The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 03, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Will Civ Soolal-
Tho aoclul club of Fern Chsprfer.
Order of tho Kutrn Htar, will give
another ono of their enjoyable dam
and curd parties Krlduy evening, May
17lh, at Masonic Hull.
Just Opened a Barrel of The Famous
"Heinz" Dill Pickles
2'Octs. a Doz.
One Piano Number Free4 with each $5 Purchase
Flshtrman'e Prry
A fUliuriiiuM'a ferry connuctlng
I'nlim town and Fort Columbia bit
been proponed and If carried through
will prove of great advantage tn the
rtunjmi-r tourist that come to Astoria.
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1007.
Tht Leading Orooert
Cltlnnihlp Paper !"""'s
John Kepel and Ouataf SoJerman
received their flrt cltlaonahlp papers
ywterday from County Clerk Clinton.
Iiimmif Curfw
Last night tha summer curfew
'schedule wnt Into effect for the com
Ing waion aw) will hereafter be rung
at t o'clock instead of I aa heretofore.
At Auction
The 0, IT, Cooper bankrupt atork of
clothing baa been auld to Mai Ulrahl
who Intonda to dispone of It at auc
tion, within a short llmo. The price
paid win It U0,
lecurei New Location
Charle Laro'M, proprietor of the
Worklngmen' Store, haf laaaed the
atore room went of no, Hlggln A
Co,, and la baring the mama fitted up
In fine shape and will ahortty move hi
itock there,
Street Improving
The work of Improving jlrand ave
nue, which waa halted -1y the wet
weather, ha been resumed by Con
tractor Goodwin and It will bo cum
pleted aa aoon aa possible.
Jur Trial
Hon Talo, chargnd with aawiult and
buttery on the person of Charles
Isaacson, waa arraigned In Jutlce
Qoodman'a court yeeterday and the
trial by jury act for tola morning a
10 o'clock.
City Warrant
The total amount of thn general funl
warranti alld by the city treaaurer
cornea to approximately the aum of
ll!0, The warrant called include the
laat of the onea Imued to cover the
building of the city hall.
Picked Snowball
Qeorge A. Clark, the expert' ac
countant, came down from Portland
yesterday and I buay checking up
aome private matter. He haa Just
returned from a trip to Omaha, Neb.,
and itty he ran Into a foot of enow
there and he eaya It feel good to got
back here whore the aun moat al
way ahlnva and the grnaa la alwaya
green; ,
Begin Laying Traok
The I. R. A N, Company have Ugun
to lay track on their new lino now be
ing built on tho north aide of the river.
The track-laying crew haa atnrted at
a point where the new line leave the
Old, north of Ilwaco and they will keep
at work until they got to tho .tunnel
at Ft, Columbia. Tha company la
atralnlng every effort to complete the
line In time for the beach travel but
It I thought that tha tunnel will not
bo completed until In July. The dock
which the company will build on the
aatorn termlnua will be one of the
flnet In the country and have two
ftuor. The lower one will bo to land
freight on and the upper one for pas
engers and be fixed for handling the
largest crowd. It wn expected that
tha road would bo chnnged to a milli
ard gauge but thla hue not been done,
and track now being put down I
narrow gauge although atandard tlea
are being put down which will enable
thorn to easily widen It out, .
Police Court-
Two plain drunk made their Initial
bow bvforo Judge Anderson In the
police court yesterday and In view of
the fact that It wa their (tret appear
anr tha court Imposed a fine of tu or
two day. Erne Holt, who ha In the
past, contributed generously to the
flora and forfeiture receipt wua again
before the judge charged with Intoxi
cation and waa fined tha cuatomary IS
or two day In Jail.
Approval Certificate
The certificate of approval for the
Improvement of Eleventh atreet be
tween Commercial and Bond afreets,
waa fltvd yeeterday with tho city audi
tor for presentation to tha common
council at ita next meeting. Tha con
tract prlc of the Improvement waa
ms.&o. The certificate I algned br
the committee on atreeta and public
way, the city surveyor and the atreot
uperlntendent The Arm of Birch and
Jnenbaen were the contractor who did
the work. ,
Ball Qame
lilg doing are being planned for the
ball game of next Sunday, when the
trong North Pacific Brewery team of
Portland will come down to try con
clusions with tho Bohemian. The
Portland boya will arrive In a epeclal
car which will bo decorated for the
occaalon and will bring with them C.
V. 'Whltmore, president of tho Trl-
Clty League. Tho team will leave the
Occident Hotel at I o'clock, headed by
th Attorla band and will parade to
tha ball ground. W. E. Schlmpff,
vice-president and manager of the
North' Paciflo Brewery of Aatorta, will
pitch the firm ball by . way opening
ceremonies. ,
Ice Cream
Change of Bate
Hwualor W. F, tkholfWId bua moved
from tha Captain Forchen houe to
moro commodious quarter, at 485
Fifteenth atreet Into the V. I Parker
hou, formerly occupied by Thomu
tlyilo. '
May Day Party
The pupil In Mis. Aii'ilo Lnnw-n'
room at Adair Hchool guve a May
Dny purty on Wednesday, . Banket
of the children handwork filled wllh
apple .blossom guve the room a fc-
tlno apHarance.
Moved to New Warehouse
Flatter lirothora Company bave re
moved their twine department from the
Flav block to their One new con
Crete warehouse down on Water at reel.
Thl wilt give thorn more room and
enabla them to carry their atock more
Have Not Determined Lot,
Tho Columbia River Packer' Ao
elation began work yesterday on re-
pulling the damage causod by the fire
Wednesday and In a few daya tha roof
will cover the building. Aa aoon aa
tha roof la Untuned the freezing
room will be opened and then the
extent of tht damago will be known.
If the water ha aoakod through Into
the Insulation of the froeaing room
they will practically havo to bo re
Fir at AstoWa Boa Co
An alarm of (Ire ent In from the
Aatorla flox Co. cauaed tha depart
ment a good run to Uppertown yeater
day. A ama.ll blaxo tar ted In one of
tho ventilator of the dry houM but
waa put out by the mill hand before
any damage waa done or tha depart
ment arrived. The alarm box waa
rang twice which cauaea sa general
alarm and eent up all the apparatua.
Only In cae of a big Are la the box
supposed to be rung more than once.
Ready For Buiine
Herman Wise, the Commercial atreet
clothier, completed .the, operation of
moving In the new atore and la ready
for buslne with an up-to-date Uno
of men'a and boya' clothing and the
ftneat ah op in Aatorla in which to en
tertain hta customer. Tho new atore
I perfect In all of Ita appointment
and will prove a dullght to prospective
purchara. Mr. WUe la to be com
plimented on hi enterprlae In giving
to Aatorla a buxlnea house of thla
Money Stretches
a long ways at" this store,
in fact', it goes so far and
has so , much purchasing
value, you would think it
was made of rubber. Doubt
it? well, drop in and see.
Scholfield, Hattson Co.,
For a
Johnson Phonograph Go.
Parr Seoond Floor ever Soholfletd A Mattton Co.
Police New
The Dago fisherman at Booth'a Can
nery broke loose InBt evening and
marled a email elaed riot among them
ticlv'ea. One of tho men waa struck
on the head with a teacup and waa
quite badly lacerated about tho face
and head. HI Injurlei were patched
up and the row again' atartcd, thla
time, the same unfortunate waa thrown
overboard and fell about 15 foet strik
ing a Mxhboat and acverely wrenched
hi buck. Tho police arrived at this
Juncture and qulted tho affray by
arresting two of the others on a drunk
and disorderly charge.
Leave For Lake County '
John G. Ross, who hns boon visiting
here for several wooka loaves tonight
for Christmas Lake Valley, hi Lake
County, Oregon, whore ho Is now lo
cated. Mr. Ross haa taken up a fine
homestead there and Is very much en
thused over his new home. A abort
time ago he dug a woll otwhls place
and atruck mineral water containing
valuable medicinal properties. A nura-
bor of Astorlans have lately taken up
land around him. He Is 180 miles from
the railroad, but Harrlman'e Eastern
Oregon lino was surveyed through that
Country ' last year and within a mile
of his place, and ha strong hope that
this lino will be built soon.
ryw Yoiut.
Sole Agent for
Knox" Hats
1! a I ;S
tmv w Vj J VjTlk.
rrtocta a o it
High Art Clothes
Stratford 8ytm Cloth, the
Fint In th. Land and Several
Other Fine Make. WI8E la Be
hind Each Artiol Sold In HI 8tore
The Only
" Wardrobe
Clothing' Shop
In Oregon
With Each Suit
Wc Give a Good
Pair of Suspenders
No Dust !
No Moths ! !
i. ,
P. S. For Moths and Dust go Elsewhere.
City Park Improvement
Pluhs for the clearing up and Im
proving of the City Pavk have come
to life and the work started. Ole
Erlckson, of the Columbia Nursery at
Smiths Point has donated a number
of English Sycamore free to the Park
Commission and t busy planting
thorn on the crest of the hill in thm
of English. Sycamore trees to the Park
short time will, fill the much neoded
want In the park, As soon as the
new road Is completed the whole
twelve acre will be cleared and morev
shado trees will be planted making
the place a delight to the city and Its
visitor. -
Birthday Celebration
At Joe Philips on Duane atreet last
evening a party of frlenda were cele
brating the (?) birthday of Miss Jones.
Two of the young ladles and' Dave
McCroiky dressed In women's attire
started out for a walk and the other
member of the party telephoned to
tho Jail for an officer, saying that a
crnay person was roaming the streets.
Otllcer Twombly responded and on dis
covering the joke turned the Joke upon
the Joker by arresting (?) the party
and taking them back to the house
and making the others of the party
dig up ball. 'As the amount they wore
able to muster was not quite the re
quired amount, he graciously com
promised on a ham sandwich.
Story of a Hog
0. W. Roberts, agent of the 0. R.
& N filed a communication with the
city auditor, In reference to a liog
that was lost by the poundmaster and
asking that the city reimburse the
owner for same. A year ago the ani
mal leaped' overboard from the Hassalo
and on reaching the shore was taken
In custody by the poundmaster. The
next morning Agent Roberta called on
the chief of police and desired 01
redeem the hog by paying the fee re
quired by law. The chief was unable
to produce tho animal because It had
tigaln escaped, during the night. n!he
owner filed a claim against the rail
road and the company In turn passed
It on to' the city. They claim negli
gence on the part of the poundmaster
and again ask that the claim be paid.
Golden Oak
Rug filler and bird cages now In
Hlldebrand & Gor.
: - 0
Tho motion pictures given at the
Waldorf -this week are clear and dls
tlnct, none of the flickering usual to
cheap outfits. "Herring Fishing" is
the title of the pictures shown and are
a true representation of that Industry
are pursued on the Atlantlo banks.
lor Infanti and Children.
The Kind Yea Havo Always Bought
Baars tha ' yJu
( ; . ) .
Oxford Ties
For Women.
The demand for this style
of footwear promises to be
greater this season than ever
before. Either patent, kid
or tan are correct for leathers
The snoe that is bought
from us is certain to be cor
rect in style. We have them
in all leathers, styles and
Wherity, Ralston Company
Astoria's Best Shoe Store