The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 26, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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SUNDAY, MAY so, 1907.
IstabUh 1I79,
Published Daily Ixeept Monday by
By nail, pe year......... ,..,.17.00
By wirier, per month ,80
8, man, per year, la adaace.. 11.00
Kntare4 m lecond-oUiM natter July
9S.1M. at Ue pokm M Atorla, Ore
jnn,ndcrUaotofConfrwol Marelil,
WOrrtm tor the deirwrutt of Tn Mow
nunuii ia aitlMr iiii lnti ra or Bhwa !
Mmh tuts Btd bT portal card or
tiyvxifb MrhOM. Amy brnrularttr
Bwry should k fiikMy NporM to the
afltaeetpuNJeaCioa. -
Offlelal mmc of CUlaoa eountv ui
The Evil Effects of
Wall Street Panics.
. t
......... (
f Western Oregon and Washing- f
ton Fair. . e
) ft
Tbere is world of meaning in this
modern and convenient term) v
It ia synonymous of a hundred
crime and misdemeanors and a vary
complexity of reproach, the chiefest of
which, ft if exceedingly hard to deter
Wine, ., r,v ,
Primarily, of course, it ttanda lot
theft, deliberate, skilful, well-gloied
theft j theft artistic, scientific; refined,
delicate, tender-handed yet full handed,
theft; theft bold, coarse, inconsiderate
jtnd of amaiing audacity, but theft
always.-' . .,,''"' .,-,,, .. , .
Concurrently the cult embraces all the
hatity wtieoimuitautii of deceit, fraud,
false-pretense, lying, bribery, forgery,
record-tampering, every trick sanction
ed by dishonor and prompted by self
security. It is without limit of any
sort whatever as to leaguery personnel,
means, objective, achievement, and re
source of action. It never distinguishes
the poor man's money from that of the
rich man; money, God's, Man's AXI)
.the Devil's, is the one, simple purpose
if graft and the grafter spurns every
thing on the hither, side of it with a
thode, and all things too clean for sub
in its flagrant uniformity.
Organization is its cardinal principle,
with sacred silence as its close fellow;
its ramifications are endless, safety be
ing the only line of demarcation; its
active doctrine is the removal of impe
diments, such as people, motives, me
thods, and all things too clean ftr sub
stantial safety tfnd constant contact; it
has no peculiar habitat, it enters every
Held where money circulates and-flourishes
where the circulation is the
greatest; it scruples at nothing but
scruples and halts only at the bar of
the law, but not until it haa exhausted
itself in trying to leap even that; it
operate on no especial lines, and noth
ing is too sanctified for it invasion nor
too tender for its despoiling touch; the
courts are its play-ground and legal
processes its relaxation; false swearing
is the acme of its arts, and subornation
of perjury the chiefest of its graces; it
victimizes the living, the dying and the
very dead and no known thing in human
compass between the cradle and the
grave is free from ita polluted try-
out; it ia no local evil; it is stater
wide, national, universal, and the bit
terest, most dangerous, feature of it all
is the common, unrealizing, temporizing,
cowardly acceptation of it, everywhere.
For supreme audacity, openness
adroitness and scope of graft, this coun
try is conceded to be in the lead, and
the proof , piles up hourly and every
where In support of the questionable
distinction. There is no fiction in the
premise; it is adamantine fact, without
a saving shadow of ambiguity or plau-
Bible doubt. We are IT. The fabric of
our governmental, political, business
life is honeycombed to the core; and we
stand self -exploited, and apparently, un
ashamed. Nor are we but sacrificing com
mercial honor and lowering every stand
ard that was once our" boast; we are
yielding, all too readily, our anchorhold
of patritism, than which we can do no
more utter thing nor one more fearfully
charged with danger to the land and
the peope thereof.
