The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 26, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Wo Have Today Extra Fine
Apple Blossom Honey
From the Sun Flower Dairy
A Piano Number Free With Each $5 Purchase.
SUNDAY, MAY afl, 1907.
Tht Ltadlng Qrtotn
Tbt Hymtntil AUr
Walter llokkanen hat been granted a
license to wtO. 1JI.I Janttata, Fellcita
Juitlct Court-
la tht suit of Willlner vt, Henderson
today In tht Juttlet court motion wit
miik t vtoatt the writ of replevin j
tblt wu denied.
Appointed Appttlaera
la tht ntatttr of th guardianship
of Albert and Paulina Harrla, an order
waa madt In th probata court yester
day appointing 0. F. Morton, Howard
11. Drowwll ami F. X. Clark apprais
ers of tht estate.
Articles of Incorporation
C. E. Untun bat ink out hi drug
aUirt and tht goodwill itock and fix
turn to tht Columbia Drug Company.
Tot Utter bat (lied rtlclet of Incorpo
ration and tht parties art C. C. Roen
twrg, Xathala Lud walla and Mary Ro
senberg, all of AatorU.
Cong Home
John 'Am, a well known resident of
Aatorla, lravt on Monday for hit homt
in Trieste, AutrU. Mr, Zam who l
70 years of ago, travela via th C, P. K
(Agent James Finlayton) to Xew Y rk
and their mtcbct tht tteamer AHnnia
of tht Ctnant Lino which goes direct to
Trieste. Bon Voyipel
For Aaainobola
Several people from tht neighbor
hood of Aotorlt hart recently departed
or signified their Intention of departing
for tht newly opened up territory or
Aseinaboia, CnuU. Iwbtli It I an
aieellent eountry and a grand wheat
growing country, but Astoria la good
enough for mt people for tht prefnt.
Death at Skamokiwi
Antont A. OUon, 34 year of age, died
of cancer of the stomach at Skamoknwa
ytaterday morning at 5:30. Mr. Olton,
who bail been suffering for several
weeks, left a. wlft and a brother to
mourn him. The funeral will take
plait at Sknmokawa on Sunday under
tht auspices of tht Redmen's Lodge
Contract Completed
William Ltpp and John riaiiUnp,
who bavt been under contract In the
boatbuilding aervict of tht fianWn
Cannery, have completed their tontnrt
end wilt engage In fluhlng for the bal
noe of tht aetoon,
Recrultlnt Office
The recruiting branch of tht armr
baa opened an oftlec in Aatoria for tue
DiiriKwe of enlist Ina desirable men for
at- t
the Infantry, cavalry and artillery.
The offlct i located over tht Bet Hive
and i In charge of 6argeant Skinner.
Lieutenant KehM. U. 8. A., waa in the
city yesterday attending to tht detail
of inaugurating tht new station.
Pollet Court ,
Judge Anderson waa back on the
bem-h In police court yesterday and Rued
two plain drunk the cimUuiwry amount
of M or two day In jail. On the mo
tion of City Attorney Alercromble the
ea-et of C. F. Wie and John Stephen
ion were continued until Tuesday at
2 p, m. Tht city attorney desired to
make an over-Sunday trip and could not
get b-k In time for the trials Monday.
Advertising Clam
The Atori4 ft Coluuibit River Rail-
rnad hat ju-t Utued I novel form ad-
vertlning, fur their Clatsop beach r-ort.
A everyone knowi, the finest olamt in
the world art the razor clam found in
that vicinity and the new advertising i
little booklet, with the cover made
to reprewnt a clam shell and i an
exact reproduction of the real thing in
contour and foloring, lmiJe the cover
hi a paee to write a abort 'letter and
nuL&r pictures Uliutratbg tht nmuM
m-nts to be found at the beach. The
booklet takes a two-cent Mump to
carry it which acta aa teal at tbt tune
time. The booklets can be obtained at
the local A. A C. R. A. ollto for the
aking. ,On tht luck of the cover in
written a clever little vera aa follow:
I'm a clam of the proper aortj
Found at the beai-h where the wild
wavet ajiort,
Take the A. A C. and see the sea
CItop lieach ie the place i"or me.
Another Finn Realdcnct
Y, N, Smith, the well known plumb
ing contractor, It preparing to put up 1
residence ifor himaelf at the nnrthe.tst
corner of Irving and Seventh etreeta,
Hit building will be a two-story frame
tincture, with all tht most modern
improvements, and will, cost about
$3000.' Architect Wicks it at present
bitty on the plant, and the work will be
commenced at toon at possible.
Ice Cream
Economy in your Grocery
purchases and your bank
' 4 JL ' i
account win dc greater ai .. 1
Oregon Strawberries re
ceived daily direct from
the grower.
Scholfield. Mattson Co.,
A ten llily m accident occurred aUii!
3 o'clock yenterdny artenxwn when (i.
Harry Oorgc, tht ton and only child
of Mr. and Mrs. (I. H. tieorjjc, wt
drowned in Young's Bay.
HuiTy George and Mim Winnie Iiig
glut had token email salting boat
from cloee by 1'arker'a dock in Young"
Day to make a plea'urt trip on the
river. They bad not proceeded very
far and had, it Is believed, scarcely
got the boat in trim when suddenly the
ail gibed, the boom ttriking the boy on
the head and knocking him into the
water. Vexed, and probably uncon
h-Iuiii be mechanically twain round in
a circle for 1 pnwible minute, then be
sank. He roc to the turfact again and,
waving hl bands, again aank. Once
mora lit rose, and this time trolling at
tbt girl, hi partner in the trip, be
waved bit hand to her and Anally dis
Meanwhile, on the bridge, eeveral peo
ple tx4 awt-atruck, watching the
tragedy, uuable to avert It, The whole
affair wat over and the catastrophe
complete before a boat. could le sent to
the lad't aid. Men ran frantically to
get whatever there was. One boat waa
found but there wert no oais, another,
that of Iirldgekeeier Strom, it waa iin
pooftible to launch, because a boom of
higi had damaged tht slip.
