THE MOllNINO ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA; OREGON. 1R BENJAMIN BAKER DEAD. TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1007. '7m Made from pure grape cream of tartar, and absolutely free from lime, alum and ammonia. dflVAl lAKINd POWRIft 00H NCW VORK. J PEEP WATERWAYS President May Attend Convention fr ftl I A j neia 11 mempnis. yf RIP DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI wm begun under Mr. Roosnvelt'i aJ- Inland Waterways Commission Now Making Trip of Impsotlon en That Qra River President In lympa thy With Water Transportation. WASHINGTON, May JO.-Presldont nooawoli Is seriously coiisltlvrlng ar invlittilun to attend a deep waterway convention to be hold In Memphis In October. Although ha has not yet ar rival at any decision, beratis of the press of public work that will met blm on hi return lo the White House In the tatter part of September, It la wti-known that ha will make every effort lo be In attendance. .The Preal dent's deep Interest In the question of watarway transportation la thoroughly understood. The fact that the Memphis: Invitation might be accepted became known through tha declination of an Invita tion from Albert Oodihaux, president of tha New Orleans Progressive Union, urging tha president to at ten J a meet ln In New Orleans Immediately fol lowltw the i Memphis convention, a Which will b discussed tha proposed exposition to be held In 1915 to celeb rate tha opening of the Panama Canal. It l understood that the promoters of tha exposition' ,wlh to make Mr. Roosevelt director general of tha big fair. Thin honor la considered em inently fitting; firstly, because tha actual assumption of, tha task of con- i ministration, and because It lias been ' largely due to hla powerful Personal) ty tnat tha work haa progressed ao eailsfactorlly In the face of such ser ious diriculilet. Although the question of waterways development haa mt yet bn tha sub ject of one of the numerous apodal mesgs to Congress, nor beri touch ed upon In mora than a broad way in annual message, It baa tuk-m first rank aa one of the policies of the Rooaevslt administration. ' In addition to the passage of a record-breaking river and harbor bill by the Blxtluth Congress, President Itposevelt went a atep further In the appointment of the Inland Waterways Commission. Owe this commission gts Into full work-; lug swing It Is believed It will prove a nation la deeply concerned, for It I unnecessary to any that those that live remote from any navigable river, from any deep sea harbor, yet have al most aa great, though an. Indirect concern In their proper care and de velopment aa those who live right on the borders, for the developement of our commerce depends In large part upon the same treatment of the rivers and 'harbors of the United States." Although the President la not able to attend the meeting at New Orleans In October, It I very likely that the members of the Inland Waterways Commission, who are now makelng an Inspection trip down the Mississippi River from Kansas City to the Gulf, will be the guests of New Orlenns Pro gressive Union, President (Jodchsui sent a telegraphic Invitation to Con gressman Theodore Burton, Chairman of the commission, urging that they most valuable adlunct to th rivors and harbors committee of the Jlouso.j,,e ,ho L'n,0' '"mt on lbelr arrlval In all of his unofficial uiiwumi th there. It Is highly probable that the President has made plain hla Interest In this question, In December he said In addressing the delegatea to the last convention of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress: , "I have had It brought strikingly to my attention but recently how much we suffer at present because ct the In adequate transportation facilities of the railways for movelng the great grain crop end cattle crop of the coun try. We need, and must have, further futilities for transportation, and, as has been well pointed out, effective methods of affecting railroad rates a to provide for a proper system of water transportation." Mr. Roosevelt's Interest In the pro blem Is not of recent birth.. It) ad dressing the National Rivera and Har bors Congress convention In