The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 23, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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THURSDAY, MAY aj, ijuh
Beautify Your Lawns
By Using our Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers .
IkE Value,
Wages the United Railroads In
tend to Pay.
Garden Hose (Cotton and Sun Proof Rubber)
RaKes, Hoes, Shovels and Spades
Grass Hooks and Sprays
The pilot board at it has l-ea con
stituted till today, held its last .meet
ing yesterday afternoon at the office
of Judge Taylor, The Port of Columbia
board come into being and thereby
ustes the old commission today. The
business transacted by the pilot board
yesterday was the outlining of report
to be made to the governor and the
conclusion of all business up to date.
Th, report will contain a lull account of
what ha been done by the late board,
tating the expenditures that nave been
made and will set tforth the present
conditions of the pilot service: the num
ber of licenses issued to pilots, the
number of vessels and of what tonnage
brought in and out, and the fees col
lected by Oregon pilots, a report con
cerning the condition of the pilot Schoon
er San Jose, belonging to the state and
the cost of maintaining her up to date.
The report is not yet in shape, but
when completed will close up the busi
ness of th old board to date. No steps
bare been taken towards a resignation
of the old board nor anything of the
kind. In fact, no notice was taken of
the bill in the way of questioning its
validity or it, effect upon the old board.
AH three members of the board were in
attendance. Included in the report will
be a list of the Oregon and of the Wash
ington pilots on the river.
It is considered by many that if the
supreme court holds the bill unconsti
tional they will also hold the repealing
slause unconstitutional and the wnote
bill would therefore collapse. In that
ease the old board would still be in
office and would continue to act
The time of commencement of action
by the lawyer, engaged to test the con
stitutionality of the bill is at preent
indefinite, and, until the new board
is organized and doth some act
which amounts to an injury or threat
ens an injury, it is not likely that any
thing will be done. The parties intend
ing to contest would have no basis until
such act or threatened act is committed.
Personal knowledge, is tho winmna facial in the. culminating contests cj
this competitive sge and when of amnio character it rJaces its iWtunata
posKMor in the front tanks of
Th Well Informed of th World.
High Power Transmission Wir, Con
nected To Trolley Wirt Cause Ex
plosion la Power House Tieing Up Cr
Sytsem Parties Unknown.
Case To Be Fought Through Courts-
Final Decision In Year.
WASiriXGTOK, Msy 22.-U is not
the intention of the Interstate Com
mere. Commission to await the result
of the proceeding to compel E. 11.
Hanrimin to answer certain inquiries
put to him in the New York investig
tion before taking action on the general
subject of the investigation. In opinion
of the members of the commission, it
may be a year or two before the final
decision can be reached regarding the
refusal of Ilarriman to answer the
Proceedings will be instituted in New
York the latter part of the month or
the first of next month. It is expected
thst if the court upholds the commis
sion, Ilarriman will carry the case to
the higher court. Should the lower
courts rule in his favor it U Drolnble
the commission will carry he matter
up. The case would have been brought
earlier,, but the attorneys of the com
mission have been engaged in other
Arguments in the Standard Oil cases
which are taking place in St. Paul are
occupying the attention of Messrs. Kel
lojrg 4 Severance snd they will not be
able to take up the Ilarriman matter
until sitter these are finished. Without
reference however to the determination
of the question, the commission will
consider the merits of the general In
qijiry into the Harriman lines and reach
its conclusion on the facts presented.
sus. . aoyce, 180 Sullivan St,
Claremont, N. H., writes: "About
rar a gx i nougat two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure. It cured m of
severe case of Kidney trouble of
several years standing. It certainly
Is a grand, good medicine, and I heart.
Ily recommend it" T. F. Laurln, Owl
Drug Store.
sa msa.nv istvi Aiav 83. A wage
scale of from 23 to S3 cento .per hour
according to the length of service is the I
new scale put Into effect today by the
United Railroad according to the
officials of the company. This U the
scale which President Calhoun proposes
to pay the non-union employes with
which he declare he will hereafter oper
ate his cars. The old scale was 31 to I
33 cent an hour.
