THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, ,ST0UIA. OKKCOX. WCONCBOAV, APRIU 24, 190r. A Peep Into the Fashion World At Jiloffs New Store You will recognize the fact that an inspection of JalofPs lines of Millinery and Ladies' Wearing Apparel , is equivalent to "A Peep Into the Fashion World. ) You will need no long argu ments to convince yourself that JalofTs is the smartest and most reasonable priced line in the city. t 120 11th St, Between Commercial and Band Streets Millinery, Salts, SKIrts, Waists, Etc" Something New Every Day. IS "RESPECTFULLY DECLINED" S PAR.DECKANDBUOY Samson Arrives in After the Barge Wailicutl NORTH KING WILL SAIL TODAY Norwegian Stesmtr Hornilin in a Bit of Troublo 0. R. & N. Boat. All Busy Allianca Out for Coo Bay Sildra Sail for China via Comix. Harvest Queen and Oklahoma are all busy with freight and passenger bust nes. mainly freight, and were all In this port yesterday, at one time, owing to tiie pending rush. The little schooner Abble came down the river early yesterday morning with a big load of lumber for the Day City and will go to sea during the week as soon as she can get a new crew. The steamer South Buy arrived In from Sun Francisco yesterday and docked at the Flavel pier, where she will load lumber from the Old Oregon mills for the return voyage. The steahishlp Irish Monarch has cleared for Japan with nearly two mil lion feet of lumber from tho Tongue Point and Rainier mills. The steamship Roanoke la due at the CallenJer pier early this morning en route to Eureka. San Francisco and Port Los Angeles. The Norwegian steamship Bildra came Jown the river yesterday morn ing and went on to the orient, via Comax, B. C. The Astoria IroA Works are making a rush Job of repairs on the fine Nor- j wegian steamer Horaelln, which is; now at anchor in the Columbia near ( Altoona, with one of her eccentric rods badly twisted and some of her big' 'castings wrenched loose by reason of; " a misadventure In her engine room on I Monday night during her trip down1 The Lurllne cam Jown ln fa,r from Portland. The vessel will be on ,a8t niffnt and returned to Port' ready to continue her voyage to Puget and wl,h ood buMne9' above ond Sound today or tomorrow. It is not; !.. known just how the accident hap- j pened, but it is of a character that re-l The steamer Alliance, Captain Olsen, quires quick and skillful treatment I arrived down early yesterday morning I and went directly to sea and Coos Bay. The North King has cleared for Kushgak and will probably get away today. Charlie Olsen will go up on her as chief mechanic for the Alaska Fish ermen's Packing Company, U being on second inp in me interests or mat Elsle Force to Jennie M. well known company. Everybody; Nease, X. sec. 36-5-7 1100 wishes the King and her people a good jen'nle M. Nease et ux. to Ne and safe return. j naIem invegtment Co., X. sec. ' 3S-5-7 100 The steamer F. A. Kilbum arrived ln j A. W. Duncan to Nellie Lalghton, from Coos Bay yesterday with all the; 1.27 acres, Clatsop county....... 1 business she could take care of, and ! Manhattan Packing; Co. to D. DONE BY DEED. S went on to the, metropolis at once. Among her passengers was S. Guy Hirsch, of Portland, who dropped off and took the evening express for home. The barge Walllcut, which has been docked here for the past week, waiting for the sea tug Samson to arrive from the south, to take her to the Bay City, got underway yesterday and went over the bar, the Samson arriving and go ing out Immediately. The famous old standby, Columbia, came into port from the Bay City yesterday morning and after a hort tay at her O. R. & N. berth here, went on to Portland. She was carrying well In all departments, as usual. The O. R. & N. steamers Hassalo, Falangas, land ln lot 4, sec. 5-8-6 10 Rhoda Jacobson et ux. to J. J. Rupp, lot 21, sec. 4-4-7 100 Same, to same, lot 8, sec. 5 and lot 23, sec 4-4-7 100 F. A. Fisher et al. to F. A. Silver et, sub. "A" block 15, Chelsea.., F. A. Silver et. al. to Fred Hob blsiefken, lot 2, sub. "A" block IS, Chelsea . . 10 Same to J. O. Evans et Al lots t And 4, sub. "A" block 15, Chelsea 10 Same to R. B. Rice et. al., lots 1-5-6-7. sub. "A" block 15 of Chelsea 10 Same, to Frank Ansley, lot 14, tub. "A" block 15, Chelsea. 10 MORNING ASTORIAN IN RECEIPT OF A COMMUNICATION WHICH IT FORBEARS TO PUBLISH FOR SPECIFIC REASONS. The Morning Astoria bgs to c knowledge the receipt, by moll, of an alleged address directed to Mayor Herman Wise and severely scoring that gentleman and hlvcollcagucs of the council for their alleged coherence with the doctrine of a "wide open town"; demanding certain swift and positive action, officially, by way of clotting the rlty and curtailing the .limit and licenses now prevalent. In behalf of the rising generation, etc etc., all couched In terms not at all ambiguous and altogether direct and bolstered by covert threat of a politi cal nature; with the request that the same be published. The communication goes ou to herald the fact that the address eman a'ea from, a convention of several hundred cltlsena. and aver that 0 5 of these aggressive people have for felted their approval of the sentiments outlined, by deliberately signing their names to the petition. None of which statements are doubted for one mo ment at this office. But, before the Morning Astorlun condescends to give any publicity to the text thus offered. It desire to know who these "several hundred cltl sens" are, and where they were on election day In this city In December, 1904; and why the tenor of their very evident "oppostlon, U a vw not made manifest at a time when this paper was carrying thla load of oppo sition absolutely alone and single handed and went down to defeat at a vote-ratio of two to one when the hour arrived for public demonstration; and why the very outspoken opposition thus alleged has remained In hiding all the IS month that have supervened? The A-torlan ha fought It battle, lost it, and abide It time In patience, for the reaction that It feel will assert Itself. The fight waa the people' fight, and they may re-open the engagement whensoever, and howsoever they please. The paper reserve the right to enter the contest when, where, how, or not at all a It see fit At the present writing It doe not see fit IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. All the new Spring Blocks in Knox hat have arrived at Herman Wise's. w Reasons Why it pays you to buy Millinery HERE ! High Class Materials, Top Notch Styles, ' Superb Workmanship, Wearable Trimmings, Exclusive Patterns, LOWEST PRICES! Bon Ton Millinery Georgia Pennington, Milliner 483 Bond Street, - - , Astoria, Oregon It make all the difference In the world to the convivial man where, and what, be drinks. Moat men desire beauty and cleanliness, and handsome appointment In the saloon they pat ronize regularly, well as the essen tlal pre-requlslte of genuine wine and liquors that are served to them, And these thing are so particularly and properly conspicuous at Otto Bund' elegant resort, the Commercial, at No. 509 on the street of that name that they account thoroughly for the fixed and. splendid cusom he enjoys. There Is nothing allowed to pass bis counter hut the best and choicest In every de partment of Indulgence, and the ser vice behind It all, is the most pleasing anJ satisfying ln the city. The salve that acts like a poultice Is Pin Salve Carbollzed. No other salve so good for cuts, burn, boll and chapped skin. Ask about It Price 25cts. Sold by Frank Hart' Drug Store. Mandy Hives and other blotches are supposed to be caused by an ecld stomach. A simple remedy and one that Is very effective Is Hollister' Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart women nave decided that In case they cannot vote, they will cut out the "Stork" proposition. Perfectly proper. Take Hollister' Rocky Moun. tain Tea, It 1 good for most every thing. 35 cent, Tea or Tablet Frank Hart ' NEW TO-DAY". WANTEL GIRL TO DO CHAMBER, good wages, apply O Astorian. Opened under new management, Russian and Turkish Baths, 539 Com mercial street. Phone Black 2253. Smyser & Ward, proprietor. The delayed Boys' Spring Suits Just came In at Herman Wise's. Ice Cream Made from pure cream 30 cents a quart. TAGG'S CONFECTIONERY. I. 0, O. F, ANNIVERSARY. Members of Beaver Lodge No. 35, of Gateway Rebekah Lodge No. 77 and their families are invited to attend the anniversary exercises to be held at the Odd Fellows' Hall on Thursday even ing, April 26, at 8 o'clock. All visiting members are invited. The Committee. Mi jte fetf&jQ fete wmm BRANDEQEE, KINCAJO & WOOD C04TWOHTSO 1800 To- Full Measure Perfect Fits and Tempting' Values We Attribute Our Great Success We are Showing To-day Special Designs in Spring' Clothes and f Stetson Spring Styles "Uncommon Clothes." Always Right rn fts-nvice and convenience stomach l a magnificent organ and I .1.1- I ... t t I'muica to mm imui vuiiciukibiivh, knowing that h will eat at th Palac The prime essential of a business establishment Is to have It open for the purpose of business when It is n.Knled; not closed by custom nor any rul? of hours. Tula vSuMtlal kU.hmi, to lh dru store of l.r. O. K. I.lntoti at I si Kletvnth rei-t, w.ll, ll ! ?! every one of the 24 hours In t;ie tiay; and with a Stock that meet every re quirement likely to itrinf In thut time. It 1.. one of tiie exception and N thor oughly endorsed, when he cn .conserve It safety and comfort, by eating only the bt cooked, best served and moat compen sating meal In the city of Astoria. lay, ornlght. It I always the mm. md the Palac habit Is on that py to acquire. Arthur Smith Is a mas tor of the art of preparation and ser vice, of all thing edlbl. Lowney's cholocute In pound ttnd half-pound, boxe 50 ettts in! V cents, until furthi-r notice, at TAOG'f CONFECTIONERY. For your watch anJ clock repairing go to Frank 3. Donnerberg the reliable Jewelor, U0-11 trt Five Cents t MO Wnn you feel ilk "ponftnt" a bit. drop into Frank Hart's drug tor and buy a sponge. Ton can And Just what you want, from I cent to tie per spongs, . Qe te A. D. Craig for your tnt, awning and all kind of canvas wir 13th and Exchange. tf Fer Eleetrio Ssrvioe Installation or repair work, go to J. 8. Vernon. tlc trlclan, No. 4fl Exchange street, tU ephon. Main 1441. All manner of electric and telephone work don at short node. Sheet Music Sale ! If you are superstitious we are honestly sorry for you; for you canno afford to miss our great Sale of Late Music. Every sheet in the Chouse not one excepted. It is such a bargain that in order to get around the unlucky 13c you can afford to buy two for 25c. Just one half what you have been t r . a ; paying us ior me same music. Wanted to buy a hou.e and lot. , . . m, . Mut be In good location. AdJres 1 IlUrSaHy. rrlflilV. jalllrflrtV. I tilt WPAiT . r a -1 A I ea., in is vrce. Wanted good girl for second work. good wage, apply at 693 Commercial street Spring model of "WISE" clothe for man in the various shading are now In and those who delr "Wise" clo thing are Invited to Inspect them at Herman Wise'. Dell R Bcu'ly, Notary Public, i eully' Cigar Store. An old bourl Fer The Little People. , Every parent In this city should In vestigate, at once, the new and ap preciable shoe for the youngsters, at Charles V. Brown's Commercial street house. They are called tho "E. C. Scuffer" and are the very epitome of good wear and real comfort They are going like wild-fire and the kids themselves are after them because they look so "comfy." Not over ten pieces to one ' customer. ' music returnable or exchangeable. No E. A. Higgins Co, A Guaranteed Presentment, The movlng-plcture presentment of the Burns-O'Brien ring fight at Los Angeles It) November last, as put on at the Waldorf ln this city last night and now occupying the board there tits week, and which Is heavily advertised in thl Issue, Is a guaranteed exhibit for exact and truthful detail ln every particular of the full number of rounds. If a man knows anything of his own anatomy he must be awane that hi Groceries That Tempt Because they are so Fresh and Good. Their prices tempt also. You can not often find such Groceries as we sell at prices like our present quotations . We try to please Each Customer , and spare no time or pains to procure just what is wanted. ACME GROCERY 523 Commercial Street Phone Main ft81