THE MORNING ASTOR1AN, ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 15, ig;. HiHAN IS SAFE utru noir sun mo eurrv ns RAILROADS. Beautify Your Lawns 87 Using our Ball Bearing Liwn Mowers Union and Southern Pacilio Mat Spent Millions For Safety. Violated No Laws In Raising OUIO.M.'O, May 24. -Figure Just compiled In the olliee of the director U. P. Dividends. maintenance ami operation of the fu Garden Hose (Cotton and Sun Proof Rubber) Rakes, Hoes, Shovels and Spades Grass Hooks and Sprays. ton ami Southern Paeltle systems show, that expenditures for wi'Vty appliances! inttde by the' present management nf j SURPTISE FOR THE PEOPLE the two ytriii, total nearly tMS.OuO- 8 In dUSUfeaSI 7 IKK). A. V. ALLEN. PHONES MAIN 711, MAIN 3871 W031EN EOT ALLOW ED IS BARROOMS POLICE ANTICIPATE MOVE OF CITY ATTORNEY AND PROCEED. TO ENFORCE ORDINANCE. City Attorney Abercrombie yesterday announced his intention of enforcing the ordinance prohibiting the loitering of women in barrooms. The steps which he will take in the matter will be inau gurated as soon as the dance hall case ow pending in polio court are disposed f. The city attorney believe it better to have them off his hands and be able . to devote his whole time to the new move which lie intends making. Last night however the police antici pated the move of the city attorney and the chief of police issued orders to the officers on the beat below the dead line that no women were to be allowed in the barrooms hereafter. The officer in turn passed them on to the resort keepers who at once put them in force. Stephenson, of the Savoy, when in terviewed Iat evening by 'an Astoria . arporter, said that he had been in structed by Officer Linville that hence forth no women were to be allowed in ' the barroom and further the officer in structed him tfiat women could not even ting from the stage for which Stephen sob had taken out a second-class thea ter license. : Mr. Stephenson said t'aat le had intended closing his place, the first of the week anyway so that it didn't matter as far as he was con cerned, lie said that he would have elosed it before but for some of the - jftrJi and musicians who had not the money to make their getaway with and le was merely keeping the place open for that purpose. But four girls remain oi the place and these intend to leave Monday as soon as they have the neces sary funds. The others it is understood tare scattered and gone in various di rections, some to Aberdeen, some to Raymond, some to Hoqniam, and some to other places. It is said that owing to the 'trouble that has been brewing below the dead line for the past week quite a number f women have left the town and sought fresh pastures. Mora- Newt From the New England States. If any one has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley's KlJney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvln H. Stfmpson, of Willlmantlc, Conn., who, after almost losing hope of recovery, n account of the failure of so many remeJies, finally tried Foley's Kidney Care, which he says was "Just the thing" for him, as four bottles cured Sim completely. He Is now entirely well and free from all the suffering incident to acute kidney trouble. T. F. Ianrin, Owl Drug Store. trawberry Shortcake With Whipped Cream TO DAY ROYAL BAKERY 505 Duane Street. 275 W. Borid Street. Branch Store, 1335 Franklin Ave, BRANCH UNIONTOWN PHONE MAIN 713 TRIUMPH"6F"T"C. S. STUDENTS. Four Out of Five Passed State Examina tion; of Those Who Were Not - Students, Only One in Six Passed. The great work that the International Correspondence Schools, of , Scranton, Pa., ere doing wa never demonstrated more forcibly than it was when 69 can didates for the position of fire bos presented themselves to take the State examination before the State Mine In spectors at Uniontown, Pa. Nineteen of the candidates were I. C. S. Students; fifty were not. The prac tical experience of all averaged about the same, and all had equal opportunity to pass the examination. The result was a signal triumph for the I. C. 8. system of training by mail. The 60 candidates that were not students of the schools averaged only 84.7 per cent in the examination; only seven passed; forty-three failed. The nineteen 1. C S. students averaged 755 per cent; 15 passed; only four failed. The examination shows that the man who has the foresight to invest a few dollars and a little spare time in an I. C. S. Course of special training has