The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 29, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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tatabUth iIt
PsblUhed Daily Except Monday by
By mftil, per year........ 17 00
By carrier, psr month.. ......... .10
it Bun, per year, tn advance. .11.00
Cntcrad m irwd-lM matter Jnlr
9tt.Mtlf. fcl the poatoffle t Ajltorla. Or
jon, ute tbe Ml ot Coocreae ol Mares. I,
nrorten for tk ddrfw etTnJfoa
jrrouaoUer weM w ; pta ol
UkM m b and voatal oh or
Official Mwr t CUUcc eoontr ana
UmCUj of Astoria.
The Right Age For Senators,
By United ramntr t. W. MTTUS of Alabama.
DOX'T tbink wo ought to have boys in our legislative bodies,
but it isn't a GOOD;, BUSINESS TOLIGY to send to con
irres wen who are over fifty-fivo or sixty pars of age.
I was seventy-six when I entered upon my duties as united
States senator. I was too old then, and I haven't grown any younger
in the ten years I've been at work on the floor of the senate. MV
notion la that men from forty to fifty years old the average man la
la the PRIME OF HIS MENTAL VIGOR at that age-ought to
Ve elected as senators and then kept in service as long as they are able
to do the required work. 1
4 Western Oregon and Washing-
ton Fair.
!As the years go by with their evi
dences and result appertainting to the
great industry of salmon fishing on the
Pacific , the more we are wedded to our
conviction that the business must be
absolutely divorced from polities If it
to flourish and expand under the
nurture that is provided.
If state aid and superintendence is to
make bo more real progress in the mat
ter than is of record to this date, it
were better that the whole matter be
left to the fishermen and the canners
and all statutory requirements cancelled
at once and forever. The great trade
would get along infinitely better in the
hands of experts trained to its last es
sential, than to have that expert inter
est invaded and hampered by an offic
ialism at once incompetent and costly.
The question is a vital one to this
whole ' upper coast country and in all
that realm it is conceded that the fisher
and the tanner are the only people who
really know the actualities of habit
and season and developement of the
salmon fish; and the logic of leaving
the manipulation of the industry to
them,, permitting them to devise and
control the hatchery operations, is be
coming more and more apparent every
season, nor will a step in this direction
be very boldly disparaged if it shall
be taken. "
and 43 live papers are now heralding the
claim ot Astoria and Clatsop to tne
nation In ouiet and effective terms, and
will soon bring results upon which may
b builded a campaign of acquisition
that will not end for yean to come and
never if it Is followed to logical esuo-
(first and last the newspaper it the
beat medium on earth for advertising
anything, from cities to socks, and toe
campaign just started is a forerunner of
success of the amplest sort because it is
based upon the soundest method of ex
ploitation and one that demonstrates
itself hourly is every enterprise and
community of the land. It has the
approval of the Chamber and the citi
sens, and are all squarely behind it.
Abe Hummel might have suspected
occasionally in his devious career that it
would some day be "23 for his," but
when he got it he couldn't have forseen
the restraint and the stripe.
After all it opponent had condemned
the Liberal government' bill for Ireland,
the Irish themselves reject it. That set
ties home rule for this session of Par
Chaplain Chidwick, of New York, told
the police they are not nearly as bad as
they are said to be. They would" like
to believe him because be is a good
The keynote of the ugly situation
prevailing in this city was struck when
the order was sent out to keep women
from the bar-rooms of the city.
This move broke away the vital allure
ment and deadened the initial step to
debauchery, and was the most whole.
some procedure taken in many a month.
From the hour it was put into effect,
there ha been a constant exodus from
this city of the people who had become
absolutely unnecessary here, and the
closing of the dancehalls, though a pre
cedent step, was sealed once for all,
.with the second, but most important
It was high time some such steps were
taken and the city will feel the impetus
of i later on. - Reactionary movements
of this sort are always momentarily
deadening, but the effect wears off in
time and normal conditions ensue; and
Astoria is not 'destined to suffer unduly
from thig movement to purify her muni
cipal skirts. She will get credit for it
at home and abroad and profit by it
immensely in the end. The plea that it
curtails the civic income, while in a
measure true, but accentuate the neces
sity for a very general subsidence of
public expdenditures and a course of
economic reformation that has been de
layed far too long. The day of regen
eration is at hand, and Astoria has a
plain duty to perform as Imperative
upon her as upon other cities of Oregon
that hare met and performed it.
The Astoria. Chamber of Commerce is
rapidly becoming a powerful agency for
good under the progressive and inspiring
tactics of Manager John H. Whyte and
is gaining the ear of the country all
about' us, in cood ehanc. He has been
indefatigable ever since he arrived here,
and has met with sharp and prompt en
couragement at the hands of the mem
bership in all the practical steps he has
inaugurated for the development of the
city and county.
