The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 23, 1907, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, MAY j, 1(07,
If 7 nil SM ) . W V. 'WfWWIJ
Four dozen White Linen Wash Skirts, all
sizes, regular $2.25 values, Special,
Friday Only, $1,48
At JalofFs
120 llth Street
A new shipment of Silk Jumper Suits and
Spring Jackets just In.
"Johann Poulsen" Comes
Under Own Steam.
Two Vessels, Nicodemia and Louisiana,
Belayed Some Day, Both Get Away
late Friday Night The Costa Rica
Took 6000 Cases of Salmon,
The schooner Louisiana, which has
been lying at the bar so many days, at
last got away yesterday.
The steamship Costa Rica on Tuesday
night loaded 6000 cases of salmon at
the 0. R I N. dock.
The steam Xicodemia which had also
been delayed sometime got away at the
same time.
The schooner Columbia, lumber laden,
was towed to sea yesterday morning at
t. R. Linn to Julia 31. Madden,
(lot 5, block 5, first addition to
- Ocean Grove $180
P. X. et ux to Tillie A.
, ' Sherman, lot 1, block 22, in Wsr-
The steamer Johann Poulsen, which nnton 187
was reported as lying outside disabled, F- Stafford et ux to C. W.
by the Roanoke, on Tuesday night, came j Tunsberry, all of XW. 1-4 sec. 28,
up the river under her own steam yes- T j jj R 0 vv. Also all of the
terday morning. The injury to which ! Cara Houghton homested in sec.
her enforced stoppage outside was due, 27, T. 7 X., R. 10 W, containing
was nothing more nor le than a leaky 33 ,e acre. Also tract of land in
boiler tube and as soon as this was 26, T. 7 X., R. 10 V being the
efficiently repaired the vessel steamed D p Stafford pre-emption claim
In over the bar and continued hep voy- containing 25 acres 2500
age to Portland, when she will load Frank J. Hyues et ux, Wm. J.
lumber. It is possible that had bad Hgyne, et ux and Fred R. Haye to
weather ensued there might have been g Kerry, tract of land conUin
danger to the vessel as the leak had to jng 1760 ,creg j 35 jm 5 x., R.
be made good and this entailed a stop- g ao tract of land containing
It tuts been decided that this year the
arrangement fr th celebration of to
Fourth of duly shall I left aimoot en
tirely in the hands of the pupil of the
high school. Wheu the que'tion wa
noted as to whether tha dav should be
eelobrated or not, the Mayor found
fj difficulty In finding a sullivlent number
I ... ...-! . . k. . . At - . il .
01 umiurs mm wtio nau nine at ineir
disposal to join in making the arrange-
ments so he suggested that as there
wr ample funds left over from last
year the whole matter should be turned
over to the pupil at the high school
with, of course, assistance from
specie, of advisory board of business
men. The Mayor supported Ma migge'
Hon by arguing that not only would
It be an excellent lesson In finance, In
bearing reponBiility, and in executive
action, but that th day was principally
kept green for the benefit of instilling
into the minds of the youth of America
a spirit of patriotism and a love of lib
erty, and therefor they would be more
readily to learn their lessons, if they
had to deal with th practical aide of
them. It is an admirable suggestion
and doubtless the' city will experience
a wry novel and probably very artitic
celebration. Mayor Wis himself will
asist and direct the efforta of the
pupils and give them many valuable
hinta as to procedure and so forth, but
the main results will be of and from
the pupils themselves.
The Mayor had a talk with th pupils
at the high school yesterday morning
for about a quarter of an hour and
received a very generous welcome, his
uggestign, being met with the greatent
A comniltte of three wa elected at
once coniting of Harvey Allen, Birdie
Wise, L. Guillame, and they are to
select a committee of ten to arrange the
. . . 1 . 1 .-i -1
page, utnerwise were was iwjiuhij
no necessity for the steamer to appeal
to the Roanoke for assistance since the
mishap was so trivial and was easily
reparable on board.
The steamer Lurline arrived 40 min
utes ahead of her schedule jesterday,
which is going some for the Lurline,
considering the quantity of freight she
bandies in her journeys back and forth.
