The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 23, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Wo Have Today Extra Fine
A Piano Number Free With Each $5 Purchase.
Apple Blossom Honey
From the Sun Flower Dairy
Clothes for boy
And clothe Cot men,
. . . i
Prices tumble
Now and then .
THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1907,
I Cv
Tho Leading Qrem
Art Alaim
Jlo Company ,'o. 8 wa edited out
(0 ontlnguWh a roof Arc at 12H7 Frank'
Un avenue tt li.K) yterday ftrooo,
The huM rompeoy b4 no difficulty In
aceoiipllhlng their Uk, and the dam
ago don wae noutlnl.
Hook d4 ladder
m ..lit ..... .. I . I I. . 1. 1
1 no uui n"" an.l wooer irurn oriong
Ing to tho tlr department, and which
ba not been In um for many year.
w brought out Kln today. Tip
truck and It equipment' iwived 1
thorough overhauling and cleaning. It
li contemplated to itntlon it at tlto new
engine houm when that It completed.
Seventy (We Cnti Bound-trip
rngir Agent Jnnkm, of the A. 4
0. It It-, will lu t circular today n
Bouncing round trip rt of 78 cent
Ww(t At"ri and tkeld. Tbl will
yo Into effect on Sunday nnd will affect,
henlrle Aatoria, (Jerhrt, Wahenmi,
Cleveland, XecanicuM, Seaside and
H.'llday. Thl rate applie to Sunday
Wow Residence
Tho excavation (or tli founJtlon of
tba new IttOiiO residence which I to be
built for Dr. Kinney, will be com
menced today. Tho bulMIng will be
erected between Twelfth and Fourteenth
annuo after plan, already accepted,
drawn by Architect Wink. Tomorrow
bid wilt b advertised for tho material.
Not lea wa received today at tit
county court office that Jacob Kanola,
who wa admitted to tho Intan A'vliim
on April 2Htli wai dlhrged May 20th.
It will I remembered that Karrola trip J
to commit aulclde from tho Callender
wharf. Ho jumped Into tho water twice
bofor bo wao finally locked up In the
county Jail by Sheriff Fomeroy. Ho did
hi Ih to wk tho latter Initltution
when h got there and wa altogether
a particularly violent uhjeet.
Will Meet Today-
Tb W, C. T. U. will bold tMelr regu
lur bulne meeting tomorrow at 2:30
p. m. In ihtlr new plaoa of mooting In
tho 8camn' Homo next door to the
IlaptUt church.
Elko Meeting-
Tho building committee tf the Mk
hold mooting yesterday afternoon, the
rviultt of which will not transpire till
thoy have boon referred bark to tho 00m
mlttoa of tha whole.
Editor To lecture , . , ,
Albert I'hrnu. alitor of tho Munu
faetur Record, the greatt paor of It
kind In tho country, a personal frlew
of Manner Vhyt of the Chambor of
Commerce, and i at tho preent time
vUitln( on tho Pacific loat. Mr, W hyto
ha telegraphed an Invitation to Mr
'hemu to uivo a H,ur before the
Chamber ahnuld ho vUlt th Northwott
A yet bo ha not replied.
Will Develop Holiday- ,
Tho tlaaber for tho now brt aero,
tbo Koemilcum at the old Selil Ilj.ue
ar about all cut and In a few day
work on th brlthe will bo commenced.
Year ago, in tho old day, thero wa
a btMgf acro ther but It rotted down.
Ther I no prettier pot on tha beach
tha ihnut tho old' historical Holiday
hou and under it proont owner tho
property will b developed.
Flowtn For Tho Park-
It i pfrpoted by the l'rk CoinmIion
to ip-t to one of the landacapo
grdner or floriit of th city that ho
hould build a hot bout In oome part
of th new park. Tbo land would be
let to tho gardeni on a long term at a
nominal rent ,tn return tar flower nd
plant with which to beautify tho park
ground. Thl hould bo very much to
any gardnerer advantage and would
undoubtedly prove big advertisement
for him. It would Iw extremely oy
for him to grow enough utock to upply
the park at tho anme time that ho wa
giving particular attention to hie own
trade. Of eourao the idea I quite an
embroyo at prenent, and the Migration
it purely tentatu.
Going To Europe
AiiffuH Hildebrand tartd 'at night
with hit wife anl family on hi long
trip to tho Fatherland. Mr. HiMebrand
wilt proceed direct to New York from
hero ami on hi arrival will take the
ftrt boat convenient to make tho ocean
trip to Germany, The object of this
trip I olely that Mr. Hildebrand may
e hi father who , ha expreed a
atrong wih that hi eon hould vUit
him, Otherwlo Mr. Hlldchrand could
not leave Atoria, He intend however
to got what pleaaure b may out of tho
journey and vlait, and expect to 1
away two or three month.
Economy in your Grocery
purchases and your bank
account will be greater at
the end of the year.
Oregon Strawberries re
ceived daily direct from
the grower.
Ice Cream
Scholfield, Mattson Co.,
TI10 member of the liomd of Tark
(uiiiiiiiMliuii'r., with tha exception of
C. II. 1'age end tt. C, Fulton, met lat
eveiiiiig in the olllce of City Surveyor
Too. . ' "
Owing to Hecretttry Ilildebinnd' in
tended departure for Geraiauy, J, E.