The damnable truth of this crops out
on all sides, stares us out of counten
ance, compels our thought and arouses
our anxiety; but few, if any, attempts
are made to create popular and ag
gressive sentiment against the dreadful
conditions, deepening, growing, looming
by the sheer indifference of every
agency that might contribute to it
elimination. We have become so used
to the name and game that we actually
By Representative PHILIP P. CAMPBELL of Kansas,
VERY business man reulkcs that the prosperity of the couir
try is threatened by the panics in Wall street due, to th
manipulation of STOCK UAMBLEUS. The hue and
cry that is rawed every time there ia a slump in the stock
market causes a feeling of apprehension that makes capital timid aud
is in this way that aueh panics become a positive monnee to the
COUNTRY'S welfare.. I shall go over the interstate acts for the pur
pose of ascertaining if there is not some law that will put an end to
tremendous camblinff operations in New York. It seems to me there
ought to bo legislation that will prevent stock operators from gam
bling in the SECURITIES OF COMMON CARRIERS that trans
jport interstate commerce.
I - sll do not know that there is any such law, and if uot congrws
should enact one." If the situation cannot bo reached entirely by the
federal government congress should CO-OPERATE WITH TEfi
STATES in reaching it. ,'"',': S , ;-
use it in humorous sense, with flip
pant fun, and coarse sport.
From Minneapolis, to far Key West,
from Bangor, hither, the country is grid-
ironed with shamaful records of this
foul thing; and the word ha gone to
the world's end, that we are it most
devoted votaries and ita most exput.
Surely we have some recourse of salva
tion and the time is propitious for its
use, unless, indeed, we are lower than
we think and vitally amenable to the
desperate culmination that lie in the
non-resistant, apathetie attitude we
have assumed this relation.
Public indifference to crime become
an elemental part of the crime if it is
permitted to run the length, and in the
matter under treatment, it has about
reached the last limit of indulgence!
fVneral Kuroki 'picked winner t
Belmont Perk. The general is noted
his luck that way. He picked a lot of
Russian horses to win on the Yaul and
they got to northern Manchuria first.
Bosa Ruef pleads guilty to a peni
tentiary charge, in orjer, as he says,
to quiet the excitement of his family.
They mu-t be anxious to know where
he spends his evenings.
9 '
The March hot wave, according to one
theory, was caused by the comet, If
nature must indulge in airships it
ought to confine itself to something
American society will hardly be sat
isfied until the details of the Corey
Gilman nuptial shallbe reproduced by
the moveing-picture machines. -0
The President contemplates a trip
down the Mississippi to see for him
self if the walking in the river is as
good as it is said to be.
: 0
The country is not surprised to hear
that Ohio haa failed to find a bicycle
built for two that will accommodate
Taft and Foraker.
Business conditions are so good in
the United States that property has
expanded into Canada, Cuba, Panama
and Mexico.
A little over year hence, in con
ventlon assembled, Ohio will speak for
itself when the presidential roll is
The number of men who knew cotton
would be a valuable commodity this
year is on the increase. -:.
. 0 'i
The President's enemies knew, if they
kept alfter him, he would finally take
to the woods.
As usual, the strike at San Fran
cisco is being laid at the door of John
0 -Dr.
Baupert says all spirit are de
praved. Then they are not American
spirits. ' , ',
(Any one who doubts the importance
of babies has but to. turn to Spain.
Vesuvius, Stromboll and Ohio were
reasonably quiet at last accounts.
. 1 0 .
succeed the first time use Herblne
and you will get Instant relief. The
greatest liver regulator. A positive
cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ma
laria, Chills and all liver complaints.
Mr, C-. of Emory. Texas, writes:
"My wife has been using Herblne for
herself and children for five years. It
Is a sure cure for constipation and" ma
larla fever, which is substantiated by
what It has done for my family." Sold
by Hart's drug store,
.,'e. ' ' j ' ' 1 y '
Morning worship, 11 o'clock; Sunday
school, 12:15; Y. P. 8. C K., 7:00
evening worship, 8:00. ..
The pastor will be in Portland eon
ducting the annuitl memorial church
service of the Third Regiment Oregon
National Guard of which he ia chaplain.
In his absence Dr, W, H. Holt, of Port
land, synodieal missionary of Oregon,
anil preach both morning tnd even
ing. AH are invited to all services.
Win, 8. Gilbert, pator.
