VOLUME LXIil, NO. 117. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS WILL OUST 0 L OCTOPUS Proceedings in Missouri - Supreme Court. . EVIDENCE SUFFICIENT Commissioner Anthong's Report - Says Standard Oil Can Be Turned Out of Missouri. PREVENTED . COMPETITION It Supreme Court Affirms Findings tut WsttriPierct Comptny Will Lost Its Ffanchlst Standard and Republic Companies Ordered Out of t Stat. JEFFERSON C1TV, Mo., May 24. CommUsloner Anthon.v, appointed by the MU-ouri tuprtmt court to take testimony la tht outar ult of tht state against tb Standard Oil Company, to day md II report to tht court. He kulilt tht tht evidence Introduced l Hilllelent to oust the Standard Oil Cora pany ami tributary mpaule from Missouri. AttorneyGewral Hadley filed the uit la tht supreme court two year go, charging, that tht Wnudard Oil Company, tht Water Pierce Oil Com, jinny and tlr Republic Oil Company vert In a trruat, and wert partlct to a Conspiracy to control tht price of oil and petroleum product In MIourl and to limit competition In tht oil ImikIdmi. v wtudge Anthony, df" Frcderlcktown, llii, was appointed by tht supreme court to tk tcntlmony and report hl finding to tht court. Mora than a year lis 1 been occupied la tht taking of the testimony, witnesses having been mined la New York, St. Louit and otjicr dries. In hi report to the court, Judge An- 1 showing the organization and conduct of iL. ' 1 VI. hAal. It.. ....w. that the evidence shows that in 1001 the Standard Oil Company, Waters ricrce and Republlb Oil Companic en tered Into an agreement which continu ed to exlt up to tht time of the filing Of tht suit for tht purpose of fixing and controlling tht price to be paid by Tctall ilenlrr nd other in Missouri for the product of petroleum, and to "limit and prevent competition In the liulnen of the buying and telling of . , Y Y The commissioner further find that the three companic from 1001 up to the time of bringing the ...It by the '.tM to 'J ,one wwlthlttl rn....i ma. I" the wqrldj a railroad man known .v....,V ,.v,,.. Flrit Fix and maintain the price df tht refined product of petroleum sold In Missouri, consisting of ooal oil, gaso line and naptha. ftynnd Control and limit the trade In auch refined produott of petroleum In iht atate. Tlilrd Prevent and destroy competl tion ia the purchase and tale of suoh refined produett of petroleum. The report ayt that In pursuance of ilie agreement the oil companies pre vented competition among themselves and others In Missouri, teeming control of 00 per cent of the oil business, de priving the people of free, full , and wholesome competition j that the oil companies misled the public Into the "belief that they were separate and dis tinct corporations, when, In fact, the agreement made them one corporation. The finding df the commissioner sus tained in toto the contentions of At- toi wi rney-General Hadley. The report of Commissioner Anthony will now ' be reviewed by the supreme court. The court may afflrm the find ings of the commissioner or it may re- uiatid the cant to hlin with directions for further proceedings, If tht rmrt should be affirmed and Uht (hiding of tht commissioner adopted by tht court, tht court would then havt power to . takt from tht Water lief Company, which ' I a Missouri coruoraton, It franchise right as a corporator With regard to tht Standard and Republic , Com panies, both of which art foreign cor pora tons, tht court would have power to cancel their right to do buIuea In Missouri. The court my lnite flue upon tht defendants ,; rli ti r .; INTERNAL SEVENTH. Statistics For ApiU Show As Jucrtsst Ovtr Last Year. WASHINGTON, M,ay gi-Tbt month ly statement of tht collector of internal revenue shows that for tht month of April, 1007, tht total receipts wert fc!l, 020,806 which I an Increase for the year of 12,104338. Tbe total receipts for, tht ten months of Uit present flel year amount to 1224,003311, which I an increase a compared with the corresponding period of 1000 of 117,700,367. , STRIKE DICTORBANCES AT TEBNl Wives of Striking Ironworkers Attempt To Drivt Out Strikebrttktrt, ROME, May 24. Then wert 'serious disturbances at Ternl, In tht depart ment of Unibrla, Province of Perugia, )-eterdsy. Tht wives of tht striker Invaded the Iron work after their hut band ba4 left and attempted to tlrive out tht workmen who had taken the strikers' places. Troops wert called out and charged tht mob of Infuriated women who had broken tbe windows in tht shop. Reinforcement of troops and police have been sent to Ternl. IIENEY AND BURNS Have Gathered Evidence of Large Land Frauds. TO BE GIVEN GRAND JURIES Frauds la Oregon, California, Colorado, Washington, Montana, Minnesota