nearly six times the chance to pass the examination as the one that lacks such preparation; that the chances that an L C. S. student will succeed are four to one, while the chances that a non student will fail are six to one. Hie foregoing is dimply one of a thou sand instance where I. C. 8. students have triumphed in examinations, in promotions, etc. Such success is easily accounted for, when it is remembered that these schools have had nearly 15 years of experience in teaching by mail and have expended the great sum of one million dollars in the preparation of home-study textbooks, which are so easy to understand and to apply that any man able to read and write can succeed, provided he has little ambition. Started in 1891 with oner course pre pared to help miners pass examinations, the International . Correspondence Schools now have more than 200 courses of instruction covering positions in all of the best known trades and profes sions. Drop a card to Mr. H. Harris, who represents the .Schools in this city, will be gkid to give any one full in formation regarding any couree. Don't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for ft if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King' New Life Pills. Their action Is so gentle that the appendix never has cause to make the lesfst complaint Guaranteed by Charles Rodger, drug gist. 25c. Try t'nem. ... , CLEARANCE SALE. For the next 10 days I will sell my entire stock V high-grade hats at one. half reduced price. This is the best opportunity In the city to procure an up-to-date stylish hat. Call and look at the stock, Mrs. M. Peterson, Star Theater Eldg., Eleventh and Commer cial streets. OPS teaming Members Interstate Commerce Commission Ate of Opinion That No Law Has Been Violated by Hantaan White House Conference, CHIC.ViO. May St. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington, says "There i a big surprise In store for people who have been expecting the Interstate Commerce Commission to recommend to the Attorney General the prosecution of E. If. llarrlman and his associates and the dissolution of the railroad combination for violation of the Sherman nti-tru-t law. At conference at the White House vesterdar the fact w brought out that in the opinion of leading members of the commission, no law has been vt olated hv Mr. Hstrriman. Orave evils have beeu discovered which warrant the enactment df laws to prevent their recurrence, nut so tar as urn commis sion's Investigation has established neither the federal nor state law was broken by the financial operations con nected with the exploitation of the Chi cago & Alton, nor was ,thre any in fringement Of the law caused by the raising of dividends of Union Pacific to ten per cent per annum in spite of the circumstances snrroumlina this step. The conference at the Whin House was between the President and Chair man Martin A. Knapp of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Mr, Knapp de clined absolutely to discuss hi conver sation with the President, fcnt from an authoriatative source it wit learned that he was called to the Vhite notise by Mr. Rootwvelt, who desired to as certain the fact In connection with the commission's report on the so-called Harriman case. The commission desires to complete its report by the first df July. It will merely present the farts an! submit them to the attorney General for his consideration, But upon the showing of facts to be made the commission does not believe that prosecution will be begun, or, if it Is begun, that it will be upheld by the United States Sup rem Court. HENEY AND BURNS (Continued from page 1) tice Burns are expected to return to the government service i'or the prosecution of the timber and mineral land thieves. Some of the grafters in Ban Francisco are also said to be implicated in the frauds. The frauds have been under investiga tion by the Secret Agents of the In terior Department for more than two years, these secret agents have tin earthed startling evidence, showing that the public domain has literally been looted by corporation who" have been protected and aided in their operations by United States senators and federal officers. Most of the lands acquired by the so called conspirator were timber tracts in the West, of which hundreds of thou sands of acres have been taken from the public domain. - In some instances "dummy" entrymen were used 'for the purpose. Jn others the title was obtained through the use of lieu land script, In obtaining the conviction of the men said to be involved the government ex pects to regain possession of large areas of forest land, some of which have been in the hands of lumber operator for many yenr. Much of the lurid, it is understood, has not yet been cut over. It is admitted by certain official that in a numbitr of instances the offenders will be immune from criminal prose cution owing to the fact that the statute of limitation will apply, but in all such cases the title to the land will revert to the government. Of all the fruits that are In the land That grow on bush or tree, k I would give up the choicest Vnes For Rocky Mountain Tea. ;. Prank Hart. Gently move the bowels and at the the same time stops the cough. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Contain Hon ey and Tar. No opiates. Best for Coughs, colds, croup, and whooping cough, Satisfaction guaranteed. Children like it, Mothers Indorse It Sold by Frank Hart' Drug Store. For Mock signal", distant switch sig nals, Interlocking plants, crossing hells , and gates, all of which are charged to roadway. Hie Southern Tiiolllc alone has .pent more than ;l,M,0tM). Safe ty devices on trains have wt the Southern rueitV In the me time al most 4,Mn,0iiO. On all the lines of J Hie two systems, block sigimls rep' ........I ... ...,tl..., ,f 4 iiiii (nxi Ale brakes ami liuh speed attainment. have cost $3,MI,0Oa On the Union PiWlle lines nearly fr.V tWO.OOO has been spent on roadway safety device, and $s;t)5:W on equip- couplers, train signals, grab-Irons elec. trie ami aectylme headlights. I he Pre. gon Short I.lue nd the Oregon IUH road and Navigation Company have al together nhsorlied IsOMM in roadway safetv expenditure, and M30.0IHI fr safetv device on caw and engines. The total outlays on account of safe ty appliance of all kinds are .m.i, i!7 for Union IVifte-Kn aggregate ul $ll,s:l3..20. This total take' no ae- eoutn of the labor eot of operating) safetv devices, but I n indication that' safety on railroad come liili in I price. MODUS VIVENDI. Plan To Increase Fund For The Main tenance of the Pope. HOME, May 24. It is reported thai a proposition tins been made to the gov eminent for a modus vlvendi a to the fund set apart under the law of Papal guarantees. Under article fotr of that law a sum of fUO.nflO was annually set apart for the maintenance of the pope. It now proposed to capitatlie this fund into stole bonds which will furnish the pope a revenue of $700,000. It i. stated that a majority of the minister would accept such an arrange ment, which would lie a step toward political modus vlvendi. The opposition, however, would combat the proposal, PRINCE EITEL FREDRICK. Slid To Destiooed To Be Fututre King of Hungary by the Kilter. . ' 414 LONDON, May 24.Tlie Berlin cor respondent of the Dally Mail ayi that one of the many theories concerning the future of frliice Eitel Frederick, the Kaiser' second son, is that he Is des tinned by his father to 1 the Ifutur King of Hungary. This Ida U re vlved by the presence in Budapest of ftaron Von Mvrliach, ehamberlmn In the Kaiscrin's household, He i reported by ilunggriin journalists as saying that the Berlin court cherishes the liveliest sympathy with the Hungarian people, The Baron admlted that the Prince speak Hungarian, Apropos of the Hun sarin n throne, nowever, tne Jaier I quoted as saying, "I and my on lie long exclusively to the fatherland." STEEL PLANT TO MOVE. Gary, Indiana, Mill Largest in World- Home of Steel Corporation. CITICAfiO, May 24. the Chronicle today sriysi The Illinois Steel Company, employ ing more than 701H) men, supporting 20,00ft persons and operating a plant valued at lwtwcen $.10,000,000 and $40,- 000.000 may abandon South Chicago and become a"bsorlied in the mammoth leel plant in progress of construction at Uary.'Ind. It was admitted by a representative of the company yesterday that no further extensions are contemplated at the South Chicago Mills, and that ulti mate abandonment of the local site is probable. The Oary Mills when completed will lie the birgest steel center in the world and the home of the United States Steel Corporation, BOECK INDICTED, Diamond Broker' Thefts Are Said To Amount to Half Million. NEW YORK, May 24.