwinA nt Miller wmilil have
nun wwv ( v . - - - -
rejoiced to have found the Pennsylvania crence is made in seriou fashion to the
state house, where 1000 per cent profit
was not thought too much for
Jr., of Xew York, on coming back fromjr
Sing Sing on a visit, will be most reas
suring to other insurance men.
New South Wales offer 30' toward
paying the passage of each approved
asriculturist and dometio servant re
moving to that colony, and $20 a head
for other desirable immigrant. But the
great majority of those who seek a new
country flock to the United State, re
ga rules of the premium paid in Canada
s well a Australia.
Americans Resent Japan's Tend
ency to Magnify Molehills.
Condition! In Frisco An Unusual and
Beyond Control of Stat Official and
The Japanese Representatives Are
A wan of Situation.
CHICAGO, June 7. A dispatch to the
Tribune from Washlnaton, D. C. eya
Then is beginning o be manifested
distinct feelina of Irritation
gainst an apparent disposition on the
rt of certain people in Japan to mag
rify molehills into mountains and to
lrit in an endeavor to precipitate
trouble between thia country and Jap
For most part the Stat Department
he been extremely tender of the su
Untibilities of the Japanese. Ever
since the President went on ins way to
settle the school question in wn Fran
cisco, which was, strictly speaking, en
tirely beyond the province of the fed
eral government, there ha been a man
ifest disposition on the part of certain
pub'ic men in Japan to criticise the Uni
ted States and complain about all sorts
of little things. Th Janee Consul
in San Francisco and th ambassador
in Washington, are perfectly aware
that condition exist in San Francisco
which are wholly unusual and are be
vond control of the state authorities,
to ey nothing of the nation.
In smte of this reports continue to
come from Japan like the cabled inter
view with Count Okuma, in which ref
l . . . ...... . LI... 4. .L.
nti-Jaimnese outfaces in San Francis
rake- co. - The government here is becoming
M'ooyed at these repeated complaint
Imut Dettv crime and insults against
tk. invioi manner nf r.enroa Burnham I th Junanese. Thev have the same
... . w. "o- 1 r
A new substitute has been found for
.I'amniula That IS all Hi'llt. but UO
substitute ha been found for cotton ths President and Secretary of State
ight in San Francisco, that American
ave. There is a crowing belief that
the Japanese at home and abroad have
misconstrued the attitude of the Fed
eral government. Courtesy and consid
eration for a friendly nation induced
and wheat.
A prospective June bride has devoted
llav i a course in cooking. A good
amteur eooV in the house is a wellspring
of joy.
'John Ball. British golf champion.
Isn't there a typographical error in that?
So Thomas F. Ryan's boom while he
is at sea becomes merely jib boom.
Texas fanners have their own opinion
of oil companies.
NEW YORK, June 7. According to
private advices received in financial cir
cles the panic on the Bourse in Genoa,
Italy began with the preparations for
May settlement.
When a serious break occurred in e
cnritle of the Ramifera, an incorpor
ated association of the copper industry
of Italy.
He Find the Stick.
1 have fired the walking stick Pro
carried over 40 yean, on account of a
sore that resisted every kind of treat
ment, until I tried Bucklen't Arnica
Salve; that ha healed the acre and
made me happy man," write John
Garrett, of North Hills, N. O. Guaran
teed for Piles, Burns, etc., by Charles
Roger, Druggist. 25c
PARIS, June 1 A St. Petersburg
dispatch to the Petit Parisienne ays
the Prime Minister Stolypin, after a
long conversation with the emperor of
fered his resignation.'
June 6th, 7th and 8th will be next
dates of aale for the Jamestown Exposi
tion tickets. Take advantage of the
extremely low rate in effect via all
routes in conneclion with the Astoria A
Columbia River Railroad. Ticket on
sale and sleeping car reservations made
at City Ticket Office, Page building.
Don't think you can buy cheaper in
Portland rate are the same from both
Portland and Astoria and if you buy in
Portland you will simply he out the
amount of your local fare from Astoria.
(o go indefinitely further than) tlwy
would have Bone had any European
country been involved. Apparently the
Japanese have Interpreted this as weak
ness or even fear on the part of we
United States.
All report from San Francisco in
dicate that the latest alleged "outra
ge" there are extremely minor inci
dent of the general riot which lias come
about as a result of the paralysis of
the city government. The wrecking of
a bath house and restaurant during tne
time of the riot would not be consid
ered an international incident by any of
the great European powers.
The nettiness of recet complaint
en the part of the Japanese, coupled
with the fact that immigrants from tnat
country are pouring over the United
States borders in defiance of our laws
is making many of the government of
ficials extremely tired. If complaints
and .protests and denunciations of cor
ner fights and barroom rows are to be
continued with the conent of the Jap
anese government, somebody here in
Washington may take occasion to rep
resent to the Japanese ambassador or
to the Tokio government that the Am
erican oeonle are considerate and court
eous to all nations, but that there I a
limit to their patience, which seem to
be nearly reached at the present time.
Pineule for the Kidney snd Bladder.
They bring quick relief to backache,
rehumatism, lumbago, tired worn out
feelinz. Tbey produce natural action
of the kidney. 30 day' treatment $1.
Money refunded if Pineule an not
Fait Being Realised By Astoria People,
A Httl backache at first.