United Railroads trolley1 lines north
of Market street were put out of com
mission last night by miscreant who
managed by means of a wire or chain
to connect a high power transmission
wire with the trolley wire on Church
street between Fifteenth and Six
teenth street. The instant effect of
diverting the 13,200 volts of electrical
current to the trolley wire was a fright
ful explosion In the Turk and Fillmore
ine switchboard, which is connected
with all of the trolley line, operated
by, the company north of Market street
burned out, and the attending electrical
display struck consternation' and fear
the neighborhood.
It i remarkable that the trouble
was not attended by los of life. The
cars may not be run until tomorrow a
ts will talc some time to get the wires
in working order.
A vast fund of wrsonal knowlcdiM u reallv essentia)
highest excellence in any fiekj of human effort ,
- A Knowledge of Forma, Knowledge of Function! and Knowl.
edge of Product are all of the utmost value and in queens of Wo and health
when true and wholesome remedy it dewed it should be tMxtxkmd that Syrup
of Fiat and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the Catfornia Fig Syrup Co., is an
ethical product which has met wilh the approval of the most eminent physicians and
gives uiiiveml Mtiifacuon, because it is a remedy of 1
Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component
ii T , " w7'"' uaw patronage miiiwni ot the WeB Informed of the J i
world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first 7 1
and best of lamOy laxatives, for which no extravagant of unreasonable cUirn are iradejJl''
Tjus valuable remedy, has been long and favorably known
it a
under the name of Syrup of Fun -and has attained ta wl,L
wide acceptance as the most excellent family LxahW At in mm
laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are wcB known to physicians
ana me wen iiuormea ot the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of- Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna as more fully derriitive of lite remedy.
i4 but doublleu it will always be called for by the shorter
Srirlrlk "TyP rip end to get Mi beneftcwl
$F!& , & 'w"y noe' W,VCT P""""? he full
liriTj name of the Comi)an"CilJornia fia Svnm
Co. printed on (lie front of every package,
whether you eall lorsyrupof rigs
-" py he lull, name Syrup of
rigs and Elixir of Senna.
Louisville, ky.
' n a a .
urotner and Sister Going to Smith's!
Sound to Study Esquimaux.
Kldnev complaint kills more people
than any other disease. This 1 due to
the disease being so Insidious that It
gets a good hold on the system before
ft is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure
will prevent the development of fatal
disease If taken In time, T. F. Laurln,
wl Drug Store.
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Cel., May 22.
John Calvin Hoffeditz, of Reading, Pa.,
ne of the victims of the Honda wreck,
who has been at the San Lui Obispo
Sanitarium since the disaster, had his
left leg amputated this morning.
Alexandria To Be Launched At
gow Shipyards.
LONDON, May 22.-Invations hav
been issued for the launching of the
turbine yacht Alexandra, built for King
Edward, which is to occur at the Inglis
lards in Glasgow, on May 30. The craft
which will be christened by the Prin
ces Louise, Duchess of Argyle, is a
steel vessel of about 2000 tons displace
ment and will have a speed of about 17
knots. She is 300 feet in length and 40
feet in breadth. The Alexandra will be
rigged a a three masted schooner.
Disturbed th Congregation.
The person who disturbed the con
legation last Sunday by continually
coughing Is requested to buy a bottle
of Foley's Honey and Tar. T. F.
Laurln, Owl Drug Store.
COPENHAGEN', May 22.-Two youth
ful explorers, Knud Rasausen snd his
sister, the latter 20 year old, have
started on a perilous trip. The couple
are student of ethnography. They are
going to Smith's Sound to find an Equi
maux tribe, which is reported to have
never come in contact with civilisation
Their only attendant i an Esquimaux.
