The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 30, 1907, Image 1

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    mA I WW
Frisco Trouble' Result of:
Race Prejudice.
Trouble Not a Result of Labor
Situation But of the Unlaw
ful Element
Japanese Associations Make tho km
tione In Justification of Their Pr
Arc Mot Sincere.
l t
net Aoclatlon. compose! of the
leading Japanese Issued eUtement of
their views of the recent asanlt
galnot th Japanese of this city. The
statement aaye while In' fact the
police are heavily taxed by tht present
labor conditions, they are convinced
that it la not the trouble, confined to
quarrels between the laboring men
which Incidentally Involved the Japan
ee, but that the trouble are the direct
outgrowth of racial antagonism. They
sect, In substantiation of their claim
that the Japanese hsd been systemati
cally attacked between May 20 ,and
Way 23 by roughs and hoodlums, and
that these uniform aggrclns which
were confined to the Japanese race, are
evidence of a prejudice and that
which v no other nationality is
subjected to. They make the state
went In Justification of their protect
a (r Inst the arts which, they .assert,
place their lives and property In
jeopardy and to denounce as unjust the
public criticism, that attributes their
complaints to mere caprice. They wish
that the true facts tff these aseults be
plared before the American ' people in
ihelr true light, believing Implicitly Id
their fairness and sense of Justice.
TOKIO, May 30.-The Ashl this
morning In Its leader emphasises in
carefully guarded words, Its opinion of
the absence of sincerity on the pari of
Fan rrnnclsoo municipal officials to
protect the treaty rlghta of the Japan
ec rcldeuU and insists on the neces
sity of approaching the Washington
government, with s demand that decided
measure be taken to exterminate the
lourcc of persecution against the Japan
ese citizens.
Counsel Declares That Mrs. Gould Never
I Asked For Four Million Alimony,
NEW YORK, May 24. Clarence J,
fihenrn, counsel for Mrs. Gould, stated
tonight that his client never asked for
a isottlement df J4.0O0.0O0 from her
buslmnd. ' ,:., . .. v,
"However, at the time the Goulds sep
arated, I had a, conference with Delancy
Nlcoll, counsel for Gould "and we dis
cussed the alimony, but no such sum as
14,000,000 was asked."
Nlcoll said today that Mrs. Gould de
mnmls had been submitted to him.
. "When I told Gould what those de
mands were," said Nlcoll, "Ha said he
would never consent to such a large
amount." '
The Gould case has been dropped by
the police headquarters according to s
statement made here this morning.
OYSTER BAY, May 29.-Mts. koose
velt, Miss Ethel and Archie arrivod to
night on the gunboat Yankton.
First Cabli Cr Einto Strike Started
. Wai Sun.
8AN FRANCISCO, May 29 -A partial
operation of tlx first raids lint to be
opened sines III" commencement of the
strike wat resumed this timing, No
vlolnru-o occurred on the on round trip
nimtf. All l.ut two of tb 20 lines
composing the UnM Railway' are now
running. Two hundred and fifteen can
were run toilay, under normal condition!
the number I 413. The company stats
that it hat now 1000 operative! and
more are, pelnjr mrnlUd In- the at,
rresldeiit Cornelius of the Carmen'i
Union (( tonight that tl situation
hae not changed in the lat. lie wa
not able to estimate now long the con
trovry will U4, but stye that the
strike will he settled and whQ It Is
the Carmen's Union will be on deck
stronger' than aver.
S P. Will Fight Suits Crowing Out of
Glendale Wreck. r
LOS ANGELES, May 29.-U Is an
nouneed from an official source that the
Southern raelfte will refuse to par the
damages of the G lends le wreck on May
21 on the grounds that the Injurlea to
the passengers resulted from an acd
dent caused by train wreckers. Up
wards of 20 were Injured, some ser
Stockholders of Proposed Chicago &
Hew York Airline. .
CHICAGO, May 20Ten small stock
holders In th projected Chicago, New
York Air I.lns Railroad, filed a petition
today, for a receiver for the concern
and also asking for an Injunction re
training the continuance of affairs of the
company by A. C Miller, It president.
Prisoners Were Taken '.From
Steamer City of Sydney.
