THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. UN DAY, MAY 3, 1007. f $45 SPECIAL SALE H5 Delayed shipment of Ladies' and Misses' New and Up-to-Date light wool spring - Jackets loose and tight fitting effects with velvet and cloth collars, all sizes. Good values at $8 and $9. c , J Special Price Today Only $4,95 Come Early and get your choice a$ they won't last long at this price, A new shipment of Altman Voi-e and the "Money Back" silk skirts from $10 to 22.50, just in. See them-all beauties j $4.95 At JALOFF'S 120 nth St. $4.95 I II HtM WATERFRONT ITEMS Light House Tender Returns from Alaska. COLUMBINE HAS FINE TRIP The tug Traveller arrived In last evening from Cray's Harbor and to unJer lease' to the Columbia Contract Company who have the contract for furnishing rock for the Jetty. The Traveller will be put at work towing the rock barges from here to the Jetty. Captain Erlckson and crew who brough her here will return thla morning to Hoqulam and a new crew will be engaged for hY. A R Means Much to Astoria and its Allied Towns. ASTORIA-PORTLAND HOUSE Tog Traveller Arrive From Gray's Harbor and Will Tow Rock Bars To Jetty Other Marine News. ' Advices from San Francisco are that one of th worst gales of the sea son is blowing along th VHHjemm cost, the wind reaching a velocity of ku iU jl In tins, close ly analagous to the purposes of the organisation he and his colleagues The Columbia Trust Company and It Relation to Development Here Oil tinct Credit to Both Cities, and Most to Astoria. AoroDOt of what was said In toe editorial columns of this paper y" tvrday morning, anent the significant Interest of Portland In the develop ment In and about Astoria, the Itllng of the articles of Incorporation of the Columbia Trust Company Is a strong case In point and the Inttal one of vttal moment The house Is well con stltuted. The men whose names sponsor the enterprise are all young, well known, responsible, energetic, and possessed of very wide and definite knowledge of the business they have Inaugurated. Mr. O. L. Ferris has, for some time past, been a valued em ploye of the Title. Guaranty ft Tryst Contpany. of Portland ,and has fllted position In the trust department of that great establishment that equips him with very broad and deflnlto In formation upon the property and values governing In that market, as well as of those of the state at large. Mr. John A. Lee Is a prominent at torney of the metropolis, with a large and jrowlng practice, the Interests of The vSeasonsShowiig's OF SPRING SUIT STYLES IN NEW MODES AND NOVEL FABRICS. EVERY Clothing Stock cousists of a . large proportion of so-called "staples" including the quiet effects and pat ternsas well as a smaller proportion of the season's novelties. Those who appreciate the exclusiveness of these special patterns make it a point to make early selections and purchases in order to obtain these desirable novelties. Onr new spring showing, now complete, is rich in New Styles and Novelty Pat terns in Business 4 Suits, 'fop Coats, Cravenettes, etc ! If our Prices interest you, the QothcswiU surely meet with your Cornial Approval. iff ,vf rt ,-"fV'Jr prt' fm ) AW vJ Ay so mues per hour a shipping Is being Interfered with to a consider able extent have launched; Mr. Frank N. Clark, of this cltr. Is known here as one of The French bark Mlchelet arrived Astoria's most capable young cltlssns, down yesterday. She carries a cargo i having. In the short year of nls resl- ; of wheat fd the United Kingdom and expects to sail today. The large tramp British steamships, Kallbla and Queen Alexandra, were ffcortore.l vesterdav to load lumber for the Far East ffhey have a com bined carrying capacity of more than tons, and will take out to the neighborhood of 7,000,000 feet The Kallbla, la of 319 tons net register and one of the largest tramps under charter to come to Astoria. She la bound from London for San Francisco with a general cargo. She i. .xnctd here early next month. She Is 410 feet long, 50.1 feet wide, and 8J feet deeD In the hold. She was built 'on the Clyde In 1902. When last heard from the Queen Alexandra s was at Madras. She Is scheduled to arrive here In time for July loading. Though not so large as the Kallbla, the Queen Alexandra has a greater capacity than most of the traniDS freauentlng the Columbia River. She Is of 2T8S tons net regis ter, 360 feet long, 48 feet across the beam and 20.2 feet deep. Neither craft has ever been here before. Fourteen tramp steamships are now under contract to load for the Orient, exclusive of the regular liners. About half of them will take out lumber, and the rest wheat and flour. In addition to those engaged this morning, the fleet Includes: Ascot, Hyndford, Ursan Maru, Afri can Monarch, Hercules, Strathclyde, Strathyre, Tottenham, Sark, Maori King. Knight Templar and Henrlk Ibsen. Aside from these there will be four regular liners soil for Hongkong and way ports In the next two months. ' The Strathclyde will be here Mon day. She sailed from San Francisco for Astoria yesterday. The U'hthouse tender Columbine ar rived in last night from a month's cruise in Alaskan waters. Captain Richardson reports a pleasant trip with good weather all the way. She delivered material and supplies at the different light stations and also land' ed the material at different points In Wrangel Narrows for beacons. The trip was an uneventful one. The tug Oklahama came down from Portland yesterday , morning with the French vessel Mlchlet in tow. She re turned to Wallace Slough to get the Alden Bessie which was loading lum per there. The Alden Bessie came down last night The steamer Alliance arrived In last evening on her wekly schedule between here and Coos Bay. She had a full cargo of freight and list of. passengers and will sail on the re turn trip Wednesday., - . j The British ship Dimsdale arrived down yesterday and will probably get to sea today. She is In ballast for Australia where she will load coal. The Tottenham, of Comox, came In this morning. She went to Tongue Point where she will take on lumber before going to Portland. , The steamer Irish Monarch arrived down last evening. She la loaded With lumber for Shanghai. The Oriental liner Aragonla la on the way down from Portland. She has a cargo of lumber, flower ana ma chinery valued at S206.44L The Argyle came down from Port land this morning. She is unloading oil at Astoria and goes out tomorrow morning. The schooner Columbia left up the river last evening In tow of the steamer Oklahama. The Polarua arrived In Francisco for Vancouver. from San 00 DONE BY DEED. Alex Gilbert and wife to F. N. Clark, 25 acres near the Ham mond tract $10 John and Pauline Hahn, his wife, to Albert E. Beard, the undi vided half of lots 20, 21, 22 and 23 of tract No. 1 in block 27 In Olney's addition 250 Leon M. Dow to Lillion W. Kaup, 20 acres in township 8 north range 9 1000 t MAY 8EVER RELATIONS. Guatemala Has Refused To Extradite uenerai kima. MEXICO CITY, May 4. Guatemala has refused to comply with the re quest of the Mexican government-that General Lima and Colonel Bore, charged with complicity In the as sasslnatlon of General Barrillas, be extradited. The cabinet fs now In session and It Is said the ministers are debating the advsabillty of Imme dlately severing diplomatic relations with Guatemala. BALLOON ASCEN8ION. PARIS, May 4. Maurice Farman and a friend ascended from St Cloud on Wednesday evening, in a balloon of 1,000 gas metres capacity and ' they landed at Carlsbad, yesterday, having traveled a distance of 780 m!les ATTENTION EAGLES. All members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and their families are In vited to attend the memorial exercises to be held at the Redmen's Hail this afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp. C. E. LINTON, Worthy President. C, E. Foster, Secretary. TO HOLD PROTEST MEETING, - The Astoria Central Labor Council will hold a Moyer-Heywood and Petti bone protest meeting at Logan Hall, Thursday evening, May 8th, admis sion 25 cents, All proceeds above ex penses to go to the defense of these workers. Come out and make it as much as posssible. Walter Thomas Mills, speaker, Morning Astorlan, to eents a month, delivered by carrier. dence here, demonstrated specific faculties for despatching the elements of the new business that shall be as signed to his particular charge. The company Intends to go before the people of the state, In pursuit of its commercial ends, upon the best possible hypothesis of establishment and guaranty and invites the wlJest scrutiny and broadest possible Invest! gation, In order that it may be free to, at once. Indulge the best of Its plans and ambitions and secure firm predi cate for all time In the handling of Its Interests. On or about the first the coming month it will open Its A tori1 offices In the rear, ground floor room of the new Astoria Savings Bank building, on Eleventh street, anJ will equip -the quarters with every late and reliable adjunct to its business, which, for the time being, will be confined to the buying and selling of realty, the collection of rents and the cure of properties, all other elements being added as time and growth shall war rdnt or Imppi. These will Include all phases of banking, trust and fiduciary engagements and will be prosecuted upon the safest and most approved basis, fortified by the most acceptable guaranties of law ,and affiliation. The Portland establishment will be set up in an elegant suite of rooms on the seventh floor of the new and mag nlflcent Couch building on Fourth street between Washington and Stark streets, the rooms being numbered 713, 714 and 715 and will be model and complete In every detail attaching to the Interests they stand for. They will be directed by Mr. Ferris, the secre tary ana treasurer of the company, and Mr. Lje, theVlce president, with a capable corps of clerks and expert attaches; President Clark, of the. con cern, being at the head of the main office' in this city, from whence all the affairs of the company will take their Initiative. The founding of this establishment here, along the lines of organlo equip ment and direction, and under such auspices, means a great deal, Its prim al promise being that It Is going into thla field In a large and wholesome fashion, with firm confidence in the immediate future of this section and a purpose to contribute to the honest and successful exploitation of that field and future, as well as to share In the good things created by Just such exhibitions of good-will and courage as this. Astoria can well afford to appreciate the reliance these men have signified and testify it by ready acknowledgement and such a share of patronage as will Justify the tiruei una aruent people who are responsible for the venture. "Uncommon Clothes." WHO ALWAYS TREATS YOU RIGHT. ENDORSE BRYAN, TALLAHASSEE, May 4. The Sen ate today passed a resolution endors ing William Jennings Bryan for the Democratic nomination for the presi dency in 1908. Golden Oak Rug filler and bird cages now In. Hlldebrand & Gor. Jut Think! Lowney's cholocates in pound ' and half-pound boxes 60 cents and 26 cents, until further notice, at TAGG'S CONFECTIONERY. NEW TO-DAY. Oliver typewriters stenographers at A. Commercial street. and automatic R. Cyrus, 424 tf. The motion pictures given at the Waldorf this week are clear and dis tinct, none of the flickering usual to cheap outfits. "Herring Fishing" Is the title of the pictures shown and are a true representation of that Industry are pursued on the Atlantic banks. Columbia and Victor graphnphones and latest records at 424 Commercial street A. It. Cyrus. tf. lee Cream Made from pure cream 30 cents a quart TAGG'S CONFECTIONERY. Millinery. Mrs. R. Ingieton will sell hats at reduced prices every Friday and Sat urday night Welch block, opposite Budget Office, Dell B. Scully, Notary Public tt Scully's Cigar Store. Any old hour I For The Little People. Every parent In this city should In vestigate, at once, the new and ap preciable shoe for the youngsters, at Charles V. Brown's Commercial street houae. They are called the "E. C. Scuff er" and are .hi very epitome of good wear and real comfort They are going like wlld-flre anJ the kids themselves are after them because they look so "comfy." Wanted to buy a house Must be in good location. M., this oe)ce. and lot. Address ' Library Benefit. The management of the Astoria theater have consented to donate a per cent of the receipts taken In at the performances of the Howard-Dorset Stock Company on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week to he devoted to the Interests of the Astoria Publto Library. 6-S-4t If a man know anything of his own anatomy be mut be aware that bis stomach la a magnificent organ and entltleJ to the utmost consideration: g....l- ...J.-. IWI-JIII knowing that be will oat at the Palace when he can conserve Us safety and. comfort, by eating only the best cooked, best served and moat compen sating meal In the city of Astoria, day, ornlght, It is always the asms, and the Palace habit I one that pay to acquire, Arthur Bmltfc la a mas ter of th art of preparation and ser vice, of all things edible. For your watch and clock repairing go to Frank J. Donn.rbsrg the reliable Jeweler, 110-11 street Go to A, D. Craig for your ten's, awnings and all kinds of canvas wir. 12th and Exchange. tf Five Cents to IJ.0O Wh.n you feel like "sponging" a bit drop into Frank Hart's drug store and buy a sponge. Tou can, And just what you want, from I centi to 1 1.0 per sponge. " Wanted at once, a waist draper and skirt maker, first-class hand on jackets, also first-class operator on machine. Mesdames Hawks ft Smith, 619 Duane. 6-5-lw. FOR SERVICE AND CONVENIENCE Tha prime essential of a business establishment la to have it open for the purposes of business when it Is needed; not closed by custom nor any rule of hours. This essential attaches to the drug store of Dr. C. E. Linton at 185 Eleventh street which Is open every one of the 44 hours In the day; and with a stock that meets every re quirement likely to arise In that time. It I." one of the exceptions and Is thor oughly endorsed. PLAY BALL! BOHEMIANS vs. N. P. BREWERS 2:30 P. M., TO-DAY At A. F. C. Grounds mimmm Great Game of the New Season. The Bohemians have been admitted to the Tri-City Base Ball League. Admission, Adults 25c, Children 10c. Come Out Everybody dol- Save Your 8lips . Whether you buy 10 cents or a lar's worth In Wise's clothing store, save your slips, and when you have 15 worth you get a Piano number free. Be sure and ask for your number for the next dance and Piano contest for Wise's customers, To Feed The People Just heeeived The secret of making good pictures Is in having the best materials to work with. Harps drug store have( just received a fresh supply of films and film-packs, 10 get In the game. and do irright And keep them feeling well and happy, it is necessary to have the 'Best in the line of Fine Groceries. And we are the people who have them for sale. Come and see us about it at the . 1 '' ACME GROCERY 521 Commercial Street Phone Main ft81