FRIDAY, MAY 914, 1907. THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORU, 6llEGOX. 1 PI LYDIALPItiXilAM'S VEGETACLE COMPOUND It acknowledged to bt the roost iuo wtful remmly in tba country fur those painful ailment peculiar to women. 1 d ' Kor more than 10 year It hat been curing Female Complaints, snob, m Inflammation, and Ulcera tion, Felling and Uisplacemeutt, and consequent Hplnnl Woaknrs. Backache, tad U peculiarly adapted to th Cbaogt of Life, . Rooorda aW that It hni eund nor eaeetof iVnal 111. than any other on. remedy known. Lydla B. Plnkham'i Vegetable Compound dissolve and eipe'e Tomora aUa early glege of tf.w optm.nt. Pr.w1neK.nwtlonieini.ilny pn,wlfht. and headache art relieved tod permanently cured by its nse. 11 rr?tf, IrregnlarltU or Painful Function W.aknee of tht Itemwh, ludlgtaMcm, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, Headache. Gene wd DeWHtyi Io, Diaslnsss, raininess Extern Lassitude. "Don't ears adwBoVtobeleft alone" feeling, Irritability, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Flatuleoey, Melancholia or th "Blurs." fbeae ar nr. lodlcatlona of ftmal weakness or eoma organic derang mni KMii.y Complaints of either ae Lydla X. MoWiam! Vegetable Compound U a most xeall.nt remedy. Ml Plnkham Standing Invitation to Women Wotnen suffering from any form of fmel weakness art Invited to write Mr link bum, Lynn, Mm, for advice. . 8h. la the Mr. Plnkbara who hat beett.advlalof lok woman fret of charge for wore than twenty rear, and before that the assisted hr mother-in-law Lydla B. Plnkham r110!- Tk h U well qualified to guide sick women back to bealUi. fitr advlee it fret tad always helpful. S Latest Quotations In the Portland Markets. Ctmplett Mark Reports Corrected lack Day, Giving tht WheUsels Prlcee of Cemmodltlee, Farm Pre duet and Vegetables. PORTLANI), May 2. Or'iron grown Hsrriee are dally boming mora plenti ful, and atippUe la limited quantities art coming la from aom point 1 In Washington. Within a weak th.ra wUI ba as abundance of the beet home grown berriee available. Oregna ttock It today telling at I73 to 14.00 a rata. ur, eratti aeparacue, 11.11 bos. Potatoea Facy, tl par owt Onlona 15oetf II. Turnip P'r aaek, II; carrota, ti ll aaek; beeta, tlUQiCO; boraaradlah, f lo per pound. " Produce Butter Country crtamoty. 10 ttHc; olty creamery, tlHo; atort, It 01(c; butter fat, He. ' Ei Oregon ranch, ITHOlla CbeeaeYoung America, lTfflTttc; Orefon full cream, flata, (Vie. Poultry Old rooaiara, IQtOo; bona. 1 to; mixed, IJttc; frjreri, lOOMHcj brolleri, MV4J5c; draae 1C1V4I higher than live; duck, old 11014c; yound, KClSc; gee, ilva, to; dreee ed, lOftlle; plgeona, UCL15 per Joxent iuaba, $25ff J EO per don. Honey Dark, 10HG lie; amber. IS Clio; fancy white, 1401BO.. WHOLESALE PRICES. Tba following are quotation! ruling In Portland a reported by Jobber to tbe vartoua line: Oraln, Flour, Feed. Wheat Club, 8O0; Valley, SOo; blue atem, He; red, lie Flour Hard wheat patent, 15.50; atralgbt, It; graham, I40UO; rye. IS: whole wheat Dour, t4.1t4.75; Val ley