The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 25, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, MAY s, '
jkt its wanted
A hot tovt In t hot
kitchen makci a hot
cook. Uia a itavn
that give icnetnfrattd hear-tht eooki thj
meal smlddv wtLhout miklnff an overheated
kitchen. . New Rrfoctlon Oil Stove you get a
KtoitomatmomintofU$httnt. The .'
"'ii the im ofl atove. Embodlea.iiew rkwlplea. Gfim
i bett reiulta. Chlmaeyi are enameled ia blue, which Bakes
. them nut-pro and eaaQy clea&ed. Made in three sizes,
. with one, two, and three burnera. Every stove warranted.
If &ot at your dealer's, write to our aeareit agency for
ctcrimve circular. ;
MSwOLamp for .ll-round
mu.t " bouaehotd aae.
yimAm tit hnil thrmuriiftttt and heautifullv nickeled.
Perfectly cotjttructcd; abaolutely safe; unexcelled
(n Ukt-giving power; an ornament to any room.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer e,
write to our nearest aeney,
i i
Wall Paper
X On'account of the large new spring stock coming and
to make room in our store we oner ou per cent
off for the next few days. ; Buy your
waU paper now while it is cheap.
Eastern Painting & Decorating Company,!
Commercial Street near Elohtn. ''
Mandolin, Quitar and
Piano Folios '
We receive all the new publications in this form
every month. You can secure from ten to fifteen
of the latest hits bound for from 2fc to 50c per vol.
Sec the Show Window
C. F. WISE, Prop.
Cboica Wlns, Liquor Merchant Lunch From
' ana Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p A
Hot Lunca at all Boon t Cents
Comer Eleventh and Commercial
"": .0"' -$ -
Sherman Transter Co.
... .. . v- ., . - r -
.; HEN 11 Y SHERMAN, Managei
Jlacks, CairUges Baggsg Checked and Traneierred Truck ard Furniture
Wag. Flano Moved, Boxed and Sldpped.
433 Commercial Street
Main Phone 12)
I 'sVVtrO 0 0 fcS
POUND. OoutaiDB do oilt or
fats or Buy drag that is in-
A, jurjous or liable to produce
4 a babit Eaoh bottle con.
:A tains a month's Iriatmeqt
VBnaooits KiM at any first
oluaa drug stoje. Tropanid
i Hum n a K't
i A
A-s N
1 y-tK,-.,'
1 -3&4 y
Literal Translation of Petition
Received By Committee. .
Owner Moves Up sod Down Atlantic
Coast With the Seieons Delayed Ar-
' rival of Limes For Fancy Mld Sum
mer Drink.
KBW YOItK, Ihj 84,-A striking II
luslration of the condition prrvaillng
among more titan 20,000,000 starving
Instant In Rusola is afforded by a pe
tition revived at the headquarters of
the ltuslan Famine Relief Conimittre,
m Kat 13th Btrwt, till city, A lit
trnl translnllon of the petition shows
not only the depths of suffering and
despair to which the faniine-strkkin
peasants have beea plunged, but also
the eoclnl and eduoatlOiSs! ronditlone
of the eiilTcriir which make .it difficult
for htem to frame an apiHwl to the
oiitlde world for ainlanie. It rond!
'Ve humbly brg the Zemetvo of Sa
mara, a rflflelvlng no aid or relief from
"All our me in are exhaut)d by the
famine, ell our rattle end other move
aide property are eold to keen u from
death by hunger) we are the poorest of
the poor. We are afraid to enter our
wretched eottagee berauee of the chil
dren. One 1 crying, the other are
groaning for food) seeing them cause
our tear to flow snd the blool to leave
our heart.
"A If to mock our misery We hear
from trnger that in thl t tillage or
that village, a free kitchen has been
opened. tVe have nothing, nothing.
