TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1907. Tis Like Getting Money From Home When you can buy your new Spring Suit right in the best part of the season and save from $3.00 to $6.00 on it Now That Is What You Can Do Hero THE MORNING ASTOIUAN. ASTORTA OREGON. M' II OUR BIG REMOVAL SALE ! Is bringing crowds to our store every day, and why shouldn't it? It is positively the Greatest Clothing Bargain Event ever known in Astoria, which leaves no excuse for every man and boy to be well dressed this season. We are compelled to reduce our stock and do it quickly and we realize there is but one way to do it and that is cut prices and cut them deep, and get your help, for which you will be well paid. WB ARB SELLING ALL, $8.00 22.60 Suits for - $18.00 $12.00 825.00 Suits for - . $20.00 $ 1 4.40 $30.00 Suits for - $24.00 $16.00 Men's Raincoats, 1-5 oil Correct CMAes t'orMcn MADE IN NEW YORK IJJijljCi!l!B!!l. $10 Suits for -$15 Suits for - $18 Suits for -$20 Suits for - - Boys' 3.00 Suits for Boys' $4.00 Suits for Boys' $5.00 Suits for Boys' $6.00 Suits for Boys' $7.00 Suits for lOO Men's $300 Hats, broKen stock, $1.00 each. Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, 80c per suit. Fancy Vests, one-fifth off. Everything is new, nothing old to sell you, everything goes, nothing exempt This is your opportunity to buy your entire spring outfit from the best stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing in the city at a great saving. Don't fail to take advan tage of it. $2.50 Boys' $3.50 Suits for -! $2.80 $3.20 " Boys' $4.50 Suits for . i $3.60 $4.00 Boys' $5.50 Suits for $M0 $4.80 Boys' $6.50 Suits for . $5.20 $5.60 j Boys' Knee Pants 1-5 off. THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILL STORE d . uu rmercial St. Will Mow to 557 Commercial St., June 15th. ' I, I "Quality Counts" We use the best material we can buy and exercise the utmost care at every step of the process in the making and baking of our bread and cakes that's why our ' "Butter Loaf and Table Queen Bread" M Is the Best Bread in the City, and we gtve you a Large Loaf for a Nickel. ROYAL BAKERYJ 505 Duane Street. 275 W. Bond Street. Branch Store, 1335 Franklin Ave. 2BBZ BE3 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Continued from page 5) Ordinances for third reading were passed, they were those fixing the compensation of the city attorney at 115 per month which was carried; the salary of the Janitor of the city hall at $78 per month; and an ordinance ap propriating $1982.50 out of the special fund for the benefit of Birch and Ja oobsen for the improving of Eleventh ttreet from Commercial to Bond. Petitions for the renewal of liquor license were granted Enqulst and Wonflrtrkson. Charles Nlemi end C. P. Wise, also to the Wetnhard Brewing Company a wholesale liquor license. P. A. Burchart was granted permission to have his license changed to the Mug Saloon. The petition of the Astoria Flftrtrift Comnanv for Dermlssion to In. stal a 3000-gallon fuel oil tank at the foot of Third street was granted. Tienlnmln Tonne's netltlon for Per mission to lay a concrete sidewalk In front of his property was referred to committee on streets - and public WftVS. An application from A. McPhartan for ft building permit to erect a dwell ing was granted. The report of the ttreet assessors for Improvement of Eleventh from Pnnrt to Commercial fixing the assess inent roll at $2041.76 was ordored filed. The report of the board of equalize Hon on the Kensington avenue Im provement and a there was no objec tion to the assessor's valuation and the same in the Instance of the. Nia- gar street improvement. The report was adopted. A protest from F. L. Parker and V. Boelling against the construction of the New Ninth street sewer was read and filed. A communication from G. W. Lounxberry In regard to the re cent Improvement on Jerome avenue In which he claims the city and county started in to do the work and then as-; sessed the property holders and fur ther that the work was not completed In regard to labor and material and he asks the council to reduce the amount and tendered a $200 check in payment The communication was referred to the Ways and Means Com mittee and the city attorney. A communication from Mrs. Mary Wilson in regard to a city drain run ning through her property and which is in bad repair, was referred to the committee on streets and public ways. The fire department was granted a requisition for 1400 feet of new hose. The city attorney was Instructed to draw up an ordinance providing for the payment of the new engine house In Installments to Contractor Palmberg as the work Is completed. The city attorney rendered the fol lowing opinions, in the Instance of G. W. Roberts agent for the O. K. & N, who filed a claim for a lost hog. The m .Hnmnv held that the poundmas- ter had exercised ordinary caution and the city was not liable. The city at torney advised against paying the con tractor for replacing the sidewalk on Grand avenue which were displaced by a landslide. Also against the paying of Makcla ft Wuopla for the extra work done on Alameda avenue anJ held that the city was not bound by the comlmttee'a action who had no au thority to have the extras done. In the Instance of P. J. Taylor, president of the Peninsular Land ft Trust Com pany, that the company was not chargeable for the $35 assessment on the Improving of Columbia avenue. The opinions were all filed for future reference. The following bill were approved and ordered paid: Astoria Crushed Rock Co., $25.25; Johnson ft Morrison, $1.25; Allen ft Son, JO cents; Foard ft Stokes Hard ware'eo., $5.25; Board of Street As sessors, $13; City Lumber ft Box Co., $21.15; J. C. Clinton, $12; T. P. Laurln, $2.75; Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., $1.50; Astoria Budget, $1.35; E. New man, $3.00; Astoria Budget, ?124; A torla Budget, $31.56; C. J. Curtlit, $25.80; C. J. Curtis, $1.0; C. J. Curtis, $1.40; E. A. Hlgglns, $2.00; John Svcn son, $4.00; J. S. Delllnger Co., $50; Sherman Transfer Co., 50 cents Phillip Transfer Co, $1.00; John Corno, $1.00; Fisher Bros., $6.50; Sherman Transfer Co., $5.25; John Corno, $2.00; Foard & Stokes hardware Co., $1.10; Praol EignBr, $16.50; Leo Gramms, ' 4.75; City Lumbnr & Box Co., $33.80; C. W. Holmes, $12; Leo Gramms, $6; Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., $14.69; R. M. Oaston, $1.00; Flher Bros., $3.00; E. Hauko & Co., $2.40; City Lumber ft Box Co., $3.45; Troy Laundry, 60 cents; B. P. Allen ft Son, $5.30. ; , . My Best Friend. Alexander Benton, who lives on Rural Route 1, ort Edward, N. T., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is my best earthly friend. It cureJ me of asthma six year ago. It has alto performed a wonderful cure of In cipient consumption for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symptoms left one by one, until she was perfectly well. Dr. King New Discovery's power over coughs and colds Is simply marvelous." No other remedy has ever equaled It Fully guaranteed by Charles Rodger, druggist BOO and $1.00. Trial bottle free. MASS MEETING HELD TO . CLOSE TOWN MEETING HELD IN SUPPORT OF MAYOR WISE'S DECLARED POL ICY TO CLOSE THE TOWN GOOD CROWD IN ATTENDANCE. A mass meeting of citizens was held In the National Finnish Hall at two o'clock on Sunday. The hall was well flllod with a body of pcope represent ing all nations. The meeting was called to order by Valno Rllppa and the Rev. John Ovnh of the Anti-Saloon League of Portland was elected chair man and Valno Rllppa secretary. The Introductory speech was bade by the Rev. John Ovah after which the Rev. C. C. Rarlck of the Astoria M. E. church spoke very forcibly In support of the objects of the meeting. The Rev. Ellas Gardlng of the Norwegian Danish church followed. Sevoral other speeches were made and communica tions read from various reform com mitters of the ctly. A vigilance com mittee of 15 was appointed to lake ac tion to enforce the city and state laws concerning dance halls, etc. All the spciikers heartily endorsed and com mended Mayor Wise for the strong an.l manly stand made by him In this respect Piratlno, Foley's Honey and Tar. Foley ft Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey Honey and Tar many Imitations are offered for the genuine. These worth less Imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is In a yellow package. Ask for It and refuse any substitute. It U. the best remedy for coughs and coldJ, T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. o A Narrow Esoape. G. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a Jlmson bur Into his thumb, He says; The doctor wanted to amputate it but I would not consent I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the dan gerous wound." 2Ro at Charles Rodgers, druggist Beautify Your Lawns By Using our Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers Garden Hose (Cotton and Sun Proof Rubber) RaKes, Hoes (Shovels and Spades Grass Hooks and Sprays. A. V. ALLEN. PHONES MAIN 711, MAIN 3871 BRANCH UNIONTOWN PHONE MAIN 711 THE GOVERNOR WILL NAME PORT BOARD THE NAMES GIVEN BY PORTLAND OREGONIAN ARE PROBABLY CORRECT BUT OTHER FACTS ARE ERR0NE0U8, , The bill creating the Port of Colum bia with Ms attendant benefits to Port land, will, If the desires of Portland are to be gratified, go Into effect on the 24th of May, That Is next Friday. And on that day the Governor will ap point Ave commissioners, whose names follow: Dr. Andrew C. Smith, R. D. Inman and J. C, AInsworth, of Port land, for Multnomah County; W. D. Flue of Columbia City, and Sam H. Elmore of Astoria, for Clatsop County. The Oregonlan states that Frank J. Taylor, of Astoria, will file a suit to test the constitutionality of the act oreatlng the port of Columbia, and that he will appear as plaintiff for the people of Clatsop County and will be represented by the firm of Dolph, Mai lory, Simon ft Goarln, of Portland. This, of course, la entirely erroneous and, as a matter of fact, the firm of which Mr. Taylor is a member 1. 6., Taylor, Fulton ft Hamilton ore In structed to act for Clatsop County In the matter, entirely independently of Multnomah County, or any law firm In Fortlund. And furthermore the con. stltutlonallty of the act will be tested to the utmost and no rein whatever will be given to Multnomah County or the firm representing It Every woman of refinement appre ciates a radiant, beautiful complexion, which Is so much admired by men, Such complexions come to all who use Holltster's Rocky Mountain Tea, Tea or Tablets, 35 cents, Frank Hart. CLEARANCE SALE. I For the next 10 days I will sell my entire stock of high-grade hats at on. half reduced price. This Is the best opportunity In the city to procure an up-to-date stylish hat. Call and look at the stock. Mrs. M. Petersen, Star Theater Bldg., Eleventh and Commer clal streets. Don't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for It If you keep your bowels regular with Dr, King's New Life Pills. Their action Is so gentle that .the appendix never has cause to make the least complaint Guaranteed by Charles Rodgers, drug gist. S8o. Try them. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is beat for women and children. Its mild ad tlon and pleasant taste makes it pre rerabie to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Get the booklet and a esample of Orlno at T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store.