i THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1S07. THE MORNING, ASTORIAN Istablishea 11;$. PaMlsnea Daily Except Monday by tWk J. S. DIIXIHGKR COMPAJIY. SUBSCRTPTIOH BATES. By mall, per jeer. 87 carrier, per month.. ,17.00 WXEXLT ASTOIIAX.' B, mall, per year, la adranea.. 11.00 Sntared m cond-oUkM mativr Jaly , 1..M the pontofflo St Antori. Or totaadrtheiOtoJCoatsaol Manna, IVOhIm for th feUmrmc Of T ou tmtnoaus to cither nritao or po el Mim MS to Bid by poul cmr4 or ihfniRk WttMM. Any tmwuWfcy la Iivvt ttowii toaaaMdUMt noartaiMlb TXLXPP05X XASf ttu Official mmt or Ctotooa eoontT ut UMCliy oTAjwria. wv WEATHER, f U OrfRon. Washington, IdaJio Fair. JUST A CASUAL WORD. Not In long yean has the Astoria Chamber of Commerce stood in such light and attituJo as It stanJs today .under the clever managerial touch ot J. H. White; and this without depreca tion ot the men who have gone before, The Chamber la an accepted Instltu- tion and Is recognised all over the northwest as one of the standard ele ments that must figure in the general advance now making. It Is commonly acceeded all over the city that Mr White is doing his utmost in the way of initative and the brightest hope is abroad that he has big successes ahead and will reach them in due season. There is no sign of discouragement anywhere, and that means a vast deal to him and to the community he re presents. If his personality and his plans can ward, off all phases of de pression and keep alive the active sense of achievement and promise, he and his colleagues . will be doing practically all that can be expected, until the big things that we want are at hand to energise and give di rection to the new impulses insepera ble from them. This is but a casual word in behalf of a man and his work in which Astoria has a profound Inter, est. and will, we are certain, find ready echo In the minds of all who have kept place with Mr. White's work and methods. 0 SPECULATIVE FRANCHISES One of the detested elements of mun lclpal life is the speculative franchise; the gift of the people that is played with, tossed from pillar to post and made a bagatelle In the market, until its Initial value is warped in the mesh of a questionable deal and, oftener than not, It is at last spurned and cast aside by the beneficiaries. Astoria has bad her share of these things and Is not in a humor to Indulge in any more. She has granted a new electric street franchise that Is to be merged with one granted by the county In . con tlnulty for service beyond the city limits, and the hope of the whole com, munlty Is that something will be done with the concession that will signify the appreciation of those whom they have been granted. Both city and county are In absolute need of the services Inherent In thla new venture and the faithful performance of the contract by the holders will be a boom to the entire population affected, and a wholesome expression, of the pro, gresslve idea now dominant In Astoria and Clatsop. Town and country wish the projectors the best of fortune In the case and reserve the gratification of patronage when the lines shall be In readiness. THE TURN OF THE TIDE." The era of strikes and of far-reach-tng labor agitation is upon us and It brings to the thoughtful mind the dreary conviction of reaction, the stemming of the tide of pjosperity, Just as It has done from time Imme morial. There is no more reliable forecast to be. made, than this, and the workman has himself to thank for the reversal, nine times out of ten. It Is not that his pleas for better wages and shorter hours are unjust but because of the failure on his part to recognize the proper limitations In his program of advancement He asks too much, takes denial too seri ously, and goes to far upon too flimsy a pretext; he relies on the sentiment of the public at large to Influence cap italistic power In his favor, after forc ing that public to boar the brunt of the weight of deprivation and advanc ed cost ot living, wrought by hU im placable demands, thut too often ex ceed the latitude of the current mark ets to supply. The public Is not averse to standing for all reasonable and timely efforts in behalf ot labor and It knows, to a nicety, whett, and where to use Its prestige In the Interest of the worklngnmn, ami Is equally posted on the necessity of withholding It; and not until organised labor shnll ttike this into account and apply it to their uropasmnda, will It reserve to Itself the unfailing support ot a generous public in its strife for proper recognl tion at the hands ot monled promoters and agenclea. 