The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 26, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    SUNDAY, MAY ad, 1907.
President May Make Voyage In
Woit Virginia Move Up To Second Coal
Producing Stat Argument! In Favor
of t National Unlvnlty Public Land
. To B Opaa la July,
WASHINGTON. May 23,-rrMklent
Iloosevelt 1 to make a trip llown tha
Mlllpp( Rlvr. 11a baa accepted
provisionally an Invitation from th
governors of aixteen etatee, to maka tbt
voyage, for tha piirpoaa of seeing tha
river ami barber work la progr on
that atraam, Tha Journey will probab
1y be tak aarly In October, for Mr.
Booaerelt goe to Canton, 0., Septwn
tar SOtb to speak at tb dedication of
tha McKiniey monument, He will go
fiotn there to St. Louis or tome other
point on tha Father of Water am!
thence down to Memphis, where be will
attend tha deep waterweye convention.
It la believed he will maka an adlre
before tbla convention, although thla
baa not been definitely determined yet
Th trip will take aVmtt lx day and
will be made on on tf tha government jbrsnde a nonwm the atatement that
stenoiar. Thla derision of th prsl-J,bi 'llg hat crytallled Into any
dent baa brought Joy to th heart of :,h'" an antlRoocvelt movement,
undoubtedly will maka tha moat ofI( Breut taya that If the
their opportunity In Impressing upon Trealdent will accept the nomination In
the President tha necessity for estab- H Colorado will be for him unanl
llahlng thla great ship canal. ThePrea- mousty. H says, alio, that Secretary
Idenfa Interest In the queatlon of wa- Taft't boom I being received vary gra
terway, devek.pment I well known, "'""V throughout th great territo
and ha la a hearty admirer of the Ne- rJ ,t Mle-ouri.
tional Rivera and Harbor Congrese
which, composed of bualuee men, lIp- Prealdawt Roosevelt thla weotf was
per and communities throughout theipresented with a solid gold folding card
United State, I aeeklng to bava Con conferring on him a life membership
gre appropriata not lea than f.W,(XH),-,
000 a year for tha protection of thl
Journey of the Chief Executive, umlouU. j
adly will, glv a itrong atlmuiut to the
work of the organltatlon, which I now membere of the Aaaociatlon. The card
endeavoring to increase even further Heile of regulation baeball ticket alt,
tnemherahlp. to tha end that the Amer- j graved In enameled gold, data of pre-
lean people may expreia unitedly to
Congrea their dealr that thla devel
opment may be continued.
Illlnoi gave wjy to Vt Virginia
laat year In the matter of coal produc
tion. According to etatUtke compiled
by the Geological Survey, Vt Virgin
la eupplanteU the Sucker Statr and j of bawball a the typical Amerl
took noaltlon aa tha aewnd coal pro- 'an outdoor port and that he wa par-
duclng State of the Union. During lOOflitlcularly lntereted In It tocauw men
it had a total output of 43,27M83 abort
ton,' while th production of Illlnoi
waa 41,470,433 abort ton. The lo of
place by Illlnoi wa due to tha almot
complete upnion of mining opera
tlona in that Stat l April and a por
tion Of May, becau of labor trouble.
Acording to the figure the total produc
tion of coal In the l'nltd State laat
year wa 414,030,881 abort tn of
2,000 poumla, valued at $SI2,fllO 744.
Compared with IMS, theae figure how
an Inorease of .4 per cent In quantity
ami of 7.3 In value,
It remained for Prof. Edmund J.
Jnmea, preklnt of th Unlveraity of
Illlnoi, to advance a unique argument
In savor of tha ettabliihment of a na
tional unlveraity here la Wellington.
In a letter- lauding tbo ambition of
George Waahlngton Unlveraity to fill
that poiltlon Dr. Jame aayai
"Such a unlveraity, located In the
Federal capital, could do many thing
for Amerlca.11 higher education which
no other Inatitutlon in any other loca
tion could accomplish. Another great
advantage of, inch a (obool a thi, lo
cated In the capital, would be Its pow
erful Influence on Cjongrea a 1 whole
in the direction of the acientlflo treat
ment of all political and economic prin
ciple. Such a school, with faculty
consisting of able experts in all the dif
ferent line of government policy and
admlnUtratloni would Inevitably exert
an Immediate and helpful Influence up
on the country and upon tho attitude
df our Congrcwmon and our govern
ment aa a whole." '
Thla view, ha never been taken be
fore. Congre wa looked upon a
providing, lu reality, an invaluable
clnaaroom In which 'the student of the
greater uulvcridty would be enabled to
study political soience at flrt hand.
