FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1907, THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. MRS. A. M. HAQIRMANN ALL WOMEN SUFFER from the Mint physical disturbances, and the nature of their duties. In wen cmci, quickly drift them into tat horrors of all kluiis of female complaint, organic troublea, ulcera tion, felling: and displacement, or peruape iricjrularltjr or suppression canning backache, nerrousuese, ir ritability, and slrepleunesa. Women everywhere ahould re member tbat tha medicine that holds tba record for tha large., number of actual curea of female lilt la Lydia E. PJnkham's Vegetable Compound mad from tlmple native roota and harba. For mora than tblrty yeara It baa been helping; womea to be atronf, rejolatlnjr tba funottona per faotly and ovarootulng pain. It baa alao pro? ed Itaeil Invaluable la pre ying fcwetalld birth emd the tteoje of Life. Mra, A, If, Bagarnaaa, of Bay Shore, L. I., writee i Dear Mra. nnkhamt "I suffered from a displacement, excessive and painful nnatlona ao.tttatt bad to lie down or alt- atlll moat of tha time. Lydta & PinkbeWi Vegetable Compound baa made ma a well woman ao wVJ m Wa to atUnd to H Jutlee. I wUb every anffaring woman ' Mia B. riBkbam'a Vag aUble Compound and aee what relief It will give them,1' Mrs. PJnkham'i Standing Invitation to Women Women uffarlng from any form of female Ulneee are tori ted to write Mra. Plnkhem. at Lynn, Mas, for adriee She ta the Mra. llnkbam wbo baa been adrialng sick womea .free of eharga for more tbaa twenty yeara, and before that aba aaalatad her uotiiar.iB.lMw r.,u. n iinu. bam in adrtalng. Therefore aba ta eepeelaUy wall qualified to guide ate womeo back to health. . Latest Quotations In the Portland Markets. Cemplete Market Re pert e Cerreoted Eaoh Day, Giving tha WhaleaeU Prleea ef ComroedHlee, Perm Pre duce and Vegetable ( , PORTLAND, May i.-Ea ra now moving wllh some freedom on From ret, ad it ia understood that stor age men era buying up quantities at umethlng teaa than It rente, the cur rant quoted price for aome days pant. No change waa announceJ In butter quotailona. California vegetable! wre scarce. Btrowberrlee are coming In slowly. Potatoes ate firm. Tomatoe are In demand. WHOLESALE PRICE!. The following art quotations ruling in Portland aa reported by Jobbera la the varloua tlneat Grain, Plour, Feed Whaat-aub, 71 0 Ho; Valley, TO 0 tl c; blueatam, 71 0 75o; red, Tie Flour Hard wheat patent, MIS, alralght, 11.60; graham, lt.75 0 IU8; rye, IS; whole wheat flour, 4.00 O 14. 10; Valley flour, IKS O 13.76; Dakota, 15.40 O 0; Eastern Rye,jiM0; Pills vury tt.IO; Corvallla, 11.557 OatsWhite, 130; gray, l2i.R0. Corn Whole, 135; cracked. Ill par ton. Barley Brewing, lit t) 111; feed 111 O SI; rolled, Ul.tO O 14.50. Rye 11.41 O 1.60 per cwt Hay-Valley, timothy, 1 18 O Hi Eaatern Oregon, 115 O II; Clover, IT O 7.50; cheat, 17 O T.SO; alfalfa, $11. 10; rain, hay, 17 O I; vetch, 17.50 O Buckwheat III per ton. ' MlUatuffe Mlddllnga, 35; chope, US; bran. 17; abort, I10.S0. Cereal fooda Rolled oats, cream, 10 lb. sacks, 17; lower graJe, $5 60 49 10; oatmeal, atael cut, 45-lb. aacka, II bbl; lb. aacka, I4.IB per bale; oat meal, (ground.) 