The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 29, 1907, Image 1

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    "j. . ,, . ,..... :..s;..:
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VOLUME LXIil, NO. 120.
Stanford Professor Makes
the Statement.
President in Magazine Article
Critisized Long's Book on
Wild Animals.
long Say Ftt!dent U4 HI Official
position To Discredit M X
jur the Sal of Hit Baok-Clalm Hli
Book U U Truth.
STAMFORD. Cltnn., May 23.-DT. J.
W. Long tonight mftd publla th loiter
sent by UUn to President Roosevelt, In
tbs utiico of the letter he y that
In went artM the President dellb
rt)y attacked Long ti well ft hi
"You Jiv wJ the nwrm Influ
nc of your offl.ial position to discredit
man, to Injur my reputation
and Incidentally to make poor ft mn
poorer by destroying, If possible, the
sal and Influent of hi book."
Long y he b iffven th mult of
lone year to the watching of wild
;mal for the purpose of studying their
habit and to crUln, 10 'far man
can, their domestic Hf- The Incident
recorded "from hi own observation are
(rue at far honest educated man
(an we and understand the truth.
Lnna cava a President of the United
State, Roosevelt ha gone out of bl
wsy to "PuWlely injury private ciu
en who wa attending ettlttly to bi
own bulne. ' :; '
A a man, you have aecuwd of false
hood another man whoae Ideate of truth
and faWhood are quite a high a your
V own."
Long goet on to aay thnt If he baa
upoken falely or If be ha wilfully d
oelved anv child or mnn retrardinir ani
mal life, be promb-ee to retraut every
word and never write another animal
On the other hand, If he ahowa to ny
dlalntereated peraon that Rooaevelt ha
aeeuaed him falaely, "Voi mun piiliHtily
withdraw your" neeuaatlon and apologiee."
,. Iing then take tip the principal atate
merit to which the l'rwldont takea ex
ception and eitea eye wltneeae to the
Incident alluded to tn hla book to aub
atontlnto hi atntemcnta,.
"If thl teatimony," aay Iong. "Ia
not enouifli, 1 will fill it up to full aerip
tuial meaaure."
Concluding, Long any the Present
ennnot at thla aUse, take refiice tie
hind the presidential o'fllee and maintain
"You have forfeited your riabt to
that eiluiire by breaking it, by coming
out in publication to attack a private
eltiiten. If your talk of a square deal
ia not all aham, If your fiDqnent moral
preat-lilng 1 not hypocritical, I call upon
you aa rretiident, aa a mnn, to come out
and admit tho error of your charge In
the aamo open and public way in which
you made It."
:. ajMaiaaaaHB ''':'','.
Small Army of Secret Service Men
Working In Denver,
DENVER, May 28 The Rocky Jloun
tain Now today any i
That the federal inquisition now In
:progrea in Denver Involve aome of the
lnrgcHt corporation In AMuplca, ; nmd
thnt indictment will be returned
gn-inst men who aro rated i multi
niilllomun's and captains Of Industry.
kiiDwn a Wall Street In Colorado,
U the 1 test development Ik ton nee t Ion
with th pmeedlng of the grand Jury.
Ko le than 120 awret service men
now make their headquarter In IVn'
rr, tlii email army of government
luth having rented Urge portion of
the fifth floor of an oflke building from
where they are apreadiug the net thai.
I tightening (ut victim In big pta
era. I C. Wheeler, In the anrvlee of the
Department of .1utlt at Waahlngton,
I in clwr(f of the wvret aervlce men,
and be expre the belief that there
will to wine atartllng re vein tloti ( In
the near future.
SeaioB for the Murdsr of ArmtniaB
Prieat Myitery.
KKW YORK, May 8S.-Notw!lhtand.
log that the motive for the murder of
Father Kaapar Valoriao, the prieat
who body wa found on Sunday
jammed Into a trunk In ft Weet 87th
ttreet bouae I not yet clear, aoin fast
have Wn learned which may diapel ail
doubt a to why the prieat waa lltt.
Father Kaapar, aemrdlna; to aome wit
nee who have been found, waa a poli
tician well a clergyman and waa
Identified with an Armenian aeeret revo
liitlunarjr (vtcty to thl elty. It ap
pear further that recently the revolu
tionaries In the local Armenian colony
pllt and that much bad blood wa en
gendered by the dlvUlon.
Coaat League,
At Portland -Oakland 11. Portland 2.
At San FrwrwlteoSati Franclaeo 6,
I.oa Angele 1.
Korthweat League.