.There I, little doubt -but that the ex
istence of a " national'' university here
would be of almost a much value to
Congress ns would Congress to the tu
dent of eueh an institution. The
George Waahlngton University has al
iiiost completed a $200,000' fund it ha
'been .raising for the purchase of a tte,
ami Dr.' Mitchell Cnroll, chairman of
Hie building and endowment committee
of the University, ig hoping that the
American people will come forward gen-
erousty with subscript ion to ftn en
tuwiin'iit Ifmid tint will cmwlilu the In
t It tit ln to carry on tli work projw
ted, Tllio university was eatabliahad In
121, directly result of n agtla
tlon lx'gun by George Washington in
the first Continental CMgr. , It I
well fitted In every wy,t carry out the
1 ln (if A national university end little
doubt I expred but that the Amor
lean people will iirg tt It that the lieees
ry fund are furthcoming. ,
rormrr Henntoi tockrell owe more
has reumed hi duties an a member of
the-Interstate Commerce Commission
Tha distinguished MIourlnn hai Ix-en
In very poor health and for two or three
month ha been In the hand of til
physicians, 'pending moat of tha time
In Florida Genera! Cockrell I a glut
ton for work. During hi five consecu
ttv term In tha Senate he waa cred
ited with working mora hour a day
than any other member of tha body.
Alfred E. Bent, treasurer of tha State
of Colorado, In Washington, and thla
week gave out a public itatomant da
nylng th story ent from Denver that
a Trans. Mississippi Anti-Roosevelt Con
urea waa In prone of formation In hl
State. He denied alao that Governor
flnehtel, of Colorado, I unfriendly to
tha president and behind any such
movement. Mr. Dent believe that the
lory originated from th coming On-
greM of ranchmen and othera interested
In the public and timber land of the
Western State, which will he. held in
th near future. lie eay that a num
ber df these people are not In sympathy
with the policie of tha AdmlnUtrntlon
' w,th ,vKrl to tha public domalu, but
In th National Aaaociatlon of Prdfe
alonal Itatetiall League. Th card wilt
admit the President to all th gamoa
played by the different club which are
aentation and th nam of a many of
the cltlee aa there la room for. Th
committee making th preentatton eon
aiated of Eugen F. Bert, of San Fran
di T. T. Powera, of New Yorkj J.
H. Farrell, of Auburn, N. Y., and if.
J. Rr)Jn, df Boton. Th Pmldent In
accepting the card, aid ha resardetl the
of middle could play.
More than- eighty million bushel of
wheat thla year In K-.a, i the pre
diction made by George W. Tinlcy, of
lopeka, who I here on bulnea befoiw
one of th department. Mr. Fiuley
dwlnre that the farmer of his State
expect to reap v,n greater profit than
In previou year becu of the hluh
price for the cereal. He declares that
o far a he know, and to ha th la
tet report, very little damage to the
grain In KanMa ha been doitc, al
though the farmcra df Oklahoma have
suffered conlderably. Mr. Finley ay
the day 0f the plodding farmer ha gone
by, that they have chopped off their
whisker and are now riding around in
Several hundred thousand acres of
public land In California, Washington,
Oregon and Wytmlng will be thrown
open for ettlement in July and for en
try In August Secretary Garfield, of
th Interior Department, this week, is
sued an executive order putting this in
effect. Of thl257,280 acres edjoln the
Washington National Foreat Reserve in
Waahlngton j 120580 adjoin tho San Ja
cinto National Fores Reserve in Cali
fornia 24,000 adjoin the Medicine Bow
National Forest Reserve In Wyoming 1
and 478,700 acre are adjacent to the
Cascade and Heppner National Forest
Reserve in Oregon. The methods of
settling anvl entering on these lands will
be similar to those emphjH in the
opening of public lands in the past,
The political sensation df the week
wa sprung by Senntor Cullom, when .he
came out flnt-footedly for "Uncle Joe
Cannon for th nomienntion .for '.Pres
ident In 1008. The Senator bearded the
President in his den and told him that
he was In complete sympathy , with
Representatives Prince amd Chapman,
of Illinois, both of whom had declared
previously that the III nols , delegation
to the convention would vote ns a uni
ty for Speaker Cannon from beginning
to end, Senator Cullom believes that
"Uncle Joe" would be the most appro
priate successor the President oould have
and think that the movement to put
him at the head of the ticket next year
is gaining ground steadily.
