THE MORNING . ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. COAST LISE IS , , EXTENDED 9. Q. 1 BOWLBT, rrwUni rtULNK PATTON, Owhtar. "7 P. I PKTKR80N, Vlw Proliant J. W. OARNCT, AitUtaot Cashlar. Astoria Savings Bank A Wbnaerfiil Offer FRIDAY, MAY J, 1907. OtplMI Paid la UOOOPi lurpitu Md Ondlf Idtd rraau MM ! ' ( "" TraiimU a Central Banking Boil. ilntamtreloaTlmlioll . x, - , : . , , , - ,: .;.'.''; AITOWA, ORtOOK 111 Tsnth tbtt ' SJW1 Astoria iron works Dtt&heri and Htnifactorers ci J. , JTHE LATEriT MPBOVEDJ " ; ' Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Ginnery Outfits FumfihJ. t v CORRESPONOENCe 'JOUCITCO, Foot of Foartb tstreet. Shennan Transter Go; UENBY SHERMAN. Mdm Hacks, Cajriagsi-Bg Cfceoksd and Treiuwrta - Truck ard FuraHor 4 WtMM-rUao Movad, Bom4 and BMpftd. 433 Commercial Street. Min Phone 121 APPEARANCES Often a person is sized up by, his appear ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And more often a business house is sized up by 'the stationary it uses; ; A cheap letter head or a poor bill head gives a mighty poor first impression and makes business harder to transact. Good printing costs no more than poor printing. The first im pression is half the battle' in business. .You wouldn't employ a " sloppy "sales man 5 why put up with "sloppy," station ery, that gives a wrong impression of the , importance of your business. Let us do your printing and help you to make that ten strike. The J.S.DellingerGo. ASTORIA, OREGON ex "A H. B. PARKER. Proprietor. B, P. PARSER. . Manager. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. ' Flrat Clou In Evtry Rpot Fra Coach to Um House. Bur ul Billiard Room. Good Check Rtitauraat Astoria, -- " .,7;.' Li . i'.' i i , ft h v .:: i 4 I l i r "iff I 1 "'it , iTX Oregon Oood Sample Rooma on Ground Floor ' tor Commercial Men. jTTrrrynrv: III DISTILLERS , LOU8IVILLE, j. KENTUCKY Id Forester Whfskcy High in Quality and Price Tucker wfeey i Best Value on the Coast Major Paul Whiskey Noted for its Fine Flavor DISTRIBUTOltS ASTORIA, OREOON ii on i X ASTORIA. 0EIOOI - Carriet tka risNt Um af I Wines, , Liquors . CALL AHD SEE US Morning Aatorlan, (0 oenti a month, flavored by oarrler. ' NORTHWESTERN PACING VOTES BONOS TO AMOUNT OF $35,000,000 -ON OS TO SELL IN NEW YORK AT 4 PER CENT INTEREST. BAN FRANCISCO, May 1 Whn the perfunctory dlrectora and nomi nal stockholder of the North weetern Pacific met yesterday In Secretary Wlllkutt'e office in the ttood building voted to mortgaxe the property for J5,000,000 and to (oil the bondi In New York with Interest at 4H Pr cent, it wai merely a formality In obeJ!snc to the ordora of PrenlJent E. 11. Har rlman of the Southern ; Pactflo and Preeldent Ripley of the Bunta Fa, the real controlling owners of the property and It proponed xtoMlona. 4 The Important feet to the people to be towed by thl road I that the owner Intend to muke a comprehend elv extension Into- new territory and that the suspiciously large valuation on which the bonJi are to be lsu4 Is based on the Joint reports Of the Southern Pacific and Bantu Fe engi neer as to the rul value of the oom pltd system which Is to bo contruct d with the proceeds of this bond Issue. v It I not often that Chief Engineer Hood of the Southern Pacific admits any plan that are not already public Information, but yenerJay he declared that the company's engineer had run surveys from Eureka up along the coast to Marshfleld on Coos Bay, and that men were out re-collecting the data on those surveys, as the records were destroyed In the big Are, He also announced that a lino war being built westward from Drain, on the Shasta route, to Winchester bay, about SO miles northward of MarhfMd, to which a southern extension was also being built. Tber Is already a road about 2S miles long from Coos Bay southward to Myrtle Point, which Is about (0 miles westward on an air line from Roseburg on the Shasta route These proposed roads and the sur vey Indicating a connection between Eureka and MarshflelJ are admitted to be part of the plan of extension In addition to the building of the 105 mile gap between Wllllts and Pepper, wood on the run from Tlburon to Eureka. From Myrtle Point southward to Lultenblats, the end of the short Una that reaches about 28 miles north ward from Eureka, Is a distance on an air line of about 160 miles, and prob ably fully 200 mile the way the line will have to bo built along the cor rugated ridges that reach down to the coast. Luffcnblats 1 just west of the Hoopa Indian Reservation. From Eureka northward to Coos Bay the proposed railroad extension of the Northwestern Paciflo will have to cross In sequence Klamath river, Smith river, Illinois river, Sixe river and Coqullle river. The country, according to Chief En gineer Hood, Is heavily timbered In sections, somewhat like the proposed extension to connect Wllllts and Pep perwood. Thore are many coast ridges and ravine to cross, and here and there little farms, The timber, not red wood, however, is of good else, and the country promises to furnish a good deal of trafflo for the future road. Northward from Coos Bay the chief engineer is not familiar with the character of the country, which may or may not Indicate that the North western Pacific In to extend on up the coast to Portland. Hood says that surveys have not yet been made up the coast northward of Marshfleld. Those attending the meeting yester day, the entire nine member of the board of directors, were Captain A. II. Pnyson of' tho Santa Fe, president of the Northwestern Pacific; E. E. Cul vln, vice-president of the Southern Paciflo; William Hood, chief engineer of the Southern Paciflo; Peter F. Dunne of the Southern, Pacific' , law staff, C. W. urbrow of the Southern Paciflo, J. E. Foulds, a Southern Pa ciflo , lawyer; W. A. Blsaell . of the trafflo department of the Santa Fe; Edward Chambers of the Santa Fe, and Horace D. Plllsbury, Santa Fe lawyer. ;'" :': " '" '' It was shown that the Northwestern Paciflo Railroad as at present consti tuted consists of a combination of tlx former companies, aggregating 402.75 mile of roadway now in regular operation. For . stomach troubles, bllllouuness anq constipation try Chamberlain' Stomach and Livar Tablets. Many re markable cures have been effected by them, Price 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists, 'And a chance of a lifetime and there are no strings attached to it... , Here is the proposition Subscribe for the Daily and Sunday Astorian and secure a Genuine $25 .Talking Machine and 6 Victor Records (your, selection) all for $16.65. Pay $2.65 upon delivery of the machine and 60 cents a week until the , payments are all paid in full. The leading newspaper of Portland carried on this proposition for the past two years and in that time delivered 1200 of these machines to new and old subscribers. The machines will be given out in connection with The Eilers Piano House of Portland.. A full line of machines and records are carried and are on display at ildebrand & Gor's Furniture Store. Call and hear them play whether you intend to buy or : not. Clyde Hurley of Portland is in charge and he will be pleased to explain the matter more thoroughly to those who will call. Remember this is a regular $25 machine and the music is as clear and distinct as any $45 machine on the market' Call and look them over, then order the Astorian sent to your home and we will do , the rest. We have just received from Portland a shipment of records, including , some of the Famous Italian Tenor, Caruso. Don't fail to hear him sing. Concerts Daily From 3 to 4 Remember The Place t ti Morni ng Astorian BRONCHIAL COUGHS Breath Hyomei's Healing Air and All Irritation Will Be Quickly Cured. ' The most Irritating and annoying form of cough I that termed bronchial., People subject to bronchial troubles whenever there la a change In the weather or they are exposed to a draft will "catch" a bronchial cough, which Is very disagreeable, Irritating and annoying. Bronchial troubles cannot be cured by stomach dosing. The medicated air of Hy-o-mei 1 the only treatment that reaches tho affected parts and give relief and cure. It destroy all the disease germs that are present In the nose, throat and lungs, soothes and re lieves the Irritated mucous membrane in all parts of the bronchial tubes and quickly overcomes the Irritation.' Bronchitis Is really an Inflammation of tho mucous membronce lining the air passages and Is purely a local dis ease, so that It needs a local treat ment like that afforded by Hy-o-mel. . It there is any doubt In your mind a to tho power of Hy-o-mel to cure bronchial troubles so that the system will resist cough and colds, the un usual way In which It Is sold by T. F. Lauren should dispel that doubt. He agrees to refund the money to any (purchaser of Hy-o-mel who Is not perfectly satisfied with the results fol lowing the use of the remedy. He takes all the risk and it the remedy doe not help you it does not cost a penny, whlla If It cures, the expense Is nominal, for a complete Hy-o-mel outfit Is sold at only $1.00. r ' ' . . 0-. t VOTE BY PROXY. ' NEW YORK, May . The New York Life Insurance Company has is sued a statement, that the officials of that company bad submitted, to the joint committee on insurance of, the Senate and, assembly their views of he proposed amendments of the Arm Strong 'committee. The company comes out In favor of proxy voting. Supporting Us view by citing cases of policyholders abroad who wish to vote the fact that the proxy Is "On the spot," etc. The company advocates as official ballot, officially, opposing any outside depository for votes. HEATING AND PLUMING ENGINEERS Plans and estimates furnished on application. All work done by First-Class Mechanics. Sheet-Iron, Copper and Tin Work done in a first class manner, as we do no other work in our shop. THE TRENTON J I First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. Corner Commercial and 14th. . , Astoria, Oregon, t SCOW BAY IROH & BRASS WOBKS IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS1 .UNO AND MARINE ENGIXEEBS . j j Cp-to-Date Saw MIU Machinery Prompt attention given to al. repair work 18th and Franklin Av. 1ft 5 CI IK 4 8 ir-"' -iU-VM" :TI.' Main 24S1. tllllHIIIIlHtimilllHIIMMMMIIHIHHH-H4 BIG REDUCTIONS ; wall Pap&r,- 30 PER CENT. OFF I X On account "of ;the large new"spring stock coming and f t make room in our store we oner 50 per cent oSf for the next few days. Buy your : tn.tkA unuv Ajun nuav Ad vuvau . t't Easteni Painting & Decorating Company 4 Commercial Street, near Eighth.