45-lb. sacks, 17.60 per bbl.; Mb. aacka, 4 per bale; epllt peaa 14.11 per 100-lb. aacka; 15-lb. boxes, 11.15; pearl barley, 14 per 100 iba.; IB lb. bozea, $1.11 per bos; paatry flour, 10 lb. aaoka, $ 19 per bbL - Grain bage Foreign and domestic, 1 1-4 cents. -. ' Prulta. Tropical fruit Bananaa, 6c per pound; plneapplea, 14.60 O 8.60 per doaen; lemons, 11.60 0 4.00 bos; or angea, 21.IS 11.00; rape fruit, $4.60 crate; limes, TSo O IMS per 100; tan gertnee; 11.75 per bos. ' ' Domestlo fruit Applea, common, ISo 49 11.00; fanoy, $1.80 ' 180 bos; cranberries, $10 42 11 bbj. 100 Iba., Iffl 1-Je; 100 to ISO Jba, Ma to let 180 to 100 Iba, O I Mo 100 Iba an J over, 1 1-1 O PO. I Mi 41 Ic; htaviea, T 0 0i beef, bulla, I Q ll-!c; cows, 8 4J tc; steers, 4 4J 7c mutton, medium alta, I O 10c; large T O Ic. ' Fih-hallbu, ll-lc; black cod, lo black bass, per lb., lie; striped baaa, lie; herring, 8c; flounders, lo; catflah Ho; ahrlmp, 10c; perch, fo; sturgeon, IS Mo; trout, llo; sJlversldee, frosen, Ic; iteclheada, 11c; torn cod Poultry Old rooatera, I 0 10c; hens, Tc; imelta, 6c; Chinook lelmon. II 11 e. Oyatera Shoalwater bay, par gal lon, 1128; per tack, 14,60; Toke Point, 11.40 per 100; Olymplaa, ISO Iba, II; Olymptai, per gallon, 11.18. Game Hardshell, per box, 11.40; ra tor clam, 11 per be Produce, Butter Country creamery, 16 0 II c; city creamery, IT Me; etore. 10 C tic; butter fat, lie Egge Oregon ranch, lie a doaen. 14 0 14 Mo: fryer, 11 0 lTo; broil era, SI 0 ISo; dreeeed atock, 10 11-1 c: higher than live; ducka, 16 0 lao; t...w 1 ja !!. Tu.s.t il ja ntA. gaeie, live, I O Ic: dreaaed, 10 0 lie; pigeon, II 0 1.60; aquaba, It 0 IS dot. Cheeee Toung America, II 0 II 1-1 c; Oregon full cream flat. 18 1-1 0 lo. Honey Dark, 10 M 0 llo; amber, 11 0 llo; fancy white, 14 0 J so. .. ... . ... Vegetablea. Potatoea ft 0 1.00 per cwt Cabbage, lb, I 1-2 0 to; Cauliflower, 11.60 per crate; paralay, S6o par do; hot house lottuce, 12 per. bos; head 40c dox; aplnach, I 0 Bo lb.; arti choke,, 76o 0 11.00 per ddien; peaa, 11 l-2o lb.; celery, $3.75 0 $4.00 per crate; okra, L7B; prouta, lo lb,; to mato, Mextoan, $1.16 0 $2.76: aapar agua, 13 l-2o lb.; rhubarb, To lb.; cu cumber, $2 and $2,50 doaen, : " 6nlone 7Bo I0c,; , f f Turnlpa Per aack, $1 0 $1.25; car rota, $1 and $1.85; beet, $1.14 0 $1.50; horoeradiah, T 1-S 0 lo lb. . 4 Freeh Meate and 'Plh. Fresh meat Veal, medium, TS to Hope, Wool, Hfdee, Etc. Hop Choice, 0 lie: prime, 8 0 I Mo per lb. Wool Valloy, SI 0 llo; Eaatern Oregon, II 0 II l2o; aa to ahrlnkaga. Feathere Oeeie, white, IS O 40o; geese, gray or mixed, IS 0 10o; duck. white, 15 0 SOc; duck, mixed, 11 0 ISo. Mohair-Choice, II 0 19o. . Caacara eagrada, (Chltttm bark) 8 M 0 1 1-1 eta. per lb. Beeswax Good, clean and pure, 12 0 ISo per lb. Tallow-Prime, 11-10 4 l-lo; No. I and grease, S 0 Id "per lb. Oregon grape root Per 100 Iba., 0 4& Hide Dry No. 1, II lb, and up, per lb, IT 0 llo; kip, No. 1, IT 0 SOo; according to aiae. Dry silted bulls and ataga, one-third less than dry flint; low gralee 8-11 O to per lb. lesa; salted steer. 80 Iba. and up, 10 0 11c; under 60 lb., etear and cows, I 0 10 c: ataga and bulla, To; klpa, 15 to 80 lb, lOo per lb.; calf, 10 to 14 tba 11c; calf, under 10 Iba, 11 O llo; raen, un alted, lo per lb. leas; ; sheepskins, shearlings, No. 1, 16 0 ISo; abort wool, No. 1, 40 0 80a each; medium wool, No, 1, 11 0 1.60 each; murrain pelts, 10 to 20 per cent less;, horse hides, salted, 11.50 to S according to 1zo; dry, according to !, 11 0 $1.26; colt, 18 0 SOo each; Angora, wooled, SOo 11.60; goat, common, 15 0 8S0 each. - Qrooerlee, Provisions, Eto. Sugar, sack baste D. O. $4.81 1-1 Golden C, $4.83 1-1; extra C, $4,42-1-2; powdered, $5.03 1-1; cube, 15.17 1-2; beet, 4.73 1-1; fruit ugar, 14. 92 1-2; boxes, 50 eta cwt adnce over sack basis (lose l-4o If paid for In fif teen days), j Beano Small white, I l-4o; large white, S Mo; pink, So; bayou, 4 l-lo; Lima, 6 Mo; Mexican red, 4 S4o. Coffee Mooha, 14 0 18a; Java, fan cy, 26 0 S8o; Java, good, 80 0 84o; Java, ordinary, IT SOo; Coata Rica, fancy, 18 0 SOo; Coata Rica, good, 12 0 18c; Arbuokle, 16.61 owtj Lion, 16-T-80 per lb.; Columbia eoffee, 14 l-4o; Salvador, IS l-lo; Date Golden, 89 lb. boxes, To; lib. packages, 80; Fard, 16 lb. boxes, $1.40 bos. ; ' ' ?"; Rico Imperial Japan, No. 1, 16.85c Southern Japan, (1-4 0 1 l-lo; bro. ken, 4 1-Sc; head, fancy, I l-4c; choice, 80. .. . i. Lard Kettle-rendered, tierce, llo; Tubs, ll s-4c; 60s IS l-4c; 10 IS Mo I0e IS l-4c; Standard pure, tlerco, lo 1 compound, tierces, 8 1-lc; leaf, D.leJ Fruit Apples, evaporated, 100 per lb.; vundrlod, ack or boxe. none; apricot SOo; peaches 18 l-2c pear, IS Mc; prunee, Italian, 4 0 1 Mc; French, 4 0 Ic; Fig, California, black, I S-4c; California white, lo; rjinyrna, SOo; plum, pitted, lo; Ftga-Whlte, lb, 0 To; black, I O Tc; " Provision Ham, large llo; email 16 Mc; picnic 11c; boiled name; SSc; bollod picnic, , SOo; breakfast bacon, fancy, 11 l-lo; English, 17e; dy salted short clear, lie; back, llo. Nute walnuts, No. 1, soft shell, 170 ISo; No, 1 bard shell, 18 0 llo.: al monds, It, 0 SOo; Alberts llo; ifraall lOo; pecan, SIo; hickory, 80; Vlr glnla peanut, I 1-lc; Jumbo Virgin la peanut, 10c; Japanese peanut, I Mc; Chestnuts, Italian, SOc; Italian, too; oocoanuta, doaen, 86 0 10c; pine- nuts, IT Mo. Raisin Loom Muscatela, S crown, Ic; S-crown, 8 1-lc; Bleached seed leas Sultanas, 10 O 18 1-lc; unbleach ed aeedleca Sultana, I 1-lc; London layer, S-crown, whole boxes of SOIba, 12.15; S-crown, 11.10. , COUNTY CLAIMS ALOWED (Continued from page 3) A. Mlnard. assisting In collecting tuxes, $23.10. A. McLean, a!tlng In collecting tax'a $13 26. K. A. Illgglns Co, aUtlonery varloua oftlce, $15.25. J. C. Clinton, postago etampa and ex- pressage, 112.13. Toa Pacific T. ft T. Co, rent for phonea and calls, 16.70. The Astoria Budget, call for war rante, printing poatala and envelope, 121. Olaaa ft Prudbomme Co, spacer Unka, 60 cents. Fred J. Nelson, recording plat. Harrises ft Davia aubd, $24. Kelly Transfer Co, stove wood. $41.75. The Morning Astorlan, court pro ceding end coat bills, $7.63. Pay roll, building little , Walluskl bridge. 160.25. - V. H. MudJ. labor road district No. 6, 154.50. Vohn Larson, labor, road district No. 5, $15. Chrla Johnson, labor, road dlatrlct No. S. $2.60. June Petersen, labor, road district No. 8, 81 "5. , O. C. Hansel, labor, road district No. 8, IIS. Win. Roberts, labor, road district No. 18, $8. c Special fund. John V. Welch, collecting roll poll taxes, $65. C. Q. Palmberg , 26 days superintend ing construction new court house, $130. D. L. Kelly Lumber Co, lumber, Warrenton road district No. 1, $433. Pay roll, labor road district No. 2, 226.28. , Pay roll, labor road district No.42, 150.10. Astoria Iron Works, $7.86, repairing scrnper, dlatrlct No. 14, $7.85. Pacific Iron Work, chain and hooks, district No. 14, 64.70. ' James Smtth, labor, district No, 15, $52.12. E. Ferahaw, labor, district No. 15, 5. '' ' John Loarson, labor, district No. 16, $5.62. Ed Rldderbush, contract laying puncheon, district No. 15, $142.50. C. Relerson, labor, district No. 13, $6.76. Alex Normnnd, contraot, laying puncheon, $451.05. Hastlo ft Dougan, first payment on construction, court house, $12,600. Edgarf M. Laxarus, blue prints and specifications, $93.04. John A. Montgomery, part payment on heating plant, $1000. . O ' IN '" Chamberlaln'a Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem.edy, There Is probably no medicine made that ta relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. . Dur ing th third of a century In which It ha been In uso, people have learned that it U the one remedy that never fall. When reduced with water and sweetened It is pleasant to take. For gale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists, , "EMPLOYMENT" AGENCY, Confidence Gang Found Guilty of Ob teining Money Falsely, CHICAGO, Miiy . One of the most prl"Unt and ysttiinutk "confldonce" gang that 'ever operated In Chlcagi was broken" Up yjtrday for a fw year at Jft, whun Patrick L. Touhy, Philip liulft-r, L"e Burnett and J. C. Dtitbach were f'iund guilty of ob taming mowy under fale pretonse by a jury In Judge Hall's court , The m-n .were organiser Und managers of tha Chicago Mercantile ft Reporting Ag'ncy with ofllfpa at 171 Washington tret. It was a "fake' employment agemy with a sideline of swindling by' meana of ' getting con tracts on the carbon patxtr grne. Bui fcr, Touhy and Burwtt were sentenced to the penitentiary, while Daubach who was only a clerk wa fined $250. The sentence In prison is from one to Ave year. Tha victims Wire all men and women of the poorer class, mostly small shop keeper. uurnett method was to call on a atorekeeper In the outer parts of the city and ask if hi firm, the Chicago Mercantile ft Reporting Agency, could not tike over a few uncollected bill for the shopkeeper at a small cornml Ion. Obtaining consent, Burnett pro. duceJ a blank book and asked the shopkeeper to sign his name to one of the page to complete the "contract: The next the storekeeper heard was to receive a bill for $20 from the Chi cago Mercantile ft Reporting Agency. Asking what It was for, he wat shown a contract with the victim' signature attached, In which contract the shop keeper had agreed to pay the company $20 for services performed. Occas- slonally Touhy and Bulfer would start suit without sending any bill. If the victim wa not fast enough In hi payment a lvy would be made. The "employment" part of the agency waa a fantasy. Men and wom en who applied for Jobs were required to deposit $2 or $3 and sent to place where no help wag neded day after day. Constipation (teal the Iron which should be absorbed away from the bowels, spoils your blood and complex Ion, cause anemia and disease. Regulate your bowels with Holllster" Rocky Mountain Tea and keep well 16 cents. Tea or Tablet. Frank Hart CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS. Exhauated Stoeke and 8hort Cause ef 6lim Output Crepe NEW YORK, May "Clear Havana cigar manufacturer of the United State ar at this moment confronting the most serious situation since the Weyler edict" is the statement made in an article In the most recent number of the tobacco leaf, by a writer who ha conducted an extensive inveeiiga tlon In Cuba for that publication. Ex hausted stocks and a short crop are given a the reasona TRANSPORTATION. Steamer. TELEGRAPH The only Hlramtjoat making a round trip DAILY fiiypt Thurwlay betaeeu Portland and Astoria and war point. NO WAY POINTS ON SUNDAY $2 Portland Landing, Alder Slnvt Dock Aitorla Landing, Callendvr Dock Leave Portland 7:00 'a, m.; arrive Astoria, 1:90 p. m, Leave Axtorta f.M p. ui.; arrive -rortuuxi 5:30 p. in. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS Lvare Portland 8 a. m.: arrive Astoria 1 d. m. t-sv Astoria 8 p. m., arrive Portland 9 p. m. The K'ine at5a?6Mfika! 4ij'jl tr Morning Astorlan, 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. PA8SENQERS. FREIGHT. Leavee Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leavee Portland Dally Except Sunday at 7 a. m, Qulok Servloe Excellent Meals Good Bertha. Landing Aatoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor St O. B. BLESSINO,Agent Phone Main 2761, What lou Want and What You Get Usually, when a man pays out his money for anything, he gets what he wants, or there's a good, strong kick for the man who sold him a disappointment. Why isn't thi3 true of cigar purchases ? Why ha3 the public been so long-suffering with cigar manufacturers ? Why will a man pay out his good money for poor cigars ? j j It's hard to say. But it's easy enough to see how a great many manufacturers take advant age of this careless buying, and unload inferior cigars on unsuspecting purchasers. Aim flaming game can't last forever. Smokers every day are waking up more and more to the fact that Cigars are now made better than ever they were. Smokers can tell good cigars when they smoke them and they are fast finding out that cigars in boxes stamped with the "Triangle A" are invariably of better quality than cigara which are not guaranteed in this way. . The "Triangle A" on a cigar box is a sign of , honest cigar values and that's just exactly what the American smoking public has wanted for many a day. The1 better value we are able to produce through our new scientific manufacturing meth ods is particularly noticeable in The New CREMO 5 Cents Every box is now extra-wrapped in glassine paper to keep the cigars fresh, clean and in good condition. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY, Manufacturer v W. G. LAWS a CO. HEATING AND PLUMBING ENGINEERS Plans and estimates furnished on application. All work done by First-Class Mechanic. Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first class manner, as we do no other work in our shop. . TIDE TABLE, MAY MAY, low water. Date. Wednesday .. ., 1 Thursday 2 Friday S Saturday i SUNDAY ...... SI Monday ,. Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday , Friday .. , Saturday . SUNDAT . Monday ., Tuesday ., Wednesday Thursday . Friday . Saturday . SUNDAT . Monday .201 Tuesday .... ..21 Wednesday ., , .22: Thursday 3 Friday 24 Saturday ., ...2 SUNDAT 26j Monday 27 Tuesday- 28 Wednesday ,, ..29 Thursday ., ,.,801 Friday . .. ...81 .1907. A. M. h.m 9:87 10:82 11:83 1:18! ft. 0.9 0.7 0.8 ...I 8. 41 P. M. ... 71 .. 8 ... 9 ...10 ...11 ...12 ...13 ...14 ..15 ...16 v.17 ...IS 6 8:28 3.0 3:391 4:33 5:23 6:07i 6:48 7:27 8:02 8:33 0:05 9:38; 10:04 10:54 19.11:40 0:12 1:25 2:26 3:2S 4:27 5:18 6:07 6: 56! 7:44 8:33 9:24 10:17 1 1.0 0.8 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0.8 h.m. 9:38 10:381 11:48 12:86 1:491 2: GO 8:43 4:40 5:26 6:101 6:48 7:21 7:52 8:23 8:52 9 0.6l0:04 0.7 0.9 3 8.4 2.8 2.0 1.1 0.2 0 -1.21 1.6 -1.6J -1.5 ii;io 12:81 1:27 2:25 8:24 4:23 5:15 6:03 6:52 7:42 8:321 9:281 10:81 ft. 2.8 8.2 8.6 0.1 0.4 0.7 1.0 l.t 1.8 1.7 2.1 8.S 2:9 8.2 8.5 8.8 3.9 8.9 i.'i 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 8.0 2.2 2.4 8.6 a. 8 8.0 3.1 MAY, jtugn water. Date. Wednesday .. . Thursday ,. ,. Friday .. ..... Saturday .. .. SUNDAY .. .. Monday Tuesday .. ... Wednesday ,. . Thursday .. .. Friday Saturday . . SUNDAY . Monday Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . Friday .. , Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday ,. Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . Friday .. . Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday .. Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . Friday .. . .1907. A. M. fl.m. 2:421 3:29 4:251 6:03 :47 8:07 9:22 10:24 11:17 10 11 0:06 ..12 0:371 .13 1:08 14 1:3S .151 2:081 ft 9.4 9.1 8.6 8.0 7.? 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.7 8.9 8.8 P. M. h.m. 3:59 6:02 6:10 7:22 8:!7 9:23 10:09 10:52 11:30 13:03 12:47 1:27 2:05 ft 7.8 7.0 1.9 7.1 7.4 7.7 8.1 3.41 8.0 7.T 7.S 7.t 7.1 ...16 ...17) ...18 ...19 ...20; ...21 ..22 ...23 ...24 ...25 J..26 ...27 40 3:161 8:561 4: 471 6:48 7:02 8:17 9:28 10:281 11:20 0:05 0:49 1:33 2:22 8:13 8.7 2:43 t t 8.5 8.3 7.9 7.6 7.2 6.8 6 6 6.91 7.2 7.5 'i'.sl 10.0 9.9 9.6 9.2 3:31 4:03 4:43 6:31 6:25 7:20 8:12 9:02 9:61 10:38 '11:22 tt2:18: 1:11 2:03 2:57 8:51 4:49 6.J 8.4 7.f 8,4 8.1 9.4 Astoria & Columbia R River R. Co "Effective Sunday, September 9. 1906 Paelflo Time. , 'M. 30. a. a.m. 8.10 8.35 8-36 KV 8.40 M SM 9.24 .ra 6.11 6.26 e.26 -40 ISM p.m n.m 5.MHU.40 6.1WU-M 12.05 U.30 pm 7.08 8.10 S.'iSI t.03 10.36 a.m 8-00 9.10 9-23 10.05 11.35 11.55 11.55 12.30 p.m PORTLAND GOBLE RAINIER CLA'lHKANIE ' Ar ASTORU Lv. It, ASTORIA Ar. ., Ar. WARKENTON Lvr Lv. WARRENTON Ar. Ar. FT, 8TKVKN9 iy. . Lv IT. STBVEN8 ar ; Ar. WARRENTON Lv. Ly. WaRRKNTON Ar, Ar. SKABIDB Ly. a. m 11.55 10.45 10.: 9. 8.20: 7.55 7.54 7- 7.41 T.28 7.27 0 P.m 9.50 8.40 1 8.25i 7.401 6.10 8.UU 8.20 D.05 5.05 480 ML p. in 14IW 2.20 2.15 2.O0 P m 10.45 10.25 10.45 10.U 10.M 10.06 , 10.06 a.m-