and . tht Dakota Many Prominent Men Art Said To Bt Implicated, CHICAGO, May 24-A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington D. C, sysi Amasing revelation of a conspiracy to defraud he., ITnited State of mil lion of dollur worth of mineral and timber bind will bt laid before the grnnd juries of half ' a dozen states within a few day, The frauds, it I alleged, will Involve In criminal charge the names of men high in business and political circles. They Include one United State senator, one former United Slate senator, a from the Atlantic to the Pacific; two of the wealthiest lumber baron in the United States; numerous smaller fry, including railroad otTicials, coal opera tors and men at the head, of fuel com panies. These men whoso names, for obvious reasons, cannot be made public before the grand jury acts, it Is declared here, will surely lie Indicted by the evidence which is now ia the hands of the United States district attorneys in half a doien western states. These frauds, It was declared yester day, In an official quarter, extend Into a number of states, Including Califor nia, Colorado, .Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota and the Dakota. Much of the evidence in these fraud was obtained by Detective Burns who la engaged' In the municipal graft prosocutlon In San Francisco, and by Francis J. Heney, who is prosecuting the same an Francisco grnlftcrs. Upon the conclusion of their work In Sn Francisco,' Attorney Heney and Deteo- (Continued oa Pagt 8.) GRAND JURY INDICTMENTS More Counts; Returned Against Schmitz. ; ONLY PARTIAL REPORT 84 Counts Jointly AgainstSchmite, Ruef Caihoun,MulIally Ford and Abbot FRICTION AMONG JURORS Two Fall To Accompany Crnj Jury To Court Rumor Not Confirmed Judge Coffey Will Accept Ijooo Cash Bail On Each Count - SAX, FRANCISCO, May 24,-The speculation which he beea rift fop week a to what the grand jury would do In tht matter of Indictments against the hluh corporation official and munic ipal olllcer for the tlleged bribery In connection with tht granting of the overhead trolley franchlaet to the United Railways, ended tonight when that inquisitorial body, returned nine in dictment on nine counts, charging the crime of giving and accepting briU-s and naming as guilty, tbe following persons: Mnyor Eugent E. 8chn.it, Abraham Ruef, President Patrick Cal houn and assistant to the president, Thorwall Mullally of the United Rail waya and Attorney Tirey L. Ford and William M. Abbott of that corporation and also President Louis Glas and former agent Theodore B. Ilolsey of the Pacific Telephone Telegraph Com pany the last named indictment being in connection with a deal by which the established telephone corporation sought to prevent the granting of a competitlvt frtnehise to the Home Telephone Com Pny- - Indictments containing 84 counts wert returned jointly against Schmlta, Ruef, Calhoun, Mullally, Ford, Abbott, whom the grand jury accused of bribing 14 supervisor, In amount ranging from $4000 to $15,000 each, to vote a change In the franchise of the United Railway by which that corporation Immediately after the fire last year gained authority to electrify the 250 mile of street railway system in San Fmnclico. Two additional Indictments wert re turned against Schmlta one charging that he sought and accepted from Ford and Rudf'a bribe of $50,000 .'or the co operation. In the trolley deal; the other charging that he sought and received from Frank O. Drum and Ruef a bribe of $32.r0 to approve tht vote of the su pervisorial board, fixing the public gas rate for 1000 at 85 cents Instead of 75 cents at the behest of the San Fran cisco Cias ,4 Electrio Company. The grand jury proceeded to Judge , Coffey's court to enter 10 true bill. Bail was fixed $10,000 oa each of the 89 counts. The accused wae given until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning to furnish bonds. Tht judge Announced that he will accept $5000 cash bail on each count Two of the jurors, Young and Sonntag failed to accompany the grand jury to Coffey' rooms and as It was event they were laboring under great excijtement just before tht juror started for the court, there were rumors df a friction in the inquisitorial body, it was not confirmed however. s Foreman Oliver of the' grand jury said tonight' report wa only a partial one which, was taken to' indi cate that more indictments will follow. Six of the twelve juror wiho will try Schmitz on the charge of extorting money from the French restaurants were finally selected and sworn. There is a prospect of the jury being com pleted by the middle of next week. SLEEPINO CAS RATES. Proceedings Filed With Interttatt Com ,t. mission Against Pullman Co. WASHINGTON, May 24.-A definite effort wa begun today before tbt In terstate commerce commission to secure to the public a reduction of tht fare charged by tbt Pullmaa Company for sleeping accommodations. This Is the first tiro in history that a commission proceeding ha been brought against tbe Pullman Company. Three complaint wert filed by George S, Loft us, busi ness man of St. Inl who allege that tbe uppep berth art not worth a much t tlit lower berths and ak for t re duction of one-half, also a reduction of one-half in the charge for lower berths. , . . : : DAMAGE TO CROPS. About One-Half of Winter Wheat Crop Ia Oklahoma Destroyed. NEW YORK, May 24.-B. F. Yoakum, cba.'iman of tht Rock Island k Frisco executive committee, returned to town yeaterday from a trip through the southwest. Mr. Yoakum sid that bui net wa prote.ing favorably. Rar gnrding the damage to tbe erop Mr. Yoakum said that in Oklahoma about half of the winter wheat crept bad been destroyed, although this Wat probably offset by the increase (n tht corn crop. In other aUte the damage to the winter wheat wa much le than in Oklahoma, TWO DROWNED AT RAINIER. RAINIER, Or., May 24.-IIarfy Webb and a man named Knuteaen, both mill hands, were drowned today in the mill pond at Howard's Mill. Knutesen fell into the water and Webb went to the rescue. Both bodies were recovered." SURGEON HAS HOPE Mrs. McKinley's Condition Some what Improved Last Night STILL IN CRITICAL STATE Surgeon-General Rixey Says Her Con ditioa It Favorable and He Has Hopes That Sh WtU Improve Recovered Consciousness For Short Time. CANTON, O., May 24.-Dr. Porteman after a call on Mrs. McKinley this morning issued this bulletin: "I havt found Mr. McKinley much better in every way this morning. Her heart actum and circulation , art bet' ter. She recovered enough to ask for a drink of water this morning, but im mediately lapsed Into unconsciousness,' Dr. Porteman added that the result is in doubt at a relapse may come on at any time and her constitution is in such a condition that she can hardly withstand a severe shock. ... - Surgeon-General Rixey arrived today accompanied ; by Secretary . Cortelyou, who hurried from New York. They , en tered the McKinley carriage end were driven to the homo of the patient;. At 11:30 o'clock, after a eonsulation of Doctors Porteman, Eyman and Rixey, Dr, Rixey gave out the following state ment: " .."', ..,, ; "Mrs. McKlnlcy'a condition is more favorable. Wo hope and believe that she will improve. Her condition, how ever, is serious. The principal diffi culty is to' give sufficient nourishment. t here is a aeemea improvement as to to the paralysis, which wws limited to one arm."' j Mrs, Sarah Duncan, sister of tht late president, reached Canton1 today and went at once to Mrs. McKinley' , bed- heide. Mis Heden' McKinley, sister of the late president, was unable to come be cause of Illness.' .., At 0:30 p. m. the following bulletin was issued from the McKinley home: "Mrs. McKinley's condition U some what improved but Is still serious." , It is stated that she was conscious for a short time this evening and was able to take some' nuorishment. J1Y1I TO SECURE Half of Special Venire Exhausted. YENIRE PROVES BARREN Unless the Conditions Speediiy Change Another Venire Will be Summoned, ONE ACTUALLY DID QUALIFY Counsel For Defense Enmeshes Tales man In Technicalities and Challenges Him For Implied Bias Judge Was Satisfied, But Allowed the Challenge. BOISE, May 84, The second special venire of talesmen in tbe Steunenberg murder' case proving barren of men qualified to act as juror unless condi tions speedily change, there mut be another special venire summoned. The first half of the present venire has yielded only one man who- actually qualified and only ont other who may qualify. Only- twenty-six df the pre ent venire remain to be examined and on tbe assumption that all peremptory challenge will be used seven more juror must be found. Talesman Henry Curti qualified for tbe vacant seat of Juror Orrie Cole and tbe defense ex amined and finally passed Juror John Whitlock. That opened , the way for tht pereinptoriet again. The state chal tenged Juror Iaaae Bedell of teat No. 2 and there the proceedings baited for the day. Nineteen talesmen occupied tbe cbair during the day and the only one w ho may occupy it finally Is Fmley Mi-Bean, the last man to reach it late , this afternoon. Finler satisfied the state and passed into tht hands of the defence just before the adjournment. Attorney Darrow and the technicalr ties tf law combined this morning to throw out of the jury .box a man who appealed to the court and to'practically every member of the audience at the Haywood trial as a perfectly fair and unprejudiced talesman. , Because. John Beery, a farmer, held a slight opinion, which he aid was not fixed and would in no wise interfere with a fair trial, he waa challenged for implied bias. The court denied the challenge, but Darrow, for aome reason or other, did not. want Beery to serve, nor did he desire to throw away a peremptory challenge on him. Here was the system employed: Beery was taken In hand by the lawyer and led into the field of juris prudence and beside the. still waters of technicality for half an hour. Then he was challenged If or actual bias. " , "I believe this juror is fair and impartial," said Judge Wood, "but from all the record that hat bats built Vf here, the court will allow the chal lenge." ; . '. Detective McPartland made the fol lowing statement relative to the story given out by counsel for the defense. "It is not true Warden Whitney ever sent for me to talk to Orchard in order to prevent his committing suicide. So far as my knowledge goes, . Orchard never had a watch, Adams and his wife may have told these things to counsel for the defense, but I think that to be untrue." YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL SCORES. Coast League. At San Francisco Oakland 0, San Francisco 1 (12 innings). , , ; At Portland Portland 0, Los An gele 3. Northwest League. At Vancouver Seattle U, Vancou ver 6. At Tacoma Tacoma 0, Aberdeen 2. !At Spokane Butte 8, Spokane' 4. ' LAKE MABOffK COHFEREZfCE. Recommendations to Hagut Say Hothlng About Disarmament. LAKE MOKONK, Jf. Y May 2-Tht recommendation which the Lake Mo honk conference on international arbi tration will snd to tht International Peace Conference soon to 'convent at the Hague will contain no word oa tbt subject of disarmament or limitation of armaments. This was determined upon today when tbe conference after a long debate declined to accept the amend ment to the platform proposed by E.I win D- Mead, of Boston, whifrh declared that tht conference earnestly nope that the subject of limitation of armaments will be freely and fully discussed at tht Hague Conference. 7 FRISCO CARS RUNNING. Strikers Throw Stones and Block Track Two Women Injured. SAN ' FRANCISCO,' May 24.-Stret-cars are operating in every section of tht city after a fashion today. Several lawless act were committed this after noon. Cars wert stoned and two wom en injured The tracks were blocked in several places, stone and bricks be ing piled up to impede progress. GENERAL ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS. DENVER, May 24. The Rev. A. R. Hutchinson, Altoona, Pa, was elected corresponding secretary to the board of borne missions by tbt General Assembly of the United Presbyterian church to day. There were twenty nominations for the office. Hutchinson was elected on the second ballot. The Rev. J. C. Scouller, of Philadelphia, waa elected secretary to the board of ministerial relief by an unanimous vote. UN EMBEZZLER Misused Funds of Church Soci ety for Clothes. PLEAD ES GUILTY TO CHARGE Bondsmen Became Alarmed and Sur render Girl to Sheriff Appropriated t:3uo Raised To Purchase An Organ For Church Organ Received, CHICAGO, May' 24. A dispatch to the Tribune from Bloomington, Ills., sayst .Dismissing her lawyer, Helen Dixon, yesterday walked back of the bar of the Circuit Court and pleaded guilty to the charge of embezzlement of $1,300 from the organ Ifund of the Gleaner So ciety) of the Second Presbyterian Church and also to the forgery of a note of $300. s ., .,. . The prisoner's demeanor was cool and self possessed and there was no change when Judge C. D. Myers sentenced her to. the penitentiary for an Indetermi nate term. She will be taken to pris on today, r; ; Y ... , Y . Miss Dixon was able to obtain bonds for the first week after the charge of embezzlement was brought agansti her, but when a charge of forgery was filed and there became rumors of ether pec ulations, her bondsmen became alarmed and surrendered her to the sheriff. She has been in jail since. Miss Dixon was arrested last , Feb ruary. She was treasurer of the Glean er Society and the money sto appro priated was to have been used to pay for a new organ. When the organ was received there was no money to pay for it Y When called on for an explanation, Mis Dixon told conflicting stories as io what she bad done with the money. It is understood she spent the money on clothes for herself. BR AKKMAN KILLED. PORfLAND, May 24-Clarence Payne of Tacoma, a brakeman, was killed in a small freight wreck just outside Port land city limits tonight on the Northern, Pacific, .