The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 11, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    ATimOAY, MAY 11, 1907.
3 L DOWLDT, rrwldsot. fllANK PATTON, Cashier.
V ft L PETERSON, ViosINwsldsnt. J. W. GARNER, AmIiUoI CufcUr.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capitol raid In HUOflW, Surpliw and Undivided FroBU afcO.
TranaMt Qeueni Banking JSotlMMi tlaUmmidoaTlmsbstiOilts,
1M Tnth lr,u ,M W,
Astoria iron works
Deilgneri and Hamfactnrert of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Complete Ginnery Outfits Fumlirwl t
CORRCSWNOCNCe fOUaTEOj root of Fourth Mr.
Sherman Transfer Co.
lUcki, Ckitsf--Bsgfag Chkd tad Tnaiivmd-Trucks srd rural tu.
Wag FIun Moved, Bossd sad Snipped.
!rtiVn Phono 121
433 Commercial .ctrett.
Often a person is sized up by his appear
ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And
more often a business house is sized up by
the stationary it uses. A cheap letter
head or a poor bill head gives a mighty
poor first impression and makes business
harder to transact. Good printing costs no
more than poor printing. The first im
pression is half the battle in business.
You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales
man; why put up with "sloppy" station
ery, that gives a wrong impression of the
importance of your business. Let us do
your printing and help you to make that
ton strike.
The J. S. DellingerCo.
Plrtl Class In Kvsry Rpsot.
Fre Coach to to Hous.
Bar and Billiard Room.
flood ChMk Restaurant
I inj.Mii;;-,-:;-;:
Qood Bampl Roomi on Ground ooi
Oregon for Commercial Man.
Old Forester Whiskey
Hlh in Quality and Price
Tucker Whiskey
Best Value (on the Coast
Major Paul Whiskey
Noted for its Fine Flavor
f 418 BOKD IT, .
I Cirri tl ria Ltw 1 1
I Liquors i
I Clears I
Morning Aatorlan, (0 ont a month,
f.f llvrd by oarrler.
The Rise of William Bcatle f
William Bciitlcy. hnrlng ao enor
moui appotlto, was driven to exarcls
or death. II reluctantly ebon ozor'
efM. -
No on ?or tboubt of calling bin)
Mr. Beutley or vn William. II wu
univarsallr known as Billy Bontley.
Wbo Billy announced bla Intention to
tak irclM every on langlied, A
groat many kinds of eiercla wer of
fered to bln, most of them for the pur
pose of guying him. On day tb do
mini said to falins , 1
"Billy, if you wish to tak xercis
and don't car to benefit yourself by It ,
xcept in baltb,.wby not do something
to benefit otborsr
"Howr ftskd Billy.
' "At tlie bureau of united charities we
need men to saw wood. Wood sawing
Is the tMMf. remedy a dyspeptic can;;
tak. Go ut there every day and give
your servlcx to tb poer, and perhaps
the Lord WM1 return them to you mul
Billy took , tb bint ' Arrayed In A
frock coat, a whit waistcoat and a
silk bat, be went to tb bureau and
sawed wood from 8 till 5. Then b
went borne, took a bath and at a duv
nr that required another two hours'
work to digest II felt so much bet
ter that b kept up tb wood sawing
with great regularity.
On dny soon after Billy commenced :
to aaw there waa a meeting of til
lady directors of the bureau In the!
building overlooking tb woodyard
Billy waa cnicttged In digesting bis ye
tordsy's dinner. C
"Who's that out in the yard sawing
woodr asked Miss Arabella Steven,!
a wealthy young lady much interested
In charitable work. "II doesn't look
ilk a paupor."
Tb mamtger was called in and que '
tioned. 8h reported that tb gentl!
man's name was Beutley and that b f
sawed woH she supposed, from an in-1
terest in tb poor. j
Now, tit ladles present bad husbands '
or brothers or sons, but non of tbsra
bad ver seen or heard of a man who
loved tb poor so well as to saw wood
for them. It was bard enough to get
tb men to g'.ve money, and when a '
man hadn't tbit to gir be gave notb- j
tag. Mi
"Isn't It perfectly lovely r said Ulss ;
Stevens. , j
"Such true rtmrltyP remarked th ,
prestdeut. .
"Remludii on 1 of the ea critic of the :
widow who gtfr her miter' observed
the secretary.
"I wonder wrn he Is anyway r askod
a director. ,
"He's arbttoc'atlc looking even whit
doing a work oo far beneath a gentfcr-'
man," put la another director. 1
."He ennoble! tb work," added a :
third. i
When after a month bad rolled '.
round and the board met again at tb
same plac ul hour, there was Bill)
bending over a saw buck getting bus J
self in shape t gorge himself again at .
dinner. Tb bnard was thrown into a '
flutter of admiration compared wlh'
which tbe ordinal discovery of tte
friend of tb pJor was aa nothing. Btfw
could this charltabl wonder b ntll-.
lacd In tiM. world of philanthropy) It 4
was Ilk Audio a diamond in tb mud.
