The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 24, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' ' THE MORNING VsTORlAN, ASTORIA OREGON. ", may m. w.
.' - ' ' ' ' ; , . . '' ' ""
: r I
Beautify Your Lawns
By Using our Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers
Garden Hose (Cottou and Sun Proof Rubber)
Rakes, Hoes, Shovels and Spades
Grass Hooks and Sprays.
MAIN 711, MAIN 3871
Maiden Lane Jewelers Looking
for Diamond Broker.
Broker Had Mad Many Urge Salea and
Had Received Valuable Stones On
Memoranda Was Last Beard of In
SEW YORK, May 23.-H.ilf a dot
en wealthy firms in the Maiden Lane
district are looking (for J. Edward
Boeok, a diamond broker, to give an
accounting of gems of great value en
trusted to him on : memoranda, and
which he secured to dispose of to al
leged wealthy clients. The exact value
jewelry so secured by Boeok ia not de
finitely known because of the unwilling
ness of some of the firms to discuss
the transaction at this time, but esti
mates on the jewelry establishment
place their value at from $100,000 to
Boeck had office rooms at 170 Broad
way, but had not been seen for over
a week. He lived in splendid style at
an up-town club, but inquiries show
that that he had absented himself from
bis rooms for some days. Some of the
firms who entrusted him with the valu
able have called the attention of the
grand jury to the matter and that body
ia investigating the case.
Boeck, who is a big, handsome man.
was very successful in selling gem, ac
cording to the stories told in the jew
elry district He made many big and
profitable sales, gained the confidence
ami patronage orf wealthy patrons and
for that reason, found no difficulty in
securing jewels of value on simple mem
oranda. He is married, his wife living
np-r Tamamia. Ta. Boeck is said to be
tnt J0f a Fomn noweman wno was
anibed from his country .because he
Tefused to recognize Russian rule. When
a young man Boeck went to the Far
East and lived for years in Shanghai
He returned to this country at the
opening of the St. Louis Exposition in
the suite it is said, of Prince Pu Lin,
confidential secretary of the Emperor
of China, and representative of the Im
perial Chinese government, in charge of
the Imperial exhibits at the exposition.
At theclose of the (fair he remained
-In the United States and about six
months ago he went into the jewelry
business and was so successful that he
was soon in a position to command
from the diamond dealer their cost
prices and offer to take their goods at
cost and split the profits of retailers
with them.
J. P. Morgan and United States Sen
ator Clark are among those who are
We use the best material we can buy and exercise
the utmost care at every step of the process in the
making and baking of our bread and cakes that's
why our m
"Butter Loaf and Table Queen Bread"
Is the Best Bread in the City, and we give you a
Large Loaf for a Nickel,
505 Duane Street.
275 W. Bond Street.
Branch Store, 1335 Franklin Ave.
said to have made large purchases of
jewelry through Boeck.
Boeck is about 38 yesr old and was
last heard of from Philadelphia, his
birthplace. He la said to have lived In
Pittsburg for t time.
Four Out of Five Passed State Examina
tion; of Those Who Were Hot
Students, Only One in Sis Passed.
The great work that the International
Correspondence Schools, of Scranton,
ra are doing was never demonstrated
more forcibly than it was when CO can
didates for the position of Pre boss
presented themselves to take the State
examination before the State Mine In
spectors at Uniontown, Ta. ;
Nineteen of the candidates were I. C
S. students fifty were not The prac
tical experience of all averaged about
the same, and all had equal opportunity
to pass the examination. The result
was signal triumph for the I CS.
system of training by mail The 50
candidates that were not students of
the schools averaged frnly 54. per cent
in the examination; only seven passed;
forty-three failed. The nineteen I. C.
S. students averaged 75.2 per cent; 15
passed; only four failed.
The examination shows that the man
who has the foresight to invest a few
dollars and a little spare time in an
1. C. S. Course of special training ha
nearly six times the chance to pass the
examination as the one that larks such
preparation; that the chances that an
I. C. S. student will succeed are four
to one, while the chances that a non
student will fail are six to one.
, The foregoing is simply one of a thou
sand instances where ICS. students
have triumphed in examinations, in
promotions, etc. Such success Is easily
accounted for, when it is remembered
that these Schools have had r early 15
years of experience in teaching by mail
and have expended the great sum of
one million dollars in the preparation of
home-study textbooks, which are so easy
to understand and to apply that any
man able to read and write can succeed,
provided he has a little ambition
Started in 1891 with one course, pre
pared to help miners pass examinations,
the International Correspondence
Schools now have more than 200 courses
of instruction covering positions in all
of the best known trades and profes
sions. Drop a card to Mr. II. Harris,
who represents the Schools in this city,
will be glad to give any one full in
formation regarding any course.
Of all the fruits that are In the land
That grow on bush or tree,
I would give up the choicest ones
For Rocky Mountain Tea.
Frank Hart
For the next 10 days I will sell my
entire stock o high-grade hats at one
half reduced price. - This Is the best
opportunity In the city to procure an
up-to-date stylish hat. Call and look
at the stock. Mrs. M. Petersen, Star
Theater Bldg., Eleventh and Commer
cial streets.
The members of the Common Council
met ia special session last, evening to
consider the report uif the health ana
nolle committee and the city attorney
on the Mayor's suspension of the police
Two report from' the committee were
submitted, C'ouncilmen Lebeek and Mor
ton siirniiut the 'majority report and
Councilman Leinenweber the minority.
At the conclusion of the rending of the
two reports, Leinanweber 1 H that
the minority report lie adopted and the
motion wa seconded by Councilman
Stangeland. The minority report whkh
recommended that the Mayor be sus
tained, caused considerable discus-Ion
between the various members. Leinen
weber in support of bis report and mo
tion expressed the view that the council
ought to go on record in the matter and
sustain the suspension of the poiu
force, even though the present force
would be immediately reinstated by the
board of police commissioners.
Councilman Logan took the stand
that it was the duty of the board of
police commissioners to close the dance
halls an dthat he thought it rcdiculous
for the council to undertake to per
form the duties of the various city
officials. He emphasised the point by
saying that the council was to enact
th laws and not to enforce them. He
expressed a willingness to close the dance
halls and wanted to see them closed in
fact, but he did not fliink that the
council in voting on the Mayor's sus
pension was voting on the question of
whether the dance halls should be per
mitted to continue but on a matter of
principal, in, that be didn't think it the
council's duty to perform the duties of
the various city officials. In opening
hi remark he asked the city attorney
the following questions)
Logan "Has not the police commis
sion full power snd authority over the
police, to enforce the ordinance of the
City Attorney "Yes."
Logan "Then the council is a legis
lative bodv to make laws, and the police
commisison's place is to enforce them."
City Attorney "Yes."
Logan "If the council suspends the
police force, cannot" the police commis
sion re-sppoint them, and thus nullify
council's action!"
City Attorney-"Yes."
Logan "Are you not the legal adviser
of the police commission as well as of
the council t"
City Attorney "Yes."
Logan- "Did the police commission
ever ask you 'or any advice upon thee
City Attorney "No."
The Mayor Has the Mayor or the
council power to suspend the polio
commission 1'
City Attorney "So; they are created
by act of the legislature."
Councilman Hansen stated as his reasons
for not sustaining the Mayor that he
did not consider the suspension of the
entire police force as just inasmuch as
there were some members of the force
whoe beats were ct the opposite end of
the town on in police station as deBkmen
and were not responsible for the non-
enforcement of the ordinance below the
deadline, when their duties kept them
elsewhere. Further that the police
commission were the ones to be sus
pended. The motion for the adoption of the
minority report was lost by a fl to 2
vote, Conncilinen Hansen, Kaboth, Le
beck, Logan, Morton, and Robinson vot
ing to not sustain the Mayor and Conn
cilinen Lelm-nwober and Stangeland
voting in the affirmative.
Motion to adopt majority report was
carried by a reversal of the vote on the
minority report, Leincnweber and
Stange voting in the negative and the
others for it.
The following resolution recommending
tliat the police (force be reinstated and
tiiat the honrd of police commissioners
be requested to close the dance halls
was introduced by Councilman Morton
an,l carried bv a unanimous vote.
Whereas, ' The Mayor of the City of
Astoria ras under and by virtue 01 tne
authority in him vested, suspended the
following members of the police iforce,
to-witi Chief of Police Charles (Jam-
mnl and Patrolmen George Coffman,
Fred Oberg, Charles Hanson, Thomas
Linville, A. Thompson, E. M. Houghton,
John Stark, C, Dubeau and R. T.
Twombly, for the alleged reason that
said officers have refused and nccrleeteJ
to enforce the laws and ordinances of
the City of Astoria, and particularly
ordinances numbered 3202 and 3206,
which action of the Mayor hag been re
ported to tlifj' common council, agree
,. ......
' i ",':
able to section 40 of the charter, and
Whereas, It appears iion iitvestlga
Hon, that several of the said persons
suspended are absululely innocent of
any neglect and (hat all said office
have at nil 'times been diligent and
faithful lu the performance of their
duty and that they have nmlti several
am-sts for the violation of the said
ordinances, where any violation has
taken place upon their respective beats,
and .
Whereas, It appear that the failure
In any instant to completely suppress
dunce halls and 'places of public danc
ing has resulted through no fault of
itch officer, but is attributable to a
policy of frequent lines imposed upon
such places for the purpose of restrict
ing and punishing the same but not en
tirely suppressing the same in the in
terest of increasing the revenue of the
City of Astoria, and
Whereas, Said polk officer sre
hired, discharged and governed by a
lioard oif police commissioners, composed
of three substantial and representative
bnine men of the city and who are
answerable directly to the voters of
the city for the discharge of tbelr
duties, and '
Whereas, M,i board of police com
missioners constitute a co-ordinate
branch of the city government, and It
would be manifestly unjust to vacate
the office of any police officer for main
taining policy established by their
superiors and who have the hiring and
discharging of such officer and espeo'
tally when such action would le futile
for the reason that any vacancy would
I filled by the board of police com
There'ore, be it Resolved, By the
common council of the City of Astoria,
that the said suspended police officers
be and the same are hereby reinstate!
to their respective positions and the
said matter of the enforcement of said
ordinanect be respect fully wferred to
the honorable Ixmrd of police commis
sioner of the city of Astoria with the
respectful request that all ordinance
for the suppression of dance halls and
nui-anccs be striettv enforced.
The majority report of the health
and police committee of the council
supported by CnunHlmen Lelieck and
Morton recommending that the police
force lie reinstated and that the board
of police commissioner be requested to
close the dance halls and whkh was
adopted by a 0 to 2 rote was as follow 1
Astoria, Oregon, May SI, 1907.
To the Honorable Mayor and Common
Council of the City of A-torla.
Gentlemen: We, your committee on
health and police, of the common coun
cil, to whom was referred the report of
the honorable mayor, suspending the
officers of the police force of the city of
Astoria, on account of neglect to en
force ordinances numbered 3202 and
320fl, most respectfully report that we
have investigated such charge and we
find that while frequent fines "nave been
Imposed upon the proprietor of-dance
ball, that the same have not been en-
tirely suppressed, but that the failure
to entirely suppress such places is not
blameable directly to the police officers,
but to a system of fines that have been
Imposed upon said place for the pur
pose of Increasing the revenue of the
city without entirely closing such
place. Owing to the tfact that such
failure was not the fault of the police
officers, but Is due to a regulation of
their superiors, the lioard of police
commissioners, whom we have every rea
son to believe are anxious and willing
to suppress such evils, snd would not
have permitted the same except in the
interest of the revenues of the city,
we most respectfully recommend that
aid polk officers each lie re instated
and that the matter of the strict en-
forccment of said ordinance lie refer
red to the honorable lioard of police
commissioners with our resquest that
they be strictly enforced.
Very respectfully submitted,
LEASDKR lkbeck,-
d, W. MORTON",
The minority report submitted
by Councilman Lcinenwcber and which
recommended that the Mayor lie sus
tained and the police force be discharg
ed, was as follows: , '
Astoria. May 23, 1007,
To the Honorable Majror and Common
Council of the City of Astoria.
Ontlcmeni Your committee on
health and police to whom was refer
red the report of the Mayor for the
purpose of investigating and. reporting
to your honorable body the tin. lings
thereof, which report of the Mayor set
forth that be had on the ISth day of
May, 1007, suspended from service the
entire police force for refusing to en-
forcSr ordinance numbered 3202 and
3200, beg leave to report as follows!
We found that the above nentioned
ordinances were being violated that the
police Iforce and the police commission
had knowledge of such violation, that
the Mayor issued an order to the said
police jorce to enforce the an Id ordi
nances, that the said police force failed,
ncaleetcd and refused so to do, that
the Mayor thereupon Issued an order
suspending said police force from service
11 11 Ji-zJilteg!
If . I 1 s
- (TT
t SI.4S..
Watch for the School's Exhibit in the , Owl Drug
Store Window, for a few days only,
Commencing June 18
Write to H. Harris, Box 121, Astoria, NOW, regarding
SPECIAL PRICES During the Exhibit.
pending an investigation, that the laid
police force should not be exonerated.
Very respect fully submitted,
Your committee on health tod police.
So le than six boats are in course
of construction at the plant cf R. M.
Leather's, at the present moment. One,
the Alaska Chief, for the Shahan tan
ner v of Alaska Is practically complete
except for hor engine, These sr being
built in Frisco and their completion is
delayed on account of labor troubles.
The liont i 64 feet long ana Me engine
will be a 35 horsepower three-cylinder
Union type. There Is a very pretty
boat lielng built Kor the Oregon Fish
Warden, She lias the appearance of
speed nil over, is 32 feet In length and
wiii be nitd with a 15 horsepower three
cyJinder Troy made by the Astorto
Iron Works. Anotlnr is just being start
ed for' J, M- Alexander of Aberdeen,
She will be a 44 foot boat and will have
a 20 horsepower two-cylinder Standard
engine, A deep sea fishing boat Is be-
imr constructed for Mr, Mariano,' Z
feet long, to have a six horsepower two-
cylinder Union engine, A fine boat is
that ordered by Captain John Hugblum
for river use, It will be a 80-foot launch
with another Union engine of 45 horse-
nower and three-olllndcrs. There Is also
a fine 65-foot hull awaiting machinery
which is intended as a tow boat for
the fPaclflo Transportation Company's
Logging Company at Shoalwater Day,
V Momlnf Astorlan, 60 cent per
month, delivered by carrier.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Kava Alwsys Bought
?i!-r:it.';i Cf 4 .VrW
To a Good Salary
Then I direct and easy way for you
to help yourself to a desirable position
and good pay in the trail ur profes
sion that best lulls your last and
ambition. All this without leaving
home; without losing nn hour ol
work, or ft dollar of pay. Such
benefit It made poslbl by a world
renown!) Institution that hai had
15 yean of successful eaperlenca In
training thousands of ambitious
wage earners for advancement,
This Institution now often fOU
an opportunity, In tha coupon
below, to better your earnings and
position, no matter bow scant
your time, money, or education
may be. The tint step In helping
yourself to a good salary Ilea In
marking and mailing the coupon,
To do this puta you under no
t obligation. Do It NOW,
International CorrDcn4nee School
- Bss Tee, Ssnwacs, e
ptl. altkwst frtbf oMItfttl-' a stf pM, kum I
Hly t. ltff .Utf 4 ( Mtta m4
M t ssmmi vhus I bt Mik4 a.
Ast-MllMMont WliMr
H..'.rJ Wrik
.UiMH'S atx.
okuiiMt aatM
etrf f
lailmisi'ir StaftMsr
QtvU ttnlsr
abilities' CimiMv
inaiiHisnl bn ilts,
et,trl tvsiaese
rrtilsa !ilB
rl'M FT'""
MMhMIMl lUlllMUl
Ornatl PwHSW
(-ml hnM
r.i.n. am ,
There Is rush order at the Astoria
Iron Works I . A huge saw mill Is shut
do ,tn and a large number of men sr,
In consequence, Idlel Whyt All be-,
in us an Innocent young Corliss sta
tionary enulne. onlv lust turned 72
years, hsi broken down. Thl has oc
curred at the Miami Lumber Company'
plant at Hobsonville, Tillamook County, A
Thl same young angina ws shipped to
the const 72 year ago ,and first felt its
pulses beating beneath the sunny south
ecru skies of California, Hen it did
duty for many year lfor th Nevada
Mining Company's plant till a spirit of
adventure selced it, and travel brought
It to Tillamook county, Oregon. And
at last It has broken down. It may have
broken down many time before, but on
this point history is discreetly silent.
The fault was the crosshead, and that
broke. So the local iron work have a
rush job to make a new one. The cni
glneer in charge say the engine Is still
good in all other parts, but that that
crosshesd was the original evil In It.
The machine is a 400 horsepower Corliss
and is good for many years yet.
The Astoria Iron Works have just
sold another of their flh boat engines
to Alex Muller. This is the third of
the kind lie has bought this Reason,
We have plotted, planted and figured,
working from morning till night, seek
ing for a medicine that will take th
place of Holllster't Rocky Mountain
Tea, but we can't find It. Tea or Tab
lets, 85 cent. Frank Hart,
I Coast League,
At San Francisco Oakland 8 San
Francisco 2.
At Portland Portland 9, 'Los. An
gele 11,
Northwest League,
; At Tacoma Tacoma 1, Aberdeen 0
(17 innings.) , . ' .
At Vancouver Vancouver 2, Seattle 1
At Spokane Spokane 0f Butte 4.