'"'"WORKING WOMEN, WHAT THEY SHOULD KNOW MRS. SADIE ABBOTT "Women for the most part spend their lives at home, and it is these women who are willing and ambitious that their homes shall be kept neat nd pretty, their children well dressed and tidr, who do their own cooking, weeping, dusting and often washing, Ironing and sewing for the entire family, who call for our sympathy. Truly the work of such a woman b "never done" and is it any wonder that she breaks down at the end of a few years, the back begins to ache, there is a displacement, inflammation or ulceration of the abdominal organs, a female weakness is brought on, and the struggle of that wife and mother to continue her duties is pitiful. Lydla E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, is the exact medicine a Woman needs whose strength Is over taxed. It keeps the feminine organs in a strong and healthy condition. In preparing for childbirth and re operating therefrom it is most effi cient It carries m woman safely through the change of life and in Baking her strong and well assist her to be a good wife and mother. Mrs. Sadie Abbott, of Jeannette, Pa., writes : ItarMrs. rinthnm , "I suffered severely with pain every nvmth and also pain In my left !- My doctor prescribed for me out did me no rood; a friend advised LydiaE. Pinkhsme Vegetable Compound and I wrote yon in Mrsrdtomy condition. I followed yrnir advice and am a perfectly well woman. The pains have all dUpP"d ."i"10' reoominena your aKuiiw -j .ugj. - ... . Ijfllt E. Plnkhaa's Yecctable Compowd Saccccds Wl Otner fall Under iNew Management Open at i P. M., Tuesday, April 23. Turkish and Rtisshm Baths fj ""' "f539 'Commercial Street. f Phone, Black 2253 First Class Smyser & Ward, Props. THE C. F. WISE, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors rlv Merchant Lunch From and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 P Hot Lnnch at all Honrs 1 Cent Corner Eleventh and Commercial AST0BIA Sherman Transfer Co. EESRY 8HEBMAN, Manage! Hacks, Carriages Peggage Checked and Trsnsierred Trucks srd Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed snd Shipped. 133 Commercial Street Main Phone 121 HI CO DISTILLERS LOUSIVILLE, KENTUCKY Old Forester Whiskey High in Quality and Price Tucker Whiskey Best Value on the Coast Major Paul Whiskey Noted for its Fine Flavor in iiinnnmin i W 11(1 I DISTKIIJUTOUS ASTORIA, OREGON anrnn MR5.PREE M?KITRICK Mrs. Free McSitrlck, of La Farge, Wis., write : Dear Mrs. Ftnkhamt "For six yesie I suffered from female weakness. I was so irregular that I would go from three weeks to six months, so I thought I would give lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. "Now I ain once more well and can do my work without a pain. Any one who wishes, ran write to me and I will answer all letters gladly.",, ,. u Women should remember that Lydla E. Piukhain'a Vegetable Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of female 111. Every suffering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following invitation. It Is free, will bring yon health and may save your life. Mrs. Ploklan'S lorttatien t Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From tha symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and sorest way of recovery advised. Out of her Tast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice is free and always helpful. Attendants. G EM OKEGOH ?Z ! . u a i a A ii a ft M a ii' 410 BOND IT, 1; ASTORIA, OUGOX I Carries the Finest Lin of 1 Wines, I Liquors f i and 1 Cigars ran iwn rir ire 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Wlxxping Cough. Morning Astorlan, 60 cents a month, delivered by carrier. YESTERDAY NEWS OF THE HOUR AT THE UVE WEST SIDE TOWN-NEW JAIL. TO BE PROVIDED-PER SONAL NOTES. WARRKN'TON, Or., April S3,-Tli steam schooner Suth Way In due to nrrtv t Klavel dock todivy. She Is to be loaded