At ButteRutte S, Spokane 0.
At TacomaTacoma I, Aberdeen 2-
Citizens of Canton Pay Respects
to Mrs. McKinley.
' ' ;v;; : , .'.- .
Caaket It Is Sam Place the Martyred
Preaident'l Wat Placed nd Same
Muale Will Be Sung By a Quartet
Notables Arriving.
OANTOX. May 28. FJght lhouand
people paased through 1 the MeKlnley
homo tbia afternoon and viewed , the
Imdv of Mra. William MvKInley. It had
been alated that ftdmMon to the borne
would lo from 3 to 8. At 10:30 thi
morning women and children lined up In
front rtf the houe waiting to paas by
the casket. At 2i30 tho door were
opened and from then until 8:30 the
people paid a ailenl but sorrowful trin
uto to the woman they loved, Tho caa
ket real In the room and in the anine
place whew the body of President Jftv
Klnley waa placed. The funeral crV'
Ice tomorrow afternoon will be ilmple
and brief, Dr. Buxton, paator of the
First Methodist Church and Pr. ITolm,
a former paator have charge. Four
muaical aelectlona will be inng. A
quartet will atng the aame music as waa
ucd t rrealdent MoKlnley'a funeral,
"Beautiful Mand of Somewhere," "Lead
Kindly Llht,tt and "Nearer My God To
Thee." "The Angel" will be eung a a
duet. In the funeral covtege to the
cemetery President Roosevelt' carriage
will follow the family carriage. Vice
President Fairbanks haa already ar
The Queen of Spain Appeared t Din
ner With Ktrar.
Madrid. Mav 28. Queen Victoria'
health continues excellent. Slio was up
Sunday and took dinner with the Ring.
Dr. Ouiterma. the Snantsh phyalotan
who waa in attendance upon the queen,
will accept the title ot Marqun bestow
cd upon him by the king.
Ho baa refused to accept any peeunl
ai'y remuneration for las services.
Witnesses Have Been Tarn-
pcred With.
Keney Claims Attempts HaveBeen
Made to Reach Prospective
Jurors and Witnesses.
New Venire. Called For Today Improper
Meant Have Been Used Burn Say
Schmits Ha Used Police Force For Bit
Defense and Other Important Purposes
RAV FRANCISCO. May 2S.-Slxteen
talesmen were examined today in the
Sehmit trial without rcult. Ail but
one wa excueed for eauae and George
n. Cummlnira. the sixteenth, waa per
emptorily challenged by the derenae.
Judge Dunne ordered ft wiire of 60.
to be returned In court tomorrow. The
insinuation waa made by the prosecution
that Sheriff O'N'eill is not summoning
the trial Juror in ft proper and Impar
tial manner. Altant District Attor
ney Ileney today made the statement
that the nroaeeution ha discovered that
the pollf 1ort9 ' binJf M"1 tn "n
tempt to reaeh prospective jnrora nd
wltneaae in the prolicry gra'ft procee.1
Inga. Two plain clothes men have been
nut securlncr the addresses of the 60
veniremen aummoned yesterday and re
turned Into court today for tne com
pletion of the Sehmlti jury. Both yes
terday and today Heney says, inlet
Dlnan annroached rrons who will be
called a wltneaae In aome of the var
ious trtala. lie ouetloned them as to
what they Intended to testify. ITeney
refiied to state what action, lr any, ne
would take.
Henry's statement was aupplemented
hv Rneclal A sent Burns who claimed
that Schmits "Is using the police de
partment In his behatr and tor oiner
like and Improper purposes." The de
fense enled tne imputation mat im
proper means are being employed.
Mexican Paper Ha Information That He
Has Purchased a German Hotel.
Mexican government Is as yet, unaware
of the result of the revilon proceed'
Incs in the eases of tho 19 men sentence
ed to death in Guatemala for alleged
complicity in a recent attempt to a
aasinate President Cabrera, The Record.
an afternoon paper, claims to have re
ceived Information that Cabrera ia pre
pared to flee to Germany. It says:
"That Cabrera U frightened and is pre
paring to quit Guatemala in case things
get too hot for him in this country. It
is Indicated by a private dispatch Te
oelved here-which states that he" has
purchased the ITamburgofT hotel, a mag
nificent residence In Hamburg at a cost
of $2,000,000.
Grand Jury Returns Indictments Against
Former Equitable Controller;
NEW YORK, May 28,-The May
grand jury, which haa been investigating
the nlrnirg (P the. Equitable Lire A8W'
ance Society, tmlay, returned Indict
ments against Thomas D. Jordan, fornv
erlv controller of the Emiltablo. Tor
jury and forgery in the third degree are
charged. No indictments were found
against tho present officials of the
com jinny.