(iratke wa elected to terve In hi
vomiiiiMioner ice wa appointed a
committee of one end given outhorlty
to bav tho fountain, donated by. the
Woimn'i Club, itiatalled at the loweat
jMll)ie eot. i
A committee eotiiiiiig of Chalruian
Wl, 3, E. Gratke, A. H. Te and Mar
tin Foard wa authorized to advertise
r bid, Jet the emilno t mij My for
the work" of completing the driveway in
tho city park. It being the intention
of the commMon that when completed
the drive will form a circle. Tbo aame
committee later wa tW authorized to
have the !' Inaidc the circle thu
mle chared. Tbi work will probaldy
be done on the day labor plan.
The request of county to ue a por
tion of the park road in the count ruction
Of the new county rod wa vrantcu
provided th county maintained the
mm and lo build a itood and ub
tantial fvnr on the went lde where
the road run through tho park. The
ecretary wa Instructed to notify the
county court.
The tecreUry wa author! ted to have
a half dozen lgn made warning people
aaiiut committing depredation In the
park and to have the same inotallcd.
The balance on the bill due Contractor
Oerdmg for extra road work amounting
to fOO wa ordered paid.
Comminloner Ilildebrand bid hi fel
low memheri farewell, who in turn ex
pred their good wiihe that he have
pleaant voyage and imparted many
mege to the Kaiser, calling atten
tion to tho need of the "Mailed 8t" In
lust Becatmse !
For a
Johnson Phonograph Go.
Parlor Second Floor over loholfleld A Mattoon Co,
It i probable that there will be no
icgatta held iu Astoria tin summer.
will be remembered that the Nor
wegian cwieues ot me I'acino uoaM
bav decided to bold their annual holi
day In thl city at the Invitation of
the citizen and it i thought that their
reunion would prolwibly clash with a
regatta. Already upward of $1000 ha
been collected to provide suitable enter
laiument for the visitors, and thi will
undoubtedly be auppleniented by a large
amount before the time for their visit
arrives. It is proposed to hold a
armer' Fair and have other Suitable
attraction and everything possible will
be done to give the societies a thorough
enjoyable holiday. Sandwiched in be-
ween them will doubtlesa le much
speechmnking and many sangcrfest.
The City of Astoria will alo benefit con
siderably rom the large influx of visi
tor and strangers and this should be
taken into consideration bv those who
will feel disappointed at the cancella
tion of the Regatta,
Special I Special !
438 Men's Suits, sizes 34 to 46
Worth from $12.50 to $25
Per Cent Off
The Only Dust ProofMoth Proof Clothes Shop
:i"-' In Oregon, ';;
1M1 ATP Tim f I OTIT I J a?
llLUl J ulLL 01 ILL
Honor To Aitoriana '
At the meeting of the grand count of
the Forester of America held at
Rainier on Tuesday and Wednesday the
following Astorians were honored by
election to office! F. P. Leinenweber
was elected grand senior woodward; A.
J. C. Schroeder, "grand past chief ranger,
and A. B, Dalgity, grand secretary.
Police Court ,
The only case In police court yes
terday wa that of John Stephenson,
proprietor of. the Savoy, charged with
running a dance hull at that place. As
In the case of C F. Wise, the Mayor
acting as police judge, felt that his past
action in reference to, the dance hall
question might give rise to talk of
prejudice and bias and his part and he
therefore continued the cane , until
Monday. To Chief of Police Gammal
he issued instruction to see that danc
ing was not permitted in the Savoy
until thA on so hail benn flnullv settled.
Under the law Chief Gammal is Sound
to carry out the instruction or be fined
for contempt of count. Stephenson took
out a theater license good until June 30.
The Columbia River bar pilot are
loosing no sleep over the port of Co
lumbia act which goe into effect today.
Four of them Captain Wood, Laigh
ton, Anderson and MeVioker hold
branches issued to them by the State
of Washington and the pilot schooner
Joseph Pulitzer is also under control of
the Washington authorities so the
Oregon Commission will have to keep
its hands off. The other pilots who hold
Oregon branches will go ahead piloting
just the same, using the Washington
boat, a their branches hold good until
broke ifor cause, not alone in the State
of Oregon but also under the Federal
laws under which the pilots work.
Most of the tonnage now passing out
this port goes by way of tramp steam
ships and no one is allowed to go on
their bridge to pilot them but a regular
ly licensed master who has been duly
authorized by the United States and
the state regulations do not cut any
figure with them. It looks as if the
port of Columbia commission will have
to produce a new crop of pilots if it
wants to go into the business.
G. W. Roberts, agent for the 0. R.
& N., who have the towing 'on the bar,
says his company will continue to do
the towing a at present and will await
developments before making any
Prosperous At Knappa
Mrs. Ar Knapp, of Knappa, was in
the city yesterday and. reports that
Knappa along with other places in
Clatsop county, is steadily progressing.
A new store building has just been com
pleted at the station and the store that
wa formerly at the landing has been
moved there. Knappa w-ill in the near
future, with the development that is
bound to come on the lower Columbia,
be a lively place. It is surrounded by
a splendid country rich in natural re
sources and only aviaita capital to give
it a uiagio touch.
Our Summer Millinery
Our showing of beautiful, creations of summer
headgear includes the Newest Millinery conjur
ings of Paris and America.
A Graceful Collection
Each hat seemingly more radiantly beautiful
than the other, but all practical and worthy.
You'll find every new Summer Shape including
the newest trimmed Sailors, new browns, new
greens, new shades of mai?e, etc. Now is the
time to purchase your summer hat, while the
assortment is at its best. '
Bon Ton Millinery
483 Bond Street, Astoria
For Women,
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
The snoe that is bought
from us is certain to be cor
rect in style. We have them
in all leathers, styles and
;; Wherity, Ralston Company!
Astoria's Best Shoe Store ;: