The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, MAY it, 1907.
There Is
La D
"Bread" and BREAD
The Dread that Mother Used to Make was
never as good as that you buy from us.
.Special Attention paid to Shipping orders
Oregori Bakery
PHONf MAIN 1841.
2:30 P. M SUNDAY MAY 26
At A, F. C. Groi4tids
OrcatGaoie of the New Season. The Bohemians have
, been admitted to the Tri-City Base Ball League.
Admission, Adults 25c, Children 10c. , Come Out Everybody
Detective b Trail of Mining Jswtl
ry Broker,
NEW YORK, May S5. Irtl dU
Uvea bavt suoaeodwd to obtaining a olu
which may lead to the arrest of J. Ed
ward Buaek, tbo mining Jewelry and
urlo broker. The mn who have aiif
Urtii lomt through Boeck believe gen
erally that bo ia oo bit way back to
China where bo ipont several years, In
lulling tba tlmo of tho Boxer upraising.
Ikw.k left behind him la bit office at
177 Broadway, a lot of mr China, and
creditors art honlnu obtain 111111 ra.
turn from it for their loaae. There art
at least four elalmtnU of tbli china, ,
M. R, Guggenheim holds a chattel
ti.ortgage on It, bo any, for U,000 for
money loaned Morrison and Fklff hew
a claim on It as lawyer for a chattel
mortgage company ami F. D. Chethlro,
American Consul General at Mukden,
Clilna, hat Instructed bit attorney here
to replevin It Ifor him. Boeck declared
that the chlua waa worth about t-50,000.
There art raid to be about 00 piece.
Including four huge vasea of unique de
sign, worth $1000 each. Boeck asserted
that one or more of theae rase ws
4000 yeart old.
NKW YORK, May 88.-A polite pe
tition In bankruptcy wat filed yetter
day against the Forward Association,
which publlahet the Jewish Dally For
ward and tho Spirit of the Tim, a
weekly newspaper,
VT Morning Aatorlan, (0 centt per
month, delivered by oarrlor.
la Easiness for Business and Yonr Satisfaction.
fVe make it our aim to do first class work at
reasonable prices.
222 Twelfth Street. Next to the Astoria Theatre.
Wall Paper
IOn account of the large new spring stock coming and X
to make room in our store we offer dU per cent
off" for the next few days. Buy your
wall paper now while it is cheap. 5
I Eastern Painting & Decorating Company,
, , Commercial Btre.t, car Eighth.'. ,;.
Mandolin. Guitar and
Piano Folios
We receive all the new publications in. this form
every month. You can secure, from ten to fifteen
of the latest hits bound for from 25c to 50c per vol.
Sec, the Show Winw
An Important meeting of tiis Tronic
lion Committee of the Chamber of Com
meret waa held yesterday morning at
10 o'clock in the roomt of the Chamber
at which the decUlon wat mode to be
gin an alvrtlnlog campalga In tliO cla
lilcj column of tho daily and weekly
pupert of the Eat, and In the cluaolfled
coliiuint of the niAgazinct, atnotintirnf to
M'0 per month. Thlt amount will be
rained to 1J00 per month a aoon aa
wililo, llilt ft'Kt will be cxiniU'd
ivf.'ularly each month fr the balance
of the year. t
dialrman George W. Sanborn pre
lded and theia wert preoent beide
Mer. G. C. Fulton, F. L. Fulton, J. T.
Km, Dr. T. I. Ball and Frank Pat ton.
Manager WbyU read a printed )Ut of
45 advrtiemrnt and thet evidently
made a good impretnion upon the com
mlttca at Clialrman Sanlwrn ald be
woqld voluntarily miat hi aubtcriptlon
$10 per month to help tbl advertining
campaign which he believed would be
more helpful to Atoria than anything
elao that bad ever been undertaken for
tho benefit of tho city, regardueit of
bow much money may have been ex
pended upon any paat effort. Hie ad
vertlnementa were read tafore tho lant
regular meeting of tbo Chamber at
which there were preaent a atanding
room attendance and at tbi mectlnjr
they elicited a ulvo of band-clapping
ManagMr Whyte explained to the
Promotion Committee that when he bad
made up hi mind to come to Astoria
ha had then expected that A tor it
would bo In a position to devote the
aum of at leaW25,000 t year to ad
rertiaing. ' With that turn, the leaat
amount the manager believet the city
ahould consider for advertllng pur
poaea, ha believet that tho f ntnro of
Aatorla would be absolutely aaured and
that within two yean the proof of the
pudding would be In tbo eating. Mr.
Whyte doet not expect to accomplish
any feata of alijtbt-of-band r leperdt
maln, but believet that judlcloua, sen
tlblo advertising will do mora than any
thing elat to makt Astoria grow, .
The advertising which the Promotion
Committee will Immediately place, will
be placed through the G C Chapman
Advertising Agency of Portland, and it
will cover every part of the UniteJ
Statca, but moat of it will be placed In
tho largt daily paper of the eaatern
tatet and In tho classified column.
Without reproducing the , advertise
ment In detail, It may be laid that
the 45 ada which Mr. W'hyU prepared,
are made up of nine aeriea, and they
Invito correspondence from nearly every
conceivable olaat and profession and
business occupation. It may bo that
several stenographer will presently be
required to take care of the Chamber's
Among tho various thing the Promo
tion Committee will advertise for, be
side Immigration in general, are 10,000
woodshopper, who can go Into the
backwoods hereabouta and chop their
way out rich, needing nothing whatso
ever for the proces excepting a aharp
ax and the main strength neceasary to
handle it. It one of the general Immi
gration ads, the reading la as follows!
"If you had come west 10 yeara ago
you would have been a millionaire now.
Jut atop and think what Keinse did.
There are many menf la your city as
smart as he Is."
Another of the general Immigration
adg which will be inserted in all df
the daily papers of the big dWa un
der the .head of "Business Clia.Vces,"
reads r "You who have been clerks for
20 years, do you want to die clerks, or
would you prefer to come west and
grow up to be a real men and property
holder? Out west you can win a home,
make a good living and be Independent,
a real citizen with a chance to go to
Congress or to the Senate, to be the
Governor of a great State."
Among the other " things advertised
for, are ablo-bodied laborers with fami
lies, farmers, real estate agents, con
tractors, parties who would be Interest
ed in a shipbuilding plant, the largest
ever built on the Paciflo Coastj capital
ists who are looking for the best oppor
tunities to investt millers and capital
ists generally who would Woine inter
ested In the largest flour mill In tho
world; sawmill and lumber people who
would invest in tho counjtry whero
there is more standing forests , than
anywhere else on this continent for
small manufacturers who can manufac
ture such things as doorbumpers and
clothespins out of the, wood refuse now
going to waste for lumber people and
Forced to Leave my Present Quarters, I Will Sell I
all Clothing, Rubber Boots, Men's Furnish
ings and Oil Clothing ;
At Loucsf lottom IricesS :
25 Per Cent Off on Men's and Boys' 5uits
" 1 ' in ' mi i" ' I in 7 III a
' ,' '' " '' ''' . ; ' ; . ' ' ? , . .. H k ...1; 5 6 ."
$4 Underwear for $3.40 $5 Sweater for $3.50
$3 Underwear $2.25 $4 "" $3
$2.50 Underwear $2.00 $3 " ' $2.40 ;
$T Underwear .80 Apron Overalls,' 65c
25c Cashmere Sox 20c, three pair for 50c
50c Working Shirts for 40 cents.
This is Your Chance
To Buy Goods Cheap
;! The Workingman's Store f
Is going to move. June 1st, to first door west of Ross,
Higgins .& Co, on Bond street.