Meanwhile the boy met hit death!
These art tht Uent features.
Hut the boy met bit death, with a
smile on his face, and a wave of his
hand to the girl bU partner In the
Nothing could be done though a
hundred thing might bavt been If
only If If one boat bad bad cart in It,
If another bod not been high and dry
if the gasoline launch which came up to
the the place of the fataity withlu a
minute or so after, had only atarted a
moment sooner.
Frank Lewi coming round the point
in his launch heard tht girl call, saw her
beckon and speeded to her. Hut the
tail of the boat blocked hit view of the
tragedy, being enacted on tbt other
side of it.
So Provldenet willed, and one of the
bent and brightest of young Aetorlant
haa paaoed to hit account.
And that account all who knew him
do truly and firmly believe will be
found marked on the credit side only.
Jut back from m second year at
Stanford,, barely 20 yenrt of age, he
wot beloved by everyone who knew
Mm. Itappy, generout, high-spirited,
modeat, be was to all a true and perfect
gentlemen. What more can be said.
but to offer respectfully the deep
est sympathy to hit terribly bereaved
For a
Johnson Phonograph
Parian Beoond Floor tvtr Soholfltld A Mattttn Ct.
The boat in which the two friends
wt-re sailing was a Whitehall a kind
with whk-h Hurry Cieorge wat perfectly
familiar. He had been used to the wat
ers and boats since he wat a child' and
wa an excellent swimmer, so the acci
dent can only be accounted for by hit
having been thinned by the boom, which
struck him. The young girl, MLa Hig
gin, is utterly prostrated, and i natur
ally unable at present to give any clear
idea w tht accident. After being land
ed at the Parker dock ahe walked back
to town over the hill, accompanied by
Si Herman, who la watchman on the
San Joae. A great number of people
went down to Young's Bay to assist in
the search for the body, which wat not
recovered until after 11 o'clock laat
night. The patrol, the Chinook, the
Pilot and the Comet, besides numerous
(lulling boats, all took part in the search.
rnt Derock, the diver, also made a
number of descents. But it was left
to Mr. W. J. Berry and J. R. Burke to
eventually bring the body to the sur
face This they did by means of a long
lend line to which were attached num
erous sturgeon hooks. The men were
in two gasoline fishing boatt with the
line towing between them. The body
was found about 130 yards from where
it sank,
Club Opens
The Irving Club opened its door in
the Savings Bwvk building yesterday
afternoon but adjourned the formal
house warming till some day next week.
Police News
O. Johnson, a .machinist,' who is well
known to the police as an almost
habitual drunkard, was arrested yester
day for an attempted assault on the
ix-year-old daughter of a man named
Snndein. He beguilded the child into'
his shack, when fortunately the mother
of the child passed by and saw them.
Site had the man arrested.
A fttylish it V NtS
Makes threg baae Kltx fej; Yp
Especially whf
Offers Over 400 Hen's Suits
Per Cent
From Regular Price
The Only Dust Proof Moth Proof Wardrobe
Clothing Store in Oregon.
Matt Tarshilo in the employ if the
Seaside Lumber ft Manufacturing Co.,
waa seriouidy hurt yesterday while fol
lowing hit occupation at Seaside. It
ia reported that he fell from a locomo
tive of a logging train whilst it was
in motion and sustained a serious dis
location of the hip. It was found neccs
tary to take several stitches in the
wounds to the head, and whilst they
art bad cuts and extremely painful,
they art not nearly no troublesome or
distressing as the dislocation. Tht
man was brought Into town on the
evening tmin from Seaside and imme
diately removed to St. Mary's Hospital,
where he is now resting fairly easily.
Unfortunately he Is able to speak but
very few words oif English and cannot
give a very clear or definite account of
how the accident occurred.
0 S 05)
Mrs. P. Wasserman, of Portland, is
in the city visiting her ncice, Mrs. I.
E. E. Potter, of San Francisco, came
to Astoria on business yesterday.
Mr. Philip B. Van Nice, of the Title
Guarantee ft Trust Co., of Portland, was
in the city on business yesterday,
Mr. J. Ferner, of Rogue Point, was in
town 'yesterday,
Mr. H. B. Slcetser, of Philadelphia,
registered at the Occident Hotel on
Saturday. '
Joseph T. Bemer, of San Francisco,
was a visitor in Astoria yesterday.
Jos. W. Whitney, salesman for the
Pcmington Typewriter Co., is in Astoria
on business. , y
8avt Your Slip
Whether you buy 10 cents or a dol
lar's worth In Wise's clothing store,
save your slips, and when you have $5
worth you ret a Piano number fret.
Be sure and ask for your number for
tht next dance and Piano contest for
Wise's customers.
Our Summer fflillinery
Our showing of beautiful creations of summer
headgear includes the Newest Millinery conjur
ings of Paris and America.
A Graceful Collection
Each hat seemingly more radiantly beautiful
than the other, but all practical and worthy.
You'll find every new Summer Shape including
the newest trimmed Sailors, new browns, new
greens, new shades of maize, etc. Now is the
time to purchase your summer hat, while the
assortment is at its best.
Bon Ton Millinery
483 Bond Street, Astoria
Oxford Ties
For Women.
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. ; Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
The snoe that is bought
from us is certain to be cor
rect in style. We have them
in all leathers, styles and
Wherity, Ralston Company
Astoria's Best Shoe Store