Captain McLean of Steamer Refused
To Deliver Prisoner To Agent of the
Government But Finally Gave In
Mea Were Taken Ashore and Shot
steamer City of Sydney, arrived last
night from Central America, brings a
itory of the probable death by execu
tion of Juan Fuentes and M. BonUIn,
alleged traitors of Salvador, who were
taken into custody aboard the City of
Sydney, by Siirnor Fteueroa, on- of
General Flgueroa, president of Salvador.
I'axseniiers arriving on the steamer be
lieve that the two prisoners were shot
soon after they were takfcn ashore.
Fenntes wa formerly private sec
retary to General Flgueroa and was
possessed df all the Important secrets
of (he administration. Of Bonilla not
much is known. They succeeded In
getting out of Salvador safely, taking
passage on the Pacific-Malt .steamer
Peru, bound for this city. At San Joes
de Cuatemala, however, .they left the
steamer and boarded the City of 8yd
ny, bound toward Panama, evidently
expecting to avoid possible pursuit.
There actions appeared to have been
known however, for when the City of
Sydney readied Acajutla Salvador,
young Flgueroa went aboard the steam
er and demanded their custody. Cap
tain McLean refused to trlve them up
and Flgueroa remained on board as a
passenger, At la Libertad, the next
port south, he went ashore, returning
soon afterward with s squad of sol
diers. Agnln he demanded custody of
Fuentes and. Bonilla, arguing that they
were cltlcens of Salvador and wanted by
the authorities, and this time Captain
McLean gave them up. They were tak
en ashore without delay or much ceremony.
Services of a Very Simple
' Nature;
"0h God Why Should I Longer
Wait Let Me Lie Beside
Rumored That Brother of President Mc-
Klnley's Assassin Was In the City,
But Eluded Secret Service Officers
President Leavea For Indianapolis.
CANTON.' O., May 29.-The body of
Ma Saxton McKliiley tonight rests be
tide that of her distinguished husband
in West laws Cemetery. Her last
words, "Oh God, why should 1 longer
waltf Let me lie beside him, have
been answered, the funeral services at
the old-fahioned MKinley home were
extremely simple.
Four songs were sing, the same one
that were sung at the funeral of Presi
dent Mt-Klnley and the service was
the simple ritual of the Methodist
Church. The house waa roped off to re
train the crowd which throngej the
neighboring thoroughfares. It wss not
until the funeral services were actually
being performed that the streets became
crowded. President Roosevelt arrived at
12.43 p. m. and was driven immediate
ly to the residence of Justice Day for
luncheon. Among others at the table
were Secretaries Root, Cortelyou and
Vilon, Governor Harris and former
Governor Herrlck. Immediately after
lunch, the President and psrty went to
the McKInley home.
The body in Its black casket rested In
Its flower embowered place In the so
ailed "Campaign Office" In the same
place where President McKlnley's body
lay. Roses which Mrs. McKInley fa
vored, filled the room, while many more
for which there was not room for in
the boue were sent to the cemetery
The President, Surgeon General Rixey
and Secretaries ' Wilson and Root occu
pied seais in the parlor. Relatives and
friends were seated in the hall .and an
adjoining room. While the services
were being-Conducted by the Rev, Bux
ton of the First Methodist Church and
the Rev. Holmes, all business in Can
ton stopped. Retail stores, schools and
places of amusement In the-city and
country surrounding were closed and
treetcarg in the vicinity of McKInley
home were not run. All along the route
o the cemetery, flags were at half ma-t
ud men and women in sombre garb
lined the way.
When the services at the cemetery
were over, the Presidential party re
turned to Baltimore and Oh!6 station
where the 4:35 train to Indianapolis
was taken. '
Despite the rumors that Michael
Csolgoss, brotlier of McKinley's assassin,
would be In Canton today, the funeral
and the contingent visit of the Presi
dent passed off without serious incident.
The local police and secret sendee men
from Washington .were In constant
watch during the President's stay, but
no trace was found of Csolgoss nor any
any anarchist, although all strangers
were held In jail until the President
had left. '
SALT LAKE CITY, May 2i).-Conv
mltteea appointed by the Cambrian So
ciety of Salt Lake- City are arranging
for National Eisteddfod to be here in
October, 1008.
Representative! of Relief and Defense
' i Leagne Ulused.