First Day of the Enforcement of Pack
ers' New Rule.
lUICAfiO, Miiy 28. Because of the
enforcement by the big packers of their
new rule requiring post mortem Inspec
tion of cuwa and heifer a a condition
of purchase, only the high grades of
beef were dd at the stock yard yes
terday for the Chicago trade.
It waa the nt day of the enforce
ment of the post' mortem rule and the
first skirmish between the packers and
the shipper of llveatock nd the com
muudon men. The big firms did not
auceeed in buying a solitary cow or
heifer, according to the returns made
to the commission men t the clone of
busineas. Kon of the 30(a) animals
numbered In the Hit of today's receipts
a 'ftowstulP' remained unnold, howev
er, all being sent to other cities, and on
this showing the commission men insist
ed that the big firms were routed In the
first skirmish.
The sales, however, were t prices
from 10 to 20 per cent below the range
of price at the close of last week's
In this slump the big packer pro
'feed to find evidence of their own pow
er. They Are not sanguine of the final
outcome, however, the commission men's
failure to get "stuck" on the day's re
ceipt being an unlocked for develop
ment Causes that contributed to the suc
cess if the commission men in their
effort to sell out everything were the
co-operation of the shippers In the eoun
try and the demands of the 'Independ
ent trade.
Renewed appeals to the country buy
ers and shippers to "Keep their cows
and heifers" out of the Chicago mar
ket for the present were aent over the
Believed - Her Husband Was
., About to be Killed.
Husband and Partner Quarreled In Bar
Room Wife Goes To Rescue With
Revolver and Kills One and Fatally
Wounds the Other,
. .:. r.. ,
RAVUXS."Mvo., Mv 28,-Believing
that her husband was about to be kill
ed by his infuriated partners with whom
he was engaged In ft deaperate battle
with kuivea, beer glasses and otner
missiles. Mrs. Itiiltie RiiiL-wood today
shot and killed one of the men, A,
Davis, and fatally wounded Webb Stone,
the other. The three men who were
owners of a railroad restaurant became
engaged in a, heated discussion while
drinking at the bar. The nature of the.
trouble Is not known. Mrs. Ringwood
who" waa in the restaurant neard tne
quarreling and grabbed a revolver and
rushed into the saloon and began shoot
ing. The woman haa been arrested.
Physicians at. Loss, to Place The New
IX)XDON.Mav 28. A buceillus, ac
cording to Professor Delcphuie, of Vic
toria, University, Manchester, is respon-
-dole for an epidemic which has appeared
at Prestwieh, a suburb of Manchester.
These attacked, have ft swelling of the
throat, leadiug to loss of voice, inabiu
ity to swallow, fever nd weakness,
It was at first thought that the dis
ease was diphtheritic but the professor,
after investigation, says that the bac
illus of diphtheria is absent and that
the, disease seems to bo caused by ft
minute globular bacillus which is now
and distinct.
DES MOIKES, May 2S.-Govcrnor
Cummins .will be the candidate for
I'nitcd States Senator to succeed Sena
tor Aldrlch, subject to the endorsement
of the Republicans at next year's prim
ary election.
Arrested in Boise on Sus
picion. .
Carried Gun, and Other Weapons
Together With Several III
Matched Disguises.
Sheriff Will Have Summons Served By
Thursday Noon The State Has De
cided To Call Steve Adams A Refusal
To Testify Expected.
BOISE, May 2S. Xone of the talcs
men of the third special venire ordered
in the Steunenberg c was summoned
today. The liat was In part prepared
and the first of the summonses will be
served tomorrow. Sberiff Modgin plans
to complete service on the 61 citisens in
cluded in the Teaire by noon Thursday
in order to give them all ample time to
present themselves In court Friday
morning. The stat has decided to call
Stere Adams as wstnesj but the ex
pectation is that he will enter a general
refusal to testify.
The police today arrested a young
man who gave the name of & H. Dun'
can, of Spokane, Wash., and are holding
him for further Inquiry. He appeared
on the streets in ft palpable disguise and
was arrested on suspicion. In bis pos.
session were found an automatic pistod,
a long dirk, ft pair of brass knuckles,
some skeleton key and pair of rubber
shoes. He had letters and literature
showing h was interested in socialism
and when questioned by the police ht
said be was ft member of the Industrial
Workers of the World and because of
his interest in the Steunenberg case,
had come here to seek work In order to
be on the scene. Duncan's disguise con
sUted chiefly of false whiskers, mus
tache and eyebrows that did not match
his hair. . '
Was on the Bridge With Dewey at Bat
tle of Manila Bay.
