The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 26, 1907, Image 1

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    VOLUME LXIII, NO. 118.
Several Believed to Have
fire Started in Uvery Barn
Many Horses Also Burned
to Death.
Staia Startett in Barn With Candlt in
Bucket of Shaving Near toot Hay
Many of the Inmates Escaped Half
Clad to Street
XAN JOSE, Oil, Mjr 89.-TWO Wn
tilled bodies were taken from dim
trmi fire on Market tret tl'U flr
UiMit and with the on identified ft
that of John McDonald an employe of
the Hon Jut Water Company and one
recovered this forenoon, bring in the
death lit up to four.
Thnt tea or ft dow other bmllea are
.in th rulne the fireman and the mrch
I UK party have littl doubt from ox
initiation of burned jirrmiwr" which
re veritable fire trap, and the
ti,em.tiit of the keeper of tli lodging
liuu. 0. W, Laverty errted to
dy on utmplclon of having t fire to
the fd store wher tbt bias started.
It I alleged that Laverty wm seen
jioderday by one of hi forimr m
.idoyee in tin act of cutting up " hip
roli4 e portion of which was found by
the polio nd firemen nd was well
oaked with coftl oil.
At 3 o'clock tlW morning fire broke
out In the reftr of Brown's commiMilon
tor nd ft few minutes spread to Lv
-crty's livery stable and to the Union
I-odglnghoiwe, directly ftbove It. Twen
ty homes in Laverty' table were
burned but those tn Brown's burn r
saved. A Urge bucket in which was ft
.piece of candle surrounded by ft quantity
of rag, wturated with (oa! oil, wti
und In the rear of Brown's place, near
. lot of loose lift, Indicating that th
fire was the work of n Incendiary.
When the Are wa first first discovered
there About 40 people enlcep in th
Union Lodging House and the stamping
of the terrified home In the stable be
low gave them timely alarm, Rushing
into the hall, half clad, groping their
way through the choking, blinding
moke, many of the frightened inmates
reached the street in safety,
labor And Capital To Meet In Chicago
On July 4th. ".
CHICAGO May 25. A labor ami cap-
lUil "love feast" to take place on July
4, li being arranged by a number of
labor leador and business men of
Chicago. The scheme was given an
Impetus lat night when the Associated
Building Trades, representing 85 labor
ornlsationa with ft membership of
more than 40,000 men gave ita Indorse
ment to the plan end agreed to co
operate in carrying It to ft successful
conclusions It la expected many other
unions will assist. Vioe President Fair
banks lias accepted an invitation to
speak on the occasion. Other public
nnon, including Governor Folk of Mis
ouri, Governor Deneen of Illinois,
.United State Senator Oulloin and Hop
king and several members of the Illi
nois legislature also will be aked to
'.j..o.,. ...l.i....,.,.,.., M ill 1..
lield In some large park, Where 10,000 tr
20.000 people can get together. 1
President Pulllam Of national Defends
The Giants,
NEW yoiUC, Miy, 5.-IIarry
'ulliam, president of th National
League baa indued statement defend
lug the Near York player agalntt erltl
dam In the Chicago eerie. II call
attention to the fart that but one Njw
York player li been removed from the
game this ian and ayt '
"Tli Nkw York management is do
lug all tn it power to co-ope rate ltb
ma in ridding th gnma of objection itil
f rat ui and it should not be condemned
fur the artlon of few roughs in
rwd of 80,00(1 who tnk advantage of
the denial of police protection to the
home elu,b ft eondltion which doe not
exUt in any other city of our circuit.
"In all caaei where players of any
club hav tmngrd the rule they
have been dMpllnd witliout fear or
favor, and there will be no deviation
from thi policy In the future."
Nineteen Men Charged With Complicity
in Plot on Cabrera' Life.
wa received her yesterday of the Im
pr1onmiit and sentencing to death of
19 men charged with complicity In the
recent at tempt to ftalnat Preldent
Cabrera of Huatemala.
Restaurant and Bath-house De
mollshed by Mob.
JapaoeM Government and Officials Pro
test To Secretary Root Who Orders
Investigations Through Two Different
Routes Protest Sent To Governor.
'WASHINGTON, May M.-Informa
tion that the Japanese have been sub
jected to ill treatment and indignitie
in San Francim-o came to the Ktate De
pnrtment today from two sources, end
Secretary Root baa taken measurea for
the. protection of the Japanese through
two channel.
