The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 23, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY, MAY ij, 1907.
Established 1I7J.
Published DHy Except Mondsy by
By mail, pe year......... 17.00
By earrier, per month .10
B4 ntO, per year, In dnc..1.00
Kntuod u MKuid-cUUI tuatUW July
JMs at 0 pMlofflo A.tor!.Or
wn, aaaer the wit of Couarsas at Marah I,
us -
kKOrd ft lb doBrmu of T Moa
tm&4Nuteltfcr nsMwe r place of
hndnm mmx tat taada by aortal an or
tVouv tatockon. Any Imcuiartty la d
iwt ihouid feuMtfUtaty nponW So Ui
eAss at pubiioatiea.
Official nr of Clatsop oountj ud
i Western Oregon and Washing-
ton Fair,
America is at the merry of the franchise-holders
today, anI the vast per
centage of our communal ft! art due to
the motion and transgression of the
concern we, ourselves, hive creatd and
et up to out Jo and unJo US. .
- We have gone, always, upon the wrong
method, in granting these valuable gifts.
The assumption In the public mind has
invariably been that what was asked
was a TSgue, unestiniated, transitory
sort of thing, and utd b Mf rnt'
d because it was purely A watter of
doubt winner the right acquired would
tver be worth anything to those asking
for it and that the people would have
plenty of time in which to correct con
ditions after the gift bad proven itself
a Teritable gold mine of profit to its
original investors. This is where we
nave niunaerea mgunui.j -
. W been undone by the shrewd
craft of those who came aa suppliants
and remained aa thieving task-masters,
m.. nf all lesrisator should
M, Uv w - - f
learn that the very threshold of the
work allotted them, is to giva nothing
that belongs to the people without ade
. n-tiirn for the value given. Popu
lar franchises are thoe in which the
nnblie interest is the first thing taken
care of, and it may be relied rpon, that
if the right prayed for is nca enougn
in possibilities, the demands of the
popular end of the contract will be met
and paid for before the opportunity will
b sacrificed bv the promoters.
It is a sin to be bluffed! And we
have all sinned irremediably, time and
timA airain. and we have paid vat toll
4m , aiiherh trrants we have made
aw vuv 0
airaint our own rights and conveni
ences as a public. It is high time we
were taking the backtrack and getting
pnsed ud to the situation, lhe wnoie
wKev of franchise-lettine must be re
versed and put upon a plane of busi
ness iustice and efficiency that will
mean something to both parties to the
bnge bargains and balance the initial,
and expanding, values, inherent in we
onion.i; wintiei nut tforth by the
T " '
1 : 0
The SnnTcm Court of Ore eon has
made formal declaration of the entire
validity of the new amendment to me
charter of the City of Astoria, and has
.niu tfurttiur in Affirming the eon-
v'.c c ' ' - - n 7
ititutionality of the act providing that
1 ... . . . .
cities of certain cm, may
(nrmai lpffilfttive enactment, tereafter,
proceed with the amendment, revision,
expansion, or other development of their
organic law, keeping aiway, 01
within ,the limitations of Me
.lU V - V
Tliis law is eA one' nd ems
m;if tho timA and trouble here-
tofore inseparable from the work of
. ... !.: 1
revising or remoaemng municipal v.
ten, and spares the legislature an m
mense amount of work in that particu
it anAtber imoortant virtue. It
will tend to make law-makers of the
' people, and give them an insight into
the popular methods of legal enactment
.. that will be of extraordinary r.u .
vrrmra ff)Trtfi. We have been' too de
pendent upon our legislatures ; in the
, pastj bae suffered too much to pass
' to that element of service without pub
, lie knowledge or scrutiny, with resulU
that arte far too costly to repeat-, it will
invest the commonalty with a wider con
ception of the constitutional law of the
land and equip the people to deal intelli
gently with momentous matters ami
not have to rely upon councils, courts,
Inconsistencies of
International "Honors."
CHE growing 'potation of the INT KttD EPEX DF.NCE ol
tlio nations has brought clearly into viojv the question, as
to whether the world ought to permit international quarrels.
Certainty a BETTER WAY ought to be found to aettlo
j those disputes.
It was said long ago on excellent authority that no man liveth
onto himself. We have begun to perceive that NO -NATION"
LIVETH UNTO ITSELF and that certainly no nation gooth to war
unto itself. , The government that decrees war is decreeing misery
not only to tU enemy and to its own citizens, but to thousands IN
Thia is what the increasingly vexatious, and involved queationa
aa to the rights of neutrals, which form so imimrtant a part of the
discussion of international conferences, mean. We are coming to
understand that THE HUMAN RCE IS OXE. The interest
of the army of English cotton spinner are at ttake in a war between
the north and the south; the interests of thoutidi who depend on
the manufacture of agricultural implements, or machinery of other
aorta are at stake when the farms of Russia are lying untilled or the
factories of Germany are closed because men are OFF TO THE
WARS. , '
It is said that "honor" often requirea resort to war. "Honor"
requires nothing but UPRIGHTNESS. A nation'i honor never
requirea defense by arma, '
How trivial are the disputes that
concerns of international trade and HOW FLIMSY THE CON
CEITS which move governments to fancy that they mus not? vio
lently vindicate their "honor I" Perhaps it is a matter of $10,000
affecting a few fishermen. A man could pay and settle hundreds of
disputes over which governments have gone to war, wasting lhea
W aanlf9; recWeae violence.
and legislatures, for every- "breath" of
wllom they shall draw, IV are glad to
herald the new doctrine and the more
the people come to know of the right
that is theirs, the more they will value
ft and employ it.
Wben the noor little royal chap of
Spain felt the cool touch of tie aacred
water that ushered him into the eo-
clesiastical fold, he cried, and the land
of the Don i U agog with the happy
significance of the paltry fact, since
tradition, tbe bread and meat of the
Spaniard, declared the act was propi
tious of a long life and successful reign.
This i a sample of the simple and
inconsequential things that sway the
old and decrepit nation and illustrates
the childishness of a people who are im
measurably behind the younger and
keener nations of the world anl what is
worse, satisfied to be, and remain, so.
W do not disparage folk lore; that
is one of the beautiful gifts of the old
year to the moderns and serve them
with a basie knowledge and example of
the foundations upon which their people
and their country were founded, and
leave the inspiration needed to actuate
them in the doinsr of their own great
tank-, but' we cannot sympathize with
that lapse into the inert o manifest of
the Spaniards, and in which they seem
to take the only pride that is left them;
it i pitiful, and worse, ,ince it betokens
an attitude from which there is no with
drawal, save by centuries of reaction
and revivication. The people who rely
upon ign and portent for the im
pulse to do and say thing of moment,
are indeed "at end of their tether." .
A Mar will be fully 35,000,000 mile
away; from the earth when the Lowell
astronomer photograph it from the
Ande there la very little danger of any
of it canal summer resort ociety lead
er smashing the camera.
At , last resort the police put on
their light helmets and marched down
the avenue. No use! the next day the
mercury just grazed zero and there was
a report of snow in Labrador,
- . 0
Mr. Ahern finally announces that his
department is to have a thorough spring
house cleaning. It' a little late, but
then this is a late spring.
General Kurokl will find that the
American style of entertainment is much
more, dangerou than war if carried to
excess. ...
"The common or garden commuter i
doing very little gardening this year.
1 0 ' -
Excursion train just seem to invite
wreck. -' - '" -
' Theoretically Coney Island is open to
the public. 1 .
would jeopardire the tremendous
Costly Error of Treatment of Skin Dis
ease by Internal Nostrum when
the Surface Alont Should
Be Healed.
If you slash your finger do jou drink
liniment, to our ltt No, you apply the
lotion to the wound, yet people are
treating skin disease constantly by
dosing tbe stomach.
Until a few years ago many doctor
thought that skin disease originated
with tbe blood. But the application, of
the genu theory prove that kin di-
ease re caused by germ which lodge
in the skin.
To cure the skin direct, through the
skin, Dr. Decatur D, Dennis compound
ed oil of wintergreen and other remedial
agent into a liquid called D. D. D. Pre
scription. He gave this to his patient
and found that the eczema germ were
eradicated while the healthy skin was
not injured at all.
Later Dr. Dennis was prevailed upon
to allow a private company in Chicago
to put up this remedy In bottle. While
Dr. Dennis ha not direct connection
with the company selling the prescrip
tion he endorsed the remedy and sanc
tioned the sale of D. D. D. through drug
Great credit i due to physicians who
recommend thi remedynd there are
many such physicians when they can
make so much larger fees by writing out
their own prescriptions.
,We vouch for D. D. D. Prescription
and D. D. D. Soap and recommend these
to all sufferers from skin disease.
. Charle Boger, druggist.
More Now From "the Now England
' State. '
If any one 5ia any doubt a to the
virtue of Foley Kidney Cure, they
need only fo refer to Mr. Alvin H.
Stlmpson, of .WUllmantie, Conn,, who,
after Jmot losing hope of recovery,
on account of the falluie of o many
remedies, finally tried Foley Kidney
Cure, .which he ay wa Mjut the
thing", for. him, a four bottle cured
him completely. He 1 now entirely
well and free from all the suffering
Incident to acute kidney trouble. T. F.
Laurin, Owl Drug Store.
My Best Friend.
Alexander Benton, who live on
Rural Route 1, ort Edward, N. T,
says: "Dr. King New Discovery I
my beet earthly friend, , It cured me
of asthma six years ago. It ha also
performed a wonderful cure of In
cipient consumption for my son' wife.
The first bottle ended the terrible
cough, and this accomplished, the
other symptom left one by one, until
she wa perfectly well. Dr. King
New Discover power over cough
and cold 1 lmply marvelou." No
other ' remedy ha ever equaled It.
Fully guaranteed by Charle Rodger,
druggist. EOc and $1.00. Trial bottle
No Sltep, No Rest, No Peso for the
Suffrr From Kidney Troubles.
No peace for the kidney sufferer
Pnlu and distress from mom to
Get up with a lam back,
Twinge of bai'kneh bother you all
day, .; . .
Dull aching brenk your rest at
ntghr, ; .. . . 1
Vrlnary disorder add to your
mlteryV -Get
at the cau cure the kidney,
Doan't Kidney PHI will work the
cur. ; ' " ' : ;.
They're for the kidney only.
Mr, B. Sehrelher, of 660 High street,
Salem, Or,, y: "The food report
I have heard concerning Ooan'a Kid
ney Pill Induced me to procure a
upply. 5 1 had been suffering from an
Incessant backache which not only
troubled me through the day but broke
my rest at night. I began to feel the
effect of Doan's Kidney Pill after I
had taken a few doee. Relief (peed
Uy came and then an absolute cur.
There haa been no sign of the back
ache nor any other symptom since.
I am only too pleased to let other
know of such a valuable and effective
remedy." ,
Plenty more proof like this from A
torta people. Call at Cha. Rodger
drug store and ak what hi customer
report v
For sat by all dealer. Price (0 cents,
Foster-Mllbum Co Buffalo, New
York, sole agent tor the United
State. "
Remember the name Doan'e and
take no other.
Means Standard of Merit.
Our Service and our
methods of business are of
the highest excellence as
well as all of our Footwear
Everything is pf the highest
except our prices, and they
are always the lowest
Our Specialties Are
Loggers and long hand wade
boots for Fishermen."
Ml Bond St, opposite Flehee Bros
Lowncys Candies
oft Drltih
Tagg's Parlors 483 Commercial
ifl il'ii.
A few doses of this remedy will in
variubly cure an ordinary attack of
diarrhoea. ' ' ,
It can always be depended upon,
even in the more severe attacks of
crump colic and cholera morbus.
It is equiilly snccestsf ul for summer
diarrhoea and cholera infantum in
children,' and is the means of saving
tbe lives ol many children each year.
When rtdnced with water and
sweetened It is pleasant to take.
Every marl of a family should keep
this remedy in his home. Bnyit now.
Price, 25c, Lamb Size, 80c.
IB; m B III t IB B E I
- m w jrta - 1 m
Curcci to Stay Cured
Without Knife or Operations and but little pain
Cancer growth killed iu 21 hours. Cancer
removed in 7 to 10 days. Orifice healed and
a permanent cure in 4 to 8 weeks. No
Pay until Cured.
HA. ROSS, 548 Com. St., Astoria, Ore. X
The Chas. T. Cccbc GomDony
Will open up in the Flaval Brick (as noon at
the Stock Arrives) on or before June Jilt,
with a Complete Stock of
Ship Chandler, Marine Hardware, Can
nery and Fishermen' Supplies
Save Your orders for us and Save Money
F. J. Carney, Manager
A Good Workman is
A bad workman quarrel with his
quarrel with' bad tool. No workma
Astoria Hardware Co.
Nor will he quarrel with us for having
Our reputation Is mad by sal
or break us; but the continued reputation of selling auctt good goods a we
do, you cannot afford to deaplse.
Astoria Hardware Co.,
JOHN FOX President
F. U BISHOP. Secretary.
Desltaeri tod
' :fnE LATLdT
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Complete Cannery
Paint! Paint! Paint I
This Is Painting Time
We carry Everything
none but the best.
Even rich men cannot
Thefoard & Stokes
SncceMon U
1 1 i iT
. Dvto-DaU Baw Mill Macblnsry
18th and Franklin Ave. '
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
I. Q. A. B0WLBY, Prsldnt. (HANS PATTON, Cashier.
0. L PETE11SON, 'Vioe-Preldent. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cahr.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid in I100,009 Barpmi and Cnalriaed ProfiU !,000.
' Transaets Qeneral Banking Bnslnsss. , , Interest Paid on Tim bsposltai
188 Tenth Street,
. -m m 11 , k : mm i
and Retail)
Known by His Tools
toot, but even a good workman
n ever quarrel with tool bought of
told them to him.
added to Ml. No on J will make
113 12th St.
Nolson Troyer, Vlce-Pre. and Supt,
Mansfftctnrert or
Outfits FurnishJ.
Foot of Fourth btraet.
in the Paint line and
afford to buy poor paint
Hardware Co. -Inc.
Feanl 4 ttokea C
! n v.y'4
Prompt attention given to al. repair wcm ;
Tl. Main 8401.
l .r ,