The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 05, 1907, Image 1

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Hawlcy for State Makes
Opening Statement.
Hartley Declared That a Trial
of Blood Marks Path of
Western Federation.
tfawley Charged That Widespread Con
piracy of riftMB Yaara Wat Marked
By Victim. Murdered With Bomb and
BOISE, June 4. Throujfb James XL
Hawley, senior of t!i group of prosecu
tort, the Stat of Idaho, today, mad
tha opening ttment ajpalnat Haywood
and then hern tha presentation of tea
limony by which It bop to prova tha
indictment laid agouut him, Tha open
Ing statement waa a broad wplng ar
raignment of tha leader of tha Western
Federation of Miner who ar charged
with plotting wholesale murder and
hiring ain, all In a gipantta con
spiracy of vengeance ujm thoaa who ob
structed their away, to tletroy opposi
tion, by trrorlin, to control the politi
cal detlnie of the communities cov
ered by their orgnnlwtion ami to per
petuate their own power within the
oriranUatlon, It 1 charged that a
widespread conspiracy, dating Ita in
ception from the North Idaho disturb
anee 18 year ago, reaching down to
tha murder of Steuncnberg and whole
murdered victim by bullet and bomb,
numbered aoorea.
Haw ley declared that whenever In th
mining aectlona of the Count states the
Federation ha been In control, there
H been left a trail of blood to mark
It operationa of hired aatatsln, It
cried i "To them murder Wain a
r&Aa am! aiyifiattliiAttiin a meant of
nm o ins (junrrni cuunpiriii'y, jiawiry
ill i "It ha been a part of their
liny to control th view of th var
mm wetlnna whnrfl the e nrrrnnlriMnn
fa had control. Tin conspiracy, tin
collision, the crimen, thl understand
lug between leader of thl organisation,
together with some that were associated
w ith them In a auboixlinate role, together
at other time, with other that have
upon the outside ' played Into their
hands, numed death and ha been the
real cause of the death of Governor
Steimenlierg." -
Mr, Hawley declared thl wa the
only object of the organisation, lie ald
that while the executive committee had
at various time changed their object,
their Idea never changed. Hawley de
clared prosecution would prove at tha In
ception, a conspiracy was formed by the
"Inner Circle," the object of which was
to perpetuate hlr wn power both In
the Federation Itself and In govern
mental matter of different eotlon of
the mining country wherein they had
control by "Employing desperate crim
inal to wmimlt murder and other atro
cious crime" against .. those whose
wlshe ran counter to their interest.
A part of the prosecution case showing
who I responsible for Steunenberg's
murder and who caused It to be com
mitted, Hawley said they would show
the leader of thl "Inner Circle" have
for more than eight year past made
record of deeds and violence and that
their ohosen method and course and
c)istom has toft a trail of blood In min-
ina uentlnni of this entire coast wherein
they hd control. We will show that
tlio leader who comprise the "Inner
Circle" have traded In blood, employed
'hired l to tak life and destroy
property a their InteretU seemingly re
quired, and a part of their general prac
tice of protection rained by assessment
levied on metiiiter of their order, a
!rg amount of money tn emergency
fund and from It not only squandered
large mi ma fur their personal purpose
and in' certain criminal method but
hav alio from It retained th best legal
talent to defend thos of their number
charged with crime."
: After retelling th story of th Cald
well crime, th arrest and couf!on of
Orchard and a part of the history of the
Coeur d'Alen trouble Hawley aaldi
"The original proposition and theory
that the power of this Federation or of
the 'Inner Circle at least of th Federa
tion, oouU be perpetuated by murder of
those who in official lift or in private
situation ran counter to their interest,
became lntnifird seemingly after they
assumed the entire control. , Th Inner
Circle1 composed a It was of thl d
fendant and co-defendant, to a great
extent brought . around them a few
choice spirits, nd to them, murdar b
cam a trad and assassination, the
mean of living. We will show, gentle
men, that a aral of wage was sven
devied, fixing the amount to be paid
for different . crime by thl 'Inner
Circle' to part le who committed these
crime and chief amongst those who
did the actual work that wa planned by
th 'Inner Circle and paid for out of
the fund of tha Federation by mem
ber of th 'inner Circle' wa thl man
to whom I hav referred, Harry Or
chard, and on Steve Adam."