Daily Increasing till th back I lami
and weak.
Urinary disorder quickly follow;
Diabetes and finally Bright' disease,
This it the downward course of kid
ney ill. :'.' ':
lWt tak this course. Follow the
advice of an Astoria citlien.
J. Federsen, longshoreman, living at
013 Commercial street, Atorl. Oregon,
sayat "For 80 year I was atlUoUd in
one way or another with kidney trouble.
I suffered a gnt deal of pain la th
small of th back and wa continually
tired and - nervous. I had occasional
headache, and also a blurring of t&
eyesight. Every time I took cold it
settled In the kklsty and, added to my
trouble, th secretions at such timet
being Irregulsr and containing sediment,
My rest wa much disturbed at night
on thi account. I began taking Doan's
Kidney Pill, procured at Charlea Roger'
drug stor. and found unexpected relief,
for which I am wry thankful."
Fop Ml by all dealer. Price, 60
cent. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, New
York, to) agent for the United State.
Remember the nam Doan'i aid
take bo other.
The Magle No, j
Number three la a wonderful mascot
for George H. Parrla, of Cedar Grove,
Me., according to a letter which reads:
After suffering muck with liver, and
kidney trouble, and becoming greatly
discouraged by th failure to find re
lief, I tried Electric Bitten, and aa a
result I am a well man today. Th first
bottle relieved and three bottles com
(.leted the eun." Guaranteed best on
earth for stomach, liver and Udney
trouble, by Charles Roger, druggist.
F. N. CLARK, Pres. J. A. LICE, VN-Pn. O, L. FKBIU9, 8co.-Tr,
t ...'(.
Columbia Trust Company
. Astoria Savings Dank Building,
Eleventh and Dunne Streets,
Astoria, Oregon.
Docs a General Real Estate, Investment unci Trust
Business. Property Cared for. Rental and
Lease Collections Made. ,
w.;c. laws m CO.
Plans and estimates furnished on application.
... ... ... -. , .. . ., . j
All work dose by First-Clais Mechanics.
Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first
class manner, as we do no other work in our shop.
Man Zan Pile Remedy come put vp
in a collapsible tub with a noule. Easy
to apply right when the torenesa and
inflammation exist. It nllevea at once
blind bleeding, Itching or protruding
iles. Guaranteed. Sold by Frank
Hart' Drug 8tor.
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Bee Laxative Cough Syrup,
contain honey and tar but no opiate.
Children like It. It laxative qualities
recommend it to mother. Hoarseness,
coughs, croup yield quickly. Keep It on
hand. Sold by Frank Hart's Drag
tr Morning Astorlan, 69 cent per
month, delivered by carrier.
Owners of Wrecked Mariehien Given In-
lurance and Interest.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 7.-A jury
in the United States Circuit Court ren
dered a verdict today tivina the Bar-
neson-Hibbard Company judgment for
$31,149 against the St, Paul Fire A Ma
rine Insurance Comapny.
The suit watt to recover $28,500 and
$2648 interest on a policy on a cargo
Hour lost in the wreck of the steam
ship Mariehien in January, 1900, du
ring a voyage from Seattle to Vladi
vostok. ,
The bites and stings of insects, sun
burn, cut, burns and bruises relieved
at once with Pinesalve Carbollwd. Acts
like a poultice, Draws out inflamm'
tion, Try it. Price 2fic. Sold by Frank
Hart' Drug Store,
Means Standard of Merit.
Our Service and pur
methods of business are of
the highest excellence as
well as all of our Footwear
Everything is of the highest
except our prices, and they
are always the lowest
Paint! Paint! Paint!
This is Painting Time
We carry Everything in the Paint line and
none but the best.
Even rich men cannot afford to buy poor paint
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co. -Inc.
Saeceesora U Feari k itokas C
I Eastern Painting & Decorating Co
Experts in all the Branches of Painting,
j i
Paper-Hanging and Decorating.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. All work done
Promptly. Prices reasonable. New Goods
arriving Every Day. We solicit business
From Outside Towns.
Commercial Street, near Eighth.
I Astoria,
Oregon f
"id t mmnii urn
Our Specialties! Are
Loggers and long hand made
boots for Fishermen,
5. A. G1HRE
MS Bend St. eppotlte Planer Bros.
i i m 1 !
410 BOin) tr., '
Carries th Finest Lin of
1 Liquors
' and
' Cigars
W Peter Painter SdVS
When paint peels off
and looks dead its di
cose of Sun stroke.
imlmiif iiint
tllll ftUUftlUllII
t waa never known ia
M$e overcome by the Sun
Patton' Sun-Proof Paint represent the only true
principle ot solentlUe paint-making, aomblnlnf the
It does not peL oraak or ebalk off.
Send for book and oolor eard (free) to Pattom
Milwaukee, wis, ,
Lrhsftt dovraa of but with the areateat aoverlne
eapMlty and durability. It does not lose It lustre.
Allen Wall Paper Paint Company
- Astoria, Oregon
111 .TBond Sts.,
UV-to-Dats Baw Hill Machinery ' prompt attention given to al. repair work
18th and Franklin Ave. Tel. Main 2451-
1 L
-t. uusc at, ucu in ue usual"
case" before mornintf. '
30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction D A fff A pOfJ1
guaranteed or money refunded. JLaii'wlL""XOJl JL JL4