Amlador Wright, at Tokio, cabled
tiwt the Jap restaurants and Jap bath
lion in San Francisco bad been de
moliahed by ft mob, and Viscount Aokl,
the Japan? Amlwsndor tare, laid be
for Secretary Root dispatches from the
Japanese counsel-general at San Fran'
eluco detailing the aame occurivncca.
Root at oncu made a request on At tor
ney-Gcneral ItonnjiArte, that the United
States District Attorney In San Fran
cisco lie directed to make an immediate
Investigation, Bonaparte thereupon tele
graphed botb the United States District
Attorney and tho United States Mondial
at San Francisco to forward their re
port by telegraph.
Beside setting to work the machinery
of the Federal Govermnent, Root telo
graphed the Information to Governor
Gillette of California. In this telegram
he called upon California to perform the
duty imposed upon her by the treaty
between the United States and Japan.
which stipulates that Japanese shall
have the right to reside in the United
States and shall have full protection to
their persons, property jind .'business.
No reply has been received; from Gil
Ties double move affording protection
to the Japanese was token by Root
because of what Is regarded as doubtful
authority vested in the officers of the
Federal Government to prosecute viola
tion of the criminal law. Till secre
tary did not go so far aa to say the
Federal Government is without author
ity in this respect, In the absence of
proceeduro by the ette, but he admits
that the Federal jurisdiction may be
weak, As to the merit of tho ease
Root la Inclined to aaerilie the occur
rences, both reports of which come
through Japanese sources, to the dls-
(Oontinued on Pago 8.)
Grand Jury Finds More
Others Indicted Give Large Bail
RequlredThe Boss Makes
no Effort
$3,350,000 BAIL REQUIRED
Enormous Sum Required of Person In
dicted For Bail Ruefs Ball Alone
Reaches Total of (i,a6o,ooo Grand
Jury Adjourned Until June io.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 25.Six more
millionaires nd multi-millionaire-., some
of them well known throughout the
country, (fell under the accusation of
the Oliver Grand Jury this evening.
when Uiat body ju-t U-fon adjourn
meat till June 10, returned 14 indict
ments Jointly agaiuxt (!. II. Umucn
J. K. Green and R I. Ilrobrk, charging
them with th attempted briiiery of
puhlid official and 14 indictment
jointly agamt Frank G. IMim, F.ugcnc
IV SabU and John Martin charging
them with the bribery of publio official
With the former group, Ruef waa
jointly indicted; with latter both Ruef
and Bchmila. In H 28 indictment
were found today, containing 120 count
and calling for bail bonds in ft total
mu of (Ii00,000. Umbsen, Green, Bro-
Wk and Ruef ar ftccuaed by the grand
Jury ni offering a bribe of (1000 each to
Supervisor Boxton, Coffey, Coleman
Davia, Dutfey, Fumy, Gallagher, lurri
gan, Keller Lonergan Mamlock Mo
Guahin, Phillips and Wftlah on Novem
ler 10, 1000, to ftwmrd to the Parkside
Company a street railway franchise,
This franchise was voted on December
31, 1900, but owing to lite bribery graft
Investigation getting under way about
that time, the Park side deal was aban
doned and no money wa parsed, say the
prosecutor. .In addition to the money
to be paid to the supervisors it 1 at
teged Ruef and Schmita wero to have
$0000 each fop 'Veeing'' the deal through.
Indictments against Drum, De Sabla,
Martin, Ruef and Schmlts charge them
with giving a bribe of $3000 each to
Supervisors Boxton, Coffey, Cole, Davis,
DulTey, Furey, Gallagher, lLwrlgan, Kel
ler Lonergan Malock Fhilllp Wilson
and Rea in consideration of their vote,
ant March 12, 1000, by which the legal
gas rate for 10O0-O7 was fixed at 85
cents, It Is also charged by the prose
eutlon that Ruef and Sehmila received
large sums in connection with this
deal. "
The grand jury late in the afternoon
adjourned to Judga Coffey's department
of the Superior Court, where Foreman
Oliver filed -2'8 true bills. Coffey issued
a bench warrant for each of the indicted
men fixing the bail of each at $10,000
on each of tha 120 counts, and announc
ed that no arrests would bo made until
the accused have an opporunity to come
into court Monday morning and give
Bail bonds in total amount of $750,000
were given in Judge Coffey's court to-
lay by President Calhoun, Assistant
'President Thorn well M'ullalley and At
torney Tirey L. Ford and William M.