flour,; Dakota, 1.!5; Eaatern rye, H50; PlUburg, 18.75; Corvallla, $1.80. Cereal food Boiled oata, cream, to-lb. aacka, $7; lower trade, 15,800 1.50; oatmeal, atool cut, 45-lb., lacka, II bb..; 9-lb. acka, 14.25 per bale; . oatmeal (ground), 48-ib. aacka, I7.B0 per bbl; S-lb. aacka, 14 per bale; apllt peaa, f 4.2S per 100-lb. aack; 15-lb "boxe, I1.J5; pearl barley, $4 per 100 lb.; 15-lb. boxea, 11.3s per nox; paatry flour, to-lb. acka, U.JO per bbl. Oata White, $20; gray, $21.50. Corn Whole, $35; cracked, $1$ ton. Barley Brewing, $22.50011.60; feed $22iff 21.50; rolled, $11.50014.50. By $1.4801.50 Pr cwt Buckwheat $38 par ton, Mlllatufta Middling, $15; chop, $18;' bran, $17; ahorta, $1.50. . Grain bag Foreign and domeatlo. l0tA Hay Valley, timothy, $15016; Baatern Oregon, $15016; clover, $70 $7.60; cheat, $707.50; alfalfa, HU0; grain hay, $70$; vetch, $7.8001. Frulta. - Tropical frulta Bananaa, 6 Wo per pound; lemon, $506 box; orange. $10$.7S; grape frut, $8.60 orate; lime, 75001.25 per 100; tangerine, $1 box; trawborrW 15-pound crate, $1,500 $2.00; home-grown, 130180 pound. Dried frulta Apples, evaporated, 8tt 0to lb.; apricot, 20a; peachei, HHo; ' pear, 18o: prune, Italian, 406Ho; French, 406o; flg, California blaok. 6e; California white, 6o; Smyrna, 20c; plum, pitted, 60. Domeatlo frulta Apple, eommon, $1.8002; fancy, $201.50 box. Vegetable. Cabbage Pound, $ 0 8 14 0 ; cauli flower, 7Bc0$l per doaen; parsley. 25o per dosten; hothouae 'lettuce, r $2 per box, head, 40o dozen; aptnach, per box, $1,28; artlchoker 78c0$l per doen; Alaeka. poa, ,8o telephone peaa, 10c lb.; okra, $1.75; tomatoes, Mexican, $2.5008.75; Florida, . $404.50; Oregon rhubarb, 804o; cucumber, $208.50 dozen; eggplant, 860 lb. Cuban pep- Freeh Meats and Fleh. Frh meat Veal, medium, 71 to 100 lbi IOI 1-; 100 to 180 lb. 1 I- Io to Ic; 160 to 100 Ibc I O l-le: 109 tba, and over, 1 1-1 0 to; pork, IVi 9 (0; starlet, t O $0; beef, bulla, 8 0 II- lc; cow. I 0 8c; atetrt; 0 7o; mutton, medium !, I O 10c; large 7 0 6& Flh halibut, 6t-lo; black cod. 80; black be, par lb, 11c; atrtptd base, lie; herring, 6c; floundera, 60; catfish, lie; ahrlmp, lOo; perch, 60; sturgeon, 12 1-lc; m trout, 18o; allvtraiJea, frown. 6c; steelheads, 11c; torn cod 7o; smelts, 60: Chinook salmon, It 1-1 C, V Oysters ehoalwater bay, per gal lon, $2.28; per sack, $4.60; Toke Point, $1.(0 per 100; Olymplas, 120 lbs, $(; Olymplas, par gallon, $2.25. Clam Hardshell, per box. $2.40; ra tor clams, $2 per box. white, 'io; pink, 8 14c; bayou, IKo; Umii, 84o: Mexican reds, 4c. Coffo Mocha, 240J))c; Java, fancy, it U Mai Java, good, 20$ 24o; Java, or dlnary, 1720c; Cosia 'Rica, fancy, 15Hc17o; Com nice, gooJ, 12015c; ArbuckU, $!.) cwt.; IJon.150 pr lb.; Colombia cofTee, 14c; ftalvador, RlcoImperlal Japan, No, 1, 5,5c; Southern Japan, (KASttc; broken, 4c; head, fancy, 6c; choice, 60. Hugo and tapiocaScarce; 60 lb. FlgWhlt, lb, 607o; black, 60 7o lb. LnrdKettlo-rendored, ttercr, 12C; tubs, 12c; 60s, 12c; 20, 12 He, 10s, U(4c; 6, ll?4c Eundard pur: Tierces, lo less; compound, tierces, IKe; leaf, 