to fluish loading lumber yesterday af I tetnooa in Portland. She wilt, in that event, he clearing from Astoria thl morning, bound for (jthangnal, v. KIM La $1.48 Four dozen White Linen Wash Skirts, all sizes, regular $2.25 values, Special, Friday Only, $1.48 At JalofFs 120 llth Street A new shipment of Silk Jumper Suits and Spring Jackets just in, f itMlllllllimittM MH VATERFRONT ITEMS dispatched by the Pacific Export Lum ber Company, '. . - I The Tottenham ha been la the rtvef . - - ' bout two weeks, and taking her main j moth cargo into consideration, she ha - been given fairly quick dispatch. It had Water is Up to Seventeen Fooi( two planned to tr.v to put 4,000,000 feet Mark i on her and break all her former record, ! but subsequently it ws decided that the ; could not handle that much with safety, t She has the reputation of being one of NEW BOAT FOR COOS BAY RUN 1 TT A race between the lurline and the j Iralda waa run'on Tuesday from Rain Steamer Tottenham leave Portland , ir to the mouth of the Willamette. It With 3,800,000 Feet of Lumber, the(b been claimed that the Iralda wa largest Cargo Shipped This Year the speediest craft on the river with Loaded by Pacific Export Lumber Co. the possible exception of the Telegraph ! and overtures for a race with the Lur r . .- line have been made for a long time. 1 Tuesday, as it happened, both boat met PORTLAND, . May 23.-Saturdav a -. the an 18-ifoot stajte at Portland, which, from present indications ,wi'.l be the extreme height of the flood. During the past week cool weather has prevailed in the territory east of the Rocky Moun In thi is due the nresent ex emption from extreme flood conditions. Warm weather during the past few days has not had its effect in the snow hills east of the Cascade Monutains, and for the next three days the water in the Willamette River will not rise to a greater point than 18 feet Between The Dalles and the Cascades the water has risen at a rapid rate, and the locks at the Cascade will be closed to navigation by Sunday if prevailing j conditions continue. The locks cloe at a 37-foot stage, and flood conditions pre vail at The Dalles when the water reaches 40 feet. A rise of eignt feet at the Cascades will close the lock to steamboats. If warm weather continues at points east of the Cascade Moun tains (for the next two weeks a flood condition will prevail throughout the entire Columbia River basin. Merchant on Front street have tak en advantage of the warning issued by the weather department and have moT ed a large portion of their stock from the lower docks. Many business men hare engaged crew to move merchan dise from their basements to place of safety. Steamboat and steamship agent bave moved their office to points above the high water mark. Perishable stuff in the basement of Front street store ha been moved out of danger. With a trifle more than 3,800,000 feet of lumber, valued at $50,000, the British steamship Tottenham, Captain Mann, left down this alfternoon bound for Shanghai It is the largest cargo of lumber to be set afloat at Portland this year. The work of loading it wa completed at 1 o'clock, and a few min ute later the steamer wa on her way down the river. The (hipment i being was called. For a long time the vessels were neck and neck, or rather bow and bow, till nearing Goble the Iralda man aged to poke her noe a little way to the front Thus they remained till the mouth of the Willamette wa reached when the race was called off. District orecaster Beals say the river at Portland will begin to fall slightly Monday and Tuesday, after bav ing reached a stage of 18 feet. It is expected to attain that depth above low water mark Sunday and remain on a stand for about 24 hours. While this is the situation at present Mr. Beals explains that before the sea son i over there may be much higher water. The weather, which has been rather cool in the mountains during the past few days, is likely to change any day and melt the remaining snow. The Upper Columbia is still rising at every point, but the Snake is falling. As soon as she can be given a general overhauling, the steamer Breakwater will be operated by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company between Portland and Coos Bay in opposition to steamers Alliance and F. A. Kilburn. The Break water has space -for 125 passenger and 900 tons of freight, more than twice the capacity of either of her competitors. The Lurline was again ahead of schedule last evening. Capt. Larkins report that the lower dock of the "K" Line is just about level with tbe water, which is at the 17-foot mark already and i expected to go higher by Saturday. The schooner Alliance left here for Coos Bay points yesterday with a large list ctf passenger and an extra large quantity of freight. Amongst the latter were three large steam boiler, stowed on the forward deck. .The steamer Tottenham was expected The British ship Jordanhilt Is taking on a cargo of fir for the Wet Oast of South America. She will be ready to sail by the flrt of next week with close to 2,000.000 feet of lumber. ' ! The steamer Columbia (2700 ton) went up the river yesterday morning, arriving about 7:30, She brought number of laborer for the railroad work at Knappton, f i ,' The Miler I till up at the Atorl Iron Work awaiting a new flue to her boiler which is coming from the east The Hysdes formerly running from Seattle it expected in Portland short ly to load wheat The schooner Churchill hat gone up to Knappton to load lumber. She hail ifrom Frisco. " J The new till lying charter. . team schooner Barnhoff at Portland awaiting The French schooner Bayonne, lumber laden, finally got to e at 8 o'clock yes terday. The schooner Tiverton from Astoria arrived at San Francisco., May 22. 800 10 There is Bread " and BREAD The Bread that Mother Used to Make was never as good as that you buy from us. Special Attention paid to Shipping orders Oregon Bakery PHONE MAfN 1341. COR. 9TH & COMMERCIAL ST. (J) DONE BY DEED. S Fred L. Warren, C. R. Higgins et al to Row, Higgins & Co.. lot 0 and 10, block Mi in City of Astoria.... 1000 Elijah H. Mete If et al to Jacob Mann, block 16 and lots 23 to 27, in town of Burnside, Astoria.. Lena Kystrom et a! to N'ehalem Investment Co, SW. 1-4 of XE. 1-4 of sec. 24, T. 8 X., R. 6 W. .... w. ... The Atori Co. to the Xe'aalera Investment Co., lots 0, 10 anj IS, see. 84, A. 1-4 oi w, j- "i w 33, T. X., R. 7 W 157.34 acres. .. 500 Martin Franciscovich et wx to Thos. O. Holton, W. of lot , block 13, City of Astoria. ., 630 Grime Grove Land Co. to Maud 'Crawford, lot 23, block 10, Grimes Grove . C. 8. Brown et ux and the Wil kinson Real Estate Co. to A- Tooth Co, lot , 6, 7 and 8, block ft2 in Astoria .. i .,...-...,,..-,.. TJ. S. to Albert II. Willett, XE. 1-4 of see. 8, T. 5 N, R. 9 W, 100 acres; patent Oregon ami Montana Lumber Co. to A. I Smith and L. B. Halter, trustees, SE. 14 of sec. 7. W. 1-2 of the SW. 1-4, sec. 8, W. 12, XW. 1-4, sec. 17, E. 1-2 Of the E. 1-2 of the XW. 1-4 and lots 1 and 2 of sec. 18 and SW. 14 of sec. 19, T. 7 X., R. 7 W., 974, 23 acres 150 10 You'll find Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes not only Right in Looks, but Right in Making and in Style. These Clothes keep shape?" .Tailored Right. f ,u i if I HATS Dunlap (and Many Others Our stock oi Hats is complete. We have them in all tbe Latest Spring and Summer styles and V. A ( f, k fell 1 K.,Vr S f l-f Copjrriht 1907 If HartSihaffntrtf Marg At' Prices to Suit Anybody ''Uncommon Qothes." The Xickleodcn i running In full blast at 537 Commercial street, Herman Wise's old tore. The first of a series of nmtisintr moving pictures is called "Joint Lips" and shows several ludi crous scenes at a postofllce. A lady ha gone attended by her maid to dispatch a lot of correspondence. It is the maid's part to affix the stumps. Pre ently her sweetheart join her and as sets. Naturally an affectionate scene follows, and sticky withthe mucilage from the stamps, when they arrive at the kissing stage, their lips become glued together. Eventually a messenger boy cuts them apart. Altogether very funny. The second series, a servants' strike, is even more amusing. The first meet' injts the collection of reinforcements from each house other meeting with eligible young men encounter with the police and a final scene in jail form an excelent whole. ' Next week there will be some spec ially attractive exhibits, entirely new, Mrs. M, 8. Wood will meet with her art classes at Mrs. Fulton's at the usual time on Saturday. AH members are urgently requested to be present. WALDORF CONCERT HALL. There is an excellent Cinemetograph exhibition at the Waldorf Concert Hall just now. The first series of pictures show some very interesting features of Japanese life depicting amongst other things the curious methods tbe Japs have of doing their hair, some quaint skirt dancing, and many othnr. effects. The next series shows the difficulties and amusing incidents which 'beset a couple who desirous of changing their lodgings set out in search of a new habitation. The scenes are most laugh able and the many mishaps which be fate the couple are excruciatingly funny until the pair resolve to return to their old home. This exhibition is well worth seeing. The Liberty Bell Social Ciub will give another one of their dances Sat urday evening, May 25th, at Logan' foall. Everybody i cordially Invited. 