Abbott of the United Railroads; Vice-
President Louis Glass and Agent Theo
dore V. Ilalsey of the Pacific States
Telephone & Telegraph Company and
Mayor SchmiU, all of whom with Ruef,
were indicted by the grand jury yester
day. Ruef made no effort to supply the
$140,000 bonds required of him, as he
refers since pleading guilty 10 days
ago, to remain In the close custody of
tlr Bigg and hi eight anntd guard.
With tha exception of Schmitz, each of
the men indicted yesterday gave surety
company bond, Mayor Schm'iU brought
a hi sureties Preoident Tom William
of the California Jockey Club ftnd for
mer I'firk .Cotnmianlmier William 3.
Dlngce, mi h of whom qualified In the
sum of $100,000, Kach of the six cor
poration official Indicted today will be
called on Monday to furnish bait bonds
in the sum of $110,000, the
Mayor, Ruef bail required will be
2W,QuO; of ft toUl of $100,000. The
grand total of the ball demanded on all
of the 335 Indictments for bribery,' at
tempted brilicry, extortion, conspiracy
and perjury thus far returned by the
Oliver Grand Jury a the tet partial
result of Investigations into the munici
pal corruption I fXUXMXW.
Brother of Shah Started Trouble and
Caused Anxiety.
PARIS, Miiy 25.-A dispatch froid
Teheran, Peroia, says that Sdar Dowle,
brother of the Shah, who recently start
cd ft revolt in Turkestan proving with
15,000 followers, ha advanced to Neh-
vendu. He hit sent order to the City
of Itamadan to provide him with sup
plies. Anxiety prevails at the palace in
Teheran nd troops have hastily befn
mustered and sent to the front.
Mrs. McKlniey Not Expected to
Live Many Hours.
Attending Physicians In Doubt Aa To
How Long Before The End She Is
Kept Alive By Concentrated Nourish
ment and Stimulant.
CANTON, May 25.-That Mrs. Mc
Kinley is falling into ft deep sleep seem
ed evident ftt 11 o'dork tonight. How
long the spark of life will lat before
the final flutter is a question which the
attending phyeicias would not under'
take to answer. That they think, how
ever, that her vitality and the action
of concentrated nourishment and stlmu
lants may keep her alive ten hours or
more Is indicated by ft scheduled con'
fcrence of Doctors Portm&nn, Eyman
and Roey for 1 o'clock Sunday. Against
this hope, however, is the set statement
that the dissolution may occur at any
time and careful vigil will lie kept
for indications of the end. Mrs, Mc
Kinley continues unconscious.
The following official bulletin was is
sue,! from the McKinley home at 8:15
o'clock tonight: The doctors report that
Mrs. McKinley continues unconscious
and h slowly losing strength although
stmiulnm and concentrated nourish
nent have been administered freely.
There appear little or no prospect of
Meeting Held in Carnegie Holland
Formed New Association.
NEW YORK, May 25. About forty
music teachers held ft meeting in Car
negie Ilnll last night and formed the
National Association of Teachers of
Singing. '
Mme. Zeigler presided ftnd after a
short address introduced the vice-pres
ident, Arthur de Gutohard, as the
spenker of ihe evening.
Coast League.
At Portland Portland 0, Los An
geles 0.
At San Francisco San Francisco 2,
Oakland 4.
Northwest Leacrue.
At Vancouver Seattle 1,. Vancouver 0.
At Spokane Butte 4, Spokane 5.
At Tacoma Tacoma 5, Aberdeen 11
Victim JBut Four Years
Ferocious Circus Animal Stalks
Through Crowd of Specta
tors Unhampered.
Finally Killed With 3a Calibre Revolver
ta Hands of Spectator Women and
Children In Panic Other Animal In
SALT LAKE CITY, A special to the
Herald from Twin Fail, Idaho, says a
tiger escaped from the menagerie of the
circus there today, killed , little girl
and ft Shetland pony and was finally
de patched by ft brave spectator armed
with ft 32 calibre revolver. The tiger
broke down the door of his cage by
beating it with hi paws. He first
xprang upon tli pony. A keeper drove
him off with aa iron bar. The beast at
tacked; , second and third pony and
when driven away by the keeper, leap
ed into the crowd. The guns kept for
an emergency like this were too far
away to be available. A panio fol
lowed. Women, grasped their children
and dragged them from the' path of the
maddened animal. The screams of the
frightened spectators, mingled with the
tmmpejings of the elephants and the
crimes of exciied animals in the crowd
Through the crowd the tiger rushed
toward the main entrance. Mrs. S. E.