CHICAGO, May 2S.-Joseph L. Stick
ney, tho noted war correspondent who
stood on the bridge of the Olympia with
Dewey, at the battle of Manila Bay, ex
pired last Saturday at bis house in
An obituary notice was received In
this city in which the place of death
was given, as Dewey Lake. There is no
no such post-office in Michigan ; and Mr.
Stickney'a friends believe the mime to
be be one which he gave to some small
body of water, in honor of his friend
Admiral Dewey, ' '
For several years Mr. Stickney bus
been an editorial writer on the Chicago
Evening Post and also a frequent con
tributor to the magazines. ,
Mr. Stickney was 58 years old. Com
bining the double advantage of being
graduate of the naval academy at An
napolis, ho was unusually well equipped
to report the battle of MunlU Bay. He
was the man who gave to the world Ad
miral Dewey's most famous order, "You
may fire when ready, Grldley," Mr.
Stickney 's account of the battle of Man
ila was the first published story of the
flght In accurate detail.
Admiral Dewey, in his official report
of the battle to the Navy Department
said: '.
J. M. Stickney, formerly an officer in
the United States navy and now a news
paper correspondent volunteered for
duty as my aid and rendered valuable
Remain of Kicotai C Raylas Uncov
ered To Determine Sex.
PHOENIX, Arte , May 28--Th body
of Kicolal do Pvaylan, whose sex has
been the subject of dfcputu and litiga
tion since last December was exhumed
today. The body was in fin stat of
preservalion nd the face eetlrely un
changed. When the wla'U casket wa
opened the body sras teen attired in
woman's robe. When the body wai
viewed by Baron Sthllppenbftch, the
Russian Consul at C&icago be saidt ,
'This is the body of Kicolal de Baylon
who for 12 years was my secretary."
Pa-muel J. Sehaeffer, attorney for
Mrs. Anna de Baylan, who accom
panied the baron to Phoenix has not yet
visited the body.
Assassin Use Stiletto In Vain Attempt
Makes Good Bis Escape.
PITTSBURG. May 23.An unknown
Italian made an attempt today to as
sassinate M. Cancelliere, proprietor and
editor of tho L Trinacria, an Italian
paper. The assault took place about 1
o'clock upon the street, near the office
of the newspaper. The wound-be assas
sin came up from the rear and slashed
the editor across the right side of the
face with ft small stiletto tnd then es
caped by flight. The weapon, made ft
wound three inches long and one inch
deep, the blade ju-t grazing the jugular
Cancelliere, said the man, wa ft
stranger, but he believed be had been
hired to kill him, as enemies had made
threats of assassination.
"I have been vigorous in my denuncia
tion of certain Italians who bare been
swindling their countrymen," said he,
"and have incurred the enmity of thse
Negro Stabbed White Man in
Crowded Car.
White Men Spoke Disparagingly of Col
ored People Negro Overheard nd
Displayed Resentment By Using;
DEJTVER, May 28. Angered by com
ments said to have been made against
his race, an unknown negro plunged a
knife into the breast of Fred Thomson,
an employe of the Western Packing Co.,
fatally injuring him tonight. - Tomson
came here recently from Washington, D.
O. Tho assault occurred on a crowded
streetcar and was the outgrowth of a
fight Thomson and a friend had with
another newo. The whites had been
victorious and were talking about the
fight in a tone disparaging to negroes.
The negro who stabbed Thomson over
heard the conversation and sat glower-,
ing at the two men. Suddenly he sprang
upon Thompsonr stabbing him In the re.
gion ofl the heart. The negro rushed
from the car and escaped. Thomson is
in a, precarious condition.
WASIHXGTOX, May 28. President
Roosevelt left here tonight at 9:10 p. m.
for his western trip. He will be away
until Saturday.
The President will tomorrow attend
Mrs, McKinley's funeral. On Memorial
dav he will speak at the unveiltnjr of
General Lawton's statue at Indianapolis.
Friday he will address the Michigan
Legislature at Lansing and in the after- ,
noon will speak to the students of the
Agricultural CoHege. .
."" . 1
LOS ANGELES, May 28. While dig
ging a trench in the rear of his house
at 381 South Hope Street last niht,
Charles W, Greeninger was buried be
neath a slulo of earth and almost in
stantly killed. Ho was 40 years old.