12a 0led , Fruits Appls, tvapormted. lot per lb,; vundrled, sacks or boxe. none; pr loots lOo; peach 18 l-2o; peart, 1$ 1-tC; prunes, Italian, 4 0 6-l-lo; French, 4 0 6c; Flga, California, blacks, I l-4c; California whlttt, 60; Smyrna, 20o; plums, pitted, 6o; Provisions Hams, large lc; small, 16 1-tc; picnic, lie; boiled bama, 15o; boiled picnic, lOe; brtakfait bacon. fancy, 11 l-lo; English, 17c; dry talttd short oleara, 12c; back, 12a. Nut Walnut, No. J, toft thtlL 170 llo; No. 1 bard ihalL 11 0 16c: al monds, II 0 tOo; Alberts lie; Braslls, 20c; pecans, 280 ; hickory, So; Vir ginia peanut, I l-2o; Jumbo Virgin la peanut, lOo; Japanese peanuts, 6-l-2c; Chestnuts, Italian, 20c; Italian. 20o; eocoanuts, doaen, 81 0 00c; pint nuts. If l-2c Datea-Oolden, 60 lb. boxes, 70; lib. package, to; Fard, It lb. boxes, $L40 box. Raisin Loots Muscat sis, 2 crown, tc; 2 -crown, I 1-So; Bleached tttd- less SulUnaa, 10 0 IS 1-lc; unbleach ed seed lea Bultanaa, I l-2cr London layers, t-crown, wbol boxes of totba. $2.26: 2-crown, $2.10. 5 - nnrtirii Fought Fire in House Where Sick Boy Lay. CARRIED BOY TO SAFETY Wrapped Kim In Blanket and Carrltd Him to Another Part of Bout and Extinguished Fire Without Noise or Disturbing Him. rjsirao csniSAi ameeio. Hops, Wool, Hides, Eto. Hops Choice, I O llo; prime, I 0 t l-lo per lb. Wool Valley, 11 0 22c; Eaatern Oregon, It 0 It l-lo; as to shrinkage. Feathers Qetse, white, $5 0 40c; geese, gray or mixed, 15 O tOo; duck, white, It 0 lOo; duck, mixed, 11 0 lto. Mohair-Choice, IS 0 lto, Cascara aagrada, (Cblttlm bark) 6 1-10 6 1-1 eta, ptr lb. Beeswax Good, clean and pure, tt 0 IBe' per IV ; Tallow Prime, t 1-1 0 4 l-lo; No. 1 and grease, S 0 $0 per lb. Oregon grap root Per 100 lbs., $ 9 4c EUes Dry No. 1,1$ lbs. and up, per lb, IT 0 lto; kip, No. 1, 17 0 SOo; according to alst. Dry talted bull and , ttaga, , one-third lest than dry flint; low graiae 8-11 0 80 per lb. less; salted steers, (0 lbs. and up, 10 0 llo; under 60 lbs, steer and cows, t 0 10 0; stags and bulla, 7o; kips, 15 to 10 lbs, lOo ptr lb.; oalf, 10 to 14 lbs. llo; calf, undtr 10 lb., 11 0 12a; green, un salted, : lo per lb, less; sheepaklna, shearlings, No. 1, IS 0 15a; short wool, No. 1, 40 0 6O0 each; medium wool, No. 1, $1 0 1.50 each; murrain pelts, 10 to 10 per cent less; horse hides, salted, $1.50 to I. according to alxe; dry, according to alst, $1 0 $1.25; colt, 25 0 6O0 each; Angora, wooled, SOo 0 $1.50; goat, common, 15 0 25o each. Consul General of Costa Rica Does Wot Believe It Featiblt. . NEW YORK, May 23.-Dr. Juin J. Ulloa, consul general of Costa Rica In thl city, ha made publio a statement regarding Central America, wherein be point out the Impracticability of the proposed confederation of the six re publics, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. He says: . If we were alt well adapted to the chan of political existence, it would undoubtedly be a blessing to the six states, whose small site I tht strong argument ued nowaday to declare that they art always in tht wrong. I do not rare to enter Into the dicusion of sev eral political topics, which would give a clear insight into the question, but I Jo not wish to wound the susceptibility of someone who does not understand my true intention, but suffice it to say that we are not prepared yet to form a sole republic In Central America and that this tank ha to be accomplished by properly directed education, by an asilmllatlon' of laws and currency and by a well established system of inter stnte railroads and telegraphs." Dr. t'Hoa expresses the opinion that as things stand today the experiment of uniting thcM countries would be an unfortunate one and well thinking Cen tral Americans would not look favor ably on the subject.' CHICAGO, Msy 23,-Xo shouting, no clanging of gongs, no clamor that is uu ally attached to a fire, attended the fight Ing of a blaze In the borne of Mr. George L, Bradburry yeoterday, ior a little boy lay near to death there. Fire men fought the flumes In silence. Or ders wers Issued in a whlpcr. Th heavy booted man crept about the bouse on tip toe, Altliouga smoke filled tht residence and hasty action wa compulsory In the short struggle with tht fire, there was little more noUt in the structure then there would have been bad nothing happened. Tht stricken boy la George I Brad bury. He is tba seven-year-old sob of tht Iu?t George L. Bradbury, fcr many years' president of the Lake Erie t Western Bailtisy, When tht Are broke out tht child lay in a room not far away from danger. A woman la tht residence tent la a still alarm by telephone, requesting that tht firemen be as quiet aa possibls. Tbe clang of gong ceased aa soon as tht truck Beared the residence. The lire men entered the structure quietly. ; They wrapped the boy In warm blanket and carried bint to a safe por tion of tbt residence so quickly and quietly that he was not disturbed. The work of quenching the flame was done la short order. Relief from Rhtumatlo Paine. "I Buffered with rheumatism for over two year," say Mr. Holland Curry, a patrolman, of Key West, Fla, "Some times it tattled In my knees and lamed me to I could hardly walk, at other time it would be In my feet and hand so I was Incapacitated for duty. One night when I was In sever pain and lame from It my wife went to tbt drug atort bar and cam back with & hot' tit of ChambtrbUn't Pain Balm. : wat rubbed with it and found tbe pain bad nearly gone during the night kept on using It for a Uttlo mor. than two week and found that It drove the rheumatism away, t have not had any trouble from that disease for over two montba." For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggist. a 0 ! 1 1 1 ill." A I i" III m I www UVJ rz3 II 25 If you have a want that you wish te advertise step to your ntartst phone and "Phene It" te The Astoriarw Ne need of wasting your time walking blocks to o thing that can be done In your Immediate surroundings. Call up Main 661, ask for tbe want ad do tal tment which Is at your service. Da W. C. LAWS & CO. HEATING AND PLUMBING ENGINEERS Plans and estimates furnished on application. JAll work done by First-Class Mechanics. Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first class manner, as we do no other work i our shop. H. B. PARKER, Proprietor. E. F. PARKER, - Ua&agwr. ' QrooeHee, Provision, Eto. v Sugar, sack basis D. G, ' $5.77V4; Star, $5.67Vi; Pacific Coast," $6.67 Hi Oolden C, 15.17H; Extra C, $5.2711: powdered, $5.87tt; cube, 85.87H! fruit sugar, $5.77tf ; boxes, SOo owt. advance over sack basis (less o If paid for tn 15 days.) Beans Small white, 8ftc; large Th Life Insurance muddle has atarteJ tbe publio to thinking, Tbe wonderful success that baa mot Ballard's Horehound Syrup In Ita crusada on Cough, Influensa and Bronchitis and all Pulmonary trouble haa started the publio to thinking of this wonderful preparation. They art all using It Join tht proces sion and down with sickness. Price 25o, SOo and $1.00. Sold by Hart's dmg tor. ALPHONSO TO BREED CATTLE. King Negotiating For An Island On Which To Build a Farm. MADRID, May 23. King Alfonso is negotiating for an Island in Nortbern Spain where he proposes to build a summer residence, lay out a farm and breed thoroughbred cattle. The example of King Edward and many English noblemen who raise prize bcasts. it Is said, prompted the king's plans. Tht Queen is taking a keen interest in the project and anticipate with pleasure summer holidays under the conditions she was familiar with In EnglamW Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had expprlence with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Palva as soon as tht child la done nufslng. Wipe It off with a soft oloth before allowing tht babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggist. TRANSPORTATION. Steamer TELEGRAPH The only Steamboat making a round trip DAILY xcpt Tbunolny between Portland aud Astoria ana way poinu. NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY Portland Landing, Alder Stmt Dock Astoria Landing, Callroder Dock Leare Portland 7:M)'a, m.j arrive Astoria, 1:90 p. m, una Aaioria -i:m p. m.; amre rortund p. m. t ' .... , SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Lt Portland S a. m.; arrive Astoria lp m. Leave Astoria S p. ni., arrive Portland p. m. The ,pstl ji I fl I III 1 I fa mw . ,a.1la.awkiiil i-, MM II I II linl Sat Steamer - Lurline Nlsht Boat for Portland and Way Landing's. PASSENGERS. FREIGHT. i Leaves Aatorla daily except 8unday at 7 p. m. Leavea Portland Daily Except Sunday at 7 a. m. Qulok 8ervloe Exoellent Meal Good Bertha. Landing Aetorla Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St G. B. BLES3ING, Agtnt i ' Phone Main E761. PARKER IHOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. First Cfaat In Every Rttpeet, Free Coach to tat House. -Bar and Billiard Room. Good Cheek Reetaarajit ; 1 t i Aatorla, Good Sample Rooms on Ground Ortgen for Commercial Hsu. J" Floor sit nr."! Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co as, "m. '.to. 8 a 2t. -U. Bmiiii in .ll 12.ttJ S.28 'H-H e.ii S"W S..S2 T.oai 7.11 7J0 a.m . 