Ifarry -fohnaon la looked for a long
mention thla timmr, Harry la on of
the mutt fultliful aervant of tlia 1)1
tlt't of Columbia, and hai alway lxnm
at tlmcll of the alnk and aufforing.
Harry Mnaon la tha big whlta hore
emergmicy hoapltal ambujanca. He
nt Icb a day off for a 'ong tlma,
lia not len a day off for- a long time,
hut hat altdc'cloaa to hla po4. A few
day ago the cuipUye of th Bureau
whom have catiaa to be tbjnkful to
Ikrry for hi hury-iip method paaaed
the hat and collected tt82. ThU'l auf-ftcii-nt
to repulr the ilopiti1 ambu
lance, employ another nag to work In
Hurry' liwnc during the hot month,
and wit) a1o to aufliclent to find a
boarding place for ltarry whr th
meadow gra I long and tha water
cool and aweet.
Every woman of refinement appr
data a radiant, beautiful complexion,
which 1 to much admired by men,
Such complexion com to alt who ua
Holllater'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Ta
or Tablet, SS canta. Frank Hart
Four Out of Five Passed State Examina
tion; of Thus Who War Rot
Student, Only On in Six Passed.
The great work that th International
Correspondence : School, of Scranton,
I'a., are doing wa never demonstrated
more forcibly than it waa whan 89 can
didate for th position of Or boss
presented themselves to take the State
examination before th State Mine In
spector at Unlontown, Pa.
Nineteen of the candidate were I. C.
S. Student! fifty were not. The prac
tical experience of all averaged about
the same, and all bad equal opportunity
to pas th examination. The mult
wa a tlgnal triumph for the I. C 8.
ytm of training by mail. The 60
candidate that were not student of
the achool averaged only 64.7 per cent
In the examination only seven patted j
forty-three failed. The nineteen I. C
S. student averaged 781 per cent 15
passed; only four failed.
Th examination shows that tbe man
who ba th forealght to Invest a few
dollar and a little spar time in an
L C. S. Course of special training bat
nearly six times the chance to pass tbe
examination as tbe one that lack such
preparation; that the chance? that an
ICS. student will succeed are fourj
w one, wnue me cm nee tnat a non
student will fall are tlx to one.
The foregoing i simply one of a thou
sand Instances where I. C. 8, students
have triumphed in examinations, In
promotions, etc Such success is easily
accounted for," when It Is remembered
that these schools have had nearly 18
years of experience in teaching by mail
and have expended the great sum of
one million dollar In the preparation of
home-study textbook, which are so easy
to understand and to apply that any
man able to read and write can succeed,
provided he has little ambition.
Started In 1801 with one course pre
pared to help miners pats examination,
the International Correspondence
Schools now have more than 200 courses
of instruction covering position in all
of th best known trades and profes
sions. Drop a card to Mr. H. Harris,
who represent the Schools in this cltyl
will be gld to give any one full in
formation regarding any course.
Shortage of Enlisted Men Causes Change
on Governor Island.
NEW YORK. May 25.-Bcause of
the shortage otf enlisted men and the
lownesa with which recruit are being
gathered in the daily dress parade,
which had been a great feature of army
life on Governor's Island, has been
abandoned. There are 49 garrisons in
the Department of the East which in
clude the district east of Ohio and
North of North Carolina, which is
commanded by General Grant from
headquarters at Governor' Island. The
normal strength of this department
should be 10,702 men, but there is at
present a shortage of 2000 men. t
ST Morning Astorlan, SO cents per
month, delivered by carrier,
Colds, Cn
wmhw na
Csush, Eta.
I ass 1 s asa f . am 1 j w
.j)!! fed i fa
mmui. mm ,""
f Con forms to
National Hurt
Food and
I nrtu Law.
- ailaearh symp eontaihlnt etilat eawrttj k
Kt th Wsls. Bm's uativs Hoasy a4
x auvss Ui aowcls mi conuins aa tfU t.
For Bale by Frank Hart, Drugslst
n't' ,
Planned to Show Friendly Re
lations With America.
Great Dinner in New York Planned a
Public Demonstration of Friendship
Mystery of Old Trinlty'i Millions
Fifth Avenue' Hoodoo Palace, Etc.
