The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 28, 1907, Image 1

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    Ji- .
lie Will Defend Glass and
The Boss, Shows Nervous Strain
and Sleeplessness In Face
and Dress.
Attorney jUk Tbt Schmiti BU B
Vdu4-Oraa4 Jury Said T Be Con
templating tb Returning of On Baa
irti Mora Indictment.
A ..' . . . "
KAN FRANCISCO, May 27,-Abrebam
finer appeared bit own lawyer today
In ihm of th many criminal proceed-
inn pending against him. Stated alone
In on of tht crimson cushioned pew in
tb Jewish tynagogut, Judge lwler
temporary courtroom, ha looked dewrt
d and forlorn. IN wat unshtvea and
v M not drd m tidily M It bt habit.
HI fx, too, showed tlw)l(nM and
long dav of nervou dread. Hack of
Rwf Mt FJiaor Blggy, hi jfiiaril, and
deputy. Directly acrot tht aisle, In
another pw, Mt Schmiti, tt liberty on
$100,000 bond.
Delphln M. Delmaa, who attracted
worldwide attention by hi difenat of
Harry Thaw, haa been retained by LouU
ilt and T. V. IIley of the Pacific
Stale Telephone & Telegraph Company.
Thit announcement wa made by T. 0.
Oripgan, who ha thu far appeared for
!let, and at hi request Delmaa wai
ntered at an additional attorney of
reronl. Bail to tht amount of 010,000
wa given today by tht tlx millionaire
nd Mayor Schmiti. Frank 0. Drum
jiave 170,000 eaeh ball, ami Schmiti,
Fugent De 8abta andjlohn Martin 1140,
O00 each in bond onlnillittmenU ohsrg
i lng them with bribery of tht uprvlor
fix tht gat rate at 88 cent instead of
75 cent for the year df 1000. 0. H.
t'mbten, Thorn Green and I. W, Bro
berk gave bond In tht uro of (140,000
eoh In connection with an attempted
bribery of tbt supervisor to grant the
rarkld trolley franchise.
Glass and Halsey were arraigned on
additional Indictment charging them
with bribing the supervisors to vote
against leaning a competitive telephone
franohlse. They were given until Satur
day to plead, at were aUo Buef and
Schmiti whorwere arraigned on Indict
incuts charging the ame crime In con
section with the United Railway. The
only man who hat made no effort to
offer any kind of bail i Ruef. Hi hail.
which originally amounted to $50,000 in
th extortion eases, ha now plied up to
the appalling mm of $1,125,000 bond or
507,800 caah. Ruef wa asked whether
lie Intended to make any effort to give
tall.' He replied If bit premonition were
true thert were o many more duplicate
Indictment forthcoming against him
that It would take many million to et
nlm free temporarily. ,
An effort wa made by the Sohmlt
attorney to have hit (400,000 ball re
duced on the ground that It wa "ex
cessive and violative of the constitu
tion." Judge Coffey ha the matter under ad
visement. It may be ttated on author
ity, that the grand Jury ha In mind
the returning df at leat 100 more count
against the men already Indicted. The
statement of the prosecution la, that In
teveral of tht alleged briberies of uper
vlsorlal board of official of public serv'
Ico corporation, everyone of the 18
supervisors and the Mayor hluiself were
corrupted. Thu far the Jury ha re
turned indictment against only some
of tha supervisor ebarglng Wbr
nnna lueln.t th Mavor. Tb U.
(lint and Hley h been Mt fortune
Frisco Colon Accept Ttrm Offered by
- tht Brtwtrn,
trlk of th beer wagon driver and the
brewer workmen wa finally tettled
yeetenlay upon th terms originally of
fered by tb brewer, with tht excep
thm that one-half hour wa conceded
to th driven of keg Wr wagon.
Thoee driver who work II hour a
day, Including tht time they require
for lunch, Contract wert signed with
th union Involved which extend for
three year from May 18, 1007. Ac
co piling to the term of the contracts,
brewery workmen will reoeivt (44 a
week) driver from (28 to (48 a week,
scaled according to tht flvt varieties of
beer wagon driver and tht ttablemen
wlU receive (28 a week. With the ex
ception of thott change, tha term of
tht old contract art renewed.
Jamea Htrgfi On Trial For Complicity
la Cos Murder. ,
8ANDYHOOK, Ky., May 27.-Tody
mark tht beginning of tht trial of
Jamea lUrgl charged with aUtlng in
Uit murder of Dr. B. D. Cox at Jackton,
In April, ltMe Thl town of 100 in
habitant ha doubled It population
during th lt two day with wltneetet
and penon Intereited In tht trial
Exposed Plot to Usurp the Throne
of Servian
Aatistaut District Attorney Manley and
Several Detective Scouring New York
For th Suspect Plot Said To Have
Beta Organised la Jersey City,
NEW YORK, M.y E7.-Th body of
th Armenian priest, the Rev, Father
Keeper Vartianan, which wa found ye
Urday la a trunk with tht bend strep
ped to th kneea Ilea In tht morgue poal
Uvely Identified, according to tha police,
but without a clue other than those 1
ready provided In tht finding df the
body. A chemical examination of the
orgttni of the dead priet is programing
and until the result of thl I known,
the police will not say positively wheth
er Father Vartianan wa killed by drugs
before he wa placed In the trunk. The
police believe that robbery wa tht mo
tive for the crime. The auggeetion that
the prion waa killed a a result of the
dlMosure of a plot to eiise the throne
of Servln were not credited by the bishop
In charge of the local field today.
NEW YORK, May 27.-Up to an ear
ly hour today, though they 'had tho
roughly icoured the Armenian districts
of the city, the pollct had failed to
make any arrett In connection with
the murder of the Armeman ' prsmt,
identified a Father Kaepar, whose body
doubled up In a trunk, wa found Sun
day in a small apartment in the tene
ment at No. 833 West Thirty-Seventh
street. Assistant District Attorney
Manley ha taken charge of the caee,
and he hn a down detectives looking
for the men siwpected of the crime
There was considerable ' confusion in
getting the name of the men wanted
for the murder, but the police after
sevoml hour questioning of Armenians
ent out alarm for Paul Tiren, a car
penter 22 or 24 year of age, John
Moonedian, a dlehwaeher, aged 30 or
34 years and Terkl Earmoreyan, 25
year old. These men are all Armenl
an. Tlie two former were lodger In
the tenement and it hat been asccr
tained.that Father Kaspar wa a re
cent visitor to their room. The Inves
tlgntlon of the police revealed ' that the
murder of the priest might have been
(Continued on Fag 8.)
o ii iinnii ii i nil
Portland Street-Carman
Instantly Killed.
Motorman and Conductor Give
Battle-Robber Uses Gun and
Kills One.,
Murderer Etc ped In Darkness 0a An
Outgoing Freight Train liooo Reward
Offered By Light 4 Power Company
For Hit Apprehension.
PORTLAND, May 27.-Whl!t a tret.
car, outwanl-bound, on tht new Roae
City Park line wa eroding tbt 0. R.
N. track at Bandy Road about 0:30
o'clock tonljjht, uiakel robber stepped
on board the front platform and ordered
tht motormtn, B. L. Hull, to hold up hi
handa. Dull threw tie controlled at tbt
robber, who hot at the motorman. Tbe
latter feigned being hit and fell back
ward off the ear. The robber proceeded
Inside tnd compelled the conductor, C L
Neviua, to deliver up hi watch, changer
and tbe day' receipt. In tbt meantime
Hull tecured a big stone and a the
robber came back to the front platform,
Hull threw the stone, knocking th rob
ber down, Nevlu supposing the bandit
tunned, went out to help Hull to secure
tiltn. A Nevlu cam through tht door
the robber thot Nevlu la tht ctomach,
killing htm Instantly. Tbt murderer
took parting ahot at Hull, thl time
hitting tbe motormtn in tht hand, and
jumping from tht car disappeared in
the dark net. It U supposed he boarded
an t' bound freight trln which passed
hortly after tht robbery.
Tht Portland Railway, Light k Power
Company offered a reword of (1000 for
the apprehension of tbe robber, The
amount of booty tecured It not known.
Japanese Press Withholds Publlo Ex
pression On Frisco Affair.
TOKIO, May 27. The Jpaneee press
I still generally calm and, reserved over
the apparently unprovoked attack upon
the Japanese In Sun Francisco, but it is
only out of deference to President Roose
velt and his administration and the con
fidence in them, that publio expression
of resentment is withheld.- Even the
most conservative and hopeful fear that
a repetition of a similar occurrence may
have serious results upon the relation
of the countrie. It 1 confidently hoped
thnt the Washington Government has
decided to take tep to prevent a repe
titions of attack on the Japanese.
Bureau of Statistics Has Compiled the
Figures for the Fiscal Year,
WASHINGTON, May 27.-Iron and
steel exports from the United State in
the fiscal year which ends 'with next
month will aggregate approximately
$175,000,000 in value again $57,000,000
a decade earlier and $16,000,000 two de
cades earlier, according to flguses issued
by the Bureau of Statistics of the De
partment of Commerce and Labor, The
value of iron and steel manufactures
exported in the 10 months ending with
April, 1907, wua about $150,000,000. This
rapid growth has brought Iron and steel
manufactures far in the lead of any
other group of manufactures in the ex
port trade in the United States.
Ex-Convict Shot and Killed Comrade
During a Quarrel.
OAKLAND, CUl- May 27-Ceorge
W. Dunham, an ex convict, abot and
killed Tboiua D. Coppock, a young
lather, on tbe tklewalk ouUide of a ss
loon on Tenth and Franklin street, at 1
o'clock tht morning' in tho preMmce
of a number of men who were attracted
to the pot by the quarrel. Four shot
were fired, three of them entering the
abdomen and rm of tbe: victim, wbo
died few hour afterward. The mur
derer, brandishing a revolver, cleared
a way through the crowd and started
off at a run, lie ha not been captured,
ftoth men were drinking and quarreled.
German Navy To Makt It Tbt Strongest
- In The World.
LONDON, May 27.-A dispatch to the
Daily Mall from Berlin atatet that tbt
torpedo service of tht German nary It
about to undergo an improvement which
expert believe will make that branch
tht moot powerful in the world. AH the
new battleehipe will be fitted with tor
pedo tube of a diameter of 19 Instead
of 17 which are now used ia most
navies, the velocity being increased fully
Korthwest League.
At Seattle Seattle 8, Vancouver 1.
Washington Sheep Owners to
Test Oregon Law.
la Order To Get Sheep To Herding
Grounds la Wtnaha Forest Reserve
They Must Cross Umatilla County-
Say Law Was Madt To Keep Them Out
PORTLAND, May 27. Washington
theepownera today filed two suits ia the
United State circuit court to test the
constitutionality of tht compulsory
sheep inspection law pased at the last
seeeion of the legislature. The suits
were identical a to charges. Tht first
is filed by Leon Jaussand, Felix Von
Hollcbeke, O. A. Holes, Camillo Meyer
and S. V. Davln. The other by H. G
Bryson and about a dozen other promi
nent eheepinea Tbt plaintiffs are all
members of the Wenaha Wool Growers'
Association. They asecrt that in order
to take their aheep from Washington to
their herding grounds, in tht Wenaha
forest reserve, It It necessary to cross
Umatilla County, Oregon, where they are
confronted by the authorities who insist
on strict observance of tht state law for
the inspection of sheep. They further
assert that this hi w waa enacted solely
to prevent Ahem from bringing their
herds into Oregon, and declare the law
unnecessarily harsh and unreasonable.
They contend theaw Is unconstitutional
because it is in contiovension of the sec
tion of the constitution which authorizes
Congress to regulate interstate com
merce, and also of the section which pro
vides that the sections of each state
shall be entitled to the privileges and
Immunities of thejjUlaens of the several
states." . ...; , ' '
American Firms Given Important Con
tracts by Italian Government.
NEW YORK, May 27.-In the face of
the keenest competition on th part of
foremost ; Italians, German and other
European concerns, another - import
ant contract has been allotted to Ameri
can electrical interests by the Italian
government. The contract valued; at
about $3,000,000 was obtained by the
Westinghouse Company and calls for
the conversion from steam to electricity
of the suburban state railway lines
operating around Genoa. -
Haywood Trial Again Post
Protest Against the TalesmenBe
ing Drawn From Farmer and
Mercantile Classes.
Givt At Excuse That They Art Against
Capital Punishment and Resist At
tempts To Show That Their Opinion
Waa Recently Or Conveniently Adopted
BOISE, May 27. Tbe Steunenberg
cast wa again interrupted by th ex
haustion of tbt jury panel. The last
man la the second special venire was
disqualified this afternoon and Judge
Wood postponed tht trial until Friday
when Sheriff Shad Bodgia is to produce
another venire of 61 men. An odd num
ber wa Jocularly asked for by tht de
fense ia hope of changing tht luck that
has dogged tbt even number used.
Prior to tbe issuing of a new venire, E.
F. Richardson for the defense took ex
ception to the manner in which the jury
lists were drawn, intimating that as
effort was being made to avoid the
drawing of working men. He protested
against tha talesmen being drawn from
the farmer and mercantile classes rather
than from a body of citizens. Judge
Wood in reply said be had absolute con
fidence ia Sheriff Hodgin and he would
makt no suggestion to "him as to the
manner in which he madt up his lists.
Scruples against capital punishment
and prejudice against the acceptance of
circumstantial evidence, rather than an
opinion that gave bias, wert tbt stum
bling blocks of tht talesmen txamined
today. Man after man averred he has
prejudice against taking life under any
circumstances and tbey all successfully
resisted the attempts to show thst the
belief had been recently or conveniently
Will Meet This Year In Thirteenth Cen-
tury Castlt.
THE HAGUE, May 27. The settings
of the second peace conference will be
held in a thirteenth century castle. The
romantic "house in the woods," the
former royal villa in the Haagsche for
est in which tht original conference met,
was found too small to accommodate
the delegates of the 40 countries to he
represented at tbt present conference
and the Dutch government decided to
fit up and place at the disposal of its
ilistinmiisheil iraesU tite ancient castle
latterly known as "the Hall of Knights.'
This is a largo gloomy structure of
stone and brick, situate la the heart of
an interesting, Irregular pile of old but
more modern building, which taken
together, form the Binnenhoff, the fort
ress of the city. The Binnenhoff is the
most historical spot in Holland.
Engineer Working On Waterway Fifty
Miles Ia Length.
CHICAGO, May 27. Engineers work
ing in the interest of New York, Pitts
burg, Chicago and Indianapolis capital
ists are competing plans for an extended
system of canals from Indiana Harbor
to a point between Gary and Michigan
City. The first surveys provide for
waterways 50 miles long to cost $10,
000,000,' The system is held necessaTy
to the development of tht steel and iroa
Tht main channel will be 250 feet
wldt with lateral canal 200 feet ia
width. Tht system is to have a uni
form depth of 24 feet. Turning basiii
900 feet ia diameter will bt dug at ia
terra! of two mile. It (a estimated,
that It will take 10 year to complet
tht work. First plans for the water
ways, which await approval of mea
behind the project and of th govern
ment's engineers, show routes touching
Indiana. Harbor, East Chics go, Hammond
and Gary. As a basis for tht new wa
terways it is proposed to utilize the la
dkna Harbor rhip J channel and tht
canal of tbe United States Steel Con
poration at Gary. Tht Calumet River
which runs sluggishly for several mile
along the route of tbe mala channel of
tbe proposed canal system, is to be
deepened, straightened and bordered
with wharve. . ..
Much secrecy ha been thrown around
the operation of the engineering crews.
These worked four months under direc
tion of H. L. Richard, of New York,
general field engineer for a number of
eastern railways, ''
King Haakon and Queen Mauds of Nor
way Visit Paris.
PARIS. May 27 fam was in holl-
day attire today in honor of tht visit of
King Haakon and Queen Maude of Nor
way, who arrived here on their way to
Entrlend to visit, tha Queen's parents.
The king and queen wert received ia
state by President FaWere.
Mrs. McKinley to be Interred
This Afternoon.
Vice-President and Governor of Ohio
With Majry Other Notables Will Bt ,
Present Business Will Be Suspended
During the Afternoon.
CANTON, Ohio, May 27. Although it
U not intended that tht funeral of Mrs.
McKinley shall take the form of a cere,
mony of state, yet the coming of tht
president and the members of tht cabi
net, the vice-president and the governor
of Ohio and many other notables will
make it such ia degree at least. Lata
this afternoon it was decided to change
tbe plans so as to allow for the Canton
friends viewing the remains. This will
occur tomorrow afternoon. Business will
be suspended on Wednesday afternoon.
Floral tributes in profusion from friends,
both local and from many states, ara
Guatemala Consul.. General.. Blames
Trouble On Political Enemies.
NB WYORK, May 27.-In a state
ment published in the Herald today, Dr.
Ramon Bengoechea, consul General of
Guatemala, defends President Estrada
Cabrera of Guatemala, and declares
that most of tht reports of the recent
affairs in Guatemala are dictated by
President Cabrera's enemies eager for
power. Th Consul General says de
scriptions of Cabrera as the "Nero of
America, are absurd and he points to
Cabrera's encouragement of American
enterprises and introduction of Ameri
can) methods, especially in education,
a a sign of his p repressiveness.
Dr. Bengoechea. in speaking of tht
assassination of ex-President Barrilaa
in Mexico, sayt it is absurd to associate
President Cabrera or his administna
tion with that murder. He aays Bar"
!-- i. . i:.: l a
nana ws uuv uuiui uguie, i.ajva
ened nothing to Cabrera and was never
considered a factor of any momeut in
the Revolutionistic plans. As to tht
nationality of men arrested as accom
plices in the mines plot, the Consul
General says he knows nothing.
He says, however, thai Cabrera will
deny justice to no one. ;