The latest movement in this behalf is
the advertising of the whole territory
hereabout in every State in the Union,
Xone can escape. We knew the writ
ers of stories sbout snimals they never
met would be fired upon by the Presi
dent as soon as he got the range.
" The Octopus and Lake have demon
strated their ability to keep "foreigners
out of Newport society if they attempt
to come in by sea, --
' o
As to the reason for the Japan So
cietywhy, it may be for the purpose
of stowing visiting Japs of importance
under the table. .
The man who sheared the flock of
sheep in Central Park.'Xew York, evi
dently still believes in someone temper
ing the wind.
Shipowners as well as striking long
shoremen, in the East, show remarkable
self-restraint in the matter of arbitration.
The New York City office holders seem
to have cornered a lot of that Ohio
political harmony.
There's a good job open for somebody
as press agent for japan.
One fact and thirteen rumors make a
busy day in Wall Street.
A nice, fresh frost for breakfast is a
good appetizer.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Ram.sdy,
There Is probably no medicine made
that Is relied upon with more Implicit
confidence than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur
ing the third of a century In which It
has been In use, people have learned
that It is the one remedy that never
falls. When reduced with water and
sweetened it Is pleasant to take, For
sale by Frank Hart, and Leading
Not Enough to Meet the Demand of the
Industrial World Graduates of the
Technical Schools Sought
Eagerly by Employers. ,
Some time ago a large industrial con
cern of the Eat sent a representative to
Pittsburg with the authority to employ
one hundred draftsmen-and engineers
with thorough technical qualifications.
The representative was able to secure
only forty, and these he had to pay any
where from fifty to sixty .per cent more
than they were then earning to induce
them to change.
The incident emphasized the great lie
mand there is for technically trained
men in every part of the United States.
Kot only are their services required at
high salaries in all kinds of construc
tion work, but they are a much in de
mand for administrative position. A
large proportion of the men at the heads
of the various railroad companies are
those with engineering education, and
it is stated on good authority that sixty
per cent of the officials of the iteel in
dustry are technically trained wen
Such is the demand for the man wun
a technical education that a writer In a
recent number of a national industrial
publication refer to him ss the "auto
crat of the business world," meaning
that he may command almost any salary
within reason The same writer cite
the fact that industrial employers are
eagerly seeking the graduates of the
technical schools, and mentions an in
stance where one Ann wanted to employ
the entire graduating class of a well-
known engineering university
No single sgency ha done so much
to give men technical training a ha
the International Correspondence School
of Porsnton, Pa. By the unique meth
ods of this great institution, young men
may , gain thorough teennical training
in U the leading engineering trades and
professions, without giving up any em1
ployment that they may have. In al
most all large industrial concerns of
America these Schools have graduates
working with the graduates of lending
universities. The Schools can point to
thousands of cases where men formerly
working as laborer or occupying in
ferior position have, through the I. C.
S. perfected system of training by mail
become engineers, superintendent
managers, foreman, or head of their
own enterprise.
In fact, the International Correspond
ence Schools make it so easy for the
ambitious man, in hi spare hours and
at small expense, to rise to the level
of the high-salaried expert that no
man can now say truthfully that he
lacks opportunity.
The International Correspondence
School are represented in Astoria by
Mr. H. Harris, who is always glad to
give any one, free of charge, informs
tion concerning any of the more than
200 course of home-study offered by
the I. C. S.
at AitoviaV in the State of Oregon,' at
the clue of bu-ine, May 20th, 1007.
Loans and. discounts ....... .$0,850.82
Overdrafts, secured sud tin
eoitred 7,794.78
U. 8. Bond to secure circula
tion 4 88,000.00
Premium on IT, 8. Iktud. , . . 800,00
Komi, securities, cto 60,030.00
Furniture and Fixture 1.800.00
Due from National Banks
(not rewve sgeutV .... 113,&!1.8t
Due from Stat Banks and
Bankers ...... ...... .... 31770.16
Due from epproved reserve
.,m. ... .. 148.431.88
Checks and other ah Items 33.08
Note of other national
TUnfca 100.00
Klckels and cents ...... 800.40
Lawful money reserve in
Specie ......... ... 803,000.00
Keuemptioa luna wun v. o.
Treasurer o percent oi cir
culation) U3Q.00
Total ..1,130,39.17
Canltal stork bald in ....I 100.000.00
Surplus fund .... . 18,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex
pense and taxes paid.. 30,839.80
National Bank note out-
standing .; .. 88,000.00
Due to State Banks snd
Banker .. 8,827.90
Individual deposits sub
ject to check. .1727,920.81
Demsnd certificate of de-
poait 230,028.84
Certified Check 1,825.00 930,471.55
Cured to Stay Cured
Without Kulfe or Operations aud but little paiu
Cancer growth killed in 21 hours. Cancer
removed in 7 to 10 days. Orifice healed and
a permanent cure in 4 to 8 weeks. No
Pay until Cured.
A. ROSS 548 Com. St., Astoria Ore.
A Good Workman is Known by Ills Tools
A had workman quarrels with his tools, hut van a good workman
quarrels with had tools. No workman am quarrels with tools bought of
Astoria Hardware Co.
Nor will be quarrel with u for bavin g sold Intra to bun.
Our reputation la mad by sals adJsd to sale. No ons sals will make
or break us; but the continued reputation of selling such good goods as we
dOj you cannot afford to dsaplse,
Astoria Hardware Co.,
11 14 U Ml
First National Bank of -Astoria, Ore.
bc!ulePiffiry, finesrflavor.
Creartsf Srrerh, ft&WMblt frkn.
vi : : j
But ir I
Cold. Ore, I J
Whoeoln J
Cetigh. us. - i
Conforms to
N.tlotu! Pur. I 1
taoi snd I J
DruiUw. J
am 5s, w
in testa arrays eooUlnlnf .plates eaattf
t. tti bowelt. Bet's Lantlv. Honey an!
Tar stores the bowl an contains ao opu tea.
For Bale by Frank Hart, Druggist
ToUl ...... ...... ..11,130,839.17
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop
.. I, 8. 8. Gordon, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swesr that
the above statement U true to the lt
of my knowledge and heller.
s. s. nortnov. chler.
Subscribed and sworn to before nw
thl 22nd dsy of May, 1007.
V. Boelling,
Notary Public,
Correct At test i
Astoria MomM
it Astoria, in the Stat of Oregon, at
me cioe oi Business, aiay zvm.t iwi
Loans and discounts .$480182.80
0erdrafts, secured and unse
cured .... 3,401.41
U. S. Boad to ecure circula
tion 12,800.00
V. 8. Bonds to secure U. 8.
Deposit ...... 60.000.00
Premiums on- V. S. Bond.. 3.O0A.00
Bonds, securities, etc BSJWi'i
liankincr houe, f urnitura, and
fixtures 4.2HS.25
Other real etate owned .... 8,233.41
Due from State Bank and
Bankers 8,36,5S
Due ifrom approved reserve
. aircnts 322,235.32
Cheeks and other cash item. 7.788.8S
Xote of other National
Bank 2,450.00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and tents 12854
Lawful Money reserve in
Bunk, vlzs
Speeie .. ,.S8,52S.70
Legal- tender-nMes l,l5.00 00,220.70
Redemption fund with U. 8.
I reourer (5 per cent or
circulation .. ...... 825.00
- .! I.
Total .... $1,055,024.07
CapiCal stock paid in 60100.00
Surplus fund 40,000.00
Undivided profit, less ex
pense and taxes paid...... 17,613.27
National Bank Notes out
standing 12,500.00
Individual deposits subject
to check .... ..$500,535.36
Demand certificates of depos
it 75,421.07
Time certificates of depos
it .... 300,654.97
United States deposits
.... 60,000.00 035,011.40
Total ,...$1,055,024.07
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop,
8. " '
T .T. V.. TTio-Hn. Cashier of tfce above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the Ahova statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
0. Jv. mggins, vanior.
Subscribed and sworn to Idfore me
this 24th day of Mny, 1007.
M. l. iHAi.i-.rj
Notary Public,
Correct Attests
- Directors.
tT Morning Astorlan, 60 cents per
month, delivered by carrier.
Capital $100,000
I, Q. A. BOWLBY, rrsaideat fRANK PATTON, Cashier. -
a L PETERSON. Tlos-pnsideni J. W. GARNER, AssUtanl Cashier.
- -i -
f aAstoria Savings Bank
Capital raid to 100tt Surplua anS CndlTldaO iruAU IM-tua,
laaaaet a General Banklai Vnaln, j interest raid oa Tim lioif
iM T.nth Iteaet,
Paint ! Paint ! Paint !
This is Painting Time
We carry Everything in the Paint line and
none but the best.
Even rich men cannot afford to buy poor paint
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co. Inc.
Successor t Foard ft Itoksa Ce.
JOHN FOX, President Nelson Troyer, Vtce-Pres. and Bupt.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine EdIecs and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished.
CORRESPONDENCE SOlJCIIEDj Foot of Fourth btreet.
W. C. LAWS . CO.
Plans and estimates furnished on application.
All work done by First-Class Mechanics.
Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin, Work done in a first
class manner, as we do no other work in our shop. '
Shennaii Transtcr Co.
Hacks, Carriages Baggags Cheeked and Transterrsd Truck rd Furniture
.Wagon--Pianos Movsd, Bowd and Shipped.
'' : .'. " . : '
433 Commercial Street Main Phone 121
fa V
1 J
i u i ti t .i i l l n
"j Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat
iJ and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
T. F. Lauren,Owl Drug Store.
In ths