Chas. Larson, Prop. 557 Commercial St.
aattaoooiaOOaaiaaaaatataaaaaaaaaoaaaaoati n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - -
for logging camp people generally for
capitalists and manufacturers who
would ' become interested la a wagon
and vehicle manufacturing establish
ment; for capitalists and manufacturers
who would become Interested In wood
working plants generally for capital
ists and manufacturers who would be
come interested in a furniture factory;
for capitalists and manufacturers who
would become interested in a furni
ture factory for capitalist and manu
facturers who would become interested
in a soap-making plant for deep-sea
fishermen who would become Interested
on the co-operative plant or otherwise
in a deep sea fishery to bav established
hero on a very large scale; for capital
ists and manufacturers and for money
generally that would become interested
in condensed milk and cream factories
here, wtich would very greatly help
and stimulate the dairying interests; for
those who would looste here and oper
ate dairies generally; for capitalists and
manufacturers who would become inter
ested in a paper mill; for capitalists
and manufacturers who would become
interested in a brick-making plant for
market gardeners, for domestic serv
ants, foe poultry raisers; for alfalfa
farmers, for potato farmers, for apple,
cherry and plum fruit growers; for hop
farmers for nut planters, the walnut
being the mit particularly , advertised;
for hog raisers, as this is one of the
best countries On earth in which to
raise hogs, rutabagas growing to per
fection and are of themselves a perfec
tion hog food. And as Manager Whyte
advertises, a cow can be raised here in
the all-tho-year-round-green-grass coun
try as cheap as a hen.
Potato farmers are given pointers
showing how they can make $600 an
acre off of Oregon land and always get
the very highest prices for their pota
toes. He also points out the fact that
Oregon butter is always at a premium,
as it should be, because of its par-excellent
; Manager Whyte is also writing for
the Promotion Committee to all of the
various towns -and committes con
tiguous to Astoria asking that t'nty
form co-operative committees to work
with tho Chamber of Commerce, to list
dairying and other lands, to take care
of newcomers that may be sent to them,
and to an advertising fund om whatever
they may believe that the circumstances
and the purpose justifies, and sent it
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
602 Commercial Street. .
t Corner Commercial and 14th. Astoria, Oregon. T
along as the voluntary subscription In
the work of building up the entire Co
lumbia River basin country Into a
greater and richer community In erery
way, into an advertising and exporting
and wholesale , community that will
cover the territory of Alaska and the
entire Pacific Coast territory, which
with the aid of the Columbia River wa
ter rates, ought to be one of the ac
complishments of the near future. In
fact, wholesale grocers are prominently
advertised for among tho various ads
that the ' Promotion Committee will
immediately cause to be inserted.
The County Court, through - Judge
Trenchard, has been asked to contribute
a thousand dollars, as the law provided
to assist in this great work, and within
six mouths from this tlmo the advertis
ing campaign ought to begin to tell a
little, and before the expiration of two
years, Astoria ought to know whether
or not 'she desires to spend $100,000 a
year in this kind of advertising or quit
it altogether. Is Astoria decides that
it pays there will be no trouble about
providing the ways and means. Where
ever , there is a will there's way, If
the end to be .attained justifies the
means. ?.' w .' "'h, "
Chairman 0. M. Cellar of the Com
mittee on Membership' and. Subscription,
believes that his committee, which will
very soon now be ready to begin active
operations in canvassing for, subscrip
tions i and membership, will be able to
add $250 a month at least to the present
amount of subscriptions and member
ship. Some of the very richest people
of tho city have not yet subscribed any
thing because they have not yet been
given the opportunity to do so. The
members of Mr, Cellar! otmmittee ares
a M. Cellar, H. Hoefier, William Madi
son, F, K Clark, William Gratke, Wal
ter Stokes, T. R, Davies, D. B. Allen
end Norris Staples.
1 1 11 i
i 4iS boito tr,
Carries tho Fix eat List of
i Wines,
and ,
The Owl Concert Hall
Formerly the LaTosca '
The Leading Amusement
House 'in Astoria
Good music. Everybody welooma.
Ch&s. Nieai, Froprietor
11 1 1(1 Astoria, street
Eagle eesfert IM
tS20"Ator Bi
Ths leading amusement sous.
Agency for Edison Fhonograplm aai
Gold Moulded Records.