The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 29, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Tun Cu a mv ad I icn
v, 1 1 uu vunuu ur juii u
Stnilbte Advice to Women from fl. Henry Lee,
flri. Fred Ccrtla and fin. Pinkham.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1907.
till KyUJuMl
Rifle Experts to Meet .in August
at Camp Perry.
f Owing t4 modorn methods of IMof
sot on woman la ft thoustnd a
tftyob tali perwotly a
wjyiout prlenlaf ft
trala el very
rfloha this oerfootl natural e
houtPrlnla:ft trala el
aSBoyiog iad sometimes pftilf
moat critical ft mi of
aol,llUnC fta tvftfy W6JMJI
neglect the ear of hw biu
U ti Invlt dlMMM fthd Pftttt.
sb kr system la in 4rn(d
oodjtioa aba la predUipOMd to
a jopUay or MOfMUoa of rt rr.
the Uadener U at this at Mad
sal with ft
bfetof Brrott(tiTittMou oo&k Ufa ft
s. At tbia tlmi
ooma ftcUM
burdtn. At tbu urn ft to oaneer
eol tumor ft more llbl to ions
bgia thlr trotla wwbv
sues, warnin aTuetooia a noh
ft laffooetloa, hot Bash, hMaahf.,
t-MKaab Bjll8oholla, drud W to
beading U, palpitation of atari
bretraiartu, copsypauon sua aim
ar promput hdtd by IpifJ.
gat woImb Who appfWbiM
t parlod of" m wlto till f rait
a&angw ns M xpooUd,
1 far. Pr4Crtla, 1014 So. LafeystU
f tmt, So. Bnd, In&, write
MtbtiMtSwIin4lafJ WObO
r Maalof thrmib Chang of Uf .
mmm muw I tufftrtd from bat t
ft ymsm iwrouiia. fct4cli end
UitMU. I had no efciwiit. and eou
Mo. I bad awd aPpiy mind lhar tn
bid fTmporM ftd, and it trougbk m
ogn m eanftr ponoa, min
n m4 I ia In wUtt With.
iiKiund uomavmM (or ona dujis
Hn. 0nry Lm, W Win tar Etmt,
K IIao, Conn., writ: .
DtarMn. Pinkbaatt
After vuiTnitif untold (nitarr for ttr
. flulcham't VesotabU ConpoajML
u wo of my eotklftion, asd bgs to
jLyJiaB, I'UilUMm' ynw com.
frruttd and fniiowad rour MWt, ana KMUf
I tin wU and Uppy. 1 ea aow wklauf.
EaadirarfcarllaBToo and for
f4ltrvfoulbadtrMbulmM tM(t
iuvaitd witbmit B!p. I ooml'Ur yow Bwdi
3aa a torrln baLa for auflwlng woaas.'
Wopaa paaaiof Uutmgb this erlUeal
pertoa abould rtjly upon Lydla B.
Vinkoan'a VtreUbla Compound. 11
User U anything about yoar eaaa
yon don't undmtand writ to Mr.
J'iaknam, Lynn, Maaa.. for adrio. It
la fro and haa fuldad Utouaaoda to
totuAUf taoosands of womon. j
Wfcn a modlclaf h&a bx?a lucceasful ia rostorinflf to health,
oa cannot well saj witaout trrisr
kblo uompouna.
Afiii Yegotablo Compound
Our 1907 line Just in, made of Superior Selected
Woods, Complete ia box, at
$1.25 to $5.00 per Sot
, In Business for Business and Your Satisfaction.
tVe make it our aim to do first class work at
reasonable prices.
222 Twelfth Street. Next to the Astoria Theatre.
; v ON
I Wall Paper
:Onccount of the large new spring stock coming and :
; " to make room in our store we offer 80 per cent
; off for the next few days. Buy your
; wall paper now while it is cheap.
; Eastern Painting & Decorating Company.!
Commercial ltrt, ntar Eighth.' , ' "pAiX.''
Several Trophlta, Medal and Cub
Prlie, Will Go To Winning Mailt
mn Prttident'i Match To B Snot
At That Tim.