the previ ous year he said: "It la a very great pleasure to have the chance of greeting you In the vhlte House this afternoon. I some times have visitors who want to dis cuss with me matters In which I am not Interested, but a congress like this is always welcome, becnuxe it has: Invitation will be accepted. Mere News From the New England States, If any one haa any doubt as to the virtue of Foley's Kidney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvln H. Stlmpson, olt Wllllmantlo, Conn, who, after almost losing hope of recovery, on account of the falluie of so many remedies, finally tried Foley! Kidney Cure, which he aaya woe "Just the thing" for him, aa (our bottles cured one of the, him completely. He la now entirely well and free' from all the suffering Incident to acute kidney trouble. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug 8 tore. One of World's Greatest Enalneers Designed Perth Bridge. ; NEW YORK, May 20,-A dispatch from London today announces the dath of Hlr Benjamin Bilker, one of tlio , world's greateat engineers. It was he who Invented the pneumatic shield, which has rendered so much assistance In tunneling under rivers, The two engineering works by which be will be best remembered are the Forth Bridge In Scotland ' and the Assouan dam, Elfcl, the French engi neer, declared the former "the great est construction In the world." It Is tm yards long and cost $18,900,099 It la built on the Cantilever plan and Its main spans are each 109 feet ia longer than the main span of the fsrooklyn bridge. The Assouan dam also cost tlS.000,009. It la a mile and a quarter long and raises the level of the Nile, tl feet. Mir. S. Joyce, 180 Sullivan 8t, uaremoni, n. h, writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney' Cure. It cured me of a severs case of Kidney trouble of eeverol year atandlng. It certainly la a grand, good medicine, and I heart lly recommend it" T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store, WATERFRONT STRIKE STILL ON. nectlng the Atlantic and Pacific oceans at heart affairs In which the whole IF YOU OONT succeed the first time use Herbtne and you will get Inatant relief. The greatest liver regulator. A positive cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ma laria, Chills and all liver complaints. Mr. C-s of Emory, Texas, writes: "My wife hag been using Berblne for herself and children for five years. It Is a sure cure for constipation and ma torla fever, which la substantiate J by what It haa done for my family." Unions Claim Employers are Weak ening. Denied by the Latter NEW YORK, May JO.-Presldent Connor, of the Longshoremen'! Un ion, wnose members are now on a strike for Increased pay, announced loaay mat two large companies, one of which trades to Chinese ports and the other one of three lines which are fighting the demands of the men, may settle with the strikers today. "If they do," sold Connors, "then the rest will follow." ' Inquiry among the steamship mana gers elicited the Information that the lines were all firm In their determina tion to fight the demands of the men. Ml MW i i n it una You can now make your arrangements to visit the Jamestown Exposition I Of any other point in the East this summer, and take ad- vantage of the very low ROUND-TRIP rates that have just been fixed upon by The Astoria and Columbia River R. R. From Astoria to CHlcagOt Jt. Louis, Sf, Paul, 71SO Omaha, $60 67.SO Sioux City GO (33.15 Kansas City, 60 Tickets returning via California $13.50 additional, Ten days allowed for going trip, Ninety days for return. Stopovers at all points within limits. Tickets will be on sale May 21. . Low rates now in effect from above named points to Jamestown. For full particulars inquire of , City Ticket Office Page Building R. H. Jenkins. Gen. Passenger Agent i i Tur pp g MIL UIMUIM 416 BOKD ST ASTOSU, OSXGOX Carries the Fine ttae oj Wines, v Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US f TRANSPORTATION. Steamer TELEGRAPH The only 8taniboat maVtns a round trip DAILY sxcept Thurwlay between Vortliwd sua AMorla aoa way point. NO WAY POINTS ON 8UN0AY Portland Landing, Alder Btnet Dock Astoria Landing, Callesder Dock Leave