with lumber from the old Oregon ml i of this town. Sun lay afternoon Mr. Cloorne W. Warren Instruoiwi one of his men to turn his horse, 'Clatsop Chlof," In to h iwmiirrt Rilliiliilnir the barns. On belrif let loose, the horse maJe Ms wav to the creek, which runs through the meadow, and on ronchln there stepped Into a Writable mutl trap. Immediately Mr. Warren, accompanied by two of his men, ran to where the horse was. and endeavored to et him out with the aid of a stout rope. The horse, strummed vainly in tne mua ami eventually reached the side, 'but re fused to climb the bank a then tin-net) around anil after considerable labor on his part and on the part of the men, he got to tne enge or tne water twice more, finding these maneuvers were only a waste of time am! enerev. Mr. Warren had two of his stout work horses harnessed and brought to the scene of action. It was but the work of a moment to secure triA utrtitarlliiff anlmni with the rope Ami attach It. the rope, to the double trees of the' harnessed horses. On the wnrtl of command the team tlnnlcneil their traces and In a Jiffy pulled the mud-submerged horse on to firm soli, none the worse for his mud bath. The horse la an Imported Percherion Blal linn. The price pnld for him by his present owner was $1600, Mr. War- ren had the animal's name changed to Clatsop Chief after he had purchased him. Favorable weather and determina tion to have an enjoyahe time, enabled the Misses Townsend. Miss Ellis, Ml" Case and other fronds, to spend an Interesting and pleasant day at the beach yesterday. Miss Mamie Coffe has gone over to Chinook, where she purposes spending a few happy days with her friends who reside there. Mrs. J. Crandall. Mrs, B. Crandall, Mrs. C. F. Lester, Mrs. J. Dunn, Mrs. D. H. Warren, Mr. l. T. Halferty, Mr. Frank Hall and others made the round trip from here to Astoria and back on Monday. A meeting of the Warrcntnn City Council was held, at the rcslJence of the Mayor, C, F. tester, last evening. Those present were the Mayor. Coun cillors Q. W. Warren. 3. Bosshart, H. J. Abbott and F. W. Preston, the City Attorney, Mr. Eawln, of Astoria; and the Marshal, Emll Erlckson. Consid erable business was transacted, and the writer, who was kindly permitted to attend, was thoroughly convinced welfare at heart. It was decided to advertise. In a manner specified in the motion, for bids for the erection of a city Jail in accordance with plans, now In the hands of the city attorney. An other matter brought forward was the enforcing of the city ordinance on nuisances. Marshal Erlckson was In structed to request all offenders under this ordinance, to at once comply with the requirements demanded therein. In commenting on this It may be said that when the property owners and residents have conformed with the law, as set forth In the above named ordinance, the City of Warrenton will surely have undergone a thorough cleaning up. Now that a city Jail looms In our sight It behooves one to acquire definite knowledge of the clf by-laws and take pains against being the forced guests of the Marshal. Why Have a torold liver when Herblne. the only liver regulator will help you t There Is no reason why you should suffer from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills and Fever or any other liver complaints, when Herblne will cure you. F. C. Walte, Westvllle, Fla., writes: "I was sick for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bottles of Herblne am well and heal thy." Sold by Hart's Drug Store. L. S. ANDERSON 405 Bond St., Corner 9th. Ladies Fine Underwear New Spring 8tock Of Chinese Silk 8hirt Waists. Fineest New Pstterns. $4.50 and $5 Waists for $3 and $3.25. $3.50 Waists for $2.75 LAUNDRIES.' . BUTTON HOLE AT THE BACK. Your experience with it has ao doubt lead to much vexation, possibly pro fs nity. Broke your fingernail trying U pry it up from the neckband, eh! You won't have that that experience V you send your shirts to us; we save yoo this trouble, and danger of tesrlnc th idiirt. Try ill snd see, , TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Duane Sts. Phone 1901 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HELP WANTED. WANTKIV-SAIKSMKN, MANY MAKK 1 100 to $1'10 'r month, Some even moi. Stock elrsnj grown on Reer vstlon, fr from old orchards. Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Company, Tnuish, Washington." S'SMI MALR AND FEMALE HELP FUItN Ished In end out of the city. Chut ter's Employment Olflce, 1$ Commer cial Street. "3 - J -' LOST AND FOUND. . .......XJ' J LOST GOLD CHAIN, CHARM AND ring near Astoria Theatre. Finder will please leave at Astorlan o trice. LOST-A PAIR OF DOl'ULK-LKNS siwctacles; anybody wants me to see anything hereafUT return to this office sjsjbaJ u i. '- JXtJ.wt is muajm FOB BUT s irn' FVRNtfHKD AND VNFfRNlSHED rooms suitable for light housekeep ing or office rooms. Call Astorlan. FCRNtSHED AND VNFCRNIHUED rooms suitable for light housekeep ing or office rooms. Call Astorlan. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKKEPINO rooms for rent. Apply Mrs. H. Ingleton. FOR RENT A 5.ROOM COTTAOE on Fifth street. For particulars call at the office of Vnn Dusen ft Co, UNFURNI8HBD HOUSE , KEEPINO rooms for rent, api'ly at coner of 15th street 4 Franklin Avenue. F?R RENT FURNISHED HOUSE keeping flat at TT Exchange TAILORS. HOME INDUSTRY THAT HELPS- EL Martinson the merchant tailor 149-llth street CALL FOR WARRANTS. CALL FOR WARRANTS NOTICE Is hereby given to all parties hold- Ing Clatsop county warrants endorsed prior to February 1st to present same for payment to county Treasu rer's office. Interest ceases after this date. WM. A. B HERMAN. Treasurer Clatsop County, Ore. Dated Astoria, Ore, April 10. WOT. CLEANING AND REPAIRING. PRESSING AND CLEANING, LA- dies' work a specialty, up to date. tailor. Andrew Slpola 411 Commercial street TRANSFER COMPANIES. PHILLIPS TRANSFER COMPANY Express and baggage, also Job work stand Millers cigar store cor, th and Bond phone J731 Main. imCELLAHXOTJsV NICK PAPAZQERE8. THE GREEK DIVER. has Just received a new diving ma chine from the old country. Dives from 15 to 10 fathoms In shallow water stays down half a day at a time. Leave order at 7 Bond St. Market, or & Falangos, Clifton. Notioe. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, Eng Wong, and Chan Fook Sing, and Wong Lem, have each purchased one share, and Inter est In the Chinese Merchandise busi ness of Hop, Hlng Lung Co., doing business at No. 876 Bond Street As toria Oregon, and that from and after this date the aald Eng Wong will as sume the position of Manager of said Hop Hlng Lung ft Company. Dated this 15th day of April 1007. Eng Wong, Chan Fook Sing, Wong Lem. PR0P08AL8. CUSTOM HOUSE, ASTORIA, ORE- gon, Collector's Office, April 22, 1907, anrmlles for revenue cutters. Sealed proposals for supplying rations, and coal to vessels of the Revenue cutter Service, regularly stationed, or tempo rarily, at Astoria, Or., and delivered on board said vessels at that place at such quantities as mny be required durlne tho fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, will be received (it this Office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Friday, May 10, IH07. at which time and place they will be publicly opened. Blank forms of proposals for coal, ship chandlery, ana TBtlons. showlnit conditions as to coal, and component parts of rations with specifications, may bo had upon appn cation to this Office. Proposals muHt be submit tel on these forms. Separate bids will also bo received at tho samo time and place for lubricating and illuminating oils. The right Is resnrv ed to reject nny or all bids and to waive defects If It Is doomed for the Interests of tho Government to do so C. W, CARNAHAN, Collector. 4-26-2S. FOR SALE MI8CILIANI0U. CALL AT ONCIS FOR VOUR ALA8 ka mnttresses made to ordar, 104 liond. BOARDING, THE HYDE. Rooms with or without boards rate ressonablei good aeeom modatlon for transients. Htk and CnmrnereW. HOUSE M0VEM. FKEDRKCKSiW IIROA-Wt make pselalty of house moving, carpenter contractor, general jobbing prompt at tentlon ( all orders. Corner Tth ad Duane. ' U JAPA1TCSI 0O0D4 INEXPENSIVE JAPAKKSE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STROKO, 1AJIO MADE, TABLES, STANDS. CHAIIS, WHAT NOT? "0KCASES.IHIIV INO, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar 25 Comnierclil Bt. Astoria. ' 59 UNDERTAKERS. .1. A. (lILIIAldH JC TO., l'ii(lrtkrr nnI Kintmliue-rw. i:M-rl'iiMl l,Hly AfthlMiuit WIh'm IlrrK CiiIIh Promptly Attended lhy , or Mtflit. Pivtton Md?. l'Jtliitiid IMnmeSU AHTOHIA, OUE.UON Phone Mnlu'.MIl MEDICAL Unprecedented Success ( DUG-CfE 10 THE GREAT CHIHESI DOCTOI V Who la kaowt throughout the United Itates H seseuat af Mhl wonderful euree. Ni boisoBs ior drugs used. Be guars teet to eure eeUrrk asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, and kidney, female eom plsmts and all chrenle diseases, SDCCESSm HOME TBEATMXHT. If von esanot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cent la stamp. THX C CXS WO MEDICI It CO. ltl First fit. Corner Morrison, t PORTLAJTD, OBSCOI. Please meotlon the Astortan ' PLEASANT HOUR of ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interests you, Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK 8KJNA JtOHi:iCTS Magnificent Contralto BltiKcr in all the Current Oetns of Son? and Real istlc Bweedisb Charae , tor Act , M2NA OMKKN JTurkish Dancer i: LA INK FOllEST Jlltfb Hoprsno Singer MAKII'l WANDKUTII Flute Solint. Mistress of all Lady Mel odist! , . .. FLOIMKNE Soprano Vocalist ADMISSION FREE " LINDBECK e WIRKKALA Props. & GOLDSTEIH Fine pants Tailor 207 Oommonwmmllh Building PORTLAND OREGON Bzan8imT for ro tmdb -Sml.. - PROFESSIONAL CARDi. rxjrjiai-ijmx nTTjrwiSJTs","i")i " " i '1 , OUTEOFATHIITt, DR. JtflODA C, HICfJ OHTRUI'ATD , Offlee Uanasl. llld. Phone mat 171 Commerelai BU Astoria, Ore. ATT0BNEV8 AT UW, AttornbyatLaw. Deputy District Attornby PogeBdjr. Room 87. HQVA HO M. iROWNBLU .,t; mmm V I II, 1 . ;- Atternsy.at'Law. Offioe with Mr, J. A. lakln, at Ne. N Commerelai St, Asterta, ni-..j' Ji j u ).i n ni.u i) ieiiisajBsssjsjs; DENTISTS, assaesssaeaasawaeaaj Uk. vaugiian, Dksiist Pfblao Uulldlug, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN ' , DENTIrJl OommerciaJ Br. Hbanaliai Unlld UlLutsissusw LJiuuausaaw( BUSINESS DIRECTORY HOTELS., HOTEL PORTLAND rieee. Hotel U the NerUtweel PORTLAND. ORE. THE OREGON 030-5M OoiurrfeMsl Htreet, lie I ween Eleventh and TweKth. A8111RIA, OREGON MRS. M. SOLAN, Proprletreea. Roomi Single ami 8ul lee. Terms, Day, Week or Month. ir. , ri.it. ..jiij i Telephone Red 103, RESTAURANTS. Tokio Restaurant 531 Bond Street Opposite Ross, Hijrgins & Co First-Class Meals. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10c Regular Meals 15c, Dp First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough nuts 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT 434 Bond Street Telephone 1681 Main. M liond Street. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT THE ASTORIA RESTAURANT MAKG IllXa.Prop. The Finest 25o meal served in Astoria, Yonr Patrouutfe Solmneed. Courtooui Trentmeot to All. OAMR IX 8KABOK ASTORIA, i OREGON. WIKIS, LIQU0B3 AHD QOAES. The Owl Concert. Hall j Formerly the LiiTonch The Leading Amusement House in Astoria t Good music. Everybody welcome. Ch&s. Niemi, Proprietor f ' Ml Astorls! street. THE SAVOY PopuUr Ooaeert Ball. Good music All are waleonw. Def iter, 8Tentli,an Aator. , Eagle Concert Hall 320 Alter St. The lesdlng amusement house. Agency for Edison Phonogrspbs aad Gold Moulded Records. , ' P. A. PETERSON, Proa.