Can it be tht we are doomed to death
through hunger? How glsd we would
be If we could get only bread and po
tatoes, even If good people would only
give them to our children and old wom
en, we would not know how to think
God Almighty sufficiently. Yes! we
pa our day together thinking about
those thing. but what can we do?
Kone of u know anything: we are
quite In the dark. We go about like
dead already, and lnted of the das
sling whitene of the now we see
something greenish in the ground and
again w wait for the dy to paas,bope
tng againut hope.
"What shall we do? Where ahall we
go? What shall we say? What are
we to do? Go home to our huts? The
very word 'homo' make our hearts
turn. But there Is nothing elo to do,
we go home, enter the dark hous trv
ing not to look at the wife or children,
preienuing not to hear their eager
questioning Where have you been,
father?' And like everybody's enemy,
like some wild beaut, you slink away
to jour corner to aeek forgetfulnea in
"vp. jiiii no, sieep does rot come,
something prevents it. and
thought through your head, one after
tne other, like the wave of the eea.
And so you toss till daybreak, and in
the morning get up and flee. Where
lor jou dont know. What shall we
do? Where can one find bread? You
flont know. Aimin we all cro? in.
gether like a flock of hungry birds and
twitter, about our sorrow. All at once
some man who can read and write Joint
us and say, 'Friend, you must beg the
aumormes lor holn.' And ,wo all fc..
gin entreating him, He o kimL write
a petition.', Terhsn. it 1,.n ..-k
some kind of man In nower.
. . ..
me same tune our waver tin 11 .i,
flod.'i Well inntr tt TaJ M.,.- v, ...
Rpenkl 'You beKin, Bnsll Cherk-m.nff
"All my harvest wa 10 poods (400
pminusj or rye. This lasted only till
September, bevaua I hnv wifa
six children.:' After this wn
leffnn to sell our 'clothes ain;l hmma.
hold things, tllen I sold a horse, and we
uvea till December. Now I have noth
ing more to sell tliomrh T ilRVA TWA
stnmlng horses yet left, but how am I
to sen them? Spring Is coming, what
am I to plough with if I sell them?
Ami l have only one Cow left ami tw
one can't stand, The nelirliW. holn
me to lift It on Its legs In the morning,
my norse it is scarcely anything
but the name of a horse a n.iff i .tj
v vs asiu
can knock It over. I cant say anything
more,, only God have mercy upon us if
we do not get help.
"And you, old Peterwhat
add?-'Ohl brothers, I can manage yet,
I am the only workman at home, I
have a heap' of olilldren end onlv one
eye, o that I can see onlv half thn
misery that you do. We dn oct . Wt.
not from the authorities, but begging."
ine coiieotion of contributions for
the relief work is beinir Cnrr!cl nn In
this country by the, Russian Famine
iieiw immunities, 135 Kast 115th Street,
New York City, of which Samuel Iinr-
Forced to Leave my Present Quarters, I Will Sell
all Clothing, Rubber Boots, Men's Furnish
ings and Oil Clothing
At Lowest
f'i'ieos !
25 Per Cent Off on Men's and Boys' Suits
$4 Underwear for $3.40 r $5 Sweater for J3.50
$3 Underwear ;$2.25 ' $4 $3,
$2.50 Underwear $2.00 $3 " , $2.40
$J Underwear .80 Apron Overalls, 65c
25c Cashmere Sox 20c, three pair for 50c
50c Working Shirts for 40 cents.
This is Your Chance
To Buy Goods Cheap
The Workingmaii's Store
. Is going to move, June 1st, to first cjoor west of Ross,
Higgins & Co., on Bond street.
Chas. Larson, Prop. 557 Commercial St. J
rows Is Secretary,' No contribution' Is
too small, and the Morton Trust Com
pany, acting a treasurer, will ackt-
nowledge ail. The money I ,o be used
for the saving of Ufa.
Five dollars will save aa adult, five
cents day will keep a chili from
death by starvation.
There ia one man in New York for
whom the month of May brings no
dread of the ( annual flight before the
grasping hand of the landlord. When
the advent of spring turns the thoughts
of thousands to the horrors of moving
day, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hall are se
renely indifferent When the first
warm days of summer set other people
to dreaming elf aalt water and ocean
breetea off Cape Cod or the coast of
Maine, Mr. Hall miles in the superior
sort of way befitting that Indifference
to hotel bills which is the envy of all
his fnends, while Mrs. Ilall gives un
distractedl attention to planning the
most fetching of summer costumes.
Wlien winter come and a trip, to Flor
ida or the Gulf seems a rquch to be de
sired end, they don't even stop to pack
their trunk; they Just go, - For Mr.
Hull is the fortunate owner of the odd'
est and most unique craft known to
Kew York waters, the cruijing house
boat, "Oatka." -
So far as is known, it is the onlv
vessel of its' kind in the world. Forty-
seven feet long, with a 16-foot beam,
and drawing only 8 1 2 Ifeet of water,
the "Oatka," is, in effect, a sea going
flat, by the whim of the owner set afloat
on the waves. She is built double and
heavily timbered throughout, with a
yachting keel that enables her to cut
the water easily and make sharp tucks
without upsetting, and the crew con
sists of just, two people hep owner
a captain and hi wife as first mate.
There was a time when the Halls, like
their unfortunate friends, cringed be
fore the landlord and the janitor of a
Harlem apartment house) but being
made of more heroio stuff than their
neighbors, they at last rebelled, and
Mr. Hall, who Is a marine engineer, as
sumed the prerogatives of marine
architect aa well and designed the craft
which now enable, him to greet his
erstwhile oppressors with a grin,
Until the last few davs the purvey
ors of fancy '-drink along the Great
White, Way have not been overanxious
about the delayed ait lval of - spring;
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
: 602 Commercial Street.,
: Corner Commercial and 14th. r Astoria, Oregon, z
for the annual importation ' df limes
from the West Indies haa been delayed
also, and without them it would have
been impossible to meet the usual warm
weather demand for gin-flu, lime lem
onade, gin-rickeys and kindred bever
ages. The limes are here, now, how
ever, 2,000.000 of them. Thev came
in one day last week, inspiring pleas
ant visions of themselves graceful
afloat in tall slender glasses, where lit.
tie chunks of ice clink , merrily; and
with them came the hope that spring
would come at last to a waiting city,
and for a brief season banish hot drinks
and winter overcoats.
My Beat Friend.
Alexander Benton, who Uvea on
Rural Route 1, ort . Edward, N. T.,
says: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is
my best earthly friend. It cured me
of asthma six years ago., It baa also
performed, a wonderful cure of in
cipient consumption for my son's wife.
The first bottle ended tne terrible
cough, and this accomplished, the
other symptoms left one by one, until
she was perfectly well. Dr. Ring's
New Discovery's power over Coughs
and colds 1 simply marvelous.". No
other ' remedy has , ever equaled ; it
Fully guaranteed by Charles Rodger,
druggist SOo and $1.00. Trial bottle
succeed the first time . use Herblne
and you will get Instant relief. The
greatest liver regulator. A positive
cure, for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ma
laria, Chills and all liver complaint.
Mr. C s of Emory, Texas, write:
"My wife baa been using Herblne for
herself and children for five years. It
Is a sure cure for constipation and ma
laria fever, whth Is substantiate! by
what it has done for my family." Sold
by Hart's drug store.
HiuiiiiA in
416 B0KD fT, '
Carries the Finest Una of
. ' Liquors
The Owl Concert Hall
Formerly tlie LaTosctT'V. ,
The Leading Amusement
House in Astoria
Good music
Everybody welcome.
Qhas. Niciai, Proprietor
Jt Astoria, street
Mk .Concert l0
320 Astor 8t
The leading amusement boos.
Agency for Edison Phonographs Mi
Gold Moulded Records. !