The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 25, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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SATURDAY, MAY sj, 1907,
IsUbliaaet i7
Published Dily Ixcept Monday by
Bjr nail, par jNt..; .,.17.00
B7 carrier, per month.. ........ .10
I, mail, per var, la advance. .11.00
Jrater4 m soond-etas nuuMr July
30, 1. at lb pottomc at Auoria. Or-
jron, uOmt Ui sot 01 Cuafra 01 SMreas,
WOrdan tor tk deirmrau of Tin Mow
rmtrmmit toeiUxr rwkiaao or place ot
SmSmb) mat to toads fa DoMal sard ot
ttaoasfc tdcifaoo Aof k-njruirttT ta de
li should W iSMMilstate foPOOwl to the
QftVial taper Of CUUap aOBDtjr and
UCllMAUJrtlk - . , ,
Lynching Must Be Stopped
By t-Co tinor W.J. NORTHEN ofCtorflt.
rIIE white mfi liuto tho m'grcH's, 'and the negroes lu.5o the
vhito pooi'U There is a DKLT CiliAINEl) AXTAUO
V XISM bctwiH'u tho two raws, and where the negro is con
cerned th3 white people aro all ready to cry, with Ben TiU-
man, "To hades with the law 1" ,
. Thu spirit is alive IN TIIK COURTS. I recently wrote to
members of the supreme court asking if they did not consider lynching
nothing less than murder. I failed to get an answer, and it was tho
same way with regard to the sheriff.
In response to another letter I received an insulting reply from a
minister. ',,- ;
I believe every one of a mob A RED HANDED MURDERER
whether he ba the tail end member or a leader, and it is my opinioi.
that aul people connected with a lynching, whether, they be ouly on
lookers or- not, should be sentenced o the PENITENTIARY,
I consider people who bum negroes as SAVAGES. Many aro
trying to belittle this great question. It is greater than ALL TIIK
DON I. '. H;-, :T- ':-'v '
Western Oregon nd Washing-
too Fair. ; ,
Xot the least among the element
to tie immensely benefitted and ex
panded in the great scheme of progress
binuring to Astoria, are the holdings
and departments of the government in
and about this district the three forts,
the buoy station, the quarantine post;
and it goes without saying that they
will receive due attention just as soon
as the access is felt in other and allied
lines. .
The federal quarantine quarters
acres the river might be well improved
s it is, without waiting for any sug
gestive movement; there are some
things needed over there that should
have gone in a long while ago, notably,
extensive and comfortable quarters and
equipment (for the accomodation of pat
ients billetted there under the opera
tion of the quarantine laws, all of
which are absolutely wanting now.
There are facilities for the handling of
ships under stress of quarantine,
plenty of them and all up to date, but
the main essentials for handling human
ity under embargo are conspicuously
absent and sorely needed. Just why
this matter has been neglected all thi
time, is one of the mysteries that are
insoluble beyond the limits of the Dis
trict of Columbia and the especial de
partment having touch and authority
in the premises. We would like to see
something done to put this important
station on full and proper footing.
The Wholesale Liquor Dealers As
sociation, of Astoria, has gone on re
cord, in unequivocal terms, as opposed
to the presence of dance-halls in this
city; they have not minced the matter
nor thrust any ambiguities in the text
of their formal declaration; and while
we believe the emanation to have been
inspired from purely business motives,
without an atom of sentiment behind it,
we commend it as a timely expres
sion from an effective source, snd one
that will be heeded
Where sentiment fails to achieve a
jpopular object, business interest may be
relied upon to succeed, and it Is,
invariably, the sounder predicate of the
two. In this particular case the' con
clusion is inevitable, that if the liquor
interest can dispense with the dance
halls' there , is no other line that can
logically claim any benefit from their
presence; hence, the safe inference that
the halls will go. This will 'be 'a long
step toward municipal purification, and
public' sentiment ts forging new depart
tores' that must follow in rapid sequence.