The steamship Kilburne came in
early yesterday morning, not Tuesday
night as was anticipated. She pro
ceeded to Portland with freight and pas
sengers. " "
The Telegraph was on time at the
Callender dock. Mr. Mitchell, at the
dock, was pleased to see his family back
from Seaside on Tnesday train.
The German steamer Thetis it ex
pected about the first of the month to
load lumber at the Knappton for Sid
ney, Australia.
The King Cyrus, which arrived Tues
day night and the schooner Virginia
were both towed np the river this
Tha schooner Abbie came np the river
yesterday morning from Frisco. She
goe, to Rainier to load lumber.
320 acres in sec. 14, T. 4 X., R. T
W.... . . $125,000
W. J. Kinney to J. F. Hamilton,
SW. 1-4 of sec. 13, T. 8 X., R. 10 V.
Warrenton Land Co. to Leon
Mansur, lots 10, 11 and 12, block
10, in Warrenton - 500
Probate Division.
Xotice of discharge Jacob Karrela
admitted to Asylum, April 28, 1907,
discharged May 20, 1907
In the estate of Thomas Earles,
order for payment to be made to
Martha Earles
There is an excellent Ciwynetograph
exhibition at the Waldorf Concert Hall
just now. The first series of pictures
show some very interesting features of
Japanese life depicting amongst other
thing, the curious methods the Japs
have of doing their hair, some quaint
skirt dancing, and many other effects.
The next series show the difficulties
and amusing incidents which beset a
couple who -desirous of changing their
lodging, set out in search of a new
habitation. The scene, are most laugh
able and the many mishap, which be
fate the couple are excruciatingly
fanny until the pair resolve to return
to their old home. This exhibition is
well worth seeing.
Cakes that MakCyour Mouth Water
Fancy home made Cakes. Something
new, in flavors of
Pineapple, Marshmellow and Caramel
This will mean a treat to the many house
wives of Astoria.
On vSale at 2c each
Oregon Bakery
Supreme Court Notifies Lower Court's
Decision and Divide, Property..
In the case of B. Grant et al vs. the
O. R. A X. Company, Judge McBride of
the State Supreme Court modi tied the
decision of the lower court so as to
divide the property between the liti'
cants. The decision was not, in fact,
reverned, as stated elsewhere. The court
decided the case on the way in which
the property involved in a conveyance
was discribed by the deed. If the prop
erty were minutely decribed by meas
urements, from one point to another, or
by specified boundaries then th eon
veyance parsed such property only as
was in tboe boundaries or measures
and did not extend beyond them, even
though the property was on the shore
line. On the other band if the prop
erty was only generally described and
at the same time admitted on the shore
line the conveyance paed all the rights
immediate to the shore line. The ques
tion resolved itself into whether the
grantor showed in any way bis inten
tion to reserve the shore, or any other
rights. Mrs. Grant, one of the plaintiffs
in the case, is not however satisfied
with the decision and she will, by her
attorneys, Messrs. Fulton Bros. en
deavor to obtain a rehearing.
You'll find Hart, Setoff ner
& Marx Clothes not only
Right in Looks, but Right
in Making and in Style
These Clothes keep shape:-"
Tailored Right.
Dunlapjind Many Others
Our stock of, Hats is complete. We
have them in all tbe Lateit Spring
and Summer styles and
Wv,. Hi A
V , i ' j'-V 'ft . y
ri: I v
Hli) -
li0 "
Copyright 1907 bjr
At Prices to Suit Anybody
"Uncommon Gothcs."
Sam D. Adair was in Astoria yester
day. He left on last night's train.
Mr. Roberta of the 0. R. & X., went
t Portland) yefterday morning. He
was expected back last night.
Mrs. Caroline Collins, of Portland, was
in town yesterday.
R. C. Turner and wife of Aberdeen
were registered at the Occident last
C. E. Littel, of Cincinnati, O., wa a
visitor in Astoria yesterday,
Louis Jacobs registered at the Occi
dent yesterday from Denver, Colo.
8. J. Jones, of Portland, wa in the
city yesterday.
C. C. Clark was up from Seaside yes
tenlby. He reports everything pros
perous in that thriving city and every
one i getting ready for a big summer
We have plotted, planted and figured,
working from morning till night, seek
ing for a medicine that will take the
place of Holllster'a Rocky Mountain
Tea, but we can't find It. Tea or Tab
lets, 85 cent,. Frank Hart.
The Liberty Bell Social Club will
give another one of their 'dancea Sat
urday evening, May 25th, at Logan's
ball. Everybody Is cordially Invited.
Olieer typewriter
stenographer at A.
Commercial street.
and automatic
B. Cyrua, 484
Columbia and Victor graphophon
and latest record at 424 Commercial
street. A. R. Cyrua. tf.
Wanted to buy a house
Must be In good location.
M, tbla office.
and lot
rvll R Scully, Notary Public, si
Scully Cigar Store. Any old hour!
Just Rolvd
Tbe secret of making good picture
I In having the beat material, to
work with. Hart' drug itor bav
Just received a fresh supply of film
and film-pack, so get In th gam
and do It tight
, 8vt Your Slip
Whether you buy 10 cent, or a dol
lar', worth In Wise' clothing store,
save your slips, and when you have IS
worth you get a Piano number free.
Be sure and ask for your number for
tbe next dance and Piano contest for
Wise' customer. v
It make all tbe dlnVeno In th
world to th convivial man where, and
what h drink. Most men dealr
beauty and cleanllneas, and handsome
appointment In the saloon they pat
ronise regularly, a, wsll a th essen
tial prs-requlsit of genuine wine and
liquor, that ar served to rhsm. And
these thing ar o particularly and
properly eoniplcuou, at Otto Band'
elegant re'ort th Commercial, at No.
SOf on the street of that nam that
they account thoroughly for the fixed
and splendid cusom he enjoys. There
I nothing allowed to pan hi counter
but th best and choicest In every de
partment of Indulgence, and th r.
vie behind It all, I th most pleasing
and tatisfylng In th city.
Talking Machines.
Subscribe for th Dally or Weekly
Astorlan and get a Ciraphophon on
mail weekly payment. Call on A. IL
Cyrus, 424 Commercial street for particular.
ill1,, u iggrrT 1 , . TTagwssssesss
are going Ilk wild-fir and tha kid
thsmselv ar after them becauani
If a man know, anything of hi own'
anatomy b must be awar that Urn
tomacD 1 a magnificent organ an
entitled to th utmost consideration;
knowing that h will eat at the Palao
when he can conssrv It safety and!
comfort by aatlng only th bt
cooked, best served and moat compen
sating meal In th elty of Astoria
day, orntght. It l alway th 11m.
and th Palace habit 1st on that pay
to acquire. Arthur Smith te a m ea
ter of the art of preparation tad ser
vice, of all thing tdlbl.
For your watch snJ clock repairing
go to Frank J. Donnerberg the reliable.
Jeweler. 110-11 it rest
Go to A. D, Craig for your ten's;
awning and all kind of canva work.
12th and Exchange. tf
For Th Llttl People.
Every parent In tbla city should in
veetlgate, at once, the new and ap
preciable shoe for the youngstsrs, at
Charle V. Brown' Commercial atreet
house. They ar called the "B. 0.
Scuffer" and ar th very epitome of
good wear and real comfort They
Golden Oak
' Rug filler and bird cage
Hlldebrand A Oor,
now In.
Just Bsoause,
That la the title of Herman Wise'
ad today. He offer over 400 men'
cult. In dark a well a light- color,
worth from $12.60 to $25 at the great
reduction of 25 per cent There' noth
ing the matter with these cults but Mr.
Wise says that he ha over 1600 suits
and want to force out at least 400 to
500 of them and the oft price will
do it
2:30 P. M., SUNDAY MAY 26
At A. F. C. Grounds
Great Game of the New Season. The Bohemians have
been admitted to the Tri-City Base Ball League.
Admission, Adults 25c, Children 10c. - Come Out Everybody
For the next 10 day I will sell my
entire stock of high-grade millinery.
Trimmed and untrlmmed shapes,
plumes, feathers, flowers all at one-
half price. Call and look at the stock.
Mrs. M. Petersen, Star Theater Bldg
Eleventh and Commercial streets,
Panama hat cleaned and blocked,
Before You Get Hungry
Come and see us, We have all kinds of good
things to eat. All Fruits and Vegetables in
season. Just received a very large shipment' of
Spices and Extracts in small packages.
521 (Commercial Street
Phone Main 681 .
Leave them with Dell Skully.