Roacil and her four-year-old daughter
Ruth could not get out of the way and
were knocked down. Holding the
mother with bis paws the tiger sank its
teeth in the neck of the child who died
two hours later.
J. W. Bell, ft "blacksmith, was stand'
ing with his wrfe ftnd children near Mrs.
Rosell. Thrusting his family aside Bell
drew ft revolver and opened fire at a
distance of three feet. When the first
bullet struck the animal in the ehoul
der he winced, growled angrily and
lashed his tail against the wall of spec
tators. The second shot caused aim to
release Mm. Resell and at the third
took flight. Bell followed and sent three
more bullets into the beast as it ran
outside the tent. In the open air it
crawled some distance, then in a final
rally it started back toward the crowd.
Bell had reloaded his weapon and was
ready to renew the combat but the tiger
wa mortally wounded. He fell over on
the ground dead.
Director of Bureau of American Repub
lics to Represent Administration.
WASHINGTON, May 23.-John Bar
rett, director of the. Bureau df American
Republics, left Washington last night
for Seattle to represent the Adminis
tration and made an address at the
breaking of ground on June 1, for the
Alaska-Yukon Exposition in 1000. Mr.
Barrett had ft talk today with the
President, who will send a word of
greeting containing his beat wishes for
the success of the enterprise.
Prediction Made That by July t, 16,000
Will be Out -NEW
YORK, May 25. The 3000 ma
chinists and helpers along the Erie
Railroad between New York and Chi
cago were called on a strike yesterday
'or aa increase in pay and for the aho
lition of tho piece work system. Two
hundred and thirty-three mea quit la
Jemy City ami prcs dUpaUihea report
bout 400 men out ftt other pobits.
This strike, it wa declared in labor
circle her la't night would be follow
ed on June 1, by a strike of 16.000 ma
ehinist in Greater New York and vtcini
ty In the general demand for tn 9 hoot
work day,
Cars and Crews la , Various Sections
Were Stoned.
SAN FRA-VCTSCO; May .-Considerable
violence of minor character at
tended the operation of car by tha
United aRilroad today. Instead of be
ing confined to the district south of
Market street which has bees the cen
ter of the demonstration by the union
sympathizers since the line in that
part of the city were opened, atoning of
care and aasault upon strikebreaker;
were repotted by the company to fcav
occurred, today, In many other sections
of tie city, Some of the cars returning
to barn bore evidence of ft well-aimed
fusillade of bricks and stones.
MADRID, May 25. Tho afatemenfc
that Queen Victoria ha discontinued
nursing her baby i Incorrect, Tha
Queen and the prince are doing well.
Boise Talesman Opposed to
Death Penalty.
Twelve Remain of Special Venire Likely
That Another Will Be Called Monday
Court Making Every Effort To Fill
Jury From President Venire.
BOISE, May 25. The unusual spec
tacle of accepting a juror opposed .to
capital punishment except as an ex
treme measure for the protection of so
ciety against war and anarchy and plead
ing his own disqualification, came today
in the Steunenberg case. His retention
after he had clearly shown he was dis
qualified, raises ft question as to tho
regularity of the proceedings. J. E
Tourtellotte, an architect of Boise, is
the juror and his retention seemed
clearly due to the willingness of both
side to gamble on his views when the
jury reaches the supreme solution of
the case, the state on the hope that it
can meet his ideas as to anaivhy and
the defense on his opposition to the
death penalty. Tourtellotte came with,
the rest of the talesmen early in tho
day and his direct examination by
Borah developed in mild form hi
scruples against the infliction of the
death penalty in an ordinary murder
case. His acceptance by state was ft
surprise that was within a few minute
intensified by the views brought forth
by the questions propounded by Clar
ence Darrow of the defense. Tourtellotte
swore that he was opposed to capital
punishment except in time of war and
when society must defend itself
aguiust organizations seeking to destroy
it. lie declared that society had no
right to take from a man anything it
could not give, but as for anarchists,
if they were the kind of men he thought
they were, he would hang them on fight.
The defense seemed under the impres
sion that Borah was not in earnest, and
probably on that theory passed him,
When the jury filed In after lunch,
Tourtellotte stood in his place and
claiming the attention of the court
said be waa disqualilcd to sen's in the
case. He again asserted that he va
opposed to capital punishment and
pointed out that it would be impos
sible to take the oath necessary at the
outlet of the trial. Judge Wood read
the statute covering the matter and it
showed that the juror having consolent
i (Continued on Pnge 8.)