Grace Episcopal.
Trinity Sunday, May 28i Morning
grayer, sermon and holy communion,
II a. m.; evening service and sermon,
7:30 p. m. Holy Innocents' Chapel,
Sunday, g SO p. m.; church service with
sermon, 3:30 p. m. John Warren, a
sistaat associate missionary. '
First Lutheran.
Gustaf E. Rvdauit. pastor. Morn
ing service at 10:45 with holy com
munion and reception of members. This
service will be in Swedish. Service in
English at 3 o'clock. At the German
Lutheran church on Grand avenue.
No evening service at the L'ppertown
church. Sunday school at both the
above churches at 9:30 a. m.
Morning service at 11 o'clock, sub
ject: "Conflicts That Count." This will
be the memorial service and the G. A.
R.. and others interested, will be in at
tendance. See notice. Evening service
at 8 o'clock, subjects "A Serious and
Lonely Struggle." .
The psstor will preach at both serv
ices and will be pleased to set all con-
gregationalist residents or visiting In
the city present at both services. Sun
day school at 12:20 and Y. P. 8. C. E.
at 7 o'clock p. m. Midweek meeting
Wednesday, at 8 o'clock p. m. All who
are not attending other clfurches are
cordially invited to attend the services
of this church, you will be welcome,
and you will hear a helpful message.
G. E. Moorehouse, Pr. D., pastor.
Norwegian-Danish M. E.
Corner ok" Thirty-seventh and Duane
street. Sunday school at 10 o'clock j
preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. Every Thursday night
short sermon and prayer meeting. The
Scandinavian people are cordially in
vite! to attend the services. Ellas
Gjerding, pastor, 1795 Duane street.
at Alria, in the State of Oregon,' at
th die of bti'lnesa, May Uttth, 1007,
Loans ami dimnU )W.5.'W.S2
Overdrafts, set-ured and tin'
wired .......... T.Tt4,78
U. 8. Honda to mwure simula
tion 1 83,000.00
Premiums ouV. 8. Bonds.,,. &W.0O
Bonds, securities, eta SCMO.OO
Furniture and Fixture IJMHi.uo
Due from National Banks v
(not reserve agvnt") .... HJ.SsM.Hl
Due from State Hunks and s
Hankers .,.;.......,.. . 31 ,778,10
Due from aiinroved reserve
agents 143,43158
Cheek and other rash items 33.85
Notes of other National
Banks ...... ...... ..... 100.00
Niekels and cents ...... ,. 580.40
Lawful money reserve In
bank, vln
Specie . ... 08,000.00
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer (8 percent of elr-' .
eulation) L2SO.O0
Capital stock paid In ....8 100,000.00
Surplus fund .... . J 12,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex- . ... ,
senses and taxes paid.. 30330.88
National Bank notes out
standing i 88,000.00
Due to State Banks and
Bankers ,. .. 327.00
Individual deposits atih-
lect toc&ecK..7S7,vsaai
Demand certificates of de
posit ........ S30.023.M
CertineU Checks 1JK3.00 930.47155
One Piano No. Free with Every $5.00 Purchase
MmY n
aC".'W ' 5V
'if ft.,- I . i-lV ull '.i 'Vi''
Oh see the tree
Th Tads haw found
With hate agrowirtf
All Around.
I wiiih I knew
Qt such a tree
Whert 1 could get
My straw hat fre
Tor I mutt find
One right awy
I ought to look-
sir , .J
Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough
People everywhere take pleasure In
recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. , My Uttle girl, Catherine,
who la tsvo yeara old, haa been taking
this remedy whenever she has had a
cold since she waa two month old.
About a month ago I contracted fc
fearful cold myself, but I took Cham
belaln's Cough Remedy and was soon
testifying to the good qualities of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, , Mrs.
Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md.,
writes; "I wish to tell you that I can
as well as ever." This remedy la for
salt . by Frank Hart and Leading
Stat of Oregon, County of Clatsop.
L 8. 8. Gordon, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the bet
of my knowledge and belief.
8. o. wiuai.y, vaenier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 22nd day of May, 1907.