8.15 8-88 8.U 8.4ti W.Ol S.U .IS pin 7,M a UN a.m! 10.05 11.39 ill.M 115, 13.05, 12.21 p. m' PORTLAXD GOBI.E RAiNIKR QUINCY CLATMKANIB CLIFTOS Ar ASTORIA Lv. Lv.ASTORU Ar. Ar. WARKENTON Lv Lv. WAKRENTON Ar. Ar. FTSTEVENS Lv. Lv FT7STEVEN8 r Ar. WAKREKTON Lv. Lv. WaRRKNTOS Ar, GLKNWOOD CLATSOP GHARHART I Ar. SKAIDK Lv. Ar. 21. -a. ja. m p. 111 p.m 10.4, 8.40! S aS: 7.50 .'! 7.40: M 7 04) 8J01 euoi 8.1 7.55 1M 7.41 7J7 7.14 7.04 &t05! &Q6 4.4 4.M 4.30 P-ra a 1 143 tn. 2.X1 ions 2.1S Vi.i 110.14 10.OS 110.0s M S.4S 9.SS 9.30 la-m- ip to Trains marked run dally. CONNECTIONS At Portland, wl th all trana-contlnentaj llnea. At Goble, with Northern Pacific Railway Co. At Astoria, with steamers for San Francisco and Tillamook and Ilwaco Railway & Navigation Co.' boat and railway. Through tickets sold to and from all points East, and Europe. For further particulars apply to, J. McGUTRH, R. a JENKINS. Superintendent, Aatorla, Or. Genl. Frt & Passgr. Agt. ..'Astoria. Or. , TIDE TABLE, MAY MAY, .1907. Low Water. A. M. P. M. Date. h.m. ft h.m. ft Wednesday .. 1 0:87 -0.91 8:38 .S Thursday 210:82-0.710:88 S.2 Friday .. 311:83-0.311:43 3.5 Saturday ., ... 4 .. 12:36 0.1 SUNDAY .. ... 5 1:18 3.4 1:49 0.4 Monday .. 6 2:28 8.0 2:50 0.7 Tuesday .. 8:89 2.4 8:48 1.0 Wednesday ,, .. B 4:32 1.8 4:40 1.3 Thursday .. ... 9 5:23 1.0 6:26 1.3 Friday ..10 6:07 0.3 6:10 1.7 Saturday 11 6:48 0.1 6:48 2.1 SUNDAY .. ...12 7:27-0.1 7:21 2.5 Monday 13 8:02-0.1 7:62 2:9 Tuesday .. ....14 8:33 -0.1 8:23 3.2 Wednesday .. ..15 9:05 0.1 8:62 3.5 Thursday .. ...16 9:38 0.3 9:28 3.8 Friday 1710:04 0.5 10:04 3.9 Saturday ., ...1810:54 0.711:10 8.9 SUNDAY .. ...19.11:40 0.9 Monday .. .....20 0:12 3.8 12:31 1.2 Tuesday 21 1:25 3.4 1:37 1.4 Wednesday .. ..23 2:26 2.8 2:25 1.6 Thursday 23 3:28 2.0 3:24 1.8 Friday 24 4:27 1.1 4:23 1.9 Saturday .. ...25 6:18 0.2 6:15 2.0 SUNDAY .. ...26 6:07 -0.6 6:03 2.2 Monday 27 6:56 -1.2 6:52 2.4 Tuesday 28 7:44 -1.5 7:43 2.6 Wednesday .. ..29 8:83 -1.6 8:83 2.8 Thursday 30 9:24 -1.6 9:23 8.0 Friday .. ......8110:17-1.110:31 8.1 MAY, .1907. High Water. A. M. P. M. Date. h.m. ft h.m. ft Wednesday .. .. 1 8:42 9.4 3:60 7.S Thursday .. ... 2 3:29 9.1 5:02 T. Friday 3 4:26 8.6 6:10 . Saturday ,. ... 6:03 8.0 7:23 T.l SUNDAY .. ... 5 6:47 7.6 8:87 7.4 Monday ., 6 8:07 7.S 9:23 7.T Tuesday .. .... 7 9:22 7.410:08 8.1 Wednesday 8 10:24 7.6 10:62 8.4 Thursday .. ... 9 11:17 7.7 11:30 S.6 Friday ......10 .. 13:03 7.7 Saturday .. ...11 0:06 8.8 12:47 7.S SUNDAY 12 0:37 8.9 1:27 7.S Monday .. 13 1:08 8.8 2:05 T.l Tuesday 14 1:S8 8.7! 2:431 6.S ! Wednesday .. ..15 2:08 3.5 8:31 6.S Thursday .. ...16 2:40 8.3 4:03 6.4 Friday 17 8:16 7.9 4:43 6.4 Saturday 18 3:66 7.6 5:81 I.I SUNDAY-., ...19 4:47 7.2 6:25 6.6 Monday .. 20 5:48 6.8 7:20 7.t Tuesday 21 7:02 6.6 8:12 7.1 Wednesday .. ..22 8:17 6.6 8:03 7.1 Thursday 23 9:2$ 6.9 9:51 8.4 Friday .. 24 10:28 7.2 10:38 8.9 Saturday ,. ...25 11:80 7.5 11:32 9.4 SUNDAY 28 ......... 13:18 7.6 Monday .. 27 0:05 9,8 1:11 T.6 Tuesday 28 0:49 10.0 2:03 T.T Wednesday .. ..29 1:83 9.9 3:67 7.6 Thursday .. ...80 2:22 9.8 2:61 7.S Friday 31 3:13 9.2 4:49 7.S