, ... THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTOHIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 13, loy. -a' 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HHP WASTED. WANTED WOMEN OR JAPANESE cook. Apply Holden Hou, Ninth ui Duane. 5-ls-7t. WANTED SALESMEN. MANY MAKE (100 ta $100 pr month. Some vn dot, stock clean grown cm Reser vation, far from old rehards. Cash dwwd weekly. Cook of territory, Adlre Washington Nimm Company, TocwnUh. WwhiBiftoik." ! -8S-U FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. I HATE TWO HOUSES AND SEC Wm In Warrenton centrally located. O. T. Morton, the real estate dealer, W Commercial street, opp. Aatortan sd&os. L08T AND FOUND. LOST AX IEISH WATER SPANIEL; bitch j color, pearl brown; answers to (he name of Jessie. Return to Hose No. 1 and receive reward. f-22-tf. FURNITURE! OP A l-ROOM HOUSE for sale; this ta a good chance If yon are looking- for furniture. Address 1C W. P, Astoriaa. A. FTNB LOT OF LACE CURTAINS at Hennlngsen's Furniture Store, (04 Bond. lmo. NOTICE. Notice h hereby given to all person owing any money to the old firm of Foard & Stokes Co, to pay same by the tret day of June, 1907,; at tie Foard 4 Stokes Hardware Store. After that date nil the old accounts will bo turned over to our attorney, Mr. Abercrombie, for ofleetioiL. '' ' "'' , . ''. IOAED & STOKES CO. HOTJSS MOTHS. FREDRECKSON EE08- Ws make specialty of house moving, carpenters, contractors, general fobbing; prompt at. tention to all orders. Comer Tenth aa4 Suane. M CALL FOR WARRANTS. CALL FOR WARRANTS NOTICE IS Hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop County warrants endorsed Brior to May 1906, to present same fpn payment to County Treasurer's office No. 438 Commercial street In terest ceases after this date. WM. A. SHERMAN, Treasurer Clatsop County, Ore, Dated Astoria, Ore, May 14, 1907. 5-14-10t KISCELLABXOUS. NICK PAPAZGERES. THE GREEK DIVER. Ban Just received a new. diving ma chine from the old country. DWes from ,25 to 10 fathoms in shallow water stays down half a day at a time. Leave STders at 417 Bond St Market, or D. Falangos, Clifton. . UNDERTAKERS. J. A, GILBAUGII & CO., "' Undertakers and Erntmlmers. Experienced Lady ANHistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Iay or Night. Patton'Bdg- 12th and Dunne Sts ASTOlilA, OKE.GON Phone Main 211 J MEN AND WOMEN. t... Tt: Ml fn.nnn.hlr.1 IiIUI ilTt Ji.'hnK,iullauiiiti'.B, Irritation, or ulceration, o! iniioou, nrembraiiM. 1'aiTilfii, and not Mtrin. 0i.nl nr tMilKnnou,. Uaaranuts mm u alrlfltur. ItHEVH8CHMICiC0. omoiiittn.017-3 Hold by Krusstlata, or nt in plain wrappel, liy xure. prejiaia, f"T SI. Oil. or 5 lwttlMi2.7. CiruU an it db lawe i. n tr Morning Astorian, 60 cents per wmth, delivered by carrier.' f 11 V LAUNDRIES. BUTTON POLS AT THS BACK. Your experience with tt has no doubt lead to much TUon, possibly pro ftnityl Broke your Airmail trying to pry it up from tbe neck-band, eh I Yon wont have that that experience U you tend your ahirtt to us$ wo savs 700 this trouble, and danger of tearing, the shirt. Try u end see, TROY LAUNDRY, , Tenth and Duane Sta. Phone itot JAFANXSX C00D3. L.S.ANDBRSON 405 Bond 8t, Corner 9th. Jurt received 11 MO worth of Udiea' Underwear. All th latest fanoy styles. Alto line line of Wrappers at very rea. sonable prloss. New Spring Stock Of Chlrwee 8llk Shirt Waists. Flneest New Patterns. $4.50 and $5 Waists for $3 and $3.25. $3.50 Waists for $2.75 Great Reduction in Tilt-Iienney Shoes . S3 to t Shoes For HM. INEXPENSIVE JAFAITESK FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, 1AKD MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOT? "OKCASES. SHXLV- nco, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar I2S Commercial St- Astoria. PLEASANT HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE ,'. - - , r ' And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEES SIGN A ItOBEHTS Magnificent Omtralto Singer in all the Current Gems of Song and Real istic Sweediah Charac ter Act LENA OMEEN .Turkish Dancer I ELAINE FOKEST - High Soprano Singer MARIE WANDKUTH 4 Flute Solist. Mistress of all Lady Mel odists FLOKIENE Soprano Vocalist ADMISSION FREE LINDBECK 4 WIRKKA LA Props. MEDICAL. Unprecedented . Success of DR. & GEE WO THE GREAT ' t9S J rHTW RSR flOCTOV Who is known .-throughout the United HUlf an steount of wonderful cures. No poiftotia nor drugs used. He guaran tees to cure catarrh, asthma, limp n.! throat trouble, rheumatism, nrvutin. stomach, liver, and kidney, female com- nlaintii iinrl all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom liiank and circular, inclosing 4 cent in atamp. 1 ' " ; THE C GEE WO MEDICINE CU. 1B2J First fit. Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Aatorian " GOLDSTEIN b Fine Pants Tailcs 207 OamimnmwmHli BmBdlng PORTLAKD m.uiaia im mm BianarmT roa teb tracb cr Morning Astorian, 60 "nts Per month, delivered by carrier v PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OSTEOPATH ItTI. DR. RHODA C. HICK3 08TEOPATB Office Manteu Bid. Phone Black tot. ITt Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JOHN C. McCUE. Attornby-at-Law. Deputy District Attorney Page Bdg. Room 37. HOWARD M. BHOWNILU AUrvy-Mlaw. . .. , .... Office with Mr. J. A. Kakln, at No. 42t Commercial tt. Astoria. DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dentist Fybiao Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. O. LOGAN DENTI81 Oommercial St. Bbanshan Build BUSINESS DIRECTORY HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND Fine. Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, ORE. RESTAURANTS. Tokio Restaurant 531 Bond Street Opposite Ross, Higgins & Co First:G!a$s Meals. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10c Regular Meals 15c, up First Class Meal 15c Coffee wrtfi Pie, Cake or Dough mrts 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street. Telephone 1G1 Main. 399 Bond Street. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT THE ASTORIA RESTAURANT MANO H1NO, Prop. The Finest 25c meal served in Astoria. Yonr Patronage Bolscieed. Courteous Treatment to All. GAME ZN SEASON ASTORIA, : OREGON. DISTILLERS LOUSIVILLE, KENTUCKY Old Forester Whiskey High in Quality and Price Tucker Whiskey Best Value on the Coast Major Paul Whiskey Noted for its Fine Flavor fllilil DISTRIBUTORS A8TORIA, OREGON THE SAVOY Popular Concert Hall. Hood music. All are welcome. 0r ntr Seventh and Aster. ' 1 Immense Undeveloped Resources of America's Rivers. RELIEVE FREIGHT SITUATION MUaisslppt Riven Empty! 675,000 Cubic Feet of Water Every Second Into Gulf of Mexico Work of Rivers and Haibois Committee, WASHINGTON, Mny fi4. It hjut dawned on the country that the work cut out for Contfremnmn llurlon snd Inland Waterways tiiiil"ll . Iw hi colleague on the vv rttwlntcl enormous. In all the tllciuiim of the navigable waterways of the Vnitetl Ntnti'a, little has ten said or written tliat would dicto tlft'lr vt rettchc. The inlanJ streams of the L'nltwl Statcii are in keeping with the wonder ful distances of the country. As ave nue of lriiportat!nn they are marvelous system In themselves. It Is not gencMlly known Hint the total nnvlgtthte dManre uf the Mi--ilppl River extend over a ime of 2. It'll mile for the average steamer, and 2237 mile for smaller emit, Ta. king into conitideratlon the triltiita rie of the Father of Water, the combined would make rivr yem 11,100 mile long, through which a gtwl-siied steamer. could male it wajr. Some Idea of the dManre these fig ure convey can I gained only by conipnrinon. It I astonishing to find that it I llhtlv greater than from New York to. Bangkok by way of ton don. If the temtr were driven by powerful engine, and made a continu ous trip, it might complete the jour ney in aliotit fifty day. However, if It were compelled to' make s many stops a fall to the hm of the aver age river steamer, this time would be greatly lengthened. These figure are ifor the Mississippi River and it tributaries atone. The splendid reaches of the Columbia River and the mileage of score of other navi gable stream emptying into the At lantic and Pacific ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, are not taken into consid eration. With this mileage added, the navigable rivers of the United State are tbe wonder of the world. A fiilnt idea of the Immense volume of water that sweep through the Miss issippi valley may lie gained from the fact that every second the Mississippi River pour Into the Gulf of Mexico 675,000 cubic feet of water. For more than a quarter of a century thl great volume of water ha served little to advance the cause of Commerce. The government, Instead of harnessing the great tide and making It bear on it bosom fleet of Ifreight carrying steamer, has been content to fight it encroachment on farming land4, .re garding it rather a destructive agency than as a great factor in the advance ment of the country's prosperity. With the appointment of the Inland Waterways, Commission, and the pa sage of a big- appropriation bill for waterway Improvement by the last Congres, this policy about to b changed. The freight congestion that has paralyzed the railroad and hn gripped the Commerce of the whole United State, 1m driven the Federal government into taking steps for the creation of another mean of trans portation. Tlii decision wn reached only niter- coal famines caused untold suffering throughout the Northwest, and tire ngriciilttirnl states' found fnem elvc financially eiiibnrr,inse(l (n the midnt of plenty,' because, of the Inabili ty of the railroad to carry their pro duot io market, while the manufactu ring slate felt the nme embarrass ment, lieeniiso of the imposoiliilily of getting delivery of raw material. . Large credit is 'due to the Nntioiml River & Harbors ConirreM for the lie Inted recognition nif the' waterway ns a means for relieving tonnsportntfnn distress. The organization,' which ha been at work for five yoirs bringing the matter to the attention of the country, U non-political and lend it powerful influence to no Individual scheme for betterment. It stand for ft' general 'campaign of waterways im provement, and has contended wines! tatingly 'that not less than 0,000,000 a year should be expended by the gov ernment in this important work of in ternal improvement. ' Mrs. S. Joyce, 180 Sullivan St., Claremont, N. H., write: "About a year ago' I bought two bottles of Foley Kidney Cure. It cured me of a severe case of Kidney trouble of several years' standing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine, and I heart, lly recommend It." T, F. taurln, Owl Drug Store. The Importance v of Regular Habits The welfare of the body depend upon how regularly the stomach, liver, kldueys and bowels perform their respective dnlle. Care lcssness or delay iu alicudlug to Nature's deutauds, brings oa disorder which, sooner or later, Lavs a bsd effect ou the general health. BliitinUh bowels, Inactive liver,cttdoddlgesllourlm;ortaiit matter calling for immediate atlcutlou, . BEEGHALI'S PILLS ... .... i' ' J. A : -H,V " ' 13 '. . :! ,-' art a proven remedy. They possess corrective properties which act favorably wpoo the several organs snd luduct free and regular movements, so very essential to the bodily health, Do not fail to glvt instant attention to tit calls of Naturt. Neglect invite discs. Beecham'S Pills are the old snd r. liable safeguard of licultu and can always b depended upon to .... ..... 1. i 1 ' . . Keep Stomach, Liver and Bowels in Good order Box 10 and Ma. with lull direction. STEEL cQ. EWART ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS In Business for Business and Your Satisfaction. ' Ve make it our aim to do first class work at , reasonable prices. , 222 Twelfth Street. Next to tbe Astoria Theatre. Pirating Foley's Honey sod Tar. Foley t Co., Chicago, erlglnsted Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Th worth less Imitation have slmllsr sounding name. Ttewar of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is In a yellow package. Ask for ft and refuse any substitute. It 1. th best rem4y for coughs and cold. T. F. Laurtn, Owl Drug Store. CAPT. HATHAWAY EXONERATED Pilot W In Complete Charge Captain Not BUmed For Mongolia (Duster. KAN FRANCISCO, Muy 23,-Captain R. If. Hnthsway, who wa In command of the Mongolia, when he went aground In the Shlmonoseki Strait, Japan, a few week ago, ha Wn exonerated by I'nited Ktiite teamhlp lnsjiectors O. F. Indies and J. K. Bulger. In view of ait affidavit from the pilot, showing tlwt he was In complete charge, it was held that, no blame could attach to the captain. ALCOllOl, 1 PER CENT. AVcgelablflfyaMonrorAs slmllalinSlhcFoodanilRi-nirta ting tlic Stonuus asdBowdsuf Promotes DitoHonjCketfiJ ncss and Itestfontalnsitelfflff Opium.MorphJne norMiueraL I 11 AH V U I II.. JlxJaim UltmkmkSm MrmSeri- CtanMi hwOrytmitltm Aperfect Remedy forComllp-) non , sour suiHwiituiaiusM. VYormsOiTViiLSK)M.revenju- ness anuLOSSOFSlXER Facsimile Sijnarure of NEW YORK. Guuranlccd unoVrihcFii Exact Copy of Wrapper, NOTICE FOR BIDS. ' llid will be received by tlo school I board of district No, 1 for painting the McCtur school building, both In side and outside, and for catsominlng th plaster work. Hlds will be received up to S o'clock p. in. on Tuesday, Jun H, 1007. ' Specification can be en at the ollii of the district clerk In th city ball. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bid. Addrc all communica tion to A. U Clark, clerk of th dis trict. Astoria, Or, May 24, 1007. 8 25 fit.- Wonderful Eesema Cure, "Our little boy had eesema for five years," writes N, A. Adsms, Henrietta, Pa. Two of our borne doctors aald th case was hopeless, his lungs Ulnf srTected, Ws then employed other doc tors but no benrilt resulted. By chance we read about EIctrlo Bitter, bought a bottle and soon noticed Im provement W continue J this mll cine until several bottles wars used, when our boy was completely cured." Best of all blood medicines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed It ChurU Rodgeis's drug store. 60c n For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the A, , Signature M of In Use For Over t t 1 P Thirty Years ihtsu aemnNV, tvu ross errv. mm 1 U AW J II il l W fl lllil M t 1 1