5-21-4t 4-S NEW TO-DAY. Oliver typewriters stenographer at A. Commercial street and automatic It. Cyrus, 414 tf. ColumCla and Victor graphophones and latest records at 424 Commercial street A. R. Cyrus. tf. Wanted to buy ft house Must be In goof location. M, this offlce. and lot Address !11 B- Seully, XoUry Scully' Cigar Store. Any Public, at old bourt Just Received ' The secret of making good pictures Is in having the best material to work with. Hart's drug store have Just received a frosh supply of films and film-packs, so get In the gam and do It right 8sve Your Slip , Whether you buy 10 cents )r dol lar' worth In Wise's clothing store, save your slips, and when you have $5 worth you get a Piano number free. Be sure and ask for your number for the next dance and Piano contest for Wise's customers. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. It make all the difference In the world to the convivial man where, and what, he drinks. Most men desire beauty and cleanliness, and handsome appointments In the saloon they pat ronlse regularly, as well as the essen tial pre-requlslte of genuine wines and liquors that art served to them. And these things are so particularly and properly conspicuous at Otto Bund's elegant resort the Commercial, at No. 60? on the street of that nam that they account thoroughly for the fixed and splendid cusom he enjoys. . There Is nothing allowed to pas his counter but the best and choicest In every de partment of Indulgence, and the ser vice behind It all, Is the most pleasing anj satisfying In the city. Talking Maohlnes. Subscribe for the Dally or Weekly Astorlan and get a Oraphophone on small weekly payments. Call on A. R. Cyrus, 424 Commercial street for particulars. are going Ilk wlld-fre and the kld themselves are after them because they look so "comfy." If a man knows anything of his owes anatomy he must be aware that hls stomach la a magnificent organ an& entitled to the utmost consideration; knowing that be will eat at tbe Palace when h can conserve Its safety and comfort, by eating only the bant cooked, best served and most compen sating meal In the city of Astoria, day, ornlght, It l always the same, and the 'Palace bablt Ur one that paya to acquire. Arthur Smith Is a mas ter of the art of preparation and ser vice, of all things edible. For your watch anJ clock rpa)rln go to Frank J. Donnerberg the rellabl Jeweler, 110-11 street Oo to A. D. Craig for your ten wnmii ana ainas or canvas wv 12th and Exchange. tf For The Little People. Every parent In this city should In veatlgate, at once, the new and ap preciable shoe for the youngsters, at Charles T. Brown's Commercial street house. They are called the "E. O. Scuffer" and are the very epitome of good wear and real comfort They Golden Oak Rug filler and bird cages HUdebrand ft Oor. now In. Just B.oause, That Is the title of Herman Wise's ad today. Re offers over 400 men's suits In dark as well as light colors, worth from .$12.60 to f 25 at the great reduction of 25 per cent There's noth ing tbe matter with these suit but Mr. Wise says that he has over 1600 suits and wants to force out at least 400 to 500 of them and the off price will do It. BASE BALL! BOHEMIANS vs, TRUNKMAK6RS 2:30 P. M SUNDAY MAY 26, At A. P. C. Grounds Great Game of the New Season. The Bohemians have been admitted to the Tri-City Base Ball League. ' Admission, Adults 25c, Children 10c. Come Out Everybody CLEARANCE SALE. For the next 10 days I will selt my entire stock of high-grade millinery.1 Trimmed and untrlmmeJ shape, plumes, feathers, flower all at one- j half price. Call and look at the stock. Mrs. M. Petersen, Star Theater BWg.; Eleventh and Commercial street. ! Panama hats cleaned and blacked. Before You Get Hungry Come and see us, We have all kinds of good things to eat. All Fruits and Vegetables in season. Just received a very large shipment of Spices and Extracts in small packages. ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street Phone Main 01 Leave them with Dell Skully, i