V. Boelling,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest t
Lsw Vb4Lktfo
Straw hats are ripe. We had ane of the very
first shakei of the hat tree. With our ladder of
cash, we were able to reach tp the ends of the v
umps ana select me cnoicest iruit irom the tree.
1 he crop is all harvested and in our store. If you
want any kind of a straw Jiat from t(ie finest Pa
nama, Sennet, or Mackinaw braid tp the cheap
est Buckeye chip they are all here. And the
prices speak for themselves.
Our hat's off to you, and we feel sure your
hats will be off to us, when you see our hats be
come yours for so-little money.
25c to $10.
n?y. :. u j' f'-
The only Dust and Moth Proof Clothes Shop in Oregon
a National Bant
at Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at
the cloe of business, May smb., 1007
Loans and discounts 4489,882 80
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured ...... 3,401.41
V. 8. Bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500.00
1'. S. Bonds to secure U, 8.
Deposits 50,000.00
Premium on U. S. Bonds.. 3,000.00
Bonds, seciiritie, etc 55,504.2,!
Kniiking houe. fiirnitiiiv, aud
fixtures . 428.25
Other real estate owned .... 8U3.4I
Due from State Bunks and
Hankers giW.58
Due Ifrorn approved reserve
agents 322,235.32
Clieeks and other cash Item 7.7HH.88
Notes of other National
Banks .... 2.4.W.0I)
Fractional iwner ; currency,
nickels, and cents 128.24
Lawful Money reserve In
Bank, viz:
Specie . .$88,523.70
Leirtl tender-i-jites 1 .0115.00 00,220.7
Redemption fund with V. 8, ,
Treasurer (5 per cent of
circulation .. 825.00
Total l,055,fl24.C7
Capital stock paid In $ 50KW.00
Surplus fund 40,000.00
Undivided . profits, less es-
pense and taxes paid 17,513.27
National Bank Note out
standing .... 12,500.00
Individual deposits subject
to check $509,535.36
Demand certificates of depos
it ...... 75,421.07
Time certificates of depos
It ....... .... 300,064.97
United States deposits
.... 50,000,00 935,611.40
Total ....$1,055,624.07
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop,
I, J. E. Hlggins, Cashier of e above
rtamed bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
of myjcnowledge and belief.
, O. ti. lllggliu, iiwiiier.
(Subscribed and sworn to bdfore me
this 24th day of May, 1007.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Rem.edy.
There Is probably no medicine made
that Is relied upon with more Implicit
confidence than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur
ing the third of a century in which it
has been In use, people have learned
that it is the one remedy that never
falls. When reduced with water and
sweetened it la pleasant to take. For
sale by Frank Hart, and Leading
Cured to Stay Cured
Without Knife or "Operations and but little pain
Cancer growth killed in 21 hours. Cancer
removed in 7 to 10 days. Orifice healed and
& permanent cure in 4 to 8 weeks. No
Pay until Cured.
i A. ROSS, 54 Com. St., Astoria. Ore. f
The Chas. F. Beebe Company
Will open up in the Flaval Brick (as roou as
the Stock arrives) on or before June 1st,
with a Complete Stock of
Ship Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Can
nery and Fishermen's Supplies
(Wholesale and Retail)
... .
, . Ail
Save Your orders for us and Save Honey
F. J. Carney, Manager
A Gopdi Workmaq is Known by His Tools
A bad workmate quarrels 'with his tools, but tven a good workman
quarrels with bad tools. No workman aver quarrels with tool, bought of
Astoria Hardware Co.
- ' . " ' i..
Nor will he quarrel with us for having eold them to him.
Our reputation la made by sale added to tale. No on sals will make
or break us; but the continued reputation of selling such good goods as we
do, you cannot afford to despise. ti ; .i ifAni - M" Mj M
Astoria Hardware Co.,
113 12th St.
n ii '.i innii nnn..i . riniAiir n niwii rmii uinptiswia pan, irm
Uv-to-Eate Baw Mill Machinery Prompt attention liven to al. repair work
18th and Franklin Ave. Tel., Main 2451-