WASHINGTON1. D. C May 28.-In
Aiitut, net, aometlilng Ilk a thonad
axpert, with tit military rlfl will a
Moiblt at Camp ferry, Ohio, to eonteM
for th honored tropble offered by w
V, B. Government tbroogli'tb Nation
al Board for th Promotion of Bid
Practice, and tbow offered by th Na
ftlfla AaaoolaUoa. In addition to provi-
there will b th State mntchei of the
Ohio BUt Rid Aocition and many
cart prkea ia all matche. Th rllle
world owe much to the generoo up
port given by Congnm which baa recog
nised th adlabillty f ' encouraging
practlc with tb military rlfl and re
rolrer aa essential to the polon of
a military reiem fore. In addition to
providing the nrlnelnal trophy, Congre
give the National Hoard a turn of mon
ey yearly which Ii utilized for th pur
ohao of medal, eaih prUe and other
exneniei Incidental to the work. The
expenet of all tbo team ar tlao paid
by th government indirectly, a mey
re met from th portio of th fund
for the tupport of tb militia which it
et l(lo Vor rifl practlc. At preterit
the government make no appropria
tion for th National Rill Association
for th encouragement of practlc among
civilians but it 1 expected thla will be
don aom day which will give a great
Impetu to th aport.
Camp Terry will afford many attrac
tion of modern and historic Interest
to the visiting riflemen. Th range I In
eight of th acene, of the battle of Lake
Erlft wber Commander Perry, after
whom tb camp wa named, received the
surrender of the IirltUb aquadron. To
tb touth l old Fort 8tepbenro, where
Col, Groghan and a handful of men
itipported by a ina!e field piece, de
feated the UrliWi. Near bv are th old
Forta, Melgf and Miami, the former Am
erican, and the latter British. John
on' Wand, where many Confederate
veteran ar buried, i to th Eaet It
w from Routb Baa-Wand, now known
aa Put-la Bay, that Perry aet out to
meet th Britih. Along th thor of
the bay ia a beautiful alauied park
named In hl honor; and under iU award
lie th remain of th gallant British
and American officer and men who fell
that day. A number of cannon used In
the battle mark the epot.
Other more modern placei also at
tract attention. The laroeai fish hatch
ry In th United State I on thi la
land, a r come celebrated cavern.
Here I also the largest iummer hotel
in the world, from whow plana the
tent of Camp Perry will be visible
Connectjlona between Put-In Bay and
in camp will be maintained by rail
irom th camp to Fort Clinton and
aero the bay by steamer. Cedar Point
which ekfma th title df the "Atlantic
City of th West," I across Sandusky
Bay. Cleveland, Toledo and other noints
are alo near enough to be available
for visitor desiring to make the trio.
Altogether It aeema the mateheg will be
shot under very pleasant conditions.
The Matches of the National Rifle As.
sociation t Camp Perry will begin on
Mommy, August 10th, with the Compa
ny Team Match, Oa Wednesday of
that week, the President' match will
be ahot. It will correspond with in
number of ahota, distance and prac
tically in the order of Are. with Mia V.
tional Individual Match,' but any am
munition may be used. Instead of the
winner being designated Military Cham
pion as heretofore, that title will go to
tne contestant, who, having shot in the
President' Match and the National In-
dividual, secures the highest aggregate
aeore in both matches. A special prize
and a letter from the President will go
to the winner of this match.
Up-to-Dat Baw Mill Machinery Prompt attention given to al. repair work
18th and Franklin Ava, Tl. Main 21.
I Forced to Leave my Present Quarters, I Will Sell
all Clothing, Rubber Boots, Men's Furnish
ings and Oil Clothing
The National Rifle Association, after
a careTuI consideration of the situation
appertaining to the holdinir of an Inter-
collegiate competition for the Intercol
legiate trophy, has decided that the title
is not yet ripe for the holding of suoh a
contest, with credit to the Association
and the Colleges. There is a shorfoce
of range facilities and consequent lack
ot practice; Hence not enough Interest
is being taken In the contest bv the col
leges themselves. Rather than make a
failure of uch a competition thi year
it haa been decided to postnone the
match until 1008. By next year, rifle
Prices !
25 Per Cent OtT on Men's and Boys'. Suits
$4 Underwear for $3.40
$3 Underwear $2.25
$2,50 Underwear $2.00
$ J Underwear .80
$5 Sweater. for $3.50
$3 " . $2.40
Apron Overalls, 65c
2Sc Cashmere Sox 20c, three pair for 50c
50c Working Shirts for 40 cents.
This is Your Chance
To Buy Goods Cheap
!l The Workingmati's Store
Is going to move, June 1st, to first door west of Ross,
" Higgins & . Co., on Bond street.
Chas. Larson, Prop. 557 Commercial St.
shooting will have been more generally
promoted among th universities and
college and more interest will likely be
taken In such a contest.
So much disculon ha been bad over
the relative efficiency of the .33 and
the .43 caliber revolver, which ha been
apparently finally decided In favor Of
the larger caliber, that It I interesting
to note the War Department recently
declined to favorably consider a 'device
for causing the .30 caliber bullet to
mushroom, thereby increasing its (top
ping power. To determine the merits
of automatlo pistols, three troops of
cavalry will be armed with th Colt au
tomatlo and three with the Savage.
These automatlo pistols will be sub
jected to th earn use as the Colt doub
le action now used by the cavalry. The
question at issue is, whether th doub
le action or the automatlo revolver is
the best military ' arm. The practical
test will last a year.
Major David C i Shanks, 4th Infan
try, will captain the Infantry team, and
Capt Wm. E. Hay,' 10th Cavalry, will
have charge of the cavalry team in the
coming National Matches, Lieut. Col.
R. K. Evans, will be executive officer of
the National Matches. Capt.' Frank E,
Evan, U. S. Marine Corps, retired, will
again captain the Marine team. Capt.
Evans was formerly a member of the
New York Sun Staff.
Good Word for Chamberlain' Cough
Peopla everywhere take pleasure in
recommend , Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, My llttla glrV Catherine,
who la two' years old, has been taklns
this remedy whenever she haa had a
cold since she waa two months old.
About a month ago I contracted a
fearful cold myself, but I took Cham
belaln'i Cough Remedy and waa soon
testifying to th good qualities ot
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. . Mrs.
Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md,
writes: "1 wish to toll you that I can
as well as aver." This remedy is for
salt by Frank Hart and Leading
Druggist. ! .,
The safe, certain, reliable llttla pills.
that do not grip or sicken ar Dade's
Little Liver Pills. Beat tor sick head
aches, bllllounness and lasy livers.
Sold by Hart's Drug Stora.
I First-Class Liquors and Cigars
" 602 Commercial Street.
Corner Commercial and 14th. Astoria, Oregon.
' Relief from Rh.umatlo Pains.
"I suffered with rheumatism for over
two years," says Mr. Rolland Curry, a
patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Some
times It settled in my knees and lamed
me ao I could hardly walk, at other
times It would be in my feet and hands
so I was Incapacitated for duty. One
night when I was in severe pain and
lame from it my wife went to the drug
store here and came back with a bot
tie of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I
was rubbed with it and found the pain
had nearly gone during the night I
kept on using it for a little more than
two weeks and found that it 'drove the
rheumatism away. I have ' not had
any trouble from that disease for over
two months," For sale by Frank Hart
and Leading Druggists.
! I IE Bit
4x0 BOJfD tT,
Leave Hotel Lorraine and Rent a Pri
vate House for Summer.
NEW YORK, May 28.-MM Evelyn
XeUt Thaw, who has been making the
Hotel Lorraine her home during tibe
many month her husband, Harry - K.
Thaw, haa been In the Tombs for the
murder of Stanford White, has left the
hotel according to the announcement
published today; and with her mother-
in-law, 'Mrs. William Thaw, has taken
a home in a house on Park avenue, near
Fifty Ninth Street There the two
women, whose devotion to the prisoner
was a marked feature of hig recent trial,
will remain in seclusion for the summer,
it ia said, so as to be within call of the
prisoner and to await events in his case.
The salve that acts like a poultice
Is Pine Salve Carbollsed. No other
salve so good for cuts, burns, bolls and
chapped skin. Ask about it. Price
25ct& Sold by , Frank Hart's Drug
Carries th Finest Lisa of
I Wines,
The Owl Concert Hall
Formerly the LaTosca
The Leading Amusement
House in Astoria
Good music
Everybody welcome.
Chas. Niexnl, Proprietor
363 Astoria street,
Eagle Concert IMl
320 As tor 6t
Th leading amusement hous.
Agency for Edison Phonograph aai
Gold Moulded Beoorda.
P. A. PETERSON, Pro. ,