NKW YORK, May 2S-Tbe two moat
famous fighting men of the world, Ad
miral Dewey and General Kurokl link
ed arm this week at the great banquet
given to tbe Japanese visitor at the
Hotel Astor. That meeting and the
banquet are likely to go down In diplo
matic history not only on aceouut of
the importance of the guAt b-it because
the affair possessed greater signifi
cance far greater than might appear on
the surface. The administration at
Washington, It is known, bat all along
been anxious for a proper understanding!
of the really cordial relations existing
between Japan and thi country and
baa been desirous of Its publi-t demon
tratlon as a proof of the obliteration
of all feeling over the California troub-
le in which President Roosevelt too'i
such a prominent part. General Kuro-
ki bad planned to return directly to,
Japan from tbe Jamestown Exposition
without taking part In uy publio dem-.
onstration. The opportunty," however,'
wa too good to be lost, and somehow j
from high aourcee things were started
moving. A committee was organ! red
significant in its composition. Not only
did it number men who had been prom
inently connected with tbe political life
of the present administration, such as
Paul Morton, Cornelius Bliss and Seth
Low, but also E. 8. A. de Lima and
other who are laboring to extend the
foreign commerce of the United States
and to eliminate adverse, influences.
Just how thi committee worked is not
known but as a result of its efforts
General Kuroki changed hla plana and
came to New York to take part in a
friendly demonstration of the relations
existing between the two countries
which may well live in International
history baa th visit of Commodore
Perry to Japan "half a century ago.
The people of New York helped along
the movement by giving the men of
the visiting fleet a glorious time during
their stay ashore.
There is probably no other estate in
New York about which it would be so
difficult to secure exact information as
that with which Trinity Church was
endowed by good Queen Anne 202 years
ago. The very vague statement recent
ly put forth by it rector concerning
the income of the parish, gtimuhtted the
inquiry df one of the title guarantee
companies a to how long it would take
to niake a list of the various parcels of
rt-al estate held by Trinity and what
such a list would cost, elieithg the in
lormaiion mat 11 would be necessary
to search the public records for three
centurie past, and that the cost of the
investigation would not be Ie than
$1,000. One of the chief difficulties in
the way of finding out how much of the
famous old "Bowerie" of Anncke Jane
is now the property cat "Mre. Trim as
the corporation wa styled in a para
ble written fn its defense more than a
century ago, lies in the fact that a
large portion of her holding are leased
for long periods to others, under whose
names they appear on the Tax Assess
or's books. Fifty year ago, when Trin
ity wag investigated by a committee of
the State Senate, it appeared that orig
inally the mother of Protestant church
es in New York owned 2,008 lots, of
which 318 had been, given away and 691
remained. The other 1059. it wa in
ferred, hnd been sold. This report Is
the only full one made since 1814, when
the present policy of keeping the finan
cial affairs oif the corporation a secret
was adopted. With this report for a
basis, however, and some-shrewd com
putations of the present value of the
una!sessed property therein listed,
Trinity' wealth in real estate has been
estimated at $30,308,100. The famous
brown structure which frowns unheeded
upon the Mammon worshippers of Wall
Street is assessed at $115,500; but the
sit which it tccupies and the cemetery
surrounding it ia one of tho choicest
piece of New York real estate, being
valued at no less than $17,000,000.
When "Silent" Smith, the most ec
centric of New York's multi-million
aires, purchased the sumptuous palace
at the corner of Sixty-eighth stireet
prosiacally known as 871 Fifth. Avenue,
he smiled contemptuously and dismissed
with his accustomed brevity orf speech
the warning of his friends that it was
the house of doom. It is recalled that
ix time ' have death and disaster ' the ship fn a havy -tea, m matter foj
stricken those who bat lived In tl,ejtt expert. Tramp steamer and winl
bouse or Wn connected with it. Long 'jammer which find their way U V
'Wore the original owner, Howard O. j York hire some on of the many steve
Seward, was found banging from a dore 'companies to take cfmrye of the)
rafter In an 'unfinished iom. William j work, but the Wg '.'trans-Atlantic line
C, Whitney built n?w bous about the operate their own stevedore strvke. Aa
old, enclosing it a a large shell endo- J soon as the pier line ar made fas
; a small one, but without removing on am incoming liner the stevedores ar
the hoodoo which ha clung to it since over the side, and from that mota-r4!
that flrt tragic event; for scarcely bad officer and crew have nothing to do
been completed within the brownstone with the hold until the captain mount
wails, than the bride for whom Whit- the bridge for the outward voyage
ncy bad designed it waa brought in to, When tbe strike assumed seriou pro
lie (from tb effects of a bunting acct
dent at Aiken. Then one day the re
port reached the financial dUtriet that
tbe leader lay HI in bis magnificent
home, ' Many tongued rumor expounded
the report into a atory that the illnesa
was no natural one, but the result of
a shot fired by an enemy in ambush.
