The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 10, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    rWOAV, MAV 10, 100.
0. & S. RAIL
Just received a large and complete stock of
Bar Glassware
Table Glassware
Ask to see our new line of Cut, Number 149
MAIN 711, MAIN 3871
United Stetet to Begin Negotiations
For An Agreement.
BERLIN, May 9. The Vossiche
leltung says that It has received from
an official source the announcement
that the United States and Japan will
begin negotiations for an agreement
protecting their mutual Interests in the
Far East '
Editorially the paper declares
America's motive, like Great Britain's
and France, la fear of Japan's power.
It also predicts that Japan will tear
up the treaties as soon as it suits, her
purpose to do so.
NEW YORK, May 9. The White
Star Line Steamship Baltic, which ran
her nose Into a mud bank in the Swash
channel an hour after she left her
pier yesterday for Uverpoor, was still
aground at an early hour today. Tfie
sea is smooth and there is no danger to
the vessel or passengers. She will be
assisted off at high tide. Included in
tie list are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Car
negie, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rogers, the
Countess of Yarmouth, sister of Harry
Thaw; Baroness de Buren, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Kiddle Jr., and Dr. Henry
Barton Jacobs.
Keep Your Feet
If people would keep their
feet dry half the doctors
would have to go out
of business. Our
Dr. Seed's Cushion
are just the thing for keeping
your teet dry. v
They shed the water almost
like a duck's back.
We Guarantee Each Pair.
Our Specialties Are
Loggers and long hand made
boots for Fishermen.
MS Bond 6t opposite Fisher Bros.
Your own good judgement will tell you it's
great success is due to its great merits. We
give you the biggest and best loaf in the
city for the money.
505 Duane Street.
275 W. Bond Street.
Branch Store, 1335 Franklin Ave.
MatineeSaturday AsttOITiSi
2:30 P. M.
Prices 10c and 25c I HowardDorset Company, i Matinee Saturday
F. H. Mudd, who lives four miles
from Astoria on the Lewis & Clark
river, has gone into the panther
killing business. Near the hour of noon
yesterday he shot and killed a panther
in his front yard that was attempting
to make mince meat of a small calf
which was tier out In the yard.
Mr. Mudd's home Is on the county
road and in a thickly settled com
munity. Things must have been pretty
scarce in the commissary department
of the panther tribe to make them bold
enough to enter into such surround
ings at midday and attempt to abduct
a week's supply of raw veal.
Mr. Mudd was working near his
house when the incident took place.
He beard the calf bleating and has
tened to learn the cause of t'ne vocal
outburst. When he arrived upon the
scene of activities he found the panther
with a strangle hold on the calf's
nose. He Immediately called for a
gun and Mrs. Mudd soon appeared,
armed with a shotgun and a rifle.
With the latter weapon Mr. Mudd shot
the panther twice, instantly killing It.
The animal measured six feet from ftp
to tip. .
A neighbor passing near the Mudd
home yesterday morning saw two
panthers In the road. At sight of him
they made off Into the brush. Mr.
Mudd's trophy was probably one of
them. It is now up to someone to bag
the other on.
German Residents of New York Turn
Out to Hear Countrymen 8ing.
NEW YORK, May 9 Fifty thousand
persons crowded Into the park at
Coney Island last night to hear the
Vienna choir, who are visiting this
country for 13 days' sing. The affair
has been arranged to give the German
Singing Societies of Greater New Work
an opportunity to see and hear the
foreign visitors and the members of
the societies turned out in force.
Huntington and Hammond Be
lieved to be Interested.
Raid' Connection With Enterprise
Brought About By Ownership Of
Old Grade Is Backed by Huntington
The Portland Journal In Wednes
day's Issue, gave a somewhat exten!"d
and comprehensive review of the
Portland. Oregon A Soaeoast Railroad
Company's movements up to date, and
the account was to say the least very
convincing. It would see that, Mr,
Reld's connection with the enterprise
la brought about by his ownership of
the old grade up the Nehalem Valley.
This, will be utilised by the new com
pany of which Mr. H. Hawgood, of
Los Angeles, Is the president. It seems
a plain business proposition that any
new railroad company would be anx
ious to use this grade which has al
ready been constructed.
The Journal's story la very concise
and accurate and serves best to In
form local people of the actual condi
tions From this account It seems
more than ever conclusive that Mr.
Hawgood's company means business
and that the road up the Nehalem Val
ly will be constructed almost Imme
dlately provided there are no obstacles
thrown In the way. The Journal artl
clo In full follows:
Huntington Interests are reported to
be back of the Oregon A Soacost Rail
way Company, for which a determined
and successful fight was made at the
last session of the Oregon legislature
to secure permanent common user
rights over the proposed bridge that Is
to be built by the Harrlman companies
across the William Rlver at Oswego.
A number of flying rumors, some of
them known to come from absolutely
good authority, are In the air, forming
a basis for belief that the Huntington
and Hammond Interests, who recently
sold the Astoria & Columbia River
Railroad to the Northern Pacific at a
good' profit, are reinvesting their
money in a big plant to open the
coast territory with more railroad
transportation facilities than have
heretofore been planned.
The past connections of the Hunt
ington people here, and their fortunate
speculations In Oregon roads have
Induced' them to continue In the rail
road business in this territory, H.
Hawgood, who is the president of the
Oregon & Seacoast Railway Company,
has for years been a close confident
and consulting engineer for E. H
Huntington, and Is at present chief
engineer of the San Pedro, Los An
geles & Salt Lake road, is taking an
active part in the project and was In
Portland, a few weeks ago looking
over the field.
A. B. Hammond, who Is associated
with Mr. Huntington, has been" acquir
ing large holdings of waterfront and
tldelands between Astoria and Point
Adams within the last 60 days. The
project has now reached a point
where the promoters are forced into
the open with a portion of their plan
and they have made their first formal
proposal to the Astoria Chamber of
The Oregon & Seacoast Railway
Company has men In the field with
right-of-way propositions to land own
ers along their proposed route guar
anteeing to build the first 18 miles of
the line between Portland and As
toria within seven months from date
of signature of th) agreement deliver
ing the title to the 60-foot strip neces
sary for right-of-way. At first glance
It would seem tharNfnls contract would
be Impossible of fulfillment by the
railway company. But It Is discov
ered on Investigation that the 18 miles
is already graded and ready for ti)e
This grade Is owned by William
Reld, who in 1892 undertook to build
the coast line of the Astoria & Colum
bia River road and "went broke" In the
panic of the following year. In the
settlement of his affairs he' retained
ownership of the 18 miles Of grade
from ClaLtsop City, on the Seaside ex
tension of the Astoria & Columbia
River road, to a point Inland 18 miles,
Forced to Leave my Present Quarters, I Will Sell
all Clothing, Rubber Boots, Men's Furnish
ings and Oil Clothing
At Lovesf Bottom
25 Per Cent Off on Men's and
$4 Underwear for $3.40
$3 Underwear $2.25
$2.50 Underwear $2.00
$J Underwear
2b'c Cashmere Sox Oc, three
This is Your Chance
To Buy Goods Cheap v
The Workingman's Store !!
Is going to move, June Jst, to first door west of Ross,
Higgins & Co., on Bond street.
Ch&i, Larson Prop.
at the summit of the range, and In
cluding o, partly driven tunnel at the
pass between Saddle and ltujnbug
mountains, ,
This grade is still tho property of
Mr. Reld, who Is the socretary of the
Oregon & Beacoast Railway corpora
tion headed by Hawgood and backed
by Huntifigton. The tunnel remains
the property of the etato of the con
tractor who undertook its construction
and who has since died.
J. S. Talbot a well-known engineer
and contractor, has been retained by
tho Oregon & Seacoast company as
surpcrintendent of construction, nnd
work is to be commenced at once. J.
T. Whaltcy. a Portland attorney. Is
acting In a legal advisory capacity,
They ttave made a proposal to tho
Astoria chamber of commerce flegnrJ
Ing terminals at that clly, and are
securing rights of way through the
territory from Humbug mountain and
the Nehnlem toward Portland. The
route Is practically decided upon to
the Willamette river at Oswego.
It Is said the road will he an Inde
pendent line and open to exchange of
traffic with both the Hill and Harrl
man Hnes at Portland nnl In, the Ne
halem territory, it will be essentially
a short line of low gradients between
Portland and the sea, and passes
through Saddle mountain tunnel at an
elevation of only l,100,feet, ' Once at
tho Willamette river, the road will be
ablo' to cross at affair toll over the
Harrlman bridge there, and como Into
Portland terminals already mndo, as
It will be able to favor equally tho Hill
and Harrlman lines as a feeder.
It (is reported from Los Angeles thnt
W. F. Herrln has spent several days
there In close company with E. H.
Huntington In an effort to effort an
alliance, The story goes further and
saysjhe Harrlman attorney proposed
a consolidation of the entire Hunting
ton railroad Interests In southern Cal
ifornia' with the Southern Pacific, but
$5 Sweater for $3.50
$4 . " $3
$3 " $2.40
Working Shirts for 40
that the proposition was declined by
Mr. Huntington. It is known In Pott
land that the Harrlman Interests have
withdrawn their oposltlon to construc
tion of the Oregon & Seacoast Railway.
They made their last stand against It
In the legislature fight against the
common user clause of the Oswego
bridge charter.
Girl Injured in Railroad Wreck Ad
judged Ineene.
I CHICAGO, May .-Llt!lan M. Mil
ler, ono of the Injured In the wreck of
tho Pennsylvania railroad IB-hour
flyer. In which Mayor Fred A. Quc
also was Injured on the night of Feb
ruary 22, was adjudged Insane by
Judge Pond In tha County Court yes
terday. Miss Miller's Insanity is snld
to have been a result of the shock she
received In the wreck. ,
Miss Miller, who is 22 years old, had
been visiting friends In the east and
was on her way to Chicago when the.
wreck occurred. )
The county officials know lltVlo of
her family, except that her mother
lives somewhere In Kentucky,
Nearly a Million Cuble Yards Taken
Out In Panama During April.
WASHINGTON, May 9-Nearest yet
to tho goal of 1,000,000 cubic yards of
excavation p:r month In the Jigging of
tho Panama canal was the accomplish
ment under Colonel Ooethals, manage
ment In April, according to a cable
report from the engineer In charge,
received at tho office of the Isthmian
Canal Commission yesterday, It states
that during April the excavation In
Culebra cut amounted to 879,527 cubic
yards and at the Gatun lock site to
108,000 cubic yards,
v ,
Prices ! I
Boys' Suits
Overalls, ' 65c
pair for 50c
557 Commercial St. I
ALBANY, Or,, May .-After June 1
lumber destined, for San Francisco and
California Volnl from the Curtis
Lumber Company's big mill at Mill
City will be shipped direct to Yttqulnii
Bay ovr the Corvsllls k Eastern rosd,
and transported from (hero to Califor
nia by means of vessels, Tho Infor
mation was given out yesterday that
tho Curtlss Company had chartered
tho stoamer Leggett to carry lumber
from Whqtiltm to the flay City, Th
Leggett Is snU to have a capacity of
1,500,000 fw., it in stated unofficially ,
that the company will In tho future
confine nil Its southern shipments to '
tho water route, Tho Curtlss Lumber
Company hns recently gratly In
creased the capacity of Its Mill City
plant and now Is able to urn nut 125,-
000 feet of lumber per day.
8heriff and Poisa Go After B.ll.vsd
Northern Psoifio Bandits,
MISSOULA, May 9. Two men be
lieved to bo the Northern Pacific
train robbers have been arrested at
Arlee, 27 miles west of Missoula. The
sheriff nnd posse left hnrp tonight on
a light engine' for Arlee.
MARSEILLES, May 9,-Tho latest
reports recolvca here concerning the
loss of the French steamer Poltou
which was wrecked off tho coast of
Uruguay are to tho effect that 40 pas
sengers and eight members of the crow
lost thoir lives.
. Coast League.
At San Francisco Portland 4, Oak
land 6,
Northwest League.
At Seattle Seattle 4, Vancouver 3.
At Tacoma Taeoma 5, Butte 2,
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday