THE MORNING ASTORIaN, ASTORIA, OREGON. ATURDAY, MAY '4, 1006. THE . MORNING A$T0RIAN IsUsliahea iiy PnblUhPd Dally Except Monday by Ilk. J. S. DEUUHGRR COMPAHV. SUBSCRIPTION KaTIS. By mfl, Fr M By earrier, par moot.. JO WEEJXY ASTOKIUI. 8 mail, per yr, la adrsace.. 11.00 Entered M sfcond-elaea muter Jnty LI, at tbe poolofflo H AtuHa.Ore- andarlheactofCougreeeoi March!, Qmm atay be Bud by portal card or aefeefpaMtoatfaav '; SltPB6at HAD! Ik Official paper of Clatsop eoonty u e WEATHER. Oregon, Washington, Idaho Fair. HONORS TO KUROKI. General Kuroki, the famous Japanese militarist, Is the guest of the Ameri can nation, and If he does not have a good time it won't be because his hosts are too poor in purse and purpose. He Is entitled to the best we have and there are none to begrudge it Pe landed at Seattle yesterday and was met by Lieutenant-General Sic Arthur and BtaftVand is now en royte to Jamestown. Which noted town and Its splendid trl-centennial exposition was made the basis for his visit Every mile of the S000 across the con tinent will be marked by some expres sion of hospitality and honor for the distinguished visitor, and by the time he is quartered on the Chesapeake, he will be aware of the real scope and quality of American regard for actual heroes. ' It is hoped his stay In this country may be the means of choking oft the silly talk of war with Japan and the conversion of the entire country to a 'large ' and sensible regard for the clever people who are fast rising to the supreme levels of place and char acter among the nations. CAPITAL AND LABOR. Whatever the fundamental causes that have provoked it, there is to be a tremendous contest between capital and labor In the adjudication of the criminal cases pending In the Idaho courts as against Moyer, Heywood and Pettibone. It will not only arouse the fiercest antagonism between the two factions in this particular relation, but will revive the old and bitter phases of discord that have prevailed in the minlnK-belt since the Cour J'Alene wars, and engendered conditions of nnrest and peril never known in the ronntrv before, and which, must of a verity, contribute Immensely to the final settlement of the status of labor everywhere in the nation. It is evident now, from the stress of events as they unfold dally, that the federal covernment Itself Is to be deeply Involved for the protection of life and property In the whole norm west and this may be the saving ele ment of the desperate situation, since the government in demonstrative op eration, is the only thing respected either by capital or labor. We hope for the sake of commerce, ooliev. and history that the extremes threatened will not be reached and that the issues may be left to the law; that the law will be most carefully and honestly administered. Labor has as much at stake Just now as It can well afford to hazard and capital has its all on the cast it makes in this contest 10- ' 1 ; PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. One of the best signs of the times hereabout is the very definite interest being manifested by the clever people of Portland in land and commerce and other features of negotiation, west of Tongue Point. That they should turn this way, after long years of. positive avoidance Indicates the possession of tangllble understanding on their part of the merit of such a movement; Since the deal whereby James J. "Hill acquired possession of the A. & C. railway was closed there has been a steady up-llft in the Interest of the metropolitans as to things Astorlan, and no day passes without it's quota of access; all of which is thoroughly appreciated here and is a factor in ae general scheme of advance being1 prosecuted by our people. Portland is extraordinarily rich and progreaslv and "fler easiness to participate In the assured development of the lower Columbia country gives emphatic con firmation to the claims set up here that our future Is pregnant' with large and wholesome opportunities for all manner of Investment. Astoria does not underrate such an advantage as this and will do all in her power to conserve It and realise upon it: the only exception to be noted being that of the Por t of Colum bia law, a proposition In which our friends up the river need never look in this direction for any comfort, we having peculiar and pertinent Views of our own on thut subject. THE HOUR OF REACTION. We, Americans are going at a tre mendous pace Just now, as usual, alto mther unmindful of the certainty of the reaction that la Inevitable. It l time to take cognisance el the rate and trend of our course, abate tome of the extravagance of time, money and nerve force expended so lavishly and begin tn hedm against the revulsion, else we shall be victimised more deeply and sacrifice far more than there is any use in yielding. We know the folly of handing out such counsel aa this, but we want to be In the place or the man "who told you so,' the most Invincible position a paper can occupy on any large subject Some slngulne souls are putting the hour of reaction Wyond the limit of the first decennial of 1907. but there is nothing to determine such a period by. and oftener than not they are pre cipitated most unexpectedly by some untoward complication and engulf us without warning. And it is not alto- -tw imurobable that the resultant issues of the Moyer-Heywood trial at I Boise City, during the present month may go far toward setting up the very conditions necessary to thnit the climax upon the country. At all event tt were well to watch the road ahead and be guided by the indication tnat is sure to manifest Itself In time. 0 EDITORIAL 8 A LAD. fin "Silent" Smith only left $30,000,- 000 instead of three times that amount. Begins to look as If Mrs. Sage, John D. and Andrew Carnegie will have to chip In to sustain one of the Twentieth Century financial fables. A Lockport (N. T.) thief climbed -1 ..! nSitxraaa YW1 ri.i tn remove a section of wire with a saw. He Is now saying nothing permanently. n Lawyer Delmas has retired from the Thaw case. He was witung 10 ri. fh defendant in court, but ob jected to hiring out as his companion In Jail 0 1 " --rh Miiroads have ceased their op- .uinn to the 2-cent fare proposition Their present thorn In the flesh Is the increase In their tax assessment. TV. 1 1 1 "i Mr. Roosevelt has a very able and In.i..tHoua cabinet, but nobody can say that he shirks any of the work that comes to the White House. Just think of the bully book the nH-itoi could write if he does take that trip around the world. WonJer who's got the magazine rights? o- -with the approach of another pres Identlal campaign the democratic sky begins to assume the beautiful shaae known as Bryan blue. f 0 . Bill Ward says: "No one knows the pangs of regret more than the man who bought too soon. . n All' Spain Just now Is simply aching to know whether It Is "to be or not te a. boy. 0 "'. More News From the New England 8tatea, If any one has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley's Kidney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvln H Stimnson. of Wlllimantlc, Conn., who, after almost losing hope of recovery, on account of the failure of so many remedies, finally tried Foley's Kidney Cure, which he says was "Just the thine" for him. as four bottles curea him completely. He Is now entirely well and free from all the suffering inMrient tn dpiita kidney trouble. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. The Life Insurance mmlflla lias started the DUbliC to thlnkinsf. The wonderful success that has met Ballard's Horehound Syrup In its crusade on Coughs, Influenza and Bronchitis and all Pulmonary troubles Was started the publlo. to thinking of this wonderful preparation. They are all using it Join the proces sion and down with sickness. Price 25c, 60c and 81.00. COUNTY COURT AD JOURNED MATTER OF BUILDING ROAD TO CONNECT WITH ROAD FROM TILLAMOOK COUNTY TAKSN UP AND ACTED UPON. The county court met yesterday and practically finished the business of the term. v ,The report of the viewers of the road petitioned for by William Hartell and others was favorably passed upon and the road granted. Martin Berg was employed to paint the Young's Bay and Lewis A Clark bridge No. I. In the matter of county exhibit at the State Fair at Salem it was referred to J. Q. A. Bowlby and O. J. Peterson, managers or the county fair and J. H. Whyte .manager of the Chamber of Commerce. The Tillamook county road matter which has been up befor the court on several occasions waa taken up by court and the clerk waa Instructed to communicate with the county court of Tillamook county and Inform them that they had dclded to build a road by way of the beach to the Tillamook county line If assured that the county court of Tillamook county would build a road to connect with them. This Is road that should have been built years ago and It Is to be hoped that It will be shoved through now to rapid completion. In the matter of the change of rood Jt9trlct x. 10 the clerk was . . ,0 Jnmc jamln. supervisor of district No, Jj'to take the matter up with Ell Foster and see If he Is willing to deed the county a right-of-way through his land for the proposed change. George Irwin was Instructed to make needed repairs on the Elk Creek roaJ from the summit to the Elk Creek house and put it in passable condition. The court then adjourned to My 8. Pirating Foley's Honey and Tsr. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worth less imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is In a yellow package. Ask for It and refuse any substitute. It U. the bestremedy for coughs and coldi. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. CAVALRY MARKSMEN. WASHINGTON, May . The acting secretary of war has approved the plan prepared by Brigadier-General Hall for the selection of teams to represent the Infantry and cavalry In the rifle matches this summer. Gen eral Hall recommended that 8 marks men of the Infantry and 36 of the cavalry be tried out and the method of selection be similar to that of last year. The shooting by the candidates will beeln about July 1. Each team will consist of twelve men and three alter nates. Captain William H. Hay. tenth cavalry, now on duty at the Pennsyl vania State College, will be captain of the cavalry team and Major David C Shanks, fourth cavalry, at Fort Me- Kenzle, Wyo., captain of the Infantry team. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given that I have been appointed by the County Court of Clatsop . County, Oregon, adminii Itratrlxof the estate of Hannah Brown, W eased, . and all pereokisj bavin claims against said estate, are hereby required to present the same to me. properly verified, at foe office of my attorney, X A. Eakin, at No. 428-428 Commercial Street. In Astoria, Ore gon, within six months fro mthe date of this notice. Dated, Astoria, Ore., April 19, 1907 , ANNUS M. POWELL, , . Administratrix of the estate of Han nah Brown, deceased. ADMIN I8TRATOR8 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed by the County Court of Clatsop County, Oregon, aJmlnls trator of the estate of David Johan san, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby required to preent the same to me, properly verified, at the office of my attorney, J. A. Eakln, at No. 426-428 Commercjal Street, In Astoria, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. R. M. GASTON, ' Dated, Astoria, Ore,, April 19, 1907. Administrator of the estate of Han nah Brown, deceased. IN THE CITY CHURCHES. First Luthtran. First Lutheran Church, Ouamf K. RyiUjulat, iaatr. Sunday school at 9 l 30 a. m Mlm Alonm Nyland, sopor. Intomlcnli morning service at 10:45; thorn ror sorinon, "l'rayer In the Name of Jesus"! evening service, which Is always In Kngllah, t o'clock j. theme for sermon, "Our Pio neers," All are cordially Invited. Sunday school nt the German Luth eran church at :S0 o'clock, Mrs, A. Woung, superintendent. There will be no aervli In the afternoon. , . . .. Presbyterian. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, Trees and Men"! Sunday school, IS: 15; Y. P. & C. E., T:00: evening worship, I o'clock, "Experience and Faith." All are Invited. Wm. 8. Gilbert, pastor. Baptist Chureh. Rev. C L. Owen, of Athena, dr will occupy the pulpit morning and even ing. Mr. Owen has come to visit the field for a week or two and It Is earn estly desired that all Baptists and others Interested be present at the services. Services will be heI4 at U s, m. and at 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a ,m. Young people's meeting. : p. m. First M. E. Chureh, Sermon themes for Sunday; Morn ing, 'If." from Exodus IMt Evening service at 8:00 o'clock. "Contradictions In Teaching Among the Churches" reason suggested for the tack of Interest on the part of mn In the church All Methodist In the city are urged to be present at these service All who have not a church elsewhere are Invited to worship with us, StftiiW- cr will find hearty welcome. C. C Barlck, pastor. The Norwegian and (Danish Meth odist Church. Concern