-Tvv0 indict- mcntu charging grand laroeny were re turned by the grand jury against J. Edward Boeck. It is alleged that while posing as a dealer in precious stones on iommission Bocck obtained jewels to the value of many thousands of dol lars from Maiden Lane dealers and made no return. Startling disclosures are said to have resulted from the in vestigations thus far made by detectives who are acting lor the Jewelers' Society Alliance of the United State. It is snid on what purports to be re- i JT ;x t . . r im -VIS t i! .7 .: : J.rf- k V U IVVW WU1U1 J II 1 r tx&Zr v. 1 feTr I I I B -'V H I IlllatrnalllAslJhl AArakttHitnilHA fttflkAiltla B I I fl titlla. iim Mt-lifMi shi wy part, I f I , . fnf Uf uif si 4 nm !' HMfM t 1 is j 9 m in 1 m 1 " M...,z!!zrr' 1 Kami St. Cut Watch for the School's Exhibit in the Owl Drug Store Window, for a few days only, Commencing June 18 Write to H. Harris, Box 121, Astoria, NOW, regarding SPECIAL PRICES During the Exhibit. liable authority that the losses attend ing Week" flight am at least 1500.000. A confidential employ of one of the oldest jewelry firm In the Maiden Lane district said h would not be surprised if lioerk's obligation were found to amount to nearly 11,000.000. NIGHTS OF UNREST. r No 8lp, No Rett, No Peae for th Sufferer From Kidney Trouble. No peace for the kidney sufferer Pain and distress from morn to night. Get up with 4 lame back, Twinge of backache bother you all day, Dull aching break your reat at night, Urinary disorder add to your misery. Get nt tho cause cure the kidney. Doan' Kidney Pills will work the Cure. : They're for the kidney only, Mrs. IJ. Schretber, of 060 High street, Salem, Or,, ays: "The food reports have heard concerning nan's Kid ney Fill Induced me to procure i supply. I had been suffering from an Incessant backache which not only troubled me through the day but broko my rest at night. I began to feel tho effocts'of Dunn's Kidney Pills after I had tnkon a few doses. Relief speed ily pome and then an aboIute cure There has been no sign of "the back ache nor any other symptoms sine, am only too pleased to let others know of such a valuable and effective remedy," Plenty more proof like this from Aa torla' people. Call at Chae. Rodgers ilrug store and ask what hi customers report. For sale by all dealer. Price 50 cent. Foster-Mllburn Co.i Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United State. 1 Remember the name Doan'e and take no other. ATTEL GIVEN DECISION. LOS AXOKLI3S, May 24.-Alw Attoll was given tho decision over Kid Solomon at the end of 20 rounds tonight. We have plotted, planted and figured, working from morning till night, seek Ing for a medicine that will take the place of Holllster'i Rocky : Mountain Ten, but we can't find it. Tea or Tab lets, 85 cents, Frank Hart. There U a direct and y way for you to liolp yourwlf to a dcairabl posit . on ana goon pay to tn trmie or proieo lion that jt suits your taste and ambition. All this without leaving home; without losing an hour of wotk, or a dollar of pay. Such . benefit I made possible by a world renowned Institution that ha had 13 yearn of successful txperlenc lu training thousand of ambitious wage earner for advancement. - -This institution now often VOU an opportunity, lu the coupon better your earning and position, no matter bow .nt your time, money, or education may be, The first tcp In helping yourself to a good salary He in marking and mailing the coupon, To do this pots you under no 1 nbllgatlun. Da it NOW, lnrtt A.romnt Wittsv nwOr Wrtior Wl4i. Tltaarn MlMihitll tirOMft luuirst.f CitiI (( 61 -i.ioti. .tut mussimI Kusmmt Surt.p.f !iM,rjr Sssismiv . tsvtl ',ttS asOdlti. UnntMMrt. miiiimiwii ,. ArehOMM irmrl VnetsMf S'VW.H riMMT T.Kil.Mltl tup. Kitfii'jiysiBfiw l St. . . Sun EDDY CASE. Judge Orders Affidavit riled Will Sender Decision Later, CONCOUD, May 24.T!i irgnmenie were completed in the superior eourt today on tlte motion of the trustee iT th estato of Mry Baker 0. Eddy, head of the Christian Science Church to intervene and be substituted at plaintiff In a suit brought by her ton, lievrge W. (ilover and other to compel an accounting of her property. Judge CliBinberlulii issued n order that ell affidavit and all citations In the ease be filed by next Tuesday and hi da. idsion on the motion will be given later, "O SPICES, (f C0FFEEJEA, DA!m.3P0YDER, ftj:c.i;;;qextrot AbsluTcrtfy, flrusf Flavor, Ortafcsf Srrefih.CmoMk fricct CL0S3ETftDYERS f PORTLAND, OREOON. t CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Th9 Klnd You Have Always Bought Beare the stf . ZLTtf fllljaitiirc cf C-JVZ' W A iij(jyifjpHTr mm