Portland 7:00 fa, m.j arrive Antorls.IiiW p. m, iav Aniona t.m p. m.; arms ronuuid SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Lmt Portland 8 a. m.: arrive Astoria 1 p.m. ufn aiwrw p. in., arrive roruana p. m. The K" Line Steamer - Lurlinc Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. PASSENGERS. FREIGHT. Leavee Aatorla daily exoept 8unday at 7 p.m. Leavea Portland Oally Except 8unday at 7 a. m. Qulok 8srvloe Excellent Meals Good Berths. Landing Aatorla Flavel Wharf. landing Portland Foot Taylor 8t Q. B. BLESSINGJAgant Phone Main S761. Why Don't You Ask For What You Want As long as you buy cigars in the old indifferent guess-work way of taking whatever is handed out toyou just so long wfll you pay for fre quent disappointments. ' Why don't you ask for what you want ? Don't gims which is the best cigar-and don't let anyone guess for you. You can be sure. The better kinds of cigars are all distinguishable by the "Triangle A" mark of merit on the box. "Triangle A" brands are unmistakably superior in all smoking qualities in aromatic fragrance, smooth, uniform blend and absolute cleanness to cigars made the "old way and "Triangle A" brands are the only cigars made the new way. There are many "Triangle A" brands of many different names, different blends, dif ferent shapes and different prices to suit different tastes. The "Triangle A" is a guarantee that covers them all it distinguishes the superior product of our new scientific inanufadmng methods. ' - . No better proof of our claims could be offered than is found in the wonderfully improved quality of The New CREMO which represents the best quality that can be produced and sold for five cents it proves every claim we make for cigars ' sold under the "TriangleA." Every box is extaMmpped in glassine paper, sealed to maintain perfect smoking condition and cleanliness until the box is opened. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY manufacturer Merit Mark A w XJtsonsL araOMSJfltaMMk A Good Workman is Known by His Tools A bad workman quarrels with his tools, but evea a good workman quarrels with bad tools. No workman ever quarrels with tools bought of. Astoria Hardware Co. Nor will he quarrel with us tot having sold them to him. Our reputation Is made by sale added to sale. No one sale will make or break us; but the continued reputation of selling such good goods as we -do, you cannot afford to despise. Astoria Hardware Co., 113 I2th St Sherman Transier Co. HENRY SHERMAN. Msoasei Hacks Carriages Uaggsge Chenked and Transterred Trucks ard Furaitart Wagoaa Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. ' 433 Commercial Street Main Phone 121 SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTORIA, OREg6n - RON AMD BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARIKE EKCIXEERS LVlo-Da'e 8aw ill 11 Machinery Prompt attention given to al. repair work 18th and Franklin Ave, Tel. Main H51. Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co , '26. S. "24, if pra B 7.00 8-00 O 8.10 10 fD.fci 9.51) t.oaio.os s :. !o.4i " 10.J51V35 o.m. p.m a-m 8.15 6.S0:u,4fl 11.35 8.8f. .1011-55 11.65 8-W 0.11 Il2,fti 11.56 g.45 e.aeii2-is S.65 6.8S MS '40 : t.ftt 9.W 13.06 9.1 J 7.03 13.14 9.18 7.11 O.SI5 7.30 13.30 ,mp.m P'm p. ml Lv. PORTLAKD GOHLE RAINIER U1NCY lUKANIg CLIFTON Ar ASTORIA Lv. Lv. ASTORIA Ar. Ar. WARKENTON Lv Lv. WARRENTONAr. Ar. FT, 8TEVEN8 Lv. Lv FT. S1BVKN3 Ar Ar. WAKRENTON Lv. Lv, WaRRKNTON Ar, GLKNWOOD CLArSOP 45KARHARTI Ar. 8KAS1DK Lv. Ar. 21. a. tb. o.m p. Qi)p.m 11.931 V.Wi 10.451 10.80 9.561 .46; e.iol (U0 8.15 7.S5 7.W 7-42 7.41 7-28 7.27 7.14 7.04 1.67 8.40 8.-25 7.60 7.401 7.04! (.101 5.20 6.05 S.05 4.64 4.46 4.80 p.ra i.45 2.20 2.15 2.00 p III 10.4S 10.28 10. 10.14 10.08 10.06 9.54 0.45 tM 9.80 8.IU Trains marked run dally. CONNECTIONS At Portland, wl th all trans-continental line. At Qoble, with Northern Paclflo Railway co. At Astoria, with ateamera tor San Francisco and Tillamook and Ilwaco Railway ft Navigation Co.'a boat and railway. Through tickets aold to and from all points East, and Europe. For further particular apply to, J. McGUIRH. R. H. JENKINS, ' Superintendent, Astoria, Or, GonL Frt. & Passgr, Agt. Aatorla, Or.