Billy was sunt for to appear before tb
board and, without being given an op-;
portunlty to av a true account of him-'
self, was oltlived to listen to adulation
that astonlihta blm. Then be blushed
and said (bat sawing wood waa excel
lent sxervtae.
"Did you ever see such modesty J"
whispered bi- secretary to tb treas
urer. . , ... .,, : ,.
"The only genuine exposition of 'It
not your rih band know what your
left hand loetV I have ever met with,"
replied Hi treasurer.
Then tb praldent asked Billy if It
would acuept the position of superin
tendent of all the charities under the
direction of the bureau. Billy waa too
astounded to reply. Then the presi
dent told him that his charitable na
ture was only equaled by his modesty
and be should have a week to consider
the matter.
Before the end of the week Billy re
ceived an Invitation to dine with Miss
Stevens and ifto so enormous a dinner
that the Isdy remarked:
'Toor man!' He works so hard for
others it' no wonder be needs to sat
Every man needs opportunity, and
Billy Bentley had found bis. Whether
be would have grasped It bad It not
been for th Interest Miss Stevens
took In blm Is another matter. Certain
It Is that Billy, seeing a possibility of
possessing her and her fortune, con
centrated bis faculties on his work.
Naturally he turned to labor saving.
Now, soma managers will work very
bard and accomplish very little. Oth
srs will work very little and accom
plish a great deal.
BlUy waa one of the latter klnl
Though be sat at his desk sharpening
bis pencil, be managed tho Unltod
Chanties remarkably well. But this
was merely a starter. Mr, Bmiil-w
veloped an aim!nlHtnttlv4 taltmt thra.'
was truly surpiiaihrf. 'Om'6r hli M
cqummances caneu it "ji KAiiliw 'for
Here's Something
Right Up-to-date !
If you want to Have a Good Time, and want to
know all that's going on, today, tomorrow and ev
ery other day, just Get In on this (jreat Special
Offer At Once,
Good News, Good Music, and the
Best There Is for All Who '
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian
Subscribe to the Morning Astorion, the best I paper on the
North Pacific Coast, for one year, payable at the rate of 60
cents a month, and we will give you a splendid $25.00
Premium Talking Machine, one of the very latest models,
and six , records of your own selection, worth in " all $28.60,
for only $16.65. The machine will be delivered at once upon
payment of only $2.65, and you can pay the balance at the
rate of 60 cents a week.
Get Your Order in Today.
Address ' 1
finding ways of dolus mt';!::it whert
tbeiawas mm;b to b0oc 'vltho-it In
confenlenc or pt'ior ir'i r.c!!."
Bentley was offered one nMtlon 'nflV
annther, each a step hlslur Vmn to
last, until he became preil.lent or s
mammoth rriwt :
)t cours Mr. Boutlby Married Stlw
Stevens, and this was one o. the w
ondary causes of hls reninrUallo vls
In the world. But, on tho otlfop hnnfl.
his fortune Is now so great that besld
it his wife's is Insignificant.
Wonderful Eoxsma Cure.
"Our little boy had ectema 'for five
years," writes N. A. Adams, Henrietta,
Pa. "Two of our home docton said
the case was hopeless, his lungs Ltng
affected. We then employed other doc
tors but no benefit resulted. By
chance we read about Electric Bitters;
bought a bottle and soon noticed Im
provement We continued' this medi
cine until several bottles were used,
when our boy was completely cured."
Best of all blood medicines and body
building health tonics. Guaranteed att
Charles Rodgers's drug store. 60c
! I lt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill 1 1 II III II jn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U
First-Class Liqtiors nd Cigars
i . m - . 602 Commercial Street. , .
Lorner Lommerdal and 14th. Astoria, Oregon. Z
" vtHIIIMtM I MM I nit
NEW YORK, May 10 Justice Dowl
lng, of the Supreme Court, will this
morning listen to argument on the ap.
plication of Frederick A. Burnham,;l,?
president of the Mutual Reserve Fund
Uv-to-Dat Bw Mill UsoblneiT Prompt attention given to al. repair work
18th and Franklin" Av. ..''.. Tl. Min24S1
Life Association for ft change of venue
for his trial on an Indictment for (
forgery and grand larceny. The trial X
of Burnham ,as at present arra.iged,
will begin on Monday morning next.
MIMI 1 1 II IMUimtMl MM HIMini
m A 41 v
succeed the first time use Harblne t
and you will get Instant relief. The
greatest liver regulator.
cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia,
larla, Chills and alt liver complaints.
Mr. C . of Emory, Texas, writes: :JX
"My wife has been using Herblne for :
herself and children for five years.
Is a sure cure for constipation and ma.
lana rever. wmcn is substantiate ny, a Commercial Street, near Elahik.
what it has done for my family." ttHTWvWWtWHtttHWttnt(tHH4
a posittveiX On accoiint V)f the large new spring stock ;c6mlng and -i
?epsia, Ma-';t to inalce room" in our 'store we offer 30 per cent X
nomoiainti. .ff I il.- i c J t. i
uu ui luc hcxs icw -uays. isuy your
wall paper now while it is cheap.
J! Eastern PaM& DcWa CompanyJ