The same old issue is being tried out,
regulation, or obliteration. If the first
is not submitted to, the second al
ways transpires. Only it seems queer
that men engaged in these lines will
never learn the lesson, however, dften
It is proven to them. ':
The courts of this country are brist
ling these days with "causes celebres"
and the empanelling of juries is fest
attaining to the measure of an art, or
perhaps, a science; at all events, the
whole people are in such intimate and
complete touch with the mesh of de
tails, attaching to the cases in point,
as to make it almost impossible to get
jurors enough to fulfill the law with
anything like due observance of its
exactions as to previous knowledge or
influential sentiment. It would look as
if ther was ho relief for the peculiar
situation save through a complete re
vision of the jury system of the coun
try, and the adoption of the English
course of appointing a jury direct rom
th federal electorate and keeping it in
Mrvjcs for Ml 12 month. passing
front court to court throughout a given
district, always and ever on jury duty
and doing nothing els. There is some
thing professional in this ides, but we
would soon get used to it, and the
supreme advantage, would be gained of
having a jury amenable to service at
all times, and It would be, relatively,
less costly, than the procedure now in
vogue. It is the . only solution that
presents itself at the present writing
sod we have no idea it wiU invoked any
way soon. - "
.' ' , 1 0 -
President Calhoun, of the United
Railways, t San Francisco, strikes us
as a dangerous leader in public affairs
just at this juncture, and we expect
to hear of his early suppression. He is
making a tremendous effort to place
himself in an attitude of safety as
against the operation of the laws he has
broken his deals with the board, of
supervisors and his unescapable con
nection with the grafting push of the
Bay City. He is taking a bold and
audacious stand, thrusting himself for
ward with an adroitness and suddenness
that vouches for the certainty of his J
questionable purposes. He is under the
ban of the law; he is in contempt of
organized labor; he is the self-assertive
champion of the men with whom he hes
had nefarious dealings and is altogether
in wretched odor in all places where
honor and justice still maintain in the
over-borne city.
His latest move is towarj the orga
nization of a "vigilance committee'' and
we opine that when he has established
it, some cruel, reactionary force will so
direct its energies as to involve the man
who created it, and meet out a retri
butive measure of justice that will
prove embarrassing to one of Calhoun's
aggressive, yet, sensitive, nature.
A public utilities bill went through
the New York legislature by a unani
mous vote. Recent events are cal
culated to convince corporations that
they will never get to be bigger than
the American people. '
Dollar wheat may be all right from
a commercial point of view, but the
manipulators of the food market
should take timely warning that the
consumer will never stand for the 10
cent loaf.
' '1 0 ' "
Chicago entertains a fear that the
lakes to-the-gulf waterway movement
will carry all of the fish out of the
lakes, in which event it is easy to see
that the channel cat is going to nave a
'i i'AZd i..n 1 1 0 ''
Chairman Burton was surprised at the
Memphis river business. And it will
be found as the journey proceeds that
the water traffic grows with the as
sured depth Of the channel, -
'. 0 .
The Illinois legislature will meet
again in October to consider deep wat
erway propositions. It is one of 'the
subjects that get bigger and better by
intelligent deliberation.
Every cloud has its tinfoil lining. The
failure df the wheat and fruit crops
will leave more cars in which to ship
watermelons. - ..,"''
. PresbytsrUn. ' .
Morning worship, 11 o'clock) Sunday
school, 12:15, Y. P. & a E., 7:00,
evening worship, 8:00.
The pastor will be in Portland con'
ducting the annual memorial church
service of the Third Regiment Oregon
National Guard of which he Is chaplain
In his absence Dr. W. H. Holt, of Port
land, synod ical missionary of Oregon,
will preach both morning and even
inf. All are invited to all services,
Win. 8. Gilbert, pastor.
Grace Episcopal.