NEW YORK, May 20.-L Freedman,
secreUry of the Central Roumanian
Relief and Difen League, organized
hem some months ago to aid Roumanian
Jews in thi country and in Europe,
says that be haa received word by cable
that three men who went from here to
Roumanls about six mouths ago to or
ganise the defense league In tost coun
try had been seized by the authorities,
beaten with the butts of guns and mal
treated In various ways. One of these
men, Herman Mendelssohn, la now In a
hospital in Berlin in a serious condi
tion. -f:, :v',w ,"
A reporter on the Jewish Daily For
ward named Voishau, was arrested and
compelled to join the Roumsnian army.
A third, Caiman Mendell, was arrested
and maltreated. The men were sent to
Roumania following the massacre of
Jews during the recent peasant upris
The Kaiser Baa Sanctioned Plan For An
Outlay of Millions.
RERUN, May 29. According to the
Lokal Anxeijr, the Kaiser has just
sanctioned a gigantic street improve
ment scheme here involving an outlay
of vsifmm.
It Is proposed to widen the narrowest
part of Friederlch Strasse 20 feet and
to replace the present insignificant
bouses and shops with magnificent
array of palaces, gallerief and hotels.
making the street one of the grandest
thoroughfares in the world.
EL PASO. Texas, Slav 20. Two unrl
a half inchs of snow fell at Cloudeeroft,
NT. M., today and there are prospects of
more tonight.
Frisco Longshoreman Kills Man
Leaving Hospital.
Longshoreman Cat a Teamster With
Knife and As He Was Leaving the
Hospital Killed Him With a Revolver
Murderer Has Been Arrested.
hours after be had stabbel Daniel Mc
Carthy, a longshoreman, last night, H
W. Wheeler, a teamster, met him on
the way from a hospital and fired a
bullet into hi heart. The shooting"
occurred on Vermont street near Fif
teenth. There was an old feud between
the two men and when they met last
night near Ninth and Brannan streets
a quarrel esued. Wheeler drew s knife
and inflicted deep wound in Mc
Carthy's shoulder, McCarthy was tak
en to the City and County Hospital
where las wound were dressed. He left
Immediately after the cut was dressed
and proceeded toward his home on Ver
mont street. As he was passing a
vacant lot near Alabama street Wheeler
stepped from behind a fence and point
ing a pistol at him, fired point blank.
The bullet entered McCarthy's heart,
killing him instantly. Wheeler was
subsequently arrested and charged with
Will Play For Nest Five Years Under
the Dillingham Management.
NEW YORK, May 20.-Elsie Janis,
youngest of American stars, will play
for the next five years under the man
agement of Charles Dillingham. She
has signed a contract to star In musical
comedy. Arrangements are being com
pleted for her appearance at the begin
ning of the - next season In a musical
comedy now being written for her by
an American author. Mis Janis at
present i at her home iu Columbus, O.
Nicolai de Ra) lan Was a
Counsel for the "Widow" Has
Abandoned the Substitution
of Bodies Contention.
-TZr.t - ' t:
Strange Case of a Woman Who Posed
As a Han and Married Another Wom
anThe Theory That de Raylan Was
a Nihilist la Not Credited.
VIIOEXIX, Ariz, May 29.-After an
investigation that lasted until midnight
Attorney SchacfTer, representing the
"widow of Nicolai de Raylan, this
morning abandoned the contention that
there had been s substitution of bodies
and . stipulated that the . proceedings
brought by bis client in Chicago, seek
ing a widow's rights in the de Raylan
etate shall be abandoned. The identi
fication of the body of the dead woman
who had masqueraded as a man, the
consular agent de Raylan, of Chicago,
is absolute.
De Raylan'a remains will be interred
at Phoenix. Baron Schlippenbaeh, the
Russian consul, states that efforts are
being made to find her relatives in
Russia, but it is an even possibility that
the estate will go to the State of Illi
nois. It amounts to f 12,000 mainly
cash In bank. The theory that de Ray
lan was a nihilist is ridiculed. The evi-
deuce introduced shows that de Raylan
was not on goodi tenns with the woman
whom she was married to and efforts
have been made from Phoenix to place
all funds and papers out of the Chi
cago woman's reach. As de Raylan's
naturalization is voided by her sex, she
is now held to have been a Russian sub
ject till death.