Hawley tpoka nearly an hour and a
half to a courtroom crowded but sllcut,
to a jury, which, silting bolt upright,
watched for every word, to th prisoner
with hi family around him, who wa
several time moved to deep emotion
the prosecutor pronounced the charge.
Counsel for the defeat opened fie be
fort the statement bad proceeded 10
minute and a repetition of objection
from them led to three or 'four sharp
(Continued on peg 7)
Has Requested Calhoun and
Scott to Meet Him.
Calhoun Declare Governor's Move Will
B In Vain A the United Railroads
Will Never Deal With the Local Car
Men'a Cole.
SAX FRANCISCO, June 4.-"I haw
requested Patrkk Calhoun and Henry T.
Scott to be present at my office Wedne
day afternoon and meet with th con
ciliation committee organised by ; the
civic league," said Governor Glllett ye
terday. "I shall be present at this
meeting if my duties which call ine to
Sacramento tomorrow will permit ine to
return In time. No definite plan of ac
tion has been outlined by thi commit'
tee. I met with the members today at
their request but I merely discussed
mut ters for the good of th olty,
Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Scott will be
asked to confer with thi body of men
and effort will be made to effect) a
meeting between the contending parties
in the series of strikes that are now
injuring this city. ; It is the intention
of thi committee to meet with and
confer separately with the men in con
trol of the corporations at war with
the labor unions and the officer of the
union now out on strike. ,: l-
In reply to this statement Patrick
Calhoun, president of the United Rail
roads anidi
"I have heard nothing whatever of
the intentions the Governor may have
and I merely wish to atate the com
pany' position, .
"The TJnlW Railroads will never
again deal with the local Carmen'
Union and any conference held by any
body with the view of bringing about
recognition! of the union will only be
productive of haron, by arousing false
hope In the minds of the men who have
left the oompnny'i service."
Sheriff 0'Neil and Coroner
Walsh Disqualified.
Sheriff and Coroner Eliminated
for Bias Jury Under Lock
and Key.
Wat of Word Between Counsel Over
Court' DecUlon Judge Dunn De
clared H Bad No Confidence In the
Sheriff' Offic.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 4.The jury
was completed thi afternoon for the
(rial of Mayor- Schmita on tb first of
five indictment returned against him
by the Oliver Grand Jury, by which be
is accused jointly with Ruef of extor
tion from the French restaurant. Judge
Dunne, upon motion of the prosecution,
over determined and spirited objection
of th , defense formally disqualified
Sheriff O'Neill and Coroner Walsh as
unfitted by personal biaa to perform
any function in connection with the
trial and appointed William J. Biggy
elisor to li'ave charg of the jury until
their verdict ha been rendered or a
disagreement reached.
Shortly after the adjournment, Biggy
marched the jury to the St. Francis
Hotel where they will be kept under
lock and key all the time they are not
sittimr in th trial. Judire Dunne ha
A'clded that the jurors shall hav no
newspapers to read until all the articles
relating to the cas have been centored,
they may receive no general mail nor
lt communicated with by their families
except under scrutiny of the Elisor. The
tate hope) to put all it evidence in
thl week.
The defense fought the appointment
of Jiisiry a blisor "Because he wa
part and parcel of prosecution" and be
cause he employed Detective Burns,
"Than whom, no man is more zealous
for the conviction of this defendant."
Judge Dunne replied that he had no
confidence in the sheriff's office but be
did in Biggy- He said he knew If Biggy
had charge of the jury it would be sub
jected to no outside influence.
"That is just what we want to be
sure of," retorted Campbell of the coun
sel for the defense.
"That," sneered Johnson of the prose
cution, "Is evident from the conduct of
the defense." '
"But it is not evident from the con
duct of the atate" was, the swift re-
joiner. ' pv.j' ;l -i i
"Wa do not forget," interjected Bar
rett, one of the Mayor's attorneys,
"That you have money behind you."
"Thank heaven, lb It not dirty
money," retorted Johnson.
"Now," said Heney, rising in wrath,
"I am going to ask your Honor to com
mit Barrett to jail for contempt if he
does not cease his slurring interruptions
of this proceeding. I 11
"This court I take it, is not going to
send me or anybody to jail at the
behest op to suit the purpose of
Heney," observed Barrett.
"Both of you take your seats," com
manded Dunne. ,
At which, complained Heney, pointing
his finger at Barretts ,
"He' been talking all afternoons I
haven't had a chance to talk at all."
"And naturally that pains you,"
soothed the Mayor lawyer, with which
there was a laugh.
Judge Dunne ended the discussion by
saying lie would instruct not to em
ploy anyone connected with the prose
cution or defense unles he was employ
cd by both. The judge said he did not
car how my ' people watched the
Klisor, but didn't propose to hav any
body except the Elisor watch th jury
Prosecution Will Produce Schmita and
Ruef Order.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 4. Eleven
juror hare been ecured to try Scbmit,
and there is a venireman in the twelfth
ehalr who will be examined a to his
qualifications when the trial is resumed
thi morning. That th remaining juror
will be secured out of the eight venire
men remaining of the panel is probable
a both side hav exhausted their
peremptory challenge , and may now
challenge for cause only.
In the line of expedition, the special
prosMitor announced that the actual
trial would begin immediately after the
jury shall have been empaneled which
means that the prosecution will get
down to the real business of proving the
charge on which the Mayor wa indict
ed, thi afternoon. .
It i understood that the prosecution
will spring several surprise in the line
of evidence against the defendant. One
of these novelties will include the pro
duction of the calendar used by the
board of police commissioner at the
time the renewal of the license of the
f rench reataurant to sell liquor were
before that body. The prosecution claims
it will prove, by the aid of these cal
endars, that there was a conspiracy, of
which Scfimlt and Ruef were the head,
and under which all the license were
programed by these two indicted defend
ants. These calendars, it is alleged,
contain the checkmarks and other writ
ten instruction of the Mayor and Ruef
to the police commissioner in respect
to the disposition of the applications
for license before them. It i claimed
by the prosecution that the commission
er wcer merely the tools of the mayor
end his "legal advisor" and simply
obeyed their Instruction in matter of
tli character.
Election Considered as Vindica
tion of His Policy.
With th Exception of Devlin and Pres
ton the Rest of Republican Ticket
Waa Elected Gaa Franchise Granted
Local Option Precinct Wet.
PORTLAND, June 4.-Harry Lane,
8510; T. C. Devlin, 7879; Lane plurality,
MO. Dr. Harry Lane, candidate of the
Democrats and Independent Citizen,
has defeated Thoma C, Devlin, Repub
lican nominee, for Mayor of Portland.
With the exception of Robert A. Pres
on, candidate for Councilman of the
First Ward, and Mr. Devlin, the entire
Republican ticket has been elected." All
the amendment to the charter provid
ing for bond issues carried; and all the
amendments proposing an increase in
salaries were defeated.
The gas franchise wa granted, and
the initiative ordinances raising the li
cense of liquor dealers and prescribing
the license feeg tor wholesale liquor
dealers, grocers and restaurants was
adopted. The ordinance creating a board
of engineer and the ordinance for elec
trical inspection were defeated. All the
local option precinct went "wet" ex
cept 41 and 43, which were joint.
These precincts were "dry" by a ma
jority of 55. :' ,
Devlin carried the West Side and
Ine the East Side. Devlin's vote on
the West Side was 4471 and Lane's
3301, Devlin's lead being 1170, when he
was expected to carry it by at least
, It is one of the few oases on record
where an administration wo the one not
on the defensive, and Lane's election is
considered a vindication of his policy.
The fact that he kept the promise he
made two yearg ago when first elected
played an important part. i
Minnesota Deputy Arrests
Man in Portland.
Killed Companion While He Slept
and Beat His Body Into
a Pulp.
Peter Hathiesea Owned Up To Killing
John Johaasen In a Lonely Cabin
Near Ten Strike, Minn, and Catting
Body Under Ice of Small Lake.
"PORTLAND, June 4. Peter Matbie-
sen, who ha admitted that he killed
1:1a companion, John Johnson, in a
lonely cabin near Ten Strike, Minn.,
wa taken into custody today by the
deputy sheriff, J. M. Bailey, of Bemidji,
Minn. He will be taken to Minnesota to
answer to a charge of murder a soon as
the necessary papers are prepared.
Mathieson apprehension wa due to
his indiscretely writing to acquaintances
in Ten Strike. According to Deputy
Sheriff Bailey, Mathieson shot Johnson
last February while the latter was
sleep and then beat the body to a pulp.
Bailey say Mathieson dragged the vic
tim's body to a lake nearby. ;iut a hole
in the ice and after stripping the body
cf clothe so as to make it small enough,
forced it through the opening. Mathie
son i also accused of securing (413 on
checks wbich he took from Johnson's
clothes. 1
PARIS, June 4. A dispatch to the
Petit Pansienne from Tangier (ays that
the board of foreiim affair has offered
a pardon to Raisuli, the noted bandit,
on condition that be leave Morocco and
live away from Tanirier on a pension
to be paid by the government. A friend
of Raisuli propose that he make a tour
of the British and American musio halls.
U is believed that Raisuli favors such
a scheme.
CHICAGO, June 4 Compulsory inter
connection between the Bell and Inde
pendent Telephones," will be the prin
cipal subject of discussion in the con
vention of the International Independ
ent Telephone Association, which will
open here today. Resolutions declaring
the United States government unfair in
its treatment of independent companies
will be introduced as a result of an or
der forbidding postmasters to install
a telephone in their office unless there
is direct connection with Washington.
Government ownership of telephone lines
will be discussed. - .
TOKIO, June 4. Count Okuma," lealer
of the progressive party, who has retir
ed from active politics, but who la still
a leader of publio opinion is prominently
quoted in the opposition paper a urg
ing the concentration of Japanese na
tional efforts toward the settlement of
the San Francisco question; that Japan
should demand publio apology from the
HARRISBURtt, . June 4. United
States Senator Knox will be formally
endorsed for President and pledged the
support of the Pennsylvania' delegation
to the next Republican National Con
vention by the Republican Convention
at the State Convention which meet
hero Thursday.
Mayor of San Fmncfaco and also that
the Japanese should receive treatment
similar to that given to Anglo-Saxon
In the United State. .
Member of Aero Club and Captain of
Signal Corps Make Ascension.
WASinXQTOX, June 4-A teat t
a big war balloon wa made thi after
noon. Captain Charle Chandler of the
f-itfnal Corps, Leo Steven, the maker
of tbe balloon, and Captain McCoy of
the New York Aero Club, were the paa
sengers. After rising 1000 feet the bal
loon rapidly drifted northeast and dia
appeared In the eloude.
President Roosevelt Faror White In
Hawaiian Ialanda.
HONOLULU, June 8. Collector
Stackable ha received a cablegram from
Washington to the effect that Presi
dent Roosevelt favor the continuation
of white immigration to the Hawaii
Islands. The Yokohama specie bank ha
announced that it will erect a $100,000
bank building in Honolulu.
Chinese Beat Missionary All of tb
Latter Fleeing to Hong Kong.
LONDON-, June 4. A pecial di-patch
from Hong Kong ay Mr. Pollard, the
Methodist missionary at Cbao Tung Fu
ha been mercilessly beaten by Chinese.
Hi lung wa pierced by a weapon.
Missionaries are flocking into Hong
Kong from Swatow and Pakhot dis
Coast League.
At PortlandPortland 1,' San Fran
cisco 4.
Northwest League.
At Spokane Spokane 4, Tacom S.
At Seattle Seattle 5, Aberdeen 8.
Confederate Veterans Compelled
to Lay Down Weapons.
Capitol Police Disarm Veteran of the
Gray Before Allowing Them To Enter
the Capitol at Washington Were
Visitors From Tennessee.
WASHINGTON, June 4.-One hun
dred armed Conederate veterans from
Tennessee carrying the stars and bars
were today denied admission to the
United States capitol until after they
had lowered their flags and disarmed.
The old soldiers came to Washington
from the Richmond reunion and after
visiting the White House, marched down
Pennsylvania avenue to the capitol. The
capitol police informed them that they
would be allowed, admission to the
capitol only as private citizens and not
as an anned body. Congressman Gaines
of Tennessee, who accompanied the vet
erans, entered a protest. The police in
sisted however that the veterans break
rank and disarm before entering the
building. Finally this was done and
the old soldiers were shown through the
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., June 8. A
streetcar ran into a train loaded with
f.oU full of molten metal at 1:30 thl
morning which set the car on fire and
entirely consumed it. Several passen
gers are said to have been burned to
SAN FRANCISCO, June 6 An earth
quake shock lasting about ten seconds
was felt here at 12:27 this morning.
The oscillation was from north to south.
No damage wa reported.