They will travel in dog sledge and will
depend for food upon shooting. They
hope to reach the Canadian mainland
sometime in 1908.
Manufacturers Association
Record as Favorable.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup la best
for women and children. Its mild ac
tion and pleasant taste makes It pre
ferable to violent purgatives, such as
pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and
a esample of Orlno at T. F. Laurln,
Owl Drug Store.
"Quality Counts"
Arrived in New York Captain Has Hew
Solution for Cold Weather.
XEW YORK, Bay'22.-When the an
cbor liner Astoria, just in from Glas
gow, wa about 1000 miles east of San
dy Hook on Saturday, she passed
through a field of twenty icebergs, The
bergs were all medium sized and were
scattered over a great area.
Captain Lumsdane of the Astoria, has
found a reason for the cold weather, He
says the Gulf Stream, which ordinarily
has a range between 45 and 55 degrees
north latitude, is away to (he north
and he found for the Atlantic a high
barometer with a southerly wind, which
is very unusual.
"I don't say that the Gulf stream is
out of its margin," said the captain
"but it is to the northward of its nor
mal course. This account for our v, In
ter weather home in Scotland, where
we have been having snow every other
day. We don't have the seasons we used
to have."
We use the best material we can buy and exercise
the utmost care at every step of the process in the
making and baking of our bread and cakes that's
why our
"Butter Loaf and Table Queen Bread"
Is the Best Bread in the City, and we give you a
Large Loaf for a Nickel,
505 Duane Street.
275 W. Bond Street.
Branch Store, 1335 Franklin Ave.
Says Her Husband Has Not Been Of
fered Presidency of the N. P.
WASHINGTON", May 22. According
to Mrs. John F. Stevens, her husband
1ms not been offered the presidency of
the Northern Pacific Railway by J. 3.
Hill or anyone else, as the St. Paul re
port has it. She stated that the report
tint Stevens was about to become head
of that system originated in Wall
Street. She said her husband has
three offers under consideration but
none of them has any relation to the
presidency of the Northern Pacific.
DKNVER, May 22. In the arrest of
Ed Phillips, who was taken from a
trsin at La Junta, Colo., on suspicion
ttf being a pickpocket, the authorities
believe they have- captured one of the
persons guilty of . robbing a jewelry
store Bt Ogdcn of 125,000 in gems.
Spoke At Manufacturers' Banquet and
Expressed a Desire For Labor and Cap
ital to Meet on Friendly Ground La
bor Standard High in America.
your and their joint labor. la Bo eoun
try in the world U the standard of labor
and th standard of lif among the
wge esrnlng class higher, anJ I hops
th country may hav your aid and co
operation In hastening th day when th
honest Individual may be permitted
more and more to enjoy the fruit of
constant industry 'and the advantage
of his own labor, free alike trom the
tyranny of hi own clas and r.f th In
eqnluble exactions of the employer
NEW YORK, May 22.-The National
Association of Manufacturers went on
record today In favor of a revision of
the tariff and the negotiation of more
treaties. A debate preceded this vote
on the report of the committee oh the
tariff and reciprocity. The' committee
based its recommendations on the poll
of the 3000 members of the association.
Of the total number replying, 65 per
cent declared for immediate revision,
while 20 per cent expressed a "hands oil
sentiment." Kight per cent bellevej the
time for a revision had not arrived and
the other 17 per cent expre-sed Indiffer
ence. Four hundred menroers and guests
were present at the tKinquet at the
Waldorf-Astoria tonight, and the bal
cony boxc were filled with women.
President Van Cleave, of the associa
tion, spoke briefly, saying that he de
sired to contribute the slogan that
"Americanism Must Rule America."
"This association," he said, "has no
fight with the labor unions except as
American citizens should fight that sort
of labor unionism which trie to dic
tate as in San Francisco. It i proposed
to fight no union, but simply fight for
the rights to manufacture under the
conditions of industrial peace. ' To work
when and where he pleases is the de
mand on behalf of the worker by the
Secretary Strauss was greeted as he
rose to speak with much applause. He
said In parti
"Most of the strife between capital
and later would disappear, if It were
more fully recognized that a Ugh rate
of wages, within, economic limitations,
U a powerful lever to reach a low cost)
of production, which practically rules
today in the industries of the United
States. I hope another year you will
have with you at your annual festivities
representation of the great labor groups
which rightly share with you the credit
for America's wonderful industrial de
velopment, who have shared and are en
titled to share mow and more with you,
according to the measure of their de
serts, the prosperity that has crowned
No Indictments VotedFinal Meeting
To Be Held Today.
morning next U the time chosen by the
grand Jury for the practical culmina
tion of it Inquiry Into th big bribery
deal which have been unearthed during
the past month of graft Investigation
and unles present plan are upset by
unexpected developements, a bundle of
true bills Involving the large corpora
tion owners will be filed In Judge Cof
fey's Court at that tlm.
It took but two session of the grand
jury after Ruef confeaslon ws made,
with the penitent bos as the star wit
nes at each, to secure the missing
links In the chain of evidence against
the trolley gi. nd telephone officials.
The prosecution made so sure of its
ground that the announcement was
made that the end of the long months
of labor would come this week, and
yesterday's developements bore out
this promiso, No Indictment were
voted yesterdny, but arrangement were
made for a final meeting tomorrow af
ternoon, when the ifew on which official
action remains to be taken will be
uliva comnikt of the National Hard
ware Association in session here ylr
day decided that th trade could not
dipnw whh th Jobhera, A plan to
do away wltt the jobber bad been m
dr eonderatltin for soma time.
NEW! YORK, May E.-Pl.patehe
from London ssy that the Sothern-Mar-lows
theatrical Company wilt sail for
New Yortt, on June I, to fill a two weeks
theatrical engagement at the Academy
of Muto in New York. It Is announced
thst next season E. II. Sothern snd Ml
M.irlow will be separate tam under th
management of Lee Shubert,
(1ALLIPOUS, 0., May tt.-Th Ohio
River packet Chevalier and the transfer
steamer City of Huntington, wert
burned to the water's edge near Hunt
ington early this morning. The crews
narrowly escaped."
MEXICO CITY, May 22,-The war
department today stated that the
troop .which will be transferred to the
Guatemalan border were the Fifth and
Twenty-fifth regiments from Puebla.
There i absolutely Uo signflcance at
tached to the transfer,
SEATTLE,.-' May 22.-A telegram
one of the city' leading capitalists, and
a well known varnish mnmifuctirr,
died early today at his residence t
Grosse Point. He was 68 year of age
and had been even week suffering form
a complication of diseases. ;
For the next 10 days I will sell my
entire stock o' high-grade hats at one.
half reduced price. This Is the best
opportunity In the city to procure an
up-to-date stylish hat. Call and look
at the stock. Mrs. M. Petersen, Star
Theater Kldg., Eleventh and Commer
cial streets.
Por Infant and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
LONDON, May 22.-A dispatch from
Sydney, N, fi. W ays It is reported
there that a hurricane and tidal wave
swept over th Caroline Islands. April 30,
Immense dnmage' was done to property
and 700 person are reported killed, -
LAHORE, May 22. Another v srrest
ha been made in connection with the
recent seditious movement. The pris
oner is the native editor of the news
paper India, published In Punjaul). He
Is charged with Inciting disaffection.
The charges are grave and bail has been
refused In his case.
CINCINNATI, May 22.-Two were
seriously and 20 slightly Injured today
In the Chesapeake and Ohio flyer wreck
at Lawrence Creek. A sleeper was
thrown Into the ditch by the buck
ling of the track.
or Morning Astorlan, 60 cent
month, delivered by carrier.
Chamberlain's Cough p ff
Curt Cold, Croup tod Wl&oplrw.'