However that may have been Mr. Whit
ney died and gossip forgot the enrse
.. .. , !l IL. AfflL - t-r 1 Cl
T "Zu " , VrTlTT I J
ford White, who Ui helped to build
and decorate the bouse, wet shot down
by Harry K. Thaw. Business adversi
ties and ill health have overtaken Amxi
E. Barber and they call him the A
phalf ling no longer, except In deris
ion. Now John H. Smith the last own
er of the bouse is dead. Tbe hoodoo
ba (truck again.
Thi week sees the opening of the ae
rie of open eir concerts with which
, Father Knickerbocker entertains bis
citins on the public recreation piers.
There ar now seven of these
scattered along the waterfront between
Harlem and tbe Batterv and one in
: Brooklyn, where both tha voiimr and
the old of th city' congested district
" r f?
gather nightly throughout the summer
for a musical entertainment wbicb tho
roughly attest the generosity of the
taxpayer and th excellence of New
York' brass bands. None of the bands
hired for these concert number few
than 14 pieces and some of them include
23. At each of the eight piers these
concert will be given nightly until the
112 concert each, or nearly a thousand
iu all. Last year tbe cost to the city
Tiork' resident wi'l not be Ut from
$100,000 and the free concerta of the
other half of tbe tit' cost at least as
much more.
Tbe man with the bale hook ia not
tbe unskilled laborer of popular esti
mation. That la why the big steam
ship companie have had so much diffi
culty In handling freight during the
strike which ha already cost them sev
eral millions of dollars, anil why so
many liners have aailed away with
hold half empty or still filled with the
same goods which they had brought
across the sea. For practically all ships, side and outside, and for ealsominiug
New York is a final destination, where the plaster work. Bid will be receive
orte entire cargo come out and anoth- up to 2 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, June
er goes in. A cargo all of one commo- 11, 1907. Specifications can be seen at
dity like the sugar bag and flour ar-j the office of th district clerk in the eity
rel which are bandied by Italians at hall. The right is reserved to reject
the Brooklyn docks is comparatively any or all bids. Addres all cornmunlc
simple; but to stow a cargo of general tions to A. L. Clark, clerk of the dia-
merchandise with neatnea and dis
patch ,and at the same time so securely
C. F. WISE, Prop.
Choice Win, Liquor Merchant Lunch From
and Cigars 11:30 a, m. to 1:30 p a
Hot Lunch at all Hoars f Centa
Corner Eleventh and Commercial
Sherman Transier Co.
Jacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Truck ard Furniture
Wagons Piano Moved. Boxed and Shipped.
433 Coznmerci&l Street Main Phone 121
MAY, .1907. MAY, .1907.
Low Water. A. M. P.M. High Water. A. M. P.M.
Date, h.m. ft h.m. ft Date. h.m. ft h.ra. ft
Wednesday .. .. 1 9:37-0.9 9:38 2.8 Wednesday .. .. 1 2:42 9.4 -8:68 T.f
Thursday .. ... S 10:82 -0.7 10:88 8.8 Thursday 2 3:29 9.1 6:02 T.
Friday 3 11:33 -0.3 11:48 8.5 Friday 3 4:85 8.6 :10 (.