of Duane 37 st. The Sundoyschool starts at ten o'clock. Morning Service-Preaching and Holy Lyng Hanson from Ballard Wash. The Evening Service will also be conducted by the Presiding Elder. H you have no other Church Home you are heartely Invited to come and Wor- shyp the Lord with us. Ellas Gjerdlng Pastor. The Astoria Temperance Society have their regular meetings at the Free Lutheran Church, Uppertown, on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock A good program prepared for the oc- cation. Everybody Welcome. Grace Church. There will be services at Grace Chudk-h. Holy innocents Chapel, on Sunday as follows. At A. M. Holy Communion at Holy Innocent Chapel. At 11 a. m morning prayer and holy communion nt Grace Church. At 4 n m. rhllilren's service at Grace f , Church. Evening, services omllteJ The Rev. John Warren, who will be located here for some time, will ofTlc late at all these services, fh salve that acts like a poultice ia TXn Raiva Carbollsed. No other salve so good for cuts, burns, bolls an 3 iiiimA skin. Ask about It Price Ucts. Sold by Frank Hang wrug Store. treaimant for kidney bladder troubles and rheumatism, for 8L00. ' Tour money refunded If not aatlaftad. PlnauUs contain HO S1CO- hnL TV, not deranca the stomacn. Easy to take. Sold by Frank Hart's Drug Store. The Publisher's Claims Sustained UNITIO 8TATBS COURT OP CLAIMS The Puhltuhers of Wabf tor's Intaraatlenal Dlctloaary allnga tbat It " It, In f at,the popu- lar ijoabrldi irm looronarniy rauiiea 11 vuatlv mnrli'hmA In lIVArv mi ti purpose of adapting It to meet the larser and severer requirements of another genera- We are of tbe opinion tbat this allocation most clearlf and accurately denorltee the work that has been aeoompllnhed and tbe result that baa been reached. Tbe Dictionary, as it now aunds, has been thoroughly ro. edited In every detail, boa been corrected In every part, and is admirably adapted to meet the lancer and severer requirements of a phlloloHlcal knowledxe than any generation that the world boaevcr contained. It is perhaps needlem to fid that we refer he blKhcat authority In accurucyof dellnU tlon: and that in tbe future oa In the put It CHARLES 0. MOTT, Cbl. Jwtlta. LAWRKNCR WELDON T JOHN DAVIS. STANTON 1. HyM.V, . , . , it The about refm to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (the hlKliet award) was Riven to the Interna- WIHU at uw n onu tuir, dl. jjuuu. GET THE LATEST AND BEST Ton will ht interested In mr , tpecimen page, tent free, G.&C. MERRIAM CO., mSLISHSRS, ' aPBINOFIELD, MASS. I wonnm 1 UNTKSNAnONALf Mcnoriiry jpssspBpE!7!t Different from other oil itove. Superior because of its economy, cleanliness, and easy operation. The NEW PERFECitOilI MIHiieHM8!Cj1Ccc!.SfoVe aTta fuel txptait tad leaeeaa ue vow k. Produces t atroef vorklsg flame iastaatly. Flame alvays under immediate control. Gives qmlek mufti itaout overheatlni the kJtchen. Made in three lie, Every itovt vamatcd. If tot at ycur dealer vritt our nearest agency for deMriptivt circular. , & THE ft Ike Um kmp in sLnwai aoUsaold W Made of feru thrwhout sad beautifully ekkslsA Psrfeetty cxMstnteted; hbtohrtely atle mxU4 tUfbt-fivtsg power 1 aa ornusea to say roes, rery luap wan sated. U aot year dealer's, write te eur atar est if eacy. STANDARD OH CIW? ANY . usvasnsiTU) .. . j 1 ... . Dr. PLAY BALL! BOHEMIANS vs. N. p. BREWERS 2:30 P. M on Sunday Next At A. P. C. Grotiirtds t uii.i.i 1 Great Game of the New Season. The Bohemians have been admitted to the Tri-City Base Ball League. Admission, Adults 25c, Children 10c. Come Out Everybody The Astoria Is now ready Graton and Knight Belting. Corbln Build ers' Hardware. Gencseo Ready Roofing. i i .t. ' ri I a s General Hardware, etc. - 113 12t6 St. Worm Just Arrive cl Price E. A. WIGGINS CO., MU8IC BOOKS STATIONERY First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED 188(5. Capital The New , Oil Stove n Lamp . f ' ' ins MWlM uum MAKES ICAN PC0M.E f AT I JSsv THROUGH The NERVOUS SYSTEM IT ISAIlimWCEiAetCCOM POUND. Contains do oils or fail or any drug that li in jurious or Untile to produce a habit Kaon bottle con. Ml tains a month's treatment! 1 ami coats ai.ou si any nrai s clam drug sloJe, rrepsrsd 1 by He rr I ANT11EAN MEDICINE COMPANY. I M OKEGONIAN, BUILDING, if7 1 : PORTLAND. OREOoN. ir'V! Hardware Co.) for your orders. 2Bc $100,000 'at ". 4 " Almanac rx