THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. 3 WARRENTON ITEMS 0. 0, A. BOWLBY, iTtskUnt. a L PETERSON, Vios-Prssldsot. (WI PATTON, Owktor. J. W. GARNER, Assistant CmM. Of INTEREST'3' Astoria Savings Bank M Li o :: TUMDAY, MAY 7, 1907. p io) l I If, CaplM raid in IIOOW, surplus and Cndlta Profits 10 TmaiMU 0unU Banking Botlawt, tlntsrwt raid on Tims liMiti 111 Ttnth itwet, ArrowA, omoon ASTORIA IRON WORKS rS 'wasassi,;'' ; s ,3 Deilinen tnd Mauiifacttiriri oi ; rrUB UTEdT IMPROVED, Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers CompltU Ginnery Outfits Furntshvi CORRESPONDCNCe lOUCITeDJ Foot of Fourth Htret. Sherman Transfer Co. ' OENBT BKERM1N, Mawt Haoks, CsjrUf'iafsfs Ckseksd sad TraMisnd-Trueki at Fwraltur Wagwss-PUaos Hand, Bona m4 ShlpfeC 433 CommerdU KrtttJ Miln Phone 121 APPEARANCES v Often a person is sized up by his appear ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And more often a business house is sized up by the stationary it uses. A cheap letter head or a poor bill head gives a mighty poor first impression and makes business harder to transact. Good printing costs no more than poor printing. The first im pression is half the battle in business. You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales man; why put up with "sloppy" station ery, that gives a wrong impression of the importance of your business. Let us do your printing and help you to make that ten strike. The J. S. Bellinger Co. " ASTORIA, OREGON H. & PARKER, Proprietor. & P. PARKER, Manager. PARKER HOUSE , KUROPIAN PLAN. First Class In Ivsry Rsspsot FVn Ooob to ths House. Bar and Billiard Room. Qood . CbMk Rsstauraat. 1 I I S,-q t . f f -J Astortar Orsgsn Good Sample Roomi on Ground Floor for Commercial lion. miii 1 DISTILLERS Old Forester Whiskey : High In Quality and Price Tucker Whiskey a Best Value, on the Coast Major Paul Whiskey Noted (or its Fine Flavor nnmin I l!OT lriTTTi"IIf !JL loi jaw v .v c ASTORIA, . , OREttON i riir nnniAA! nin !? i. iiiL UHiiiuua una ...j 4i( BOW? tT, ASTORIA, 01XQ0X CarrlM tat Plaart Uh' e( Wines, . . Liquors ,( : -i ,ri and - Clears CALL AND SEE US 1 Morning Aatorlah, 80 cent! a month, BASEBALL CAME WON BY WAR- RENTON PBE$BYTERIAN SUN. DAY SCHOOL SERVICES AT MORRISON. WARRKNTON, Oro., May At noon Hunday ther wn unuxual x cltornont around the local depot, an scoodlngly targ party, had fathered there awaliinf the arrival of the train that would convey lt' membere to Morrlaon. In addition to the tchora and icholara of the Preabyterlan Bun day School, were many realdenta who dealred to enjoy the pleaaunt after- noon's aervlcee promised them by the Rev. Howard, On arriving at Mor rison the vldtore were mad welcome and were all Invited to partake of a lunch whlrh had been prepared for them. After atlfyln the Inner self several strollod around the outlying district, returning with an assortment of wild flowers ' gathered on their ramble. Whun the service commenced the old chapel was filled to Its utmost capacity, many having to linger out- Me through lack of space. Rev. Fer guson, of Portland, made the opening aJdres. Members of the Warrenton church choir ssslsted the local talent In the singing and Mrs. J. Cubb ac companled them on the organ. The program was bright and Intereetlng. Including t most pathetic recitation by Mr. HJIII. of Astoria, entiUud. "The Old Wife's Kiss," a quartet by four young Utiles of the visiting Sunday school nd a solo by Mrs. J. Cobb. It was arranged to Inaugurate a Sunday school to bo held In the building In which the service was being hetd. Mr. John Arnold was then unanimously elected superintendent for the forth coming term. At the close of the meet ing everyone wae feasted with Ice creant and cake. All present were Jnllghted over the afternoon's proceed ings. The collection amounted to $18. This money will be used to Improve the condition of the local cemetery. Over (0 persons responded to the Invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dow to the party and diyice given by them in the town hall at Bkipanun, last Saturday evening. The guests enjoyed an excellent time and were protuse In their praise of the excellent manage ment of the host and hostess. A large congregation aasembled at the Presbyterian church service held In Warren's Hall last evening. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. Ferguson, of Portland. Having completed the erection of the new bunk house, the Old Oregon mills will no4 commence running the entire plant again. The Warrenton baseball club won their third game this season last Sun day, The Seaside nine came here to ful (111 tliolr engagement with our boys In the new league contest. Moore, of Warrenton, made two two-bate hits, each of which drew a routing applause from the spectators. At the end of the sixth Inning the score stood 11 to 1 In fuvor of the home club, thl fact caused Its players to take matters rather easy and Seaside managed to get In six home runa However, the vlctore were by far the superior tam and deserved the game. H. McDermot nnd W. Ashley were absent from the Warrenton nine; A. Hale and C. Bur ton acted as substltutea. Final score, Warrenton, 12; Seaolde, 7; umpire, Mv. Burrows. Disturbed the Congregation. The person who disturbed the con gregntlon last Sunday by continually ooughlng Is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. IN THE SPRINGTIME. This following simple prescrip tion, which anyone can prepare at home, Is said to restore the Kid neys to perfect health, forcing them to filter all poisons and acids from the blood, overcoming Rheu matism, even In Its worst form, Any good druggist can supply these Ingredients: Fluid Extract Dandelion one-half ounce, Com pound Kargon one ounce, Com pound Syrup SarsapartUa three ounces. Shake these well In a bottle, and take a teaspoonful do3 after each meal and at bed time. , . Tour physician will tell -you there la no better or safer mix ture known to cleanse the blood and build it up, which everyone should do at this time of year. Readers of this paper can make no mistake by following 1 this' simple though valuable advice. Forced to Leave my Present Quarters, I Will Sell all Clothing, Rubber Boots, Men's Furhish- ings and Oil Clothing t i. ! t At louesf yu riiuub s 25 Per' ' Cent Off on Men's and Boys Swits , $4 Underwear for $3.40 $3 Underwear $2.25 $2.50 Underwear $2.00 $ Underwear 80 $5 Sweater 1 for $3.50 $4, " $3 $3 - " $2.40 Apron Overalls, i 65c r 2Hc Cashmere Sox 20c, three pair for 50c 50c Working Shirts for 40 cents. This is Your Chance To Buy Goods Cheap II The Workingman's Store I Is going to move, June 1st, to first door west of Ross, Higgins & Co., on Bond street. . 557 Commercial St. i Chas. Larson, Prop. HOUSEHOLD CARES. Tax the Women of Astoria the Ssmsj a Elsewhere. Hard to attend to household duties, With a constantly aching back. i A woman should not have a bad I back. And she wouldn't It the kidneys were well Doan's Kidney Pills make well Kidneys. MVs. A. 8. Cummlngs, of 244 Clacka mas street, Portland, Ore., says: "Kidney complaint and backache clung to me for a long time and often I suf fered very severe attacks of It Some times It was a dull heavy aching over the kidneys, and again sharp acute pain In the small of the back. The kidney secretions passed too frequently and often with pain. I had tried sev-, eral remedies with poor results and was finally Induced to use DoarTarKld ney Pills. They helped me very quick ly and continuing I soon found relief from the aches and pains. The action of the kidney secretions was also strengthened to a great extent. I rec ommended Doan's Kidney Pills In our papers three years ago. I am always pleased to say a good word for this remedy and am glad of this oppor tunity to confirm my former testimony." ; Plenty more proof like this from Astoria people. Call at Chas. Rodgers drug store and ask what customers report : For sale by alt dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. . . W. C. LAWS . CO. -! , t f. HEATING AND PLUMBING ENGINEERS Plans and estimates famished on application. All work done by First-Class Mechanics. Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first class manner, as we 'do no other work in our shop. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is best for women and children. Its mild ac tion and pleasant taste makes It. pre ferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc Get the booklet and a esample of Orlno at T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. ... wf MttMrnuire. g 'f fimM Ualafto. RlTXiEvtMCWMICUX. MEN ABDWQME& Vn BIi (or nnmtoml dichrs,iliflnimllool. Irritttioni or ulurallou .( maeou. mmbr.n. PdnlMi, nd boi ulrm. nr nni.onolll. ot Id plulu wrappM, br .xpr."!. I"tiit. fr"? Si. 00, or S nottlei .;. HI I IK MIMlll THE TRENTON f First-Class Liquors and Cigars " 602 Ccanmerdal Street. Z Corner Commercial and 14th. " " Astoria, Oregon, t SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTORIA, OREGON IROH AND BRASS FOUNDERS' HAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS . rju-to-CaU Saw Kill Mkchinerr . PromDt attention eiven to al, repair work , 18th and Franklin Ava. ' ' ' " ' TsU Main MM.' BIG REDUCTIONS ON an paper 30 PER GBNTi OFF i On account of "the large new spring stock coming and ! to make room in our store we offer 30 per cent ! ' off for the next few days. . Buy ryottr4"' - : ,,, ".''Z wall papet now while it is cheap. J7 ; Eastern Painting & Decorating Company.; , ! , .., Commsrolal 8trest, near Eighth. flf )lverd tr oarrler. . , . Itiw Vim .: Md-fc.c is'- :r:"3' "'