ATUROAY, APRIL 27, 1007. THE MOllNING ASTORIAN, AS'JOIUA. OREGON. ft. 3 wr Read This : Coptract Thpn No. old New ioor...... Th, Astorian & Ellen Columbia P hononjlj,, Contract, oj Astoria, OjrV TO THE ASTORIAN: v ,. vV ' " '. I hereby subscribe for the Daily and Sunday Astorian for 12 months,, for which I will pay on demand (JO cents a month, and X am to receive a $25 Columbia Talking Machine and six standard; tea inch records (my selection) all for $16.&. 1 agree to pay $2.65 on delivery of the machine and six records, and 60 cents a week on the machine until all' payments have been paid ixa full ,.''' In case of failure to comply with the terms of this contract, I agree to return saiji machine, upon demand without legal process. , ' ' Signed L 1 '- : :: 0................... .....J ; .'......'....Street The J. S. Dellinger Company - This is a Genuine ' (in regards to Call and hear your favorite selections (songs or instrumental) played on one of the Eilers Columbia Phonographs. These machines will be on sale for a limited time only. Those desiring to learn further particulars crll at the Astorian office or at Hildebrand & Gor's Furniture store. Remember this machine is no a toy.but A Genuine $25 Columbia Machine with a horn 13 inches in diameter, and it plays any make of the disc records. The Eilers Piano House has at least 1200 of these machines out in Portland homes and they are still put ting them but at a wonderful rate. Be wise and investigate this offer. The J. 5. Dellinger Company, i THE TRENTON I First-Class Liquors and Cigars 602 Commercial Street. I Corner Commercial and Hth. SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTORIA, OHEOON IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS1 ILAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS Up-to-Dat Baw Mill Machinery prompt atteDtion riven to al. repair work 18th and Franklin Av. Tl. Main 8461. H. B. PARKEB. Proprietor.'' K. P. PARKER, Manager. PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN. Flrat CI In Evry Raapaot It Coach to th Houia. ' Bar and Billiard Room. Good Check Rtauraat Aiterla, Order The Astorian Accepted. j iiliw .iMir' W -mk W.,... I T.; Columbia Phonograph and we Guarantee it, workmanship and material) for one year. r"iy -'Tfy 'tri T -i M MM H Astoria, Oregon. FT"" ... -., v I t ! w v . .. U Oood Sampl Rooma on Ground Floor Oragon tor Commercial Man. Circulation Mimi, ......190 Astoria, Ore GET THE BEST it Julia- . KMinYiMM Racently Eolarf ad WITH 25,000 New Words New Gaxtter of the World with mora than Bl,(KX) title, baaed on tba lateat oomua returua. Naw Biographical Dictionary eontalnlnir the namca of over 10,000 noted peraoua, date of blrt h, death, ato. v Kdltedby XT, T. HARRIS, Ph.TK, IX.D, TJnltedStateiComiulaalonerof&luoation. 2380 Quarto Pages Mnr nu WM IlMmloaa Blek Btdtak Needed In Every Home Alao Wibitar'a ColUgUM mationarr SaLuxa Edition (KilHilS 1. IMiiMhaa FREE, "OiMloHirWtlaUM." UlMtnM rufkkM, G.6C. MERRIAM CO.. Pabllaherat prtagflald, Maaa. Mandy Hlvea and ' other blotches (ire supposed to be caused -by an Add Btomach, A simple remedy and one that Is very effective la Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea, 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart opt 1 ""i i BLIND JUSTICE (Original.) Tba coroucsr was aeeted at bit dealt, before which ou aupporta rented a cof fin containing the dead , bod of . a yotuif girl of the poorer claaa. She bad been found murdered the night before on road Wading into the town. No on knew ber, and the bod bad been held aa long aa aoemed best for Iden tification. The only person to whom the allgtitaat suspicion attached waa a man who bad, been aeen walking on the road near wber the body bad been found. Th police of the neighboring towns bad been notified, and th man bad bora arrested and Identified by the parson who bad eaeo Dim. Th prisoner was undergoing hla examination. "Did yon erer see th deceased ba forr asked th coroner. "Narer." "What were you doing on the road!" 1 am a commercial traveler and of ten walk from on town to another b atead of waiting for a train. It was ao In this ca." Did you ae anything of thla girl on tbaroadr "1 bar told you that I never saw ber before." The coroner conferred with a police official then turned again to the pris oner. There la no evidence against yon, and I suppose yon are entitled to a discharge, but you wilt bar to re main In the car of th pollc for a abort time." At that moment aeveral peraona en tared, leading a blind man. Thla man, your honor," aald on of them, "baa come to town looking for Kla dmiirhlar who. ha iflra haa been recently lad away from ber bom. W r 7,7Ti r ZZ L7 .I: bav told blm of thl dead girl, and ha deelre to know If It la aba h la aeeklng." The moment th old man apiteared th priaoner atarted. Then he looked about blm to ace If bla agitation bad been noticed aud. feeling assured that all eye were and had been on th blind tnan, resumed the carelesa alrj Uiai u uou suuwu uurmg mm CaUIu Uon. The blind man, wbo waa old and on whose face were tbe line of suffer ing, waa led up and stood trembling before the coroner. After aome pre liminary questions bo waa asked to tell bla story. "My little girl," be said. "Is a good girt. She la all I bav to lova and th only person In th world who lore me. She cannot be dead, fine la not dead. She must not be dead. She worked In a factory, and wben ah went to work in the morning she gav me a loving ktse. All tbe long day I waited for ber to come borne, and then there waa another loving kiss, and, though tired, ah talked brightly to me, cheering me Ilk the flame of a fir on the hearth to you who can sea. She never went gadding about in th evening, but stayed at borne with me, though I encouraged ber to bring her young companions to our home, i "But of late aba had aeemed troubled. 8b could not cheer me a she bad been used to doing, or, if ah did. I knew it waa with an effort And I noticed that tbe more troubled she mi the mor affection ah ahowed me. Two week ago abe embraced me mor tenderly than ever before, hanging about my neck aa though aba would never let go." 1 "From that day I have not aeen ber. My neighbor have told me that ah had been aeen aeveral times with a man, but I could get no description of him. I feel sure the man they saw bar with haa been tbe cause of ber leaving me. J have visited a number of town In hopea of finding ber, without suc cess. These people have told me that you have a dead girl In here wbo la not known, but I do not think it can be my girl. Still, I will satisfy myself that she la not" "now can you do that?" asked the coroner, "You can't see." "I can tell my Maggie." said tbe wit ness , "Your honor" aald th prisoner, then checked himself. . "Well, what is it?" asked tbe cor oner.' ' ' "Nothlug; only that an Identification by a blind man la a travesty on jus tice." "How doc that concern you?" asked the coroner, looking at tbe prisoner with a new Interest "Only generally," replied tbe prison er, endeavoring to resume hla care less in turner, , ' "By what means," aald the coroner to the witness, "can you know your daughter?" "Let me put my hands on her face, and I will know her at once." An ashlnesa .spread Itself over the features of tbe prisoner. "Load him to the body," aald the coroner, "and place hla hands on lt" The old man's hand was placed on the waist He started. He ran his fin gers up the body till he came to th neck, when he uttered a moan. Quick- j ly be passed his hand over the fac from chin to forehead and staggered. J "Oh, Maggie, Maggie!" he moaned. "Your 'daughter?" asked the"cor oner quickly. ' "My daughter," walled the old man. There waa a silence broken only by the blind man'a sobs; then he was led away. The coroner turned to the wit nesa, "You will b held till you can show that you are not the man described as having led the girl, away." 1 1 The prisoner staggered, put hla hand to bis head and would have fallen bad he not been supported by a policeman, who led him away. He was indicted and tried for the murder, proved guilty and eonfewd on th scaffold. TURNER C. HOTLEi ' FOR THE YOUNQ WIFE 7 A Pew QMtioi That h ShouU - rlaualy Cnldr. Oar I over heard the German say ing, "Man la what be eats," and laid It to heart with regard to my husband' mealat ' ' Wben I algh for the freedom from ear that I enjoyed in my maiden days, do 1 also call to mind th anatti and dull I ao oftan tnffmd from la tbos day ennnl of which In my busy married Ufa I bar no time even to remember th existence? Do I recollect that the widening of bar social circle la a duty a mother owe to ber family? If aba neglect thla whila bar children are young they will suffer for It when thay grow up, suffer in th loa of th friend tbey may bare bad if aha bad exerted her self to mak them. Do I know that many a man" auc cea In Ufa waa largely owing to hi wife's capacity, either in th way of j making Influential friend or making a good appearance on a small income or making by her clever management a dollar go aa far aa som carelesa peo ple make Ave go? New Tort Ameri can. ..''" i---,-.. rOUR; BEDROOM. A Rule That Will Help t Kep It At way In Order. "How do yon ever do it Betty? Tour room alway looka a if it bad just been cleaned and arranged for my arrival, no matter when I come, wbll aa for mine wall, a cyclone would refuse to atrlke itr "Nonsenaa, Laura! My neatnaoa la nothing compaaed with Mabl', for rt ,,. .h. remember an engagement in the morning ah put something a trifle out of place the night before." "Well, U too much for roe. How do yon both manager "I'm sure I don't know about her, but If I bav any rtilea at all lt la. put .pymg Uck M oon a you're , thTnnith wlth lt . That k to aav. when j I go to bed I don't leave my things banging around to be put away in the ' morning, but I do it at once. Then. wben I'm through writing at my desk, too, I see that everything la In order before I leave lt That's all there la to It-almply the old adage, 'A place for varythlng, and every thing In it plac.' " - Philadelphia North Amer ican. ' "" ' ' Fe4 Kr WafVrfowL In feedinj the young of all Kinds of waterfowl depend Upon tbe mash. Nothing is ix'ttcr for them than ground oata. earn and bran, aay the Feather equal parts In weight mixed into a aeml-dry maah and fad to them In boxes or trougha. not a large amount at any one time, reasoaabl amounts frequently. Alwaya hv a full v ter supply near at band. Waterfowl alwaya eat a little,' tha drink a little. Thla they keep up until fully atJafid. An Inexhaustible supply of green food la an absolute necessity (or th raising of gee. Nothing Is more easily raised when one hatched than the young gos ling. After they bav become a fw day old they may winder with the mother gojsc. provided they are watched a little when they go about tbe water or storms coma upon them. After they are a montit old they can battle with the parent geese In th struggle for life. "feat Lear" la Cftatoaa. Scaly leg is a form of scabies or mange, caused by the mit known as th Sarcoptes mutana. It Is a con tagious disease, but doe not spread very tapldly, and tbera may b only a few affected birds In a fiock at one time. Wben tbe disease is first ob served prompt aud energetic measures should be adopted to eradicate it The affected birds should ' b isolated to prevent the spread of the contagion. Beglu treatment by 8oaking the legs In warm water to which ap has been added until the scales have become thoroughly softened, and tbe loose Kales can b removed without causing bleeding. After this baa been done apply a good coat of carbolic ointment or balsam Of rent! ' This should be repeated dayy for three or four days. Beer Scram. Beef scraps Is the name of a byprod uct of slaughtering house and consists of waste pieces of the animals, such as shins, heads, lights, Cie "sticking pieces," etc. These are Steam cooked, then subjected to strong pressure tc extract all tbe fat possible, then kiln dried and ground into scraps or meat meal. When rightly made, they are a fine uilmal food for hens and chicks, but if filth and offal are thrown in with them they are anything but a good food. They are then only fit for fer tiliser. Tb BnC TrkT. The buff turkey Is of American ori gin, having teen brought out but a tew years ago. Plumage color, pure buff, the wings being a very light shad of buff. Standard weight: Cock, 2? pounds; cockerel. IB pounds; hen, 18 pounds; pullet, 12 pounds. Disqualify ing weights: Cock, leas than IS pounds; hen, lesa than 12 pounds. Pramptmara la- TrMtlaa Dtaanaaw If yon hope to cure" ailments in poul try, you must commence to treat them with tho appearance of tbe first symp toms. Do not delay, or you may nvt cur than. LARGE CATTLE SALE. BUTTE, April 2 (.A. D. O'Donnell. of SUllngs, Mont., has purchi all of the stockholding of the atat of Oscar tSephens, paying 1200,000. Tb deal Involve about 8000 head of cattle and la on of th largt stock transfers in th history of th state. TO VISIT ENGLAND.. COLOGNE, April 2. Tb Frank' curter Zsltung says ; authoritatively that the tola reason why King Edward rtsently visited Cartagena was bcaus Queen Victoria of Spain wishes to visit Brjtfana after ber confinement and King Alfonso wishes to accompany her. This coulJ not b dona until King Ed ward had paid th Spanish royal fam ily a return visit. Tb two kings, th Zsltung tay, made no political plan and their conversation waa limited to general topic. ENGLAND DENIES STORY, LONDON, April 'Zs-Th British' foreign office ha taken the unusual course of issuing a formal denial of th report printed by th Corresponds oocla d Espana, regarding an under it&nding between Great Britain an Spain. Th foreign office declare Uier is no foundation for the story. , BUILDING COLLAPSED. CHICAGO, April :. The front of th eight-story brick building at Ut Wabash avenue, east side, collapsed early today, tumbling Into th street and carrying several of th floors with it No on waa hurt, although there were several narrow escape. , BALL TEAM L08ES. MOSCOW, April zl Th University Orcsron baseball team was defeated by tbe University of Idaho, S to 1, in to Haft gam. j Morning Astorian, 69 csoU a month, delivered by earrter. SENSIBLI YARDING. Plaa fUwonaeftded hr Kaowa Airrlcaltaral Authority. A style of yarding recommended by Professor James E. Bice of Cornell College of Agriculture and shown herewith consists of a long or contha uoua bouse 240 by IS feet, divided into pens IS by 10 feet, there being sixteen pens or fewer, tit same proportion, of course, being maintained. Thla la a most convenient arrangement, aays L. E. Keyaer in Pocltry Success. Tba yard is 300 feet each way, containing 90,000 aquare feet or pasturage for 800 or 000 fowls. The pens are ample for fifty fowls. There are a little over two acre In the yards. A method followed with similar yards la to confine the fowl to th north yard about Aug. L Then tbe south yard la plowed and about Sept 1Q sown to ry and graaa seed, or clover may bo sown on th rye In the spring. Wben th ry baa made a good start, say th middle of October, the hens are turned on It and allowed to run tharo until confined to the house for winter. ' "' ' In the spring the north yard la plow d and planted to corn, which la cultl WOAttON OF HQU6B AJTB DOCBU TABDS. vated in the usual way. After the last cultivation and the corn has reach ed a considerable heigtt, which will be about the 1st of July, the hens aro allowed to ruu in otr yards. The corn affords tr-cra shado, and they wal low In the sr.ft earth, at the lower leave airl suckers ni keep the corn well ccftivatcl. Tho tt!1 get some of the lower ens, but u ilie whole th crop will be about A Wrge as If the hens did not occupy th yard. They will nc have been aJo to stamp down the rye, and some of this grain will ripen. If tbe ucus net secure it all, lt may ho cut and for winter lit ter. In September t"-i iens are again confined to the south ;rd, tho com lit the north yard I cut, the land plowed and sown to rye, and !ho following sea aon the aouth yard U planted to com. This gives constant rotation of crops on tho laud, which kcos lt sweet and at tbe same time affjrun considerable food for th fowta. U L.S.ANDERSON ' 405 Bond St, Corner 9th. Ladies Fine Underwear Nw 8prlng Stook Of Chinase Silk 8hirt Waist. Flnst Nw Pattern.' $4.50 and $5 Waists for 13 and $3.25; $3.50 Waists for $2.75