Trinity Sunday, May 26 1 Morning
prayer, sermon end holy communion,
II a. m. evening service and sermon
:30 p. m. Holy Innocents Chapel
Sunday, 2:30 p. m.; church service with
sermon, 3:30 p. ni. John Warren, as
sistant associate missionary.
First Lutheran.
Guataf E. Rydquist, pastor. Morn
ing service at 10:45 with holy com
munion and reception of members. This
service will be in Swedish. Service in
English at 3 o'clock. At the German
Lutheran church on Grand avenue,
No evening service at the Uppertown
church. Sunday school at both the
above churches at 9:30 a. m.
' Congregational
Morning service at 11 o'clock, sub
ject: "Conflicts That Count." This will
be the memorial service and the G. A
R., and others interested, will be in at
tendance. See notice. Evening service
at 8 o'clock, subject: "A Serious and
Lonely Struggle."
The pastor will preach at both sen
ices and will be pleased to see all con
gregationnlist residents or visiting in
the city present at both'servlces. Sun
day school at 12:20 and Y. P. 8. C. E.
at 7 o'clock p. m. Midweek meeting
Wednesday at 8 o'clock p. m. All who
are not attending other churches are
cordially invited to attend, the services
of this church, you will be welcome,
and you will hear a helpful message.
G. E. Moorehouse, Pr. D., pastor.
Norwegian-Danish M. E.
Comer dt Thlrty-seventh and Duane
street. Sunday school at 10 o'clock;
preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. Every Thursday night
short sermon and prayer meeting. The
Scandinavian people are cordially in
vite! to attend the services. Elias
Gjerding, pastor, 1793 Duane street.
Piles are dangerous but 'do not sub
mit to an operation until you have
first tried Man Zan the great Pile
Remedy. , It is put up In collapsible
tubes with nozzle that allows It to be
applied exactly where It Is needed. If
you have itching, bleeding or protruding-
piles and Man Zan does not re
lieve, money refunded.:. Soothes and
cools. Relieves1 at once. Sold by
Frank Hart's Drug Store, ,
: Astoria, May 24, 1907.
Editor Astorian:
We are sorry that any clergyman of
any denomination should so degrade
the name and calling of the gospel min
istry as to take any part whatever in
the Corey -Gilman matrimonial farce.
We are not proud of the man who made
mockery of the ordinance of holy matri
mony by teing present to bless in the
name of the Christian church such an
unholy alliance. We are sorry he so
rar failed to recognize the dignity of his
calling. And we wish here to enter a
disclaimer. The individual who per
formed the ceremony, while at the pres
ent time he occupies a congregation
pulpit, to its discredit, has his ecclesias
tical standing with the Presbyterian
church, not with the Congrcgationalists,
' v
' The Life Insurance
muddle has started the publlo ,te
thinking. The wonderful success that
hag met Ballard's Horehound Syrup
in Its crusade on Coughs, Influenza
and Bronchitis and all Pulmonary
troubles Was started the public to
thinking Of this wonderful preparation.
They are all using it Join the process
slon and down with sickness. Price
25c, 60c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug
Every wonisn of refinement appr
clstea a radiant, beautiful complexion
which Is so much admired by men
Such complexions corns to all whu use
Holllster'a Rocky Mountain Tea, Te
or Tablets, IS cents. Frank Hart,
The salvs that acts Ilk a poultice
Is Fine Salve Carboltsed. No other
aslv so good for cuts, bums, bolls and
chapped skin. Ask about It. Price
SScts-, Sld by Frank Uart'a Drug
at Atorla. In the State of Oregon, at
tne close or uume, mv ith, 1007.
Ixwns and discounts tMO.WO,.
Overdrafts, secured and un
ecured 7.794.78
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 4,. ... 23,000.00
Premiums on V. & Bonds, ... S00.00
Bonds, securities, ste 36,930.00
Furniture and Fixture...... lySOO.OO
Due from National Banks
(not rrrt.. agent) 1 i... 113,321.81
Due from State Banks and
Bankers 31,77116
Due front approved reserve
... . . .
sgents I4&431.JU
Checks and other cash items 33.63
Note of other National
Banks , 100.00
Nkkels and osots ,. 340.40
Lawful money rserv la
bank, Tin
Specie 03,000.00
Redemption fund with U. SL
Treasurer (8 percent ot ir
dilation) 1.2.W.00
-7b;:i;: ,su 4 n,w.,,-.
Cured to Btny Cured.
Without Knife or Operations and but little pain
Cancer growth killed in 21 hours. Cancer
removed iu 7 to 10 flays. Orifice healed and
a permanent cure in 4 to 8 weeks. No
Pay until Cured. , '
A. ROSS, 548 Com. St., Astoria, Ore X
The Chas. F. Beebe Company
Will open up in the Flaval Brick (as noon as
the Stock Arrives) on or before June lit,
with a Complete Stock of
"f S'aitftJI V :t..; ,' ; ,' ,,.,.,....,,,.,'. i '
Ship Chandlery Marine Hardware Can
nery and FUherxnen'a Supplies
' ... . ...
(Wholesale and Retail)
Save Your orders for us and Save Money
Capital stock paid in 100.000.00
Surplus fund .... .J. 12.000.00
Undivided pronts, less ex- '
lnse ami taxi-s paid.. :ni,Nituo
National Bank notes out
standing ...... 25,000.00
Due to State Bank and
Banker .... ...... .. 3,527.60
Individual depooit sub
ject to check.. TST.IWBl
Demand ccrtinVates of d
imsit 23O.025.h4
Certitl! Check 1,823.00 P3n.471.33
ToUl ..81,130,839.17
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop
I. 8. 8. Oordon, Cashier of the a!ove
named bank, do noleinnly swear that
the above statement is true to the bet
of my knowledge and belief.
&. s. wiu., tasnier,
SuWrilx-d and sworn to before me
this 22nd day of May, 11107.
v. jioeiung,
Votary Public,
Correct Attest i
W. F. MdiRWiOR,
F. J, Carney, Manager
A Good Workman is Known by His Tools
A bad workman quarrels with his tools, but even a good workman
quarrels with bad tools. No workman ever quarrel with tools bought of
Astoria Hardware Co
,' , . i 1
Nor will h quarrel with ua for hsvln g sold them to him.
Our reputation Is mad by sals added to sals. No one sal will tnak
or brsak us; but the continued reputation of selling such good goods as w
do, you cannot afford to dsspls. . ,
Means Standard of Merit.
Our Service and our
methods of business are of
the highest excellence as
well as all of our Footwear
everything is of the highest
except our prices, and they
are always the lowest
Our Specialties Are
,oggers and long hand made
' is '
boots lor risnermen.
,,,( , ,... i ,., l .-v ti;
343 Bend SL, opposite Fisher Bros.
Lowneys Candies
ce Cream ;
oft Drinksj
agg's Parlors 483 Commercial
Astoria Hardware Co.,
113 12th St.
JOHN FOX, President Nelson Trover, Vies-Pros, and Bupt.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Complete Cannery OutilU FurnlihJ.
CORRESPONDENCE SO1.CITE0, Poot ot Fourth Wireet.
Paint 1 Paint I Paint I
This is Painting Time
We carry Everything in the Paint line and
X...4. ,t. 1 1
none oui tne dcsi. y
Even rich men cannot afford to buy poor paint
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co. Inc.
Successors ta Foarl a Ctakaa Co.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
Capital $100,000
Q. A. B0WLBY, Prssidsnt. ("RANK PATTON, Cashier.
X L PETERSON, Vlot-Prasldsnt. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital raid in 1000, surplus and Dndlvlited fronts ,ooo.
Transact a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Tiros lioposlUi
. Uii-to-Cate tSaw Will Uocblnerv . Frompt attention given to al. repair work
18th and Franklin Av. Tl. Main 2451.
v, .