THE J10KNING ASTOHIAN, ASTOM.A. OTIEGON. TUESDAY) APRIL 21, 07. 1 i 1 t ji I- V 1 M 1 ( f r: t! 5 it ' 3 t I 1 i it ; r s i f i 8 JVb More Lotteries in the Cigar Business What is your cigar expenditure in a year? Taking chances one at a time dis turbs your comfort and enjoyment more than ii seems to disturb your income or confidence ; but after a year of it you've paid a very fat tax to a very flourishing lottery-and drawn a long list of blanks. It's all unnecessary We designed the Triangle A merit mark to be a sign to yow-a sign that you could not only recognize but pro nounce and ask for. v It enables you to make your selec tions from cigars that you know are the best your money can buy. The New CREMO 13 one of the most convincing examples of the improved quality produced through our new processes of refining tobacco. Every box is extra-wrapped in glassine paper to make sure the cigars reach you fresh, clean ana in trie best smoKing condition, AMERICAN CIGAR C03DPANY, Mfr. A SUMMER RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADy ElxTlo IN v. IMMENSE WESTWARD DRIFT OF PEOPLE OREGONWARD IN JUNE AND JULY CONVENTIONS THE BASIS. HELP WANTED. V A NT Kl 8 A t K8 M KN . MANY MARK $U0 to I50 per month. Some even more. St(-k rleeni grown on Ur tkm, far from old, orchard. Ch advanced weekly. Chole of territory. Adtlr Washington Nursery Company, Topeoin, Washington." iiiiiiA i Mi i 1 Caeeka, V I I Cldt,CT, I 1 Csa, il. Jf I NstiooslPare I 1 Pood sod 1 DmUt. jr I A CARD. This is to certify that all drug;lsts are authorised to refund your money If Foley Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs, and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la eouaha. an J prevent pneu monia and consumption. Contains nn nntates. The genuine Is In a yel low package. Refuse substitutes. T. F. Laurln. Women have deeldeJ that In cuse they Cannot vote, they will cut out the "Stork" proposition. Perfectly proper. Take Hoilirter's Rocky Moun tain Tea, it Is good for most every thing. 35 cent, Tea or Tablet. Frank Hart iH0Mft trims esstsiaiif eelats esssU; at. ttt towels. SM't UUUT som mmm u mows U towti u cenuuas so pti to, For Sale by Frank Hart, Druggist Pftfshurgh is making her 28 em inent citizens stand for some good, free advertising. The Pries of Health. The price of health In a malarious iMstncl Is Just 25 cent; the cost of a box of Dr. King" New Life Pills," writes Ella Slavton. of Nianl. Ark. New Life PUls cleanse gently and Im part new life and vigor to the system. 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed at Cha I Rogers, Druggist. (ivlil Corivspon.loiKO.) POUTLANO, Or.. April IJ.Rvery active commercial orgnHlaalton should gt full il'tilt relative to h summer tourist round-trip rate which will be on sale from Juno 1 t September, 15 with flnnl rot urn limit of October, SI. Those tickets ore on sale at nil Missouri river point. St. Paul and Minneapolis, for JtiO; from' St. LoulalM: and from Chicago. 175, and should add enormously to tho transient travel to every town In Oreg on, but It Is Just exactly like the peo ple the travel will go to comer other section nod certainly we noe mo most advantageous summer climate In the I'nlted State. Tickets will lie on snlo Juno 20 to July J. good to return until September 15 nt one fare for tho round-trip from all points In the I'nlted States. These are made on account of the big con vent Ion held In the different dtles on the Const, and Oregon should get busy and work for this great summer travel. These rates are open to every body and ar not by any means con fined to the delegate. Gatherings of business men held In the different communities of Oregon can bo" greatly benefitted by listening to practical addresses. The Portland Commercial Club -heard Professor J. r unnxhtn. of Washington City, 00 the development of the Pacific Nnh west, last week. Cotd weather In the entire Missouri valley, which has cut short Wo mm crop, serves to Impress Oregonlans lul attractiveness of their own climate, where fruit Is unln Jured and promises an auunjant yield. The entertainment of the Portland Business Men's Excursion party at the SS cities and towns visited will be handled chiefly through commercial organizations. The Astoria Chamber of Commerce has scored a big victory in securing Vice-President Fairbanks as a g"et of honor at a midsummer banquet. Irrlgon received 758 replies to 000 circulars addressed to Oregon De velopment League Inqulrlers; the Til lamook Development League has Just Issued a most attractive booklet and Is distributing many thousands of them through all parts of the United States. MALE AND FEMALK HELP FURN lnhed In and out of the city, Chut ter' Employment Oftloe, ell Commer cial Street. LOST AND POUND. LOST GOLD CHAIN. CHARM AND ring near Astoria Theatre. Finder will please leave at Aslorlau offlce. rOB KIXT POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CALL AT ONCM FOR TOUR A LAB ka mattresses made to ordt 104 Uond. PUAKD1NG. TBS HYDE. Room with or without board I rates ressonsbUt! gwxl oom' monition for tranaleni. W and (ommereUi, III ...i ! ,. . . 1... I PROCSSIONAL CARDi. OSTEOPATHIkTS. PX. RttODA C. HICKS iintiie kiausei. Did. Phone Ulaik Itll j 171 CommereiM tou Aitona. Ore. ....... iMmmm ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HOUSK MOVERS. rREUKKCKSON BROS. VT Bake ineelsltv o( house moving, earpenUrs, eontraetort. general Jobbing i rompV t tsntion te ill order. Corner Tts eea Duane, " l . Jl JOIIN CMcCUE. j Attornky-at-Law. : DEPUTY JJISTR1CT ATTORNEY 1 . Page Bdtf. Room 37. JAPAKESI GOODS. t't'RMftllKD AND rNKCRNISHED nxuni suitable for light housekeep- Ing or office rooms. Call .jistonan. JAPAIIESI TIXWOS, HADS ur MM INEXPENSIVE HOWARD M. IROWNILL, Attorney (Law, Ofnee with Mr. J. A. lekln, at Ne, 4M Ceinmerelel ti Aeieria. VNFURNISHKt) txtoins for rent. Ingleton. HiH'SKKF.KPINO Apply Mrs. R. BOO. LIGHT. STRONG, IAND MADS. TABLES, STANDS. CHAIRS WHAT NOT? OKCASES.SaELV INO. ETC. . ' for rent a coTTAx. YoKortttma uaiaiir on rnn sirwi, rT ii",l,vv""' at the office of Van Dusen A Co, US Commerelal SL. Astoria. DENTISTS, Hsrsti Da, VAUGIIAN, DKXTtHT Prbiea llullding, Astoria, Oregon. I NFCRNISIUW HOl'SE KEEPING rooms for rent,, apply at coner of ISlh street ft Franklin Avenue. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping Hat at H Exchange. TAILORS. HOME INDU8TRT THAT HELPS it Martinson the merchant tHor H9-llth street CALL POR WARRANT8. CALL FOR WARRANTS NOTICE Is hereby given to all parties hold Ine Clatsop county warrant endortaed prior to February 1st l0i. to present same for payment to county Treasu rer' omce. Interest cease tfter this date. WM. A. SHERMAN. Treasurer Clatsop County, Ore. Dated Astoria. Ore.. April 10. MOT. CLEANING AND REPAIRING. PRESSING AND CLEANINO.-LA dies' work a ipeclalty. up to date. tailor. Andrew Blpola 431 Commercial street. PHILLIPS TRANSFER COMPANY Express and baggage, eleo Job work stand Miller cigar etor cor., Ith and Bond phone I7J1 Main. Bitten By A Spider. Tfc,,i-A Mned nolsonlnc caused by spider bite. Johj Washington, of Onannavllla ThII. WOUld WaVB tOSt v i which became a mas f run .... .nrj,m v. he not been persua ded to try Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He write: "The first application relieved. and four boxes healed all the sores. Heals every or. 25c, at Chas Rog erg, Druggist. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has Dome tne signature vi . . , .1 .1 Ma nAM- ana nas Deen iiismio uiiucr ma -JS9--- sonal iiierviHion Bince Its Infancy. fflutCUll Allow no one to deceive you in this ii r-nwv.ifa Tmitntii.n andJii8t-as-irood"are but EiperimentH that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gori. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tiie Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1H 416 BOND ST., ASTORIA, OMGO Carrie the Finest Line of Wines, Liquors and , Cigars TRANSFER COMPANIES, UNDERTAKERS. J. A. CilMI.U'tJII CO., I'liuVrliikers und Emlmlmem. Expei-lt'iieed l.ady Asslntititt Wht'H DfMrt'tl. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN UENTIBI Hlianahan IlitllJ Commerpial Ht, BUSINESS DIRECTORY HOTELS. Calls Inj I Mis HOTEL PORTLAND 1 Plnee Hotel U K NerthvneV PORTLAND, 0t. romptly Altrndi'd or Night, Pitttoii lldsf. I'Jtlt mid Iiiune8ts AMTOItIA, OHE.OOX hone Main aill ' KISCILLAJnCOUl. - nil.iJU I'U t isMi"'sr NICK PAPAZQERES. THE GREEK DIVER. ha Just received a new diving ma chine from the old country. Dlvee from it to 10 fathom In shallow water stay down half a day at a time. Leave order at ill Bond St Market, or D. Falangos. Clifton. MEDICAL. ' rjaprecdntt4 Suecew el s THE GREAT CHINESE D0CT01 Whn is know 4 througVout the United :jSlU s tesouit el mw uim wuiwi s ww. THE mm OREGON Commercial Htrwt, lietween Lloventli and Twelfth. ASTORIA, OBEOOM MBH. M. NOLAN, rroprietrea. Boomi anJ Suites Terms, Ihy, Wk or Month. 8tesm IltHit, Ustli ami IMopboue. Telepttone HeJ 103. ij... .j....;i'..jwiam,j.iu.'.i, ,.piui.M,jj,,jsMiiiuasii) RESTAURANTS, . Ko poison nor drugs used. H fu""; tee to our catarrh, asthma, tunc and throat trouble, rhoumstlstn, nerrousneu, stomach, liver, and kidney, female com- plaints and all chronic disease. cWrwjtqvnt HOHK TB1ATK1HT. ir Miuint call writ for sTmotom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cent In stamp. THE C. GEE WO KEDlCin bu. 1621 First St.. Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Astorlan Tokio Restaurant 531 Bond Street ( Opposite Ross, iliggins & Co First-Class Meals. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, Eng Wong, and Chan Fook Sing, and Wong Lem, hav each purchased one share, and Inter- est In the Chinese Merchandise busi ness of Hop, Hlng Lungft Co., doing buslnes at No. tU Bond Street As toria Oregon, and that from and after thl date the said Eng Wong will as sums the position of Manager of said a ttinir i.iins &. Comoany. Dnteo this 15th Jay of April 1907. Eng Wong Chan Fook Sing, Wong Lem. PLEASANT HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT VAUDEVILLE AT THE LOUVRE And Vaudeville that really Amuses and Interest you. Weekly Changes of Pro gram and Each Change an Improvement CALL AND SEE US jj SI The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI eiNTu OOMHXV, TT HUHSAV TSttT, SCWVOHH OIT. L.S. ANDERSON 405 Bond St., Corner 9th, Ladies Fine Underwear Kl.,, finrina Stock Of Chinese Silk ..v. r'- Shirt Waists. Fineest New Patterns. ' $4.50 and $5 ' Waists for S3 and $.125. $3.50 Waists for $2.75 RAN ADI AN PACIFIC "EMPRE88" tine of the Atlantlo Nnthinir better afloat than our new express steamers, ''Empressof Brit ain" and "Empress of Ireland" (14500 tons), Quebec to Liverpool in six days; less than tour oays ui sea, Superior accommodations avflilnblf' Comfort, eleeance and safety. Send for illtistred booklet end eailinir list. Jame Fl' alyson, Agsnt Astoria Or. LAHNDEIES. BUTTON F0LI AT THE BACK. Your ejperience with it lias o doubt lead to much vexation, possibly l" fsnitv. Broke your flnanrnall trying tt .n it nn from the neckband, esl You won't have that tnat experience i; you end your shirts to us we sars yon this trouble, and danger ot uanns (iblrt Try u and , TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Duane St. Pbone 1001 PROPO8AL8. OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER Barracks Wash., April 15, 1907. Boal od proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m., May 15 ,1907, for furnishing forage and bed- ding, at ports In this departmont. for the year ending June 30, 1908. De liveries of supplies to commence July 1 1(M7. Information furnished here or by quartermasters at post. U, S Mservos the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part there of, Envelopes containing proposals shoulJ be marked: "Proposals for for age and bedding at ," ad dressed Sam B. Jones, C, Q. M. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10c Regular Meals 5c, op SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK HIUSA ilOUUKTM Magnificent Contralto Singer In all the (Jurrent uwiis or ftong ana neni istic Mweedish Charac ter Act LUNA OMUEN Turkish Dancer K LA IN 12 FOKE8T High boprano Singer MARIE WANDRUTII Flute Solist. Mistres of all Lady Mel odiati ' ' FLOltlENE Soprano Vocalist ADMI88I0N FRCB UNDBECK A WIRKKALA Prop. First Class Meal 15c Coffee with Pie, Cake or Dough nuts 10 cents. U. S. RESTAURANT J 134 Bond Street tL. Telephone 1081 Main. 8U9 Bond Street. ' OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE ASTORIA RESTAURANT MANO IllSO.Proi). The Finest 23c meal lorvcd in Astoria, Yonr Fntrounge PoIhciwhI, Courteous Treatment It) All, QAUK I!( SEASON ASTORIA, : OREGON. WINIS, LIQUORS AMD Q0AU. The Owl Concert Hall V, Formerly the LhToncu ' The Leading Amusement House in Astoria Good music. Everybody welcome. Ch&s. Nieml . a ivvihivi 268' Astoria street A GOLDSTEIN L L Fine Pants Tailor 207 Oommonwmallh Building PORTLAND imiuiMi mi OREGON sransrrar fob tbb tmob THE SAVOY Fopulsf Concert Hall, Good mntlo. . All are walom. Oef- Br Ssreatk and Astor. Eagle Concert Hall - 320 Astor St. , Th leading amusement hout. Agency for Filson Phonogrspbi Gold Moulded Reoord. P, A. PETERSON, Prof t,7 1 g yv&ir?