The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 09, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    THUR8DAY, MAY 9, 1907.
Just Opened a Barrel of The, Famous
"Heinz" Dill Pickles
20cts. a Doz.
Tht Ltading Grew
Marrlsa tlon
A marrlat tleen w lu4
tr4ay W Curl W. Jnm, of Portland,
ami lifttwl imtm, of Antoria,
W. C. T. U. MttlB-
Th W. C. T. U. IU hoia thulf
lar bu'nea mt0ii thlt afwrnoon at
tilO In'tht Uwmnt of th Bapttat
To Hav Harlr-
E. r. Hnbaw, ih man arrsst! in
Warrsntmt TueaJa on ft chart of
ttollii( 1180. wilt have a beurlni b
for Justli; Goodman tomorrow at
10 , m.
Will Mot Tonlflhl
Th boarJ of tho Boanwn' KrWnd
Boclaiy will hold Ha rofvlar monthly
fnr.fl!l., at 1 nVliK-k (utllalll Kt tb In-
atltut. "All n mombwt aw urganUy
requested to bo present.
Two Moro Day-
Thert at two day yet l"fl In which
to pay your water ta. After tomor
row 25 cnn will b charged vry vl-
llniunt toxtayr. .
To Op a '
Earl Bmlth Is to Inttall a Nlnklodlon
In lh n?ar futur In th storeroom
formerly occuplrj by Horman Wle.
II wilt opn thr Friday or Saturday
of tbla week, i
Postponed Ca
Th cas of th Stale v. Hunt,
which waa tailed In justice court
yeaivrdny morning, waa postpone un
til Saturday for th ron that the
atorncya In th raa wr unpieparod
to (O cthrad with th trial.
Oyatr Arriv
A carload of od oytra arrWoa
yeeterJay over the A. C. from th
Atlantic Coaat conaln4 to th North-
m Oytr Company at ghoalwater
flay. Thla company, which I on of
th largest oytr companle of th
Farlflo Coaat, la Improving It bd
by th addition of larf QUatitltlea of
astern d oyater.
Took Fall
On of th painter on th Warren
residence auffered painful accident
Tuesday that will Incapacitate him
for work for several daya. While
painting the aide of the houae hi lad
der allppod and he waa thrown to the
ground, alighting upon bla bark,- No
permanent Injury I feared but the
muwleg of the Mk : were severely
Polie Court
On fsmlllar face greeted Judge
Anderaon a he resumed hi t on
th bench In police court yterday
and to exproea hi pleasure over the
niei-tlng, he prevented the plain drunk
with the usual sentence of IS or two
day In Jail. Ball waa forfeited to the
amount of till.
Qovernor Oeorge E. Chamberlain,
Stat Treasurer George A.' Steel and
Tom Rlrhadeon passed through A
tori yeiaerJay on th Alliance for
MarshMd and the Rogue River on a
tour of Inspection of th salmon hatch-
erlea along th const. Especial atten
ton wilt be paid to the hatcherle and
pawning ground maintained by R, D.
Hume, the salmon king of Rogue
To Take Plaee
Dr. Pllklngton haa been appointed by
the quarantine department to take the
plac of Dr. Holt, federal quarantine
officer, who la to have a leave of ab
sence until June 1. Mr. Pllklngton
haa had sufficient experience for th
place and was appointed upon the
recommendation of Dr. Holt.
Hesdwork Dam
W. n. Chase, a consulting engineer
Of Portland, arrived on the noon train
yesterday at the request of the board
of water commissioners. ! leavea to
day accompanied by two member of
the water commission to visit the pro
posed headwork dam. After hi In
vestigation, he will no Joubt return to
Portland and will submit hi report aa
to rh advisability of bullJIng a wood
en dnm fot th proposed storage reservoir.
Will Entertain
The ladtea of th Congregational
church will have a sale of useful and
fancy articles on th afternoon and
evening of Friday, May 19th, at the
home of Mrs. D. B. Allan. Dainty re-
freshmenta will be served both after
noon and evening. A program, In-
eluding both vocal and Instrumental
music, will be rendered. Com one
and all and enjoy yourselves and also
help a good causa.
Ice Cream
Money Stretches
a long ways at this store,
in fact, it goes so far and
has so much purchasing
value, you would ; think it
was made of rubber. Doubt
it? well, drop in and see.
Scholfield, Hattson S Co.,
Saloon Robbed
The. Grotto Huloon on Commcrclul
si mot was Ijiokcii Into last flight and
$40 In cash was stolen from th till.
The burglar entered by a back window
after the saloon had benn closed and
left hi. llliiKcir mark on lh window
sill. No dt'ltnlto clous tiuva us yet
lound. .
Quietly Married
On . Wednesday ufternoon, Mr. Carl
Y. Jtmnwn, of loi Hand, and Mla
Mabel Jenaan, were quietly married at
tho residence of llov. (J. 15. Moore
house, C01 Irving avenue, by the pas
tor, of the Congregational church of
this city Dr. Moorehouse, The happy
pair boat dd the evening express for
th metropolis, ,
To Establish Uniform System
A. M. Ilagen, chief Inspector of the
Oregon k Washington Lumber Manu
facturers' Association, with headquar
ter at Portland, la In th olty. Mr.
H'ignn 1 conferring with th mlllmon
her and having them adopt a uniform
system of grade and uniform stand
ard of manufacturing lumber. The
adapting of a universal standard will
be of great benefit to all, ' He will go
to Wiarrtnton today,
Funeral Today
Th body of Martin Antonsen. th
seaman on the bar tug Tatoosh, who
died at fit Mary's Hospital On May t
of typhoid fever, will t burled in
Ocean Grove cemetery today. Th
funeral service will take place from
(jllbnu's undertaking parlors at 2
oVIoek. The address will be delivered
by Rev. P. M. Kllcfscn, the sailor
chaplain. The body has been held for
word from a sister In Minnesota.
Asked Per Further Tim
Tho Chamber of Commerce met last
evening In adjourned aeaslon to bear
th report of the special committee
appointed to look up th railroad prop
osition of the Portland, Oregon A Hea.
Coast Railroad, who desire th services
of th Chamber to assist them In se
curing th right-of-way. Th com
mittee reported that they had com
munlcated with th president, William
Rcld, at Lo Angeles, by wlr and
the answer they had received was not
entirely satisfactory and they asked
for further time to fully investigate
which request waa granted.
' For a
Johnson Phonograph Co,;
. Parlor Seeond Floor over SoholfUld A Mattson Co.
Howard-Dorset Company Presents
"Th Man From Malo."
The Howard-Dorscy Company pre-
aent "The Man Vrom Mexico." At th
Astoria theater tonight. This Is the
play written for and made famous by
Willie Collier. Its author I the famous
playwright Dosoucb. The part of Ben
Jamln Fltxheu is played by Mr. How
ard. Astoria playgoers, who have at
tended the many clover productions of
the Howard-Dorset Company, are look
ing forward to Mr. Howard's presenta
tion of this part as an especial treat
as It Is said to afford exceptional op
portunities for the display of hi re
markable character delineation. j
Mlaa Raseto, who hoa made such a
hit In "The Young Mrs. Winlhrop," as
Mrs. Cheswlrk, will play Mrs. Benja
min Fltxheu In tonlght'a performance.
Tho other members, It is asserted, are
happily fitted to their parte.
Tho Howard-Dorset players are a
first class company and one A'torla
may well be proud to have. Th class
of plays they present, ar extremely
moral and furnish tho assurance that
the most fastidious may witness them
without fear of beholding aught that
would bo offensive to their finer eons-
iblllttea. ;
Charles Ring and wife to Otto
Mlkkelsen, lots 20 and 2t, block
6, O'Hara's addition to Warrenton
and lot 4, Holladny Park........... S0
A. J. Klafi'kl and wife to John J.
Rupp, 143 acres In sections 6 and
v 7, T. 4 N., R. 7 W 600
C. S. Brown and wife and tho
Wilkinson Real Estate Co., to
A. Booth & Co., lots 5 to 8, block
93, Adair'a , 10
II. O. Van Dusen and wife to B.
Van Dusen undivided half of '
223.37 aores in seotlon 11, jr. 1
N., R. 8 w,, 807
Lloyd O. West to Grand Rapids
Oregon Timber Co., 160 acres in
section 19, T. 5 N., R. 8 W.......2000
United States to Lloyd G. West,
160 acres in section 19, T. IN,,
R, 8 W.; patent
A paper was filed with the county
clerk yesterday giving the power
of attorney to Francis D. Cham
berlain to sell 80 aores of land ,
more or less, in section 17, T. j
6 In Clatsop county, for W1U
llam Doyle , . , i
In the death of Mrs. Auin V.
Hvafuldt yesteiday Astoria has lost
un honored resident who has made thla
city her home slnre 189. In that year
she camo from her home In Germany
to take up her residence with her son,
Albert Beafeldt, long on of Astoria'
bustnos mn, , , - '
Mrs. Keafeldt's death waa caused by
paralysis. She wa atrtcken by th
dread disease last Thursday and did
not again recover consciousness. At
the time of her death deceased wa
nearly 83 years of age. She wa born
In Germany, September 25, 1825.
Mrs. Beafeldt passed away at about
(h noon hour. She leaves four chil
dren, two daughters and a son In Ger
many and Albert Seafeldt, of Astoria.
The numerous friends of th family
sympathize deeply with them In their
great lo.
Remember the
take no other.
name Doan'a and
V. , LOST. ,
A Llwellyn setter with black ears
and spot on back; answer to name of
Queen; finder return to The Owl
saloon, Astor street, and receive re
ward, tf.
A Narrow Escape.
G. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk,
Mo., had a narrow escape four years
ago, when he ran a Jlmson bur into
his thumb. He eays: "The doctor
wanted to amputate It but I would not
consent. I bought a box of Bucklen'a
Arnica Salve and that cured the dan
gerous wound." ISo at Charles Rodger,
male h
i A?. j
BAinric? POWDER,
AbjoIuhPurify, Flncsh Flavor,
Tsx the Women of Astoria th 8am
' 1; . . as Elswhr. .
Hard to attend to household duties
. With a constantly aching back. j
A woman should not have a bad ;
back, , :.
And she wouldn't If the kidneys were i
well. .
Doan'i Kidney Pill mak woll
Kldneya. j
Mr. A. fl. Cummlng, of 244 Clacka
mas street, Portland, Ore., says:
"Kidney complaint and backache clung
to m for a long tiro and often I suf
fered very severe attack of It Some
times It waa a dull heavy aching over
th kidneys, and again sharp acute
pain In th small of the back. The
kidney secretion passed too frequently
and often with pain. I had tried sev
eral remedies with poor result and
wa finally Induced to us Doan's Kid
ney Pllia. They helped me very quick
ly and continuing I soon found relief
from the achea and pain. Th action
of , the kidney secretion waa aim
strengthened to a great extent I rec
ommended Doan'a Kidney Pills In our
paper three year ago. I am aiwaya
pleased to aay a good word for thla
remedy and am glad of this oppor
tunity to confirm my former testi
mony." ,
Plenty more proof like this from
Astoria people. Call at Chaa. Rodger
drug store and ask what customers
For sale by all dealer. Price 50 cent.
Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New
Tork, sole agent for the United
State. -iMs'frT Fl
, H hi
a riano numoerrr
With Each $5 Purchase.
1 fa .ii i, i j . t i . M
111 JiVLUi'JV
i f i r m ftH
cc or uiarue r
a t.'v-ft to
Trr - -
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You .Can't' Look "r' c" P 'm-
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; ' Jlo'. W tM v::fit Hi nt, flip,
'n i ,-'t l"'J n ty't'.'i'o u .'r ji
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When You, Trade With' ; f"
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Si .V. '.' : u'-H,." Yf J . 1 CS tUi : So (tac -I :nt
".V.: Ss:r flif'J'VCf ;U tfji':
m j i..
. '...;.'.',.. . . "'J Is ;:3 J" J "!.! lU'i I'lVrl
. rMt i$4' -i it $r.t
Herman Wise i
Clothes Shop for Men arid Boys
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore1,
Capital $100,000
8.-o? Mr.
Grand Llillinery Sole!
33k Per Cent Off
On all Trimmed Hats. Greatest Values ever
offered. Bargains for every one.
Every hat the Model of Style, Excellence and
that Exquisite Grace that makes it Different.
We also wish to announce that we will soon
have in connection with Millinery the most
Up-To-Date line of. Ladies' Wearing Apparel
ever shown in Astoria.
Boti Ton Millinery
483 Bond Street, Astoria
For Infants and Children.
Tfia Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Oxford 'Fies
For Women.
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
The snoe that is bought
from us is certain to be cor
rect in style. We have them
in all leathers,' styles and
i Wherity, Ralston Company!
Astoria's Best Shoe Store