Saturday 4 ......... 13:38 0.1 Saturday .. ... 4 6:03 8.0 7:22 T.t
SUNDAY 6 1:18 8.4 1:49 0.4 SUNDAY 5 6:47 7.6 8:27 7.4
Monday 6 2:28 8.0 8:60 0.7 Monday .. ..... 6 8:07 7.3 9:23 7.T
Tuesday 7 3:39 8.4 3:48 1.0 Tuesday ..v.... 7 9:22 7.410:09 8.1
Wednesday ,. .. 8 4:82 1.5 4:40 1.1 Wednesday .. 8 10:24 7.5 10:52 8.4
Thursday .. ... 9 6:23 1.0 5:26 1.3 Thursday 9 11:17 7.711:30 8.8
Friday 10 8:07 0.8 6:10 1.7 Friday 10 .. 12:03 7.T
Saturday .. ...11 6:48 0.1 6:43 2.1 Saturday 11 0:06 8.8 12:47 7.6
SUNDAY 12 7:27 -0.1 7:21 2.5 SUNDAY ,.'...12 0:37 8.9 1:27 7.8
Monday ., .....13 8:03 -0.1 7:52 2:9 Monday 13 1:08 8.8 2:05 7J
Tuesday .......14 8:33 -0.1 8:23 8.2 Tuesday 14 1:88 8.7 2:431 6.1
Wednesday., ..15 9:05 0.1 8:62 8.6 Wednesday.. ..15 3:08 8.5 8:81 t.6
Thursday .. ...16 9:33 0.3 9:28 3.8 Thursday .. ...16 2:40 8.3 4fo3 8.4
Friday .. 17 10:04 0.5 10:04 8.9 Friday .. 17 8:16 7.9 4:43 (.4
Saturday .. ...18 10:54 0.7 11:10 8.9 Saturday .. ...18 8:66 7.6 6:81 6.6
SUNDAY .. ...19.11:40 0.9 SUNDAY .. ...19 4:47 7.2 6:25 6.6
Monday 20 0:12 8.8 12:31 1.2 Monday .. .....20 6:48 6.8 7:20 7.6
Tuesday .... ..21 1:25 8.4 1:27 1.4 Tuesday .. ....21 7:02 6.6 8:12 7.6
Wednesday .. ,.22 8:26 2.8 2;25 1.6 Wednesday .. ..23 8:17 6.6 9:02 T.t
Thursday'. ...23 8:28 2.0 8:24 1.8 Thursday ., ...23 9:28 6,9 9:61 8.4
Friday .. ......84 4:27 1.1 4:23 1.9 Friday 2410:28 7.3 10:88 8.8
Saturday .. ...25 6:18 0.2 5:15 2.0 Saturday ., . ; .25 11:20 7.6 11:22 9.4
SUNDAY .. ...26 6:07 -0.6 6:03 8.1 SUNDAY ., ...26.. 12:18 7.6
Monday ,. 27 6:66 -1.2 6:52 2.4 Monday .. .....27 0:05 9.8 1:11 7.6
Tuesday .. ..,.28 7:44 -1.5 7:42 2.6 Tuesday .. ..,.28 0:49 10.0 2:03 7.7
Wednesday ., ..29 8:83 -1.6 8:83 8.8 Wednesday ,. ..29 1:33 9.9 8:57 7,
Thursday 80 9:24 -1.5 9:28 8.0 Thursday .. ...SO 8:22 9.6 8:51 7.6
Friday 8110:17-1.110:31 8.1 Friday .. ......81 8:13 9.2 4:49 7,1
portions, nearly all the big companlc
telegraphed their western connection
to divert grain, provisions, and other
bulky freight to other through porU?
and it Is likely that Boston, whenee the,
White Star and Cunard lines bava s
One service to Liverpool, will profit per
roanently at the expense of New York
In this respect.
Wbe ..peculation forces tbe price fl
whm tbov do,Ur ,
it ba done recently, it means that th
congested population of that portion
of the city eat of the Bowery, betwe
Chatham Square and East Tenth Street
are confronted with a serious problem.
1 .There is no section of any other city 1
tbe world where people live m suck con
fined quarters. Here, is a single bal
block, there are about 6,000 reopl,
city in itself living in many instances
in quarter unfit for human habitation.
Eight or ten familie sometimes finj
shelter in bouse which under other con
dition would afford reasonab'e accom
modation for not more than two or
Hebrew or Italian, and because it guee
farther, the food product most generally
consumed by this great mass of bomtn
Uy is bread. Generally speaking, ita
annual average, per capita consumption
of flour in the United State i approx
imately one barrel. In thi section,
covering about three square mile aoe
containing about 700,000 people, some
thing like 2,000,000 banel of flour arc
consumed each year, which means about
500,000,000 loaves of bread weighing a
pound eacb. Within the limit of this
comparatively small are there arc lo
ft hich, in addition to baking the broad
which they sell, also make a baalnre
of baking the loaves that are mad aul
brought to them each mornmg by the
women and children of the locality. Tho
enormoua mountain of bread wbicb tbey
turn out in the court of ar year woull
fill about 20,000 average freight cari,
making a train 128 miles long.
Bids will be received by tbe achool
board of district No. 1 for naintine
the McClure school building, botb in-
Astoria, Or, May 24, 1907.
6-25 fit.