Total Exports For Week Show a Large
NEW YORK, May 29.-The custom
house returns of the tots! exports from
New' York for the week ending May 25
seem to ahow that the deterrent effect
of the longshoremen's strike upon com
merce as diminishing. The returns for
the week ending May 11, which was
computed before the effect of the strike
wag felt, showed thr value of the ex
ports to be $13,400,063. During the
week ending May 18, when the strike
as most eeverely felt the value of the
exports fell to $6,456,007. The returns
for the week ending May 25 show that
the value df the 'exports was $9,758,632
an increase of more than $3,000,000
over the previous week. m I V
The steamship companies are confi
dent from these figures that the strike
a ; waning, and statement Issued on
behalf of all the lines predicts that by
the end of this week little will be left
if it, o far as its influence on traffic
is concerned.
Special Venire Called For Friday When
Trial Will Proceed.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 29.-No pro
gress was made today in the impanell
nient of the jury to try Mayor Schmita.
Fifteen talesmen' were examined but
none were chosen. A special venire was
ordered to appar Friday to which, day
tli court adjourned.
Suit To Recover Marine Insurance On
Maricchen's Cargo.
fore United States District Julge Van
Vleet and a Jurr In the United States
Circuit Court toJar trial was begun
of the suit of the Barneson-Hlbberd
Company against the St. Paul Fire ana
Marine Insurance Company to recover
$51000 on a poller of Insurance on a
cargo of flour. The flour was shipped
on the (Reamer Mariechen which went
ashore near Juneau, Alaska, Decem
ber, 1905, The Insurance company de
nies that the Barneson-Hibbard ;, Com
pany wss not owner of the floor, at the
time, the policy was Issued and avers
that the company had no Insurable In
terests whatever. It also alleges that
the Mariechen was unseaworthy when
she left Seattle on ber voyage to Vladi
vostok and that all the flour was not
damaged. f.
Negress Accepts Settlement From Lord
Beresford's Estate.
EL PASO, May 29.-Flora Wolff,
commonly known as "Lady Flo," a
negress, who set np a claim against the
estate of the late Lord De Laval Beres
ford as his common law wife, today ac
cepted the $10,000 bequeathed ber in
Lord Beresford's will and an additional
j0OO waiving all claims to the estate
snd certifying that she never was, eith
er in law Or in fact, the wife of Lord
. . Coast League.
At Portland Portland 9, Oakland 1.
At San Francisco Los Angeles 8,
San Francisco 1.
Northwest League.
At Taeoma Tacoma 3, Seattle ft.
At Butte Butte 2, Spokane 7.
Attempted! Criminal Assault on
Five Year Old Girl.
It la Thought That the Prisoner Is the
Same P erson Who Criminally As
saulted snd Murdered Amelia Steffeldt
a Few. Days Ago in Same Locality.
NEW YORK, May 29. An attempted
criminal assault on a five-year-old giri
in Corona, L. I,, today gave rise to the
suspicion that Henry Becker, under ar
rest for the murder of Amelia Steffeldt
might not, after all, be guilty. The
culprit of today's outrage was arrested
and answers fairly well the description
of the man seen near the Steffeldt farm.
The victim today was Marie Tuck.
The child's screams were heard by the
father who ran to her assistance and
the assailant fled. The father gave
chase on horseuack, capturing the cul
prit alter following a mile and a half.
The prisoner gave the name of Leon
Graham, aged 17, and said that he lives
in Brooklyn,
$75,000 Fire in Drygood Store Loss Is
Covered by Insurance.
PORTLAND, May 29. A special to
the Oregonian from Salem says:
The most disastrous fire in years oc
curred here today when the drygoods
store of Jos. Meyers & Sons waa gut
ted. The flames started from a gas
flatiron heater. The damage to) the
stock was $50,000; to the paraphernalia
of the Masonic Lodge, $6000, and $10,
000 damage to the building. The loss
was covered by insurance.
MEXICO CITY, May 29-El Daria
De La Tarde In its last edition this
evening prints s special from Tuxtila,
a border town, that the Guatemalan
troops are throwing up entenchments
and mounting artillery opposite Ocos.