1 The public Is tired of bearing the Onus and charge ot strike-prices tor all the common necessities ot lite, ea peclally m they are never abated when the strike Is settled, but attach for all time. ' When the workman understands that he la not dealing with the money-power alone, bat that his warfare passes hot foot across the home camp at millions that would sympathise with him If they could, placing new burdens en their work and purses, he will be In i better position to achieve something The world of ordinary people is wholly in accord with the man who works be, Cause he is near to them and closely identified with them In the pursuit of the chance to live and prosper, but It Is the first to feel the access of cost thrust' upon It by the strikers, and also the first to feel the weight of the new conditions Imposed by resentful cap ital. The question Is a largo one and worth profound study In quarters whence It rises primarily. $$)& EDITORIAL SALAD. : Girlhood to Womanhood Lydia El. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound General Vara del Rey, who defended El Caney against the American attack In 1898, Is to have a monument er.ted by Spaniards, with the consent of Governor Magoon. This is a deserved tribute to a brave man who made things hot during a long fjght. , While Secretary Taft Is laying cor ner stones in Ohio he will Incidentally rehabilitate some of his political abut ments. The secretary realises, no doubt, that the right kind of presi dential timber requires the right kind of a foundation. ELLEN M. OLSON The responsibility for ft daughter's, future largely rests with the mother. The right Influence and the infor mation which la of vital interest to the daughter Imparted at the proper time has not only eared the life but Insured the" success of many ft Veaa tlfulglrl. When a girl's , thoughts beootae alnggish. with headache, diislne or disposition to sleep, pains is back or lower limbs, eves dim, desire for solitude ; when aha la a mystery to herself and friends, her mother ahonld oome to her aid, and remem ber that Lydia B. Ptnkham'n Vega, table Cent pound, made from toative roots and herbs, will at this time prepare the system for the oomlng change, and start thla trying period la a young girl's life without pain or irregularities. It haa been thus depended upon for two generations. Hundreds of letters from 'young girls and their mothers, expressing gratitude for what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound haa done for them, are constantly being re ceived. Miss Ellen M. Olson, of 41? N. East St, Kewanee, III writes? Dear Mra. pinkhamt "I hare had the beat doctors In our town for my sfcknesi and they all thought that an operation was necessary. 1 naa areuacoa, CLARA E.OARMSTADTER sidearhe, and avr feet were so sore I 000 hardly stand. I took two bottles of LytUa I ruitiuunv vegeiaoie uompouna wmo my periods were MtahlUoed and aow I see pmrfodly wwll aUmasays she wont be without your meHatne la we house, I have MA one girl .what Lydia. & llnkhMna rentable Compound has' done f tors ans and she is taking It aow. Mlsk' Clara E. Darmstadter, of 481 Breckenrldge 8t.,Uuflalo,N.Y.,wrltea: Dear Mra Finkbam "For about a year, swept during the pest for months, suffered with severe pains every month, with backaches and beadaciwe, 1 bad the blues to bad thai I was In patr. It k a pleasure to tellon, that Lydia R. Piukhuae Vegetable CWpoead bis cured ate. The eaange in my epiwaranc is won derful and I dmlre that this rood may oocse to every sufferer. Any octe deatrug to know further details may writetomeandl shell be glad to gtve theta." It yott know of any young girl who if sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs, Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., and tell her every detail of her symptoms, and to keep nothing back. She will receive advloe abso lutely free, from a source that haa no rival in the experience of woman's ills, and it will, if followed, put her on the right road to a strong, healthy and happy womanhood.1 Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs cures where other fall No other remedy has such a record of actual cures of female) Ills. Thousands of women residing in every part ol the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and what it has done for them. Lyula E. PMhaa's YcttUMc Coopoood; a Womaa't Remedy for Woman'i 111. H1LLMEN CLAIM LOG GERS ARE LIABLE Secretary of Agriculture Wilson stat ed in a recent speech that the agrl cultural production of the United States last year was $6,794,000,000, an Increase of 44 per cent since 900. Why boys on the farm should run away from this bonanza is getting to be mystery . 0 Secretary Root will retire from of. nee with a good string of diplomatic victories to his credit, which is jeally better than to be pursued by the presl dentlal apparition. 0 A million Immigrants a year means a gilt-edged reputation for Uncle Sam In ail corners of the earth, and the yellow races are shut out to prevent a greater tidal wave. f our hundred privates In the reg ular army - have graduated at Fort Riley as trained cooks. The next peace conference ought to presentj Its congratulations. Another unwritten law Is getting tangled up. Two Princeton boys have been held for trial on a charge of lar ceny for carrying off an umbrella. ' Mr. Harrlman's retirement as a' rail road Napoleon la reported. The Alton stockholders will not be surprised at a St Helena finish. The Silent Smith will case reminds the admirers of Capt John Smith that there Is always something doing in the family. 0 President Roosevelt Is a rooster in war, a dove in peace and a singing can ary In the hearts of his countrymen An "undesirable citizen" is apt to clinch his claim to the title when he wrlteg profusely and In a passion. Eighteen-year-old Oklahoma is al ready buxomer and prettier than some of her more mature sisters, 1 Big sticks ere not scarce, but there is only one with a Nobel prlve attacheJ to the handle. ' Plies are dangerous but 'do not sub mit to an operation until you have first tried Man Zan the great Pile Remedy. It Is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle that allows It to be applied exactly where It Is needed. If you have itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles and Man Zan does not re lieve, money refunded. Soothes and cools. Relieves at once. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store, - CLAIM THAT LOGGERS' ASSOCIA TION IS LIABLETO PROSECU TION UNDER FEDERAL ' STA TUTES RELATING TO TRUST8. Not much is being said by the log gers iwho comprise the Yellow Fir Loggers' Association ot the Columbia River of their meeting which was held in Portland last Saturday and It l given out by them that the meeting was a secret session and not for pub lication. It spems that the loggers have got wise since their previous meetings and the word has been passed down the line that they have much and have put the mill owners next to what they are doing and Intend to do. On the other hand some of the mill men ere talking sassy and say that the organization is nothing but a big log trust and the manipulators of it could give pointers to the great steel trust, and that the members have made themselves liable for prosecution under the United States entl-trust laws. One prominent mill man said the other day "it is about time for the long suffering worm to turn, and it is about time for us to begin to fight, back, and their Is liable to be something doing In the way of an in junction that wUl make the Tellow Fir's hair curl If the loggers think they can form a close corporation and boost the price of logs they are mis taken," Constipation steals the Iron which should be absorbed away from the bowels, spoils your blood and complex ion, causes anemias and disease. Regulate your bowels with H oil Inter's Rocky Mountain Tea and kep well. Si cents. Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart Gently moves the bowels and at the the same time stops the cough. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Hon ey and Tar. No opiates. Best for Coughs, colds, croup, and whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. Children like It Motherg Indorse It Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. The Publisher's Claims Sustained UMTto States Court op Claims The Publishers ot Whtr's International Relief from Rheumatic Pains. 1 suffered with rheumatism for over two years," says Mr. Rolland Curry, a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Some times It settled In my knees and lamed me so I could hardly walk, at other times it would be in my feet and hands so I was Incapacitated for duty. One night when I was in severe pain and lame from it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with, a bot tie of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found the pain had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using It for a little more than two weekg and found that it drove the rheumatism away. I have not had any trouble from that disease for over two months." For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. Dtcttotury KllPtrethst It " In, In fnct.the pupil- 1 he purpose of xUptinR It to imwt t lie larger lar I nlirtclrl thnrotnrh Hvetllted In everv tiilked tool "If'lull.snu vmitly enriched In every part, with and severer requlreiueote of another ire Dura tion." We are of the opinion thnt this allegation mora clearly and accurately dwrllw the work thnt lit lxn acrompllolutd and the rwiilttiwlhHuboenrwicliH. 1'tie Dictionary, as it now etamln, has toen thoroiiRhly re edited In every detml, hni heen enrrwted In every pnrt, and is fltulnttily mlnptnl to meet the wrirror and severer requirements of a HiMieratiin which deinamls more of popular philoluKlral knowledge thnn any genenttkin tlmt the world baa ever contained. It is perhaps needled to add tlmt we refer to the dictionary In our Judicial work of the blifheet authority In arourwy of defini tion) and that in the futures In the pant it will be to source of conttant reference. CBARXJSS O. XOTr. Cltar JiuHm LAWRBNCH WKLDOS - JOHN DAVIS, ' .' STANT11K J.rrHM.F, , ctuuxu a iiowiir.' . , Joint. The aftoM reun te WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL' DICTIONARY ' THE GRAND PRIZE ' (tbehlfhMitewanl) wts riven to the Interna tional at the World's Knir, ht, Ixmis. GET THE LATEST ASD BEST rot tcfll h interultA in our f75i perinun pagf, Knt fru. '' J a&tf.MERRIAMCO., ' puetistocfts,' . PRINOFIELD, MAM. I wmrto 1 MC1V)fVsJtv Thirty day treatment for kidney bladder troubles and rheumatism, for $1.00. Tour money refunded If not satisfied. Plneules contain no alco hol. Do not derange . the stomach. Easy to take. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store, Beet fee 1 C ought, ' Cold. Crese, Whoeoina CeHgh, Eta, mm, feOtistesrt COTTtnmlto I NllonlPur 1 Food and 1 HAMMOCKS $t.BO to 10 The Celebrated Tattcrsou Line, Lightest and Strongest Hnnmiocka made. Twenty-five different designs E. A. HIGGIINS CO., MV8IO NOOKS ' BTATIONEKY Tile Astoria Hardware Co. I now ready for r your orders.' Graton and Knight Belting. Corbin Build era' Hardware. Geneaeo Ready Roofing. General Hirdw etc. - 113 12th St. t. - i - . I :.i L ... k STEEL EWART I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS In Business for Business and Your Satisfaction, i " t Ve make it our aim to do first class work at reasonable prices. If 222 Twelfth Street: Next to the Astoria Theatre. in ocrart iyrap eanUlBtnf eplates eetsttt Et th bowl. Bm'i LsiAtlT Boner sad ir sunt to bewail ni sobUids aooplf te For Bale by Frank Hart, Druggist . w e. laws go; HEATING AND PLUMBING ENGINEERS Plans and estimates furnished on application. All work done by First-Class Mechanics. Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first class manner, as we do no othr work in our shop. Paint! Paint ! Paint ! This is Painting Time We carry Everything in the Paint line and none but the best. Even rich men cannot afford to buy poor paint' Th e Fo a rd& Stokes Hard ware Co Successors ts re ftakat Cv C. F. WISE, Prop. Choict Wlaet; Llqaon r MewhanU Lunck froa .ndCliart1 11s30i.111.to iijo.jb. Hot Lunch at 431 Honrs ' ifCanta Comer Eltrsntb and Commercial ' AJT0BU 0SEO0M Astoria & Colu mbia R. River R. Co EffsetWe Sunday, September ft, 1904 Paoiflo Tltna. ' . pm s.ni 7.00 WO S.10 9.10 I.M e'23 I.0810.0.V lo.as 1186 .m. p.m a-m . S ir. 6.6011.40 ,' 11.811 1.36 0.10 11 JWi 11.AS 8') 6.11 12.05 1 U.66 8,46 t.W ml , SM tM 12.30 " ' .. m t.m , S.M frM . Mi 7.W - i 13,80 .ui p.m o m p.m PORTI.AKD OOHI.K HAINIKK , CLATHKANIR ! Ar ABTOH1A Lr. tv. AHTORfA Ar. Ar, WARHKNTON LVI LV.WAKUKNTONAr. Lv JTTHTKVKNB Al" Ar. WAKRENTON lit. LV.WAHKKNTON Ar, Ar, 8KAHIDB Lv. ' "Jt. lilt, 11. m ll.Wt 10.45 10.no 9M 8.11s 7.M 7.M 7'42 7.41 T.M 7.117 .eo p. m V.MI 8.40 7.40 8.10 S.20 t.0f tM p.m a, m I 1.45 10.4S 2.20 10.2 11(1 10JIS " 3.00 10.lt 10